Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).
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If you like forum discussions, I’ve been asked recently to post on one devoted to discussions about Benevolent Outcomes. Perhaps one day we’ll have a forum on the website, but here is the link to this one for now:
Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool. Now for some inspiring stories.
Janet writes: Hello dear Tom – I am so excited to tell you this MBO story!
I live in a small coop condo building, and I own my unit. In February some young people moved into the apartment below me who are renting from the young lady’s mother, who doesn’t live in the building. They like acid rock type music played as loudly as possible. I recognize that we all have to make noise, and the personal choice of music is important, but my floors, furniture, and my body were being vibrated with the intensity of the sound. As you can imagine, I’ve been complaining and asking the building management to control the situation since early February, but nothing has had a lasting effect.
In the meantime, I’ve been making MBO prayers every night for these young people’s trauma to be healed – which has kept me somewhat even in my outlook towards them – you can’t hate someone if you pray for them to be healed – so this has been a huge benefit for me all these months. I will continue to pray for their healing.
Two days ago a friend said he hoped that these people would move out, which planted the idea for a very different MBO, so I asked for an MBO for them to move out of the apartment. I never would have expected the very quick response – first of all, I was awakened yesterday at 5 a.m. by very loud music, so I called the Police. They were here quickly, telling them to turn it off. Shortly after they left, the music started up again, so I called the Police again. They came back. The music started up a third time, I called Police one more time, but the music stopped after 5 minutes, so that call went unanswered.
I was quite surprised when I got home around 6 p.m. yesterday to find the place was rocking once again, and this time the music was non-stop. Once again I was being vibrated by the intensity of the sound. Our anti-noise by-law doesn’t kick in until 11 p.m., but at 9 p.m. I’d had much more than enough, so I called the Police. I was surprised that they came without an argument. They came upstairs to talk to me afterwards. They told me that he’d been charged – with a hefty fine – in the morning, and they’d charged him again last night – with another hefty fine. They asked how long this had been going on, and said the next time they will lay criminal charges and take him to court, if I will be the witness for them. I definitely would! The music stopped after they had come, and the silence in here has been rather deafening by contrast – but ever so delightful!
Later on, I realized that all these events with the Police were the answer to my MBO! I try to pray for positive outcomes for people, I had no idea that – when justified – an MBO prayer to relieve my difficult situation would be so effective.
I thank you so much Tom, I can’t tell you what a blessing this turn of events has been in my life! I don’t know what I would have had to do to get an outcome even close to this one. I don’t think the saga is over, and I may actually have to appear in court later, but I now have a deeper understanding of the protection offered by my guardian angels!
Beverly writes: We are scheduled to fly back to the UK tomorrow and then we were off to Dubai to spend a week with our Son and daughter-in-law. We usually always fly British Airways but last time back we came via Amsterdam to Houston, so we are returning that way tomorrow. My daughter-in-law’s mother has been suffering from Colon Cancer for two years and had just visited them from Germany for two weeks. So it was very unexpected that she died on Sunday, although we all knew her condition was terminal.
Her funeral is at 10am Saturday on the Dutch/German Border which means that we can be there as it’s only a two hour drive from Amsterdam’s Schipol Airport. We can then spend 6 days with our Son & daughter-in-law and grandchildren in Amsterdam, instead of in Dubai. This was the Most Benevolent outcome for all of us and means we can support our daughter in law during this time of sadness. This just shows that an MBO can happen even during a very sad occasion.
I have seen numerous times that someone’s passing is set up so that family and relatives can be there.
Carol writes: Recently I asked my GA, Anthony for a MBO for Fiesty, my West Highland White Terrier. She is 11 years old and I noticed she had been breathing
funny, panting at complete rest. I asked another connection I have to spirit, Dr. Peebles to scan her and give me advice. He said I should Go to the Vets and get an X-Ray or scan. There was some problem in her lungs.
Thinking the worst, I requested a MBO for whatever she had to not be serious. After the X-Ray’s the Vet advised me there was no cancer, no tumor but she had a diffused airway pattern with heavy infiltrates, and possibly bronchitis. He put her on a Bronco dilator and antibiotics and she is much better now. My Vet mentioned to me he was relieved it wasn’t something more serious because often it is with these symptoms. Thank you my GA, Anthony for your help.
And thank you Tom for introducing me to MBO’s which I learned from your teleclass to use often for the “little things”, I use one or more daily now.
Diane writes: Hi Tom I have been doing MBOs for six months with success some small some immediate some big some still in the process! Since asking I have said: MBO for hearing clearly my divine messages from my guardian angels! Tuesday night I was at a class I am taking for personal growth, I attend weekly on Tuesday for the next few months and a few Saturday daytime classes nearby, as I live in NJ and the classes are in Philadelphia!! I have been questioning the commitment or if I need this class! I found some of the approaches, paperwork annoying! I requested a MBO to complete the class and I always ask about hearing clearly the divine messages from my guardian angels!
I am in the class Tuesday evening and I was bored realizing as others spoke they were note getting the assignment or the process, and I did? I did not feel annoyed I became present to what I was feeling and out of nowhere in my silence in the class came, this message, Diane. Your presence in this personal growth class,is about building your courage and self-confidence,!!! I just wanted to cry. I clearly heard my message, I got it and then I realized why I was in the class and I am not annoyed at all now! I am in the right place doing what I need to manifest what I want once I build my courage and self confidence! Thank you Tom Thank you, bless you both!
Flo writes: I had an interesting experience with an recent MBO. I was driving to Savannah GA from NJ, so that morning before leaving home, I requested an MBO for a smooth trip, and also for my hotel room to be ready when I got there and to be able to find a decent parking place in the motel’s parking garage.
All went very well – until I was about an hour outside of Savannah, when I noticed that there were several motels, like the Choice and Quality Inns, that were very near the interstate. The thought popped into my head that I could stay at one of these places and save at least $50 for that night. I could call the hotel in Savannah and cancel my reservation for that one night. I passed that exit and kept on going. I passed two more exits that had several motels and the thought kept getting stronger that I might do this instead of going on to Savannah. But since I did have the reservation for that night in Savannah and I wasn’t very far away, I decided it didn’t make sense to stop then. So I pressed on and soon arrived in Savannah.
It was around 12:45 p.m. I couldn’t get into the hotel’s driveway as there were a bunch of tour buses in it and lots of people milling around. I also needed to be registered to get a key card to enter the hotel’s garage. I couldn’t register until I found a parking place.
To make a long story short, I spent half an hour driving around before finding a place in an underground public garage near my hotel and then got lost trying to get out of there, but did finally get registered and got a key card. I also got lost trying to get out of the parking garage and had to be rescued. Then I got lost trying to find my way back to the hotel – it was cloudy and I couldn’t tell directions.
Seems there was a convention of about about 1600 people spread out in all the hotels and motels in Savannah! Well, no wonder there were all these buses – this is the way these people got transported to their meeting place, which was Savannah’s stadium.
I got a hotel cart, but didn’t realize that the parking garage had elevators – I was on the 2nd level. So I pushed and shoved the heavy card up the car ramp. Finally I got my stuff onto the cart and then had to restrain it going back down the ramp. Sometimes I think I’ve lost my brains and common sense!
That evening I remembered my MBO and asked why I’d had such a horrid time when I’d arrived in Savannah. I “saw” those exits on the interstate in my mind’s eye – and then realized that my GA couldn’t move 1600 people out of my way – so “he” tried to impress upon me to stop overnight before I got to Savannah – but I didn’t want to do that. Had I stayed in one of those motels overnight and then showed up in Savannah the next day, I would have had smooth sailing. Lesson learned, maybe? Until the next time, lol?
But all the other MBOs I’ve asked for have turned out to make my life go much more smoothly.
Thanks, Tom, for showing us how to make our lives go smoother and also how to ask to help others.
As I read this I was already composing almost the exact response that Flo concluded—her GA was trying to tell her, but she ignored that “whisper in your ear” which we all ignore at times. This was a lesson to show her to pay attention in the future and go with that inner nudging.
Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: . You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday. Call toll free 800-450-0985. It has twice as many pages as the first book. The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! The first book is also available on Either or both books can change lives!
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Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore