The Gentle Way Book For People Who Believe In Angels

February 27, 2010

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 2-27-10

·    CAR MBO

The Gentle Way Books

The Gentle Way Books

Welcome to this edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and a special welcome to all of you reading this for the first time.  You can subscribe to the blog by clicking here:

I was going to relate a number of stories I’ve received from people requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) in their daily lives, but before I do, I want to show you how you can make a difference RIGHT NOW for the victims of the earthquake in Chile and for the potential victims of the tsunami predicted for the Pacific caused by this earthquake.

When you wish to request a Benevolent Outcome for someone else, you say it a little different than a MBO request, as a MBO request is directly to your own Guardian Angel, and a Benevolent Prayer (BP) is handled by a little over one million “whole souls” that we call “angels.” These BP’s are answered IMMEDIATELY, so let’s not waste time.  Here’s what you can say out loud (we are in a physical world, so this is best said out loud and has more “energy” than just thinking it):

“I ask any and all beings to aid and assist those trapped in the rubble of the Chilean earthquake and keep them safe until help arrives, thank you!” Say this with emotion to create the best energy.  Then say:

“I ask any and all beings to lower the energy of the tsunami created by the Chilean earthquake, and aid and assist all those in its path to reach safety, thank you!”

We have much more power than we understand, especially when we all say these Benevolent Prayers out loud. Please give it a try—it will only take one minute of your time.

Now here are more stories I receive each week from people all over the world who are requesting MBO’s in their daily lives.  If you have a story, please email me at the address below my name. Also, you can now purchase both my books (The Gentle Way and The Gentle Way II) on  My first book is in its third printing.  The second is just now available.  They both show how to use this simple, yet very powerful spiritual tool.  Please check out my website


Diane writes:  “I wanted to share one MBO that I think everyone   else can use–because this is a good one.  “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for a good, happy, productive, pleasant day at work, Thank you!”

“I do this every day and so far have been having some great days at work.  I don’t get upset, and things fall into place a lot better.”

That’s an excellent MBO to request Diane.  I hope our readers will try it out!


Arlena writes:  “I requested a MBO for my niece. Where my mother lives the parking is very bad.  I requested the MBO in front of my sister and I left her looking out the window.  I went to the family room, and when she called me I asked her what she wanted. She asked me what did I say about the parking and I told her I requested the Most Benevolent Outcome that Melinda finds a parking place in front of my mother’s building; and she did park in front of the building. The Angels are always there. Thank you.”


I have previously written that sometimes Benevolent Outcomes don’t always turn out the way we think they will.  Keep in mind that the MBO request has to be benevolent for everyone affected by the request, even if you request something that is not benevolent either in error or on purpose.  And you will still experience challenges in your life, but you will experience them in a more Gentle Way.  With that in mind:

Renee from Lake Tahoe writes:  “I want to share with you about what happened to me a couple of months ago.  We had our first snow day about the second week of October and I had a doctor appointment in Reno that day.  In order to travel from Lake Tahoe to Reno you must go over a very winding, mountain pass (elevation approx. 8900 ft).  Before I left I asked an MBO for a safe round trip.

”On the way back over the mountain pass from Reno, it started snowing a little bit harder and about right when I thought I should put it in 4 wheel going around this turn, I lost control of my vehicle and spun around into the oncoming lane into the embankment on the other side of the road facing down the mountain.  (Fortunately, there was no oncoming traffic so I did not hit anyone else).   Needless to say, I was quite shaken but not hurt, and I quickly headed down the mountain until I could pull over to investigate the damage.  As I got out of my car, this man and his son pull over and asked me if I was ok because he was driving by just when it happened.  My car was banged up on the bumper and missing the grill.  He said to wait for him here that he was going back up to see if he could recover the missing part(s).

”As I waited for him, which was only a few minutes after the accident, a big semi truck pulled over beside me and let at least a dozen or more cars go by.  Shortly after that he came back with my grill and said to me how “lucky” I was not to be involved in that mess of cars and semi truck.  I knew then that my MBO for a safe trip could of been much worse off than it was.  I felt very blessed.

“So it goes to show you, that if I didn’t ask for an MBO, things could of been much worse than they were.”


Lorice in Ft. Worth, Texas writes:  “I have an MBO to share. I took the Amtrak train from Fort Worth to Joliet, Il. (the stop right before the end of the line, Chicago) and I asked for an MBO for a timely arrival of the train in the Ft.Worth  station and at my destination. Those trains can really be late, like 3 or 4 hours sometimes, which is why I requested the MBO. Well, on the trip up there the train was only about 1 hr. late in arriving in Joliet, and on the trip back down here we arrived early!  This is the best time we’ve ever made on any of my train trips to Joliet.”


Stefanye from Texas writes:  “I’ve been using MBO’s for a few weeks now and have seen all sorts of positive things happen.  In addition to great parking spaces, zipping through traffic and getting great service at restaurants, I had a MBO that was pretty amazing.

”A few years ago, I became disabled and was unable to pay my bills.  It was months before I was approved for disability and started getting a small monthly check plus food stamps, but by the time money started coming in again, the penalties and interest were so high on the credit cards that I’d never be able to catch up, much less get them paid off.

“After months and months of harassment, the credit card companies finally “forgave” my debts and wrote them off … all but one.  In Texas, the statute of limitations is 4 years.  The remaining creditor waited 3 years and 11 months and filed suit against me.

“Long story short … we went to court last month, but I didn’t realize I was supposed to bring in paperwork.  The judge gave me 30 days.  I kept asking for MBO’s regarding this lawsuit.  I also communicate with angels, and the dialog I’d had when I asked what the outcome would be was, “It will all work out according to your highest good.  Do not fret.”

“I continued to pray for MBO’s regarding this case, and the day before I was to go to court a very nice clerk from the law firm that was suing me called and said that they had decided, “not to pursue this case any further.”  And she gave me the local number so that I could confirm with the courthouse.   I called and talked to a clerk at the courthouse and she said, “For some strange reason, they’ve decided to drop the lawsuit.  I just don’t understand it.  This doesn’t usually happen.”

“They could have easily gotten a judgment against me and it was pretty much a slam- dunk according to a friend of mine who is an attorney.  So when they dropped the case … well, I believe it was due to a MBO.”


Stefanye also wrote:  “And here’s another one that happened to my mother.  She doesn’t really know about MBO’s, but I’ve been saying them for her.

“On 9/11 of this year, she was hit by a drunk driver, and her 1995 Avalon was totaled.  Miraculously, she was only bruised and whip lashed.  She ended up receiving $5,800 for her car.  She’s almost 80 and on a fixed income and didn’t really want to have to make big notes.  I continually asked for a MBO for her and for the perfect car for her.  In the meantime, I’ve been using my car to drive her to physical therapy, grocery shopping, etc.

“I don’t know if this was prophetic on my part, but I kept encouraging her and told her that I had asked angels to assist in finding her a car.  People were giving advice right and left about how she should get a little puddle jumper and that she wouldn’t get much with $5,800, etc.  I told her I felt like there was a fantastic car – like a Lincoln or Cadillac – sitting in some little old lady’s garage that was something she would be thrilled with and that practically had her name on it.  That the little lady would not be able to drive any more and that her family would practically give it away.  My mother was skeptical for sure, but I kept encouraging her and kept asking for MBO’s.

“My sister is visiting from Seattle and she was browsing through the local paper.  She saw an ad for a 2004 Silver Signature Lincoln Town Car.  The lady’s husband died last year and she’d had a stroke and couldn’t drive anymore.  They wanted $11,000, which was actually below Blue Book value.  Her brother-in-law had just put new tires on it.  The original price of the car was $35,000.  It was like brand new.  That week we had just gotten our insurance check from the damages of Hurricane Ike, so she had the extra cash in the bank and in a couple of months will be able to get her check for “pain and suffering,” due to the accident, and will be able to finish with any repairs that might still need to be made.  We called and left a message and when her brother-in-law called back he said he’d had several calls, but since ours was first, he would wait and let us decide.  Of course, we bought the car.  The synchronicity was also what I believe to be part of the MBO I had asked for.

“To say that she’s excited is an understatement (and so am I).  It is so thrilling to have what I call a spiritual “tool” in the form of MBO’s.  I can’t thank you enough for making the information available.  I’ve communicated directly with angels for years, but asking for MBOs is so much more powerful.  And remember the Ron Popeil commercial about the rotisserie cooker?  You can just “… set it and forget it.”  Well, I feel that same way with MBOs.  I can just ask for what I want or need and then let the angels do the driving (or cooking) … so to speak.

“I was raised in a Southern Baptist church and was incredibly religious for many, many years with all the guilt and misery that goes with all the do’s and don’ts of “being obedient to God.” I went through divorce and began counseling with a man who was familiar with metaphysics and taught me a whole new way to look at spiritual things.  I now consider myself VERY spiritual, but not religious and I’m having the time of my life.  I think part of my mission is to teach others that having a spiritual relationship with God, angels, and guides is the most fantastic “ride” one can even begin to imagine.  Along with communicating with angels, I type out my conversations with God and in the beginning he was very formal, and now sometimes it seems like I’m talking to George Burns.  I asked him about it one time and he said that because of my religious upbringing, a very formal and almost stern “God” was what I was initially comfortable with, but as our relationship grew, so did my comfort and ease with him.  He said he can relate to an infinite number of people in an infinite number of ways and that he comes to each person in whatever capacity they need at the time.”

The first article I ever wrote about requesting Benevolent Outcomes was for the Sedona Journal of Enlightenment,; I titled the article “Another Tool For Your Toolbox”, or something like that.  Notice that Stefanye has also started communicating, and has found as I did that there is a lot of humor on the “other side of the veil.”  But requesting Benevolent Outcomes is the best tool I ever found, and the easiest to use and implement, so pass it along or try it out yourself if you are just being introduced to these concepts.

Try out this simple tool everyone.  When you request a Benevolent Outcome, you’re asking for assistance from your own best friend—your own Guardian Angel. I’ve learned that these wonderful “whole souls” are tremendously powerful—much more than we can ever imagine, but they love you and will assist you in your life.  But you HAVE TO ASK! They’re not allowed to assist unless you request assistance.  It will make your life much easier and more gentle—THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week everyone!


Tom T. Moore
Formal photo 3958-R1-070-33A

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February 20, 2010

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 2-20-10


The Gentle Way Books

The Gentle Way Books

Welcome to this edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and a special welcome to everyone signing up to receive this Blog each week.  These Blogs are filled with stories I receive from all over the world from people who are requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) in their lives on a daily basis.  You’ll see how much easier this makes their lives.  Requesting MBO’s is a request for assistance from your own Guardian Angel for SPECIFIC things for you. This is a simple, yet powerful spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It’s so simple it’s hard to believe it really works, but IT WORKS, as people tell me over and over again.

These stories are for the most part excerpts from my second book, THE GENTLE WAY II: The Story Continues.  Its official release date is May 10, but you can order it from my publisher now, along with the first book.  Simply telephone 800-450-0985 Monday to Friday. And check out my website, where you can read all the Blogs, sign up for my weekly newsletter (it has more advanced topics), a Podcast of the newsletter, and read a couple of sample chapters of my first book.  Here are some great stories!


Kelly writes:  “Hi Tom…this one just happened.  I was returning from grocery shopping and while driving noticed my cell phone was missing.  It wasn’t where I usually put it in the outer pocket of my purse…nor was it in my 2nd likely spot…my coat pocket.  I was already a bit stressed from a full work day followed by shopping and knowing I had hungry mouths at home to feed and dreaded the thought of having to retrace my steps.

“Well, I immediately requested an MBO that my cell phone was in the car.  As soon as I pulled into the garage, I heard a phone ringing; I immediately thought the angels were letting me know I could relax as the phone was in the car….just a matter of locating it.  Sure enough, it was in the trunk.  How it got there, I can’t imagine.  Besides, I rarely get calls on it.  Weeks pass without a single call.  It is just used for emergencies.  I thought then that maybe my husband had called.  No.  The caller ID was of an unknown number and area code I wasn’t familiar with.  No message, just a missed call.  The timing was impeccable.  The ring happened literally within 2 minutes of my request.    Divine intervention?  I sure think so!”

Kelly added:  “It seems that I actually experienced a sort of “layering” of MBO’s last evening.  Prior to my grocery shopping, I requested an MBO that I’d be able to accomplish all I had planned at the store…finding what I had intended, finding a perfect parking spot, lots of space in the store and quick and moving check out… (no crowds) so that I could get home swiftly and be able to put together dinner in a relaxed manner without time pressures.  Well, The phone ringing in the car immediately let me know I didn’t have to go back to the store (more time for me).  You see, it was in the trunk, but not visible.  It was quite dark and under a bag.  I wouldn’t have seen it… nor looked in the trunk, of all places, had it not rung.

“I can just imagine that I would have gone to the store looking and having a fruitless search, not knowing it was in the trunk if it hadn’t rung.  I believe the angels were working on the MBO I previously requested that I could have a leisure dinner preparation time.   In fact, it gets better.  My 14 year-old son approached me at the door and was very up beat saying “I love you mom, repeatedly.  More than usual and it seemed to instill a leisure/calm mood in me after such a busy day.  In fact, He willingly helped me make dinner!  That is an all new occurrence.  So all of these situations show how this leisure time request was honored too.  I am so grateful!

”Thank you sooooo much for introducing this concept to the world.  It is wonderful.  Many, many thanks.”

Please don’t doubt for a minute that this was her Guardian Angel assisting her.  I’ve found over the past few years that these “whole soul golden light beings” have amazing powers beyond our knowledge.  They’re even able to appear physically in whatever form they wish if one of their “clients” is in trouble.

And one more point, they don’t particularly care for the term “Guardian Angel,” although I use the term.  You wouldn’t know what I would be referring to if I said, “Servants of the Creator,” which they prefer.


John writes:  “Tom, I have been wondering how often one should repeat a request for a benevolent outcome, be it from your Guardian Angle or other beings, guides and masters?  I have often read that to ask again and again is undermining your request and shows a lack of faith.  In other words ask once and know it is done. Your thoughts or maybe those to Theo.”

Sandi writes:  “Jim & I have both been saying 2 MBO’s from your book, every morning.  “I request a most benevolent outcome that my personal established identity in all of its forms be safe & secure from harm and corruption by others. Thank You” and “I request a most benevolent outcome that my computer hard drive & all my programs remain safe & secure from harm and corruption by others.  Thank You.”  We got our credit card bill today and on it were long distance phone calls from Germany for almost $350.  While Jim was on the phone with the credit card company another call was charged to our account.  I requested an MBO for a positive outcome for us while he was on the phone trying to straighten this mess out.  The charges are being dropped and we are being issued a new credit card.  We are just wondering why the MBO’s we request every morning didn’t work.”

Amazing how all of these come in on a similar topic.  Benevolent Outcomes are to be requested for something SPECIFIC for you. My Guardian Angel Theo tells me you only need to request the MBO once, but if it makes you feel better, you can say it multiple times.  You don’t need to request that your credit cards and identity be safe each day.  I only said that request once, but didn’t limit it.  TRUST in the process.  It works PERFECTLY!  And for Sandi and Jim, they not only learned a lesson about requesting MBO’s, but it also turned out OK in the end, as someone was not able to steal their identity and cost them money.

And I’ll add a quick story of my own regarding my request for keeping my identity safe and secure.  I received a call from American Express one morning that someone had charged something on Craig’s List in one of the mountain states to my card and they wanted to know if it was I.  It wasn’t, so they immediately stopped the charge and sent a new card to me.  Again, my identity was protected.


Jean writes:  “I am the woman who experienced the MBO on the bus in Seattle several years ago, which you published in an article in the Sedona Journal of Emergence!” (And I might add in my second book as well.)

“I also had a grocery store MBO, Christmas Eve afternoon.  I knew the stores would be crowded with last minute shoppers, but really needed a few items, especially since that is my usual shopping day.   Knowing that the lines could be long, I still requested an MBO for a short line.  With only 8 items in my cart, I was still about 15 people back from the express check out.  While chatting with the woman ahead of me, I noticed a woman waving near the head of the line, and decided to see why.  Come to find out, she was trying to signal to her son that they’d opened a second express line, but she couldn’t catch his eye.

“So I told her that I hoped she didn’t mind, but I was going to go through.  One woman was having her groceries bagged, the next man in line had three items, and I was next!  Instead of a 20 minute or more wait, I was out of the store within five minutes, laughing all the way, as I still had another errand to run and now knew I’d get there before their earlier closing time!  Of course I didn’t have far to walk to my car!”

As I have mentioned many times, requesting Benevolent Outcomes makes even the normal mundane tasks easier and less stressful.  Jean was the lady in the bus that almost rear-ended a truck near the Seattle Space Needle.  As you’ll read in the book, it didn’t happen and she was able to joke about it with the bus driver.  And it was also an example of the RADIANT EFFECT as all those people on the bus with her were safe too.


Norine in Rochester, NY writes:  “I know you may be gathering some benevolent outcome stories for another book to follow-up “The Gentle Way” and I think this might be, as they say, 1 for the books!

“A couple months ago, a friend of mine in Arizona told me about you and of your book. Now I was brought up in your typical Italian-American family and we believed in angels and guardian angels, that things happen for a reason, that you should just trust things work out for the best, etc. so my initial conversation with my friend resonated as “truth” with me. (Even though I no longer follow Catholicism, I “kept” some of the things that I still believed in, which included angels. Even my cat’s name is Angelica!)

“Over the years, I have had many miraculous happenings. I have often said, my guardian angel must want to put in for a job change because of all the difficult situations she’s helped me out with. So why would I even buy/read your book? I mean you’d be preaching to the choir because I already have my experiences, right? Well here’s the deal…I never was taught I could ask my guardian angel for things! I just thought guardian angels’ roles were to be there, “on-call,” if you will and would show up when necessary.

”It’s kind of odd now that I think about, because I was taught you could pray to saints and your prayers would be answered, you could pray to The Blessed Mother, ditto on the prayers answered thing, but no one ever suggested you could do that with a guardian angel. And, after awhile you almost forget they are there for you unless some life saving thing comes up. So thank you; you showed me that I was underutilizing my guardian angel…I could ask for things and they didn’t even have to be “big important” things. So, here’s the story of the benevolent outcome…actually two…

“I know you said to start with a small request, but the day I learned about requesting MBO’s, I actually had a big thing, so I thought, why not? Back in late summer, my car’s ABS (anti lock braking system) light came on and there was an odd noise. My mechanic told me a sensor had defaulted, and the anti lock brake system wouldn’t work. Since it was an expensive proposition, I asked if I could hold off on repairs. He said I could but that when winter (I live where we get a lot of snow) came, I should get it fixed, for obvious safety reasons.

”Mid November came and so did the snow. I had an appointment to get my snow tires on and he said it really was time to fix the ABS. Quite honestly, the cost was a bit prohibitive at that particular time, but I scheduled it anyways, thinking the $$ would come.

“The night before my appointment, which is when I found out about MBO’s, I requested a benevolent outcome so that I would be safe, even if I decided not to do the ABS repair (I would just rely on pumping brakes, if needed, like we did in the old days) and asked for the outcome to be better than what I could even anticipate. Well, the next morning, I got in my car and the ABS light wasn’t on and the noise was gone! I brought it into the shop and nothing was wrong with the ABS, so I just had the snow tires put on. It’s now been about 2 months and all is still well with the car. Wow! Who knew my guardian angel knew car mechanics! Boy have I said thank you, thank you, thank you!

“I’ve had several other interesting MBO’s happen since I’ve started what you suggested. But here’s another, is this really possible?! one for you. I have an air filter/purifier in my bedroom that I use nightly.  It’s old, but I keep it because it has a particular hum to it that I’ve gotten used to and it helps me sleep. The model isn’t one they even make anymore, because people like the quieter ones, but you can still get replacement filters for the old model.

“The other night, I turned on the air filter and I heard a weird noise, like a motor dying and it didn’t work. I tried turning it on & off several times to no avail. That night I found it a little difficult falling asleep because I didn’t have the soothing hum of it. So, I asked for an MBO that by tomorrow night it was working again (I mean I had just spent $100 on the replacement filters a couple months ago and hated to have them go to waste).  Tom, the next night when I turned the air filter on, it was working! Unbelievable! Thank you, thank you, thank, you! Who knows, maybe it will just keep working until I use all the purchased filters up! I not only have a mechanical guardian angel, but she’s ecological, too!”

I love all your stories everyone!  We are all creating a More Benevolent, Gentle World together!  Please send me your MBO stories, as they inspire others to live The Gentle Way!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!


Tom T. Moore

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February 13, 2010

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 2-13-10


The Gentle Way Books

The Gentle Way Books

Welcome to this edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog.  This weekly blog is for people new to requesting assistance from your own Guardian Angel on a daily basis—and for many of the requests receiving IMMEDIATE FEEDBACK that there is a loving being assisting you in your life.  This is a very simple, but POWERFUL spiritual tool, which you can use for the most mundane parts of your life all the way up to the most important.  AND it works PERFECTLY, although the results are not always what we anticipate as being the Most Benevolent Outcome for a particular situation.  Over the past 14 years I’ve requested at least 10,000 to 15,000 MBO’s (abbreviation), so I KNOW they work from personal knowledge and experience. I’m just passing it along to all who wish to have less stress and less fear in their lives.

If you go to my website, you can read two sample chapters of my first book, which will really help you start formulating more requests than the ones you’ll read in these blogs.  I receive emails each week from all over the world from people requesting Benevolent Outcomes, so below are more of their stories.


Vicki in the Houston area writes:  “I have enjoyed your weekly newsletters this year. I signed up to receive the newsletters after my Aunt Alice forwarded one to me.  She introduced me to “new age” interests when I was 15 and at 52, I have been interested ever since.  Once I learned how to use an MBO I found them to be so easy to do and I have passed the information on to friends.  I am trying to introduce to more people, as the time seems right to do so.

”My husband and I have had some good outcomes using MBO’s. Most recently we used them, as we were late to return a rental car. I requested an MBO so we could return the car and hopefully avoid late fees. It worked perfectly.  We also use them a lot for matters surrounding health and home projects.  We requested an MBO for a successful roof job, which worked great. With recent hurricanes costs were high for roofing and this simple project had many challenges.  In the end we got the roof we wanted for a great price.

”This week we were back at MD Anderson hospital in Houston, the second time this month.  My husband has new cancer in the lymph nodes behind his sternum. He has been battling thyroid cancer since 2004.   I requested an MBO of strength and resilience for both of us.  We have been amazed how we are not in a state of fear or worry and I know it is due to the MBO.  If you have any suggestions as to how to improve our use of MBOs in matters of health and healing, we would love to hear from you.

”Thank you for introducing us to MBOs and for the impact it has had on our lives.”

For Vicki and anyone else with family health problems right now, you can say a Benevolent Prayer such as, “I ask that any and all beings assist my husband in being led to treatments that will be the most beneficial and most benevolent for him, thank you!” Notice how they have no fear?  I’ve reported on this in the past when I had to undergo surgery for congestive heart failure.  And if the health problem is yours, you can request a MBO by saying, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for this treatment (surgery, etc.), and may I be led to the most beneficial treatments for me, thank you!”


Twanda in Michigan writes:  “Hi Tom I read about you and MBOs in Sedona Journal of Enlightenment magazine probably about 6 months ago.  I have been using them daily ever since.

”I would like to tell you about this one.  It was this past Friday December 19th.  I live in Michigan and we got hit with a big snowstorm.  So I’m trying to go to the store and as I was trying to enter the driveway of the grocery store, I get stuck in the snow.  No going forward nor backwards.  So I asked for a MBO with getting unstuck.

”I sat there for 5 to 6 minutes blocking 2 lanes of the road, when up came a lady who proceeded to try and push my car out.  It didn’t budge.  It told her thanks but I’ll just wait for a police cruiser.  She said “I’ll push again with the help of this man that’s approaching”.  They got me out in 2 seconds.  I never saw her coming nor the man.  Thank you so much for introducing me to MBOs.”

I think Twanda’s Guardian Angel was doing a little overtime work for her.


Marie writes:  “Dear Tom, I have to thank you, the Angels, and God, for my MBO’s, when I felt all was lost for my Marine son’s visit for Christmas.

”Now I want to say of my MBO, This morning my son was supposed to take a flight from Washington. His flight was cancelled. Hearing there were some people waiting 3 days for a plane had me wondering if we will spend the time with him and thoughts of if he doesn’t come home, he has a good chance of being shipped out!

”My son’s Dad and I started doing searches of the Greyhound bus service, since there was a flight to a hilly area 7 hours away. We found out the road was closed due to snow conditions, so the Greyhound bus was out. My ex was about to leave to drive there and that plane also was cancelled since the airport was snowed in. There was no way for my son to get here till the 26th of Dec., “after Christmas”. This was my chance to have my plans of cooking for my family, when each year I wasn’t sure how much time I’d have with them.

”I decided to seriously ask for an MBO, and as I waited for word I made a wreath, the best I have ever made. Then comes the call, my son is boarding a plane and home in 2 hours. I cried and thanked the angels and that’s also why I am here (many, many thanks Tom).”


Lyn writes:  “What a joy and a blessing you are.  It’s New Year’s Morning and I had to write to express my appreciation…and excitement. With this wonderful new and gentle approach to life!  I always believed that angels were out there…but did I ever think that I could have a relationship with them?  Not until a friend gave me the 2 chapters from your website and I started inviting them into my life, did this incredible and easy miraculous living start to unfold.

“My daughter and I were taking a girls’ weekend down to New York City and I read the chapters out loud to her on our drive there.  It would take too much space to tell you all the marvelous things that joyously fell into our laps (will mention that we got “bumped” up to the most expensive seats for the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular!!!)

”From that weekend (only 3 weeks ago), I realized that life has a splendid, happy, and simple addition…our guardian angels are there for us!!  So many amazing things have happened, but let me tell you the biggest wow! One of my wonderful jobs is that of “Pet Nanny”.  I live in people’s homes and care for their beloved pets while they are away.  It was the Saturday after Christmas and I was living in a home with a Great Dane and a greyhound, the last day before their family returned; I was also stopping in twice a day to care for two different family’s cats.  I was at the second home, feeding cats, when I had that dreaded feeling of the stomach flu bug hitting me like a bolt out of the blue!  I was feeling sicker and sicker, and just barely made it back to the dog’s house, crawled up to the bathroom…spare you the details here…and then wondered how the heck I was going to make it through the day with all the animals looking to me for their needs.

“I was going through my list of “who to call…even someone who could at least take the dogs for their afternoon walks, when of course, I realized I needed to request for the MBO!  I had just gotten your book a few days earlier, when I also remembered about the condensed time concept.  That’s what requested!  Tom!  It was profound!  As I was lying on the bed and dozing off, I felt I was being rocked back & forth, then slowly awoke to feel the nausea go up and out of me.  I sat up and felt fine!  I thought a few minutes had gone by; it was two hours later.  But I was able to walk the dogs, finish cleaning the family’s house, visit the cats again, pack up and head for home.  I felt like you feel the day after you’ve had the flu…so, it seems I had the 24-hour bug in 2 hours!

”I have been telling absolutely everyone about The Gentle Way.  At the hair salon yesterday…created quite an audience!!  I would love to do a little class.  I often teach feng shui at a local recreation center and I think offering a small class there based on your book would be such a neat way to share with lots of people.  What are your thoughts on having someone like me facilitate a class?   Thank you so much for “hooking me up” with my guardian angels!  Life will never be the same!”

For Lyn and anyone else out there that would like to facilitate a class on The Gentle Way, let me know and I can point you in the direction of some of the usual questions people ask about the book, plus I can hook you up with my publisher so that everyone in the class can have a book as part of the class.


Helena had emailed asking what Benevolent Prayer she could say for her sister, who has a weight problem brought on from early life experiences.  I suggested she say, “I ask that any and all beings assist and aid my sister in being led to understand her eating disorder, and will be led to successful treatments that will be the most benevolent for her, thank you!”

Helena writes:  “I have been meaning to send you a ‘Thank you’ for kindly replying to my questions/e-mail. I don’t know if you remember the questions I asked you about? My sisters weight issues that I have been worried about. Well I have been saying the Benevolent Prayer for her that you suggested. |

“My sister went to the hospital to have her blood pressure done and that was fine, but now she is being sent to someone for help her with her weight!  How about that for an answer to a Benevolent Prayer? She has never been helped like that before!

“I told her that I had been saying Benevolent Prayers for her and she could not believe it! Now I hope I have the same luck, as I am still requesting a MBO for finding a job for me. But what fab help for my sister. I have also got my nieces hooked on your fabulous book; they have just brought a copy from ‘Cygnus Books’.”


Amy in Scotia, New York writes:  “I had great fun with a Benevolent Outcome on the weekend before Christmas.  Because of bad weather in the east, my husband and I finally went out to find a Christmas tree on Saturday.  I asked for a MBO, including finding the perfect tree quickly and at an even better price than I could imagine.  We started out to a local grocery chain where they were selling trees, hoping to find a sale.  On the way there, we ran across a long line of cars waiting for a light at a busy intersection.

”Sensing a message here, I turned the car around and headed back the way we came, going up a country road where we had bought a tree from a farm stand in previous years.  That place was closed, but up the road I saw a sign for Christmas trees.  Walking in knee deep snow, we found the trees and went to the door to get the proprietor, but no one was home.  I shook the snow off one perfect tree and saw a price tag – $15!

”I took the money out of my wallet, but wondered how I was going to leave it at the house with no one home.  In my purse was an old paycheck envelope that I normally would have thrown away.  Perfect.  I wrote Merry Christmas on the envelope, put in the money and left it inside the front door.  When was the last time you found the perfect Christmas tree for $15?  I put it up yesterday and it’s the most beautiful Christmas tree we’ve ever had.  Happy Holidays to all.”

Val from England writes:  “Living in an apartment with very little storage we have to be very selective at what we buy.  I wanted to decorate the front pillar of our entrance with a Christmas tree. I only wanted to pay £5 because I knew I would have to throw it away after. We looked in several garden centers, but all were over £25. Back in our home town the market was on and lo and behold they had some lovely Christmas trees and guess what–the one I wanted, which was nearly 6ft tall, was just one penny under five pounds! The vender told me they were £40 in the shops and I quite believed him. How blessed I was.”

”Do you know what, since you introduced me to MBO’s I do it automatically and just amazing things come about.”

And amazing things will happen for you when you start requesting MBO’s in your daily life.  Give it a try the next time you head for the store.  Say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for my drive to _____, thank you!” And then also say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for a parking space close to the door of _____, thank you!” Or request a MBO for a seat on the subway, bus, or train you use to go to work each day.

And do check out my website, where you can sign up for my weekly Blog, or my weekly newsletter, which has more advanced topics, or the weekly Podcast of the newsletter.  You can also print out a sign that says “Request Benevolent Outcomes Today!” to help you remember to make it a habit.  It also has a link to to buy my first book.  I’m also on Facebook, so add me as a friend.

Please send me your MBO stories.  They help inspire people to live The Gentle Way!

Have a Most Benevolent Week everyone!

Tom T. Moore
TomTMoore6 (at)
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February 6, 2010

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 2-6-10


The Gentle Way Books

The Gentle Way Books

Welcome to this edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blogs.  These blogs are for people just being introduced to requesting Benevolent Outcomes for assistance from your own Guardian Angel, who’s your best friend and loves you dearly.  I receive emails from all over the world from people requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s abbreviated) in their lives from their own “GA’s.”

You can read a couple of sample chapters of my first book on my website http://TheGentleWayBook.comYou can also sign up for my weekly newsletter, if you wish to learn about more advanced spiritual topics.  Sometimes these blogs will have a little more advanced information in them, such as this one, but please keep an open mind.

Just begin experimenting with this simple spiritual tool you can use everyday of the rest of your life to make your life easier and less stressful. And don’t think that you can only ask for the “big things” in your life.  Use the tool for the mundane too, such as parking spots or a seat on a crowded bus, subway, or train.  Your GA has enormous capabilities beyond what we can understand from a third dimensional standpoint.  So here we go.


Dawn writes:  “Hi Tom, first I would like to say how much I enjoy reading your weekly newsletter. I would like to share my MBO x3 I had today. So here it goes. I had an eye doctor appointment today at 4:30. The office called and asked if I could come in at 2:30 because they had a cancellation. At 2:00 I leave work and start driving to my appointment. After a few moments I hear and feel I have a flat tire. I request my first MBO.

”I pulled over to see how bad it was. It was FLAT! I slowly move to a close by shopping center to park, because I could not leave my car where it was. Next, I call a lady at work and ask her for a favor, to either take me to my doctor appointment or may I please borrow her car for a few minutes. She said, “I will come and get you”. She drives me and how wonderful, I was there exactly at 2:30. The doctor said that was the fastest procedure she had ever done.

”We came back to change my tire and put the donut one on. I have never had to change a tire on this Jeep. I found my jack and tools rusted and hard to manage, another MBO in place. Two men came by immediately and changed my tire. One of the men told me my spare was very low and I would need to air as soon as possible. I did not make it out of the parking lot. I decided to walk back to work since my car had not gotten very far from work earlier.

”A second lady I work with saw me walking. She pulls over, I explain, she says, “I have Fix a Flat”. We go to my car. Clearly the donut is off the rim and we will need to remove the spare and try the can on the original tire. MBO #3, immediately another two men take over the tire job adventure. They find a large chunk of ceramic deep in the tire, remove it, plug the hole and fill it with fix a flat. One of the last two men that helped me used to work on tires and always carries PLUGGING TOOLS WITH HIM. They followed me to the gas station for air. This all took place within 2 hours. WOW!”

Notice everyone that Dawn requested a Benevolent Outcome when the problem first occurred.  Actually that set up all the other Benevolent Outcomes, resulting in the final MBO!


I want to remind you how requesting Benevolent Outcomes does make life more gentle and less stressful, even for the simplest, most mundane requests, as you’ll read below.

Paula writes:  “I just bought 5 books and am thrilled of the idea that now I have “presents” to give…. but they will be for birthday gifts… to the people I love the most.  I know your book has influenced me and I know the angels talk to us (if we would only listen).

”Tom, I use the benevolent requests daily, and am still amazed with the results.  I requested a parking space a few days ago… the wind was cold and raw and I didn’t want to walk those extra steps… but I also didn’t want to find a spot where I would be getting my car banged up by other people’s car doors… the angels found me a perfect spot with room galore and it was 3 cars down from the doorway… perfect.

”This is one of many, many results I’ve had.”


BG writes:  “Seems people mostly report on the profound results from using MBO’s.  I’ve had a couple of rather humorous but practical and useful results that I want to share.

”Ever since I moved into this new house four years ago, I have had trouble with the low flow commodes working properly.  Therefore, the plunger is always close at hand.  It is something I really dislike doing but it beats the alternative.  One day, even the plunger was not being successful.  So I said, “Well then, I just request a most benevolent outcome for this commode to properly flush.”  Nothing happened so I walked way to contemplate calling a plumber.  It wasn’t long at all when I heard a gurgling sound coming from the bathroom.  Went in to investigate and sure enough, the commode was empty and flushing properly.

”During my meditation that week, I was reminded that the commode incident was metaphoric for how I hold on to junk.  So, now an MBO is part of my daily constitutional to easily release and flush away the junk in my life.

”The other one happened this week when I had to park under a tree that was a popular spot for birds.  I was on a tight schedule and did an MBO for a convenient spot that would let me get in and out quickly.  When I got out and saw all the droppings, I debated moving yet this was the most convenient, actually only, parking spot in the lot.    So, I requested an MBO for the bird droppings to miss my car.  When I entered the door to the building where I was going, I looked back and saw there were no birds in the trees.  I said thank you and went on about my business.  Came out and still no birds.  As I pulled out of the lot, I saw the birds return.

”Profundity comes in all shapes, huh?”


Kathy writes:  “I was very intrigued with your angel book sample chapters and how to contact them. My question is if we sinned earlier in our lives and have repented or have been trying to make up for what we did, do we still have guardian angels with us?”

Kathy’s beliefs and mine are different, as I’ve been able to ask my Guardian Angel many, many questions.  These may be counter to your beliefs, but I can only tell you what he’s told me.

First, these are “whole souls” that we call Guardian Angels and are very experienced and have attained “golden light-being” status.  Only a few of the million GA’s were created by the Creator of this Universe.  The rest were drawn to his creation because it was unique.  Theo tells me he’s a GA for 19,000 souls (each with soul “clusters” or “groups” of 6 to 12 “fragments”).  He says he’s been my GA for ALL of my lives on earth, which are all happening AT THE SAME TIME, as time is an illusion for us.

So a very short answer to this question, you will have a Guardian Angel until the day you die, who loves you dearly and is truly your best friend–able to do amazing things beyond our understanding. As an example, they are able to become physical for a short time if needed to save a life.

So forgive yourself.  Your Guardian Angel will be there for you.  Whatever it is that you consider that you’ve done wrong in your life, do something for others that will start to atone.  And go to my website and print out the Benevolent Prayer sign and say that every day–I do. Theo says it will help you much more than you can imagine now.  You are, after all, saying a prayer for anyone that you have wronged in any way.


The following lady asked that her real name not be used so I’ll call her:

Pauline writes:  “I recently purchased your book after being introduced to MBO’s by a friend.  I have used them successfully for small things and am building my confidence in my Angels (and myself) to work on bigger things.

”In reading the book, I ran across a section that raises a huge question in my mind.  It pertains to Illegal Aliens and in particular the word illegal.  Is it reasonable to expect our Angels to give us an MBO when we are knowingly doing something that is against the law?  I understand completely that sometimes, one feels they are backed into a corner and have no choice, but does that then mean if a person is hungry and decides to break and enter a house or rob a business that he/she should request an MBO for that deed?

”I am having great difficult believing that Angels would protect someone who chooses an illegal activity that deliberately harms another.  Of course, that also means I believe that crossing the border illegally harms the citizens of this country because this causes a huge tax burden on tax-paying citizens, increases the crime rate, etc.

”Thanks – I love your book (except for the part in question) and the concept of asking for MBO’s.”

One of the rules for requesting Benevolent Outcomes is it must be Benevolent for not only yourself, but for all those involved in the request, even if you request something that is not Benevolent either in error or on purpose.

A person that crosses a border illegally is following their soul path.  They may be caught and sent back, they may be preyed upon by bandits and rapists, they may die of thirst or freeze to death, or they may be successful.  That is neither for you nor I to judge.

Also our soul paths are affected too.  Do we show them compassion, or treat them as the scum of the earth?  These are learning lessons for the population of this country too.  Perhaps you’ll have to see the other side by having a life as an illegal alien.  All lives must balance eventually.  So please send them love and light.  “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” Dalai Lama

I also have in the first book a section for prostitutes and remaining safe by requesting MBO’s.  Do I condone prostitution?  Of course not, but the vast majority of prostitutes are victimized, so I tried to give them hope, if they ever read my book.

So Pauline emailed back and asked:  “Thank you for your reply, Tom.  I am still stuck on the word “illegal” and unfortunately, your answer does not give me the clarity I was hoping for.  My question was not about my judging their illegal activity, but about whether the person breaking the law could/should ask for an MBO for that activity.  In other words, if I decided to cheat on my income tax return, would it be appropriate for me to ask for protection from my Angels for deliberately cheating?  I will ask for an MBO regarding resolution of my own conflict with this issue.”

So I asked my Guardian Angel Theo in meditation:

Someone wants to know what the results would be if you asked for a MBO for cheating on your income taxes?

A deep philosophical question Tom.  Yes, I sent you a picture of a great shark or fish devouring you.  It really depends upon a person’s soul contract is Tom.  What are they trying to learn this time around.  If you do not pay your fair share of money to your government, then perhaps you will be caught, or perhaps not.  There are lessons to be learned either way, so there is no one answer.  If you are hoarding the money, there will come a time when that energy flies out the window.  If you use that money for others’ welfare instead of lining the pockets of some government bureaucrat, then that is a learning experience too.  Again there are no “right answers”—only lessons to be learned.

I assume you would have a similar response if someone requested a MBO to steal.

Yes and no Tom.  Yes there are learning lessons, but when you steal from someone, you incur Karma and that has to be balanced in this life or a future one, when you will have things stolen from you to feel the same anger and heartache someone felt when you violated their space—their house, home, or business.  That must be balanced.

Have a Most Benevolent Week everyone!

Tom T. Moore
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