Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).
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There are a couple of stories about Helena in my The Gentle Way Book II, but here is her latest:
Helena from London writes: Happy New Year to you. I have made it my New Years Resolution to tell as many people about MBO’s and I am really promoting all your good work. I am also concentrating on requesting MBO’s for myself a lot more.
Now let me tell you what happened to me at Christmas, I spend Christmas with my sister and brother-in-law. Every year, Christmas day in the evening and Boxing Day, my nieces, nephews wives, boyfriends, girlfriends, friends etc etc, come around and we act silly playing games and things. We end up having a giggle and there is a lot of noise as you can imagine.
Well Tom, we play these silly games and we put 20p a game in or if we get over excited we play a £1 a game and guess what Tom, every time before we played the game I kept saying, “I request a MBO for winning this game.”
And guess what Tom–I won the games each time; it caused so much laughter. When I decided to stop playing, and I had already requested the MBO before pulling out, my winning number came up still.
It was hilarious, there was so much laughter in our house that evening. Wouldn’t it be nice if I could get a large win on the lottery!
Last night I went out to supper with a friend and I asked for an MBO for the 219 bus to come as quickly as possible to get me to my friends house and it turned up just like that (and this bus usually takes ages to arrive). I got to my friend’s house in no time.
I have told you about my work place, regarding the bitchy reception staff and the stress in the job. Well, as well as the the MBO’s that you suggested, which I have been doing daily, I have also been saying daily, “ I request an MBO for being safely protected from Emma, Sharron, Shirley and Jenny throughout this day and may the benefits be even more than I expect or can anticipate.”
And guess what Tom–I don’t seem to get picked on or moaned at as much as I did. And now they all seem to stay out the way, before they were always there moaning about something. And there used to be many tears!
Things are really getting better. One of the staff asked me why I was always so cheerful and grinning to myself? I told her about requesting MBO’s and asked her if she would like to read your book; she got all excited and asked me if it was like The Secret and I told her no, it was better!
Now she is reading your book and trying it out for herself. She will be passing your book on to another member of staff when she has finished. Bearing in mind Tom the above are two members of the reception staff that have not been that nice to me. Now things seem to be improving!
I am doing all kinds of MBO’s now, Because I just love doing them.
Sue writes: Just finished reading “The Gentle Way”. So Gentle! So Simple! I am surely heart felt impressed with the book. I did start practicing with BO’s and MBO’s when I first was introduced to your newsletter and web site. My whole body feels as though it is filled with butterflies! Love it.
So, question regarding attempting to know the “name” of your Guardian Angel – meditation? Should one know the name? Could it be a Guide instead? Just a few questions.
The gambling chapter was interesting. I, like you, have had this presumption that I would have to do physical labor for my monies, for my prosperity. But, if there’s Magic in the ethers, Magic with your Guardian Angel and/or Guides, would it not be possible to WIN BIG enough to get caught up, to be comfortable for the remainder of this life? I wish I was back in the work force. An injury on the job back in 2003 has me now dependent upon the government social security system, which is not my idea of being independently productive in my life. I have used some of the “requests” you have in the book. I feel good about them. The wording is just right for my intentions. Thank you again for your inspired work in the book.
My Guardian Angel Theo has explained to me in my “active meditations” that humans do not have the vocal chords to say angelic names, so we would just be frustrated if we tried. Theo told me they are not big on names on their side, so if you wish, you can say out loud, “Guardian Angel, what name shall I call you,” and then listen for that “whisper in your ear” with a name that will feel comfortable for you to use. It might not be immediate. It could be a couple of days, but suddenly you’ll have a name that works FOR YOU!
Regarding games of chance, Theo told me it was not in my soul contract to become suddenly enormously wealthy—whether it is the lottery or an inheritance, etc. It does seem to work better if you request a MBO to pay off a specific debt or for a specific purpose. In the book I related where I won half of a $8,400 bingo pot on a cruise that paid for our cruise. So I would recommend going for the smaller amounts and then IF your soul contract calls for sudden wealth, you’ll be happily surprised.
Pam in Texas writes: I did a MBO this morning for my car brakes not to be too expensive. I just had to share this with you!
Monday I had to get my brakes fixed on my car and I took it to the oil change place I go to all the time in Hurst and the man that runs/owns it told me I needed new rotors and front pads too. He had to order the parts from Dallas and told me to come back today Wednesday and he would have the work done. I had gone to him over a year ago when the dealer ship said I needed all kind of work done and I ask him to look and give me an est. He did and said that I didn’t need all that work done and I only needed brake pads. Well today he fixed my brakes and put new rotors, redid the front brake pads and labor charge and my bill was Zero, yes 0 it was the best MBO I have ever had!
This is an excerpt from my first book—THE GENTLE WAY: A Self-Help Guide For Those Who Believe in Angels.
When you request a Benevolent Outcome, you are requesting something specific for yourself. Your friends and family have to request their own Benevolent Outcomes. But I did begin noticing that when I requested a Benevolent Outcome, it also had a benevolent effect on the people surrounding me at the time of the request.
So let’s look closely at what happens when you request MBO’s. Take for example the very first request for a close-in parking place. If you have your friends or family with you, they benefit from you finding a well-located parking space. It could be raining, snowing, or a hot day, or you or another person in your car might have a physical problem that would make a long walk difficult. They all benefit from your request for a Benevolent Outcome.
When you drive to and from work and request a Benevolent Outcome for safely arriving, all those cars around you came under the influence of your MBO request.
And when you are on that subway, train, or bus to and from work, there is a Radiant Effect from your request for a Benevolent Outcome for safely arriving, as the other people in that vehicle will probably arrive safely too.
When you applied for that job, the company that hired you and your co-workers all benefited, creating the Radiant Effect. The company benefited by being coupled with you, since this was a Benevolent Outcome, and your new coworkers benefited by having someone that would be the best for that position and probably the most enjoyable person with whom to work.
When our friends in the high-end painting contracting business requested a Benevolent Outcome for landing a new client, the people that hired them benefited from their expertise and attention to detail. Their workers benefited by having additional work that would keep them busy for several months.
Each time I request a MBO in my business when I am negotiating with a new client, I know that it will also be in their best interests for buying from my company. We’re good and honest people to work with, and have gained a reputation over many years as a trustworthy supplier. My request for a Benevolent Outcome affects them in a positive, Gentle Way.
In an earlier chapter I mentioned the trip my son, his friend and father, and I took to Yellowstone and how I had requested a Benevolent Outcome for being “bumped” on our return flight. We were not bumped, but we were all given first class seats for volunteering. My MBO request had the great Radiant Effect of all of us traveling first class together. It was a great treat for not only them, but also for me experiencing their enjoyment and happiness.
If you have to act as a “whistleblower” to report sexual abuse or misconduct or to report illegal activities where you work, you naturally will request a Most Benevolent Outcome for yourself in reporting these actions. Your angels will take care of you, but the Radiant Effect can extend far beyond. There may be other people suffering as you are, and they will no longer have to bear the pain. They may even have the courage to add their voices. If there are illegal business acts, then you may save hundreds or even thousands of jobs by getting rid of the “bad apples.” Possibly thousands of people who own shares in your company will not lose the money they invested.
If you’re in the military and in a war zone, when you requested that Benevolent Outcome for arriving safely at your destination, at the very least the other people in your vehicle will arrive safely too. But also, perhaps all the other vehicles in the convoy arrive safely, because the bomb that was supposed to go off didn’t for some reason, thereby saving their lives and any civilians that might have been in the blast zone.
When you are on patrol and request a Benevolent Outcome to return safely from your mission, the patrol probably returns with no encounters. You’re safe, but so are all of your buddies that were on the patrol with you. Again, it’s the Radiant Effect. And I should take this one step further and mention that all the people you do encounter and do not encounter also return home safely too, be they civilians or soldiers!
As a civilian living in a war zone, when you requested that Benevolent Outcome for going to work, to school, or even to the grocery store, it has a Radiant Effect on all those that come in contact with you wherever you walk or drive. It may well be your family and friends, but it can also be strangers on the street, or at the market where you shop, the restaurant where you eat, or the nightclub you attend.
If you are incarcerated in prison or are a prison guard, requesting a Benevolent Outcome each day for your safety again affects all those around you. As you move about during the day that Radiant Effect follows you around.
It’s the same for policemen, firemen, and paramedics. Everyone that works with them receives the benefit of their MBO requests for safety. Plus the public they serve benefits too. When they respond to a call, there is always the chance of an accident happening on the way. No accident—no injuries for themselves, their co-workers, and whoever might have been involved in the vehicle crash.
When I was in the casino on the Alaskan cruise and cut the card decks after requesting a Benevolent Outcome, I won a number of games; but so did the rest of the people sitting at my blackjack table. I had a great feeling sitting there knowing that I was a catalyst for their good luck and good cheer!
The guy in the pickup was stopped and ticketed for speeding by the California Highway Patrol, during our drive from Mt. Shasta back to Sacramento for the flight home. That probably was a Radiant effect both for him, as he’ll slow down, and for the other drivers he might have endangered. I know that to be a fact as when our son was stopped for speeding, he drives much more responsibly now.
Even when you ask for a Benevolent Outcome for a taxi, there is a Radiant Effect. Possibly that taxi driver has not had a fare in a few minutes and needs the business. Something tells him to turn down the street you’re waiting on, and he picks up a nice fare, and a safe one too. Both of you benefit from your request.
When a number of us requested sunny skies at the ports in Alaska, hundreds, if not thousands of people were affected by our request. All of the tours could be operated, including those with helicopters and airplanes. It was “positive” income for the tour operators and their staffs. All of the cruise passengers enjoyed the rain-free days, and I’m sure the shops along the docks did exceptional business while we were in port.
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Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore