The Gentle Way Book For People Who Believe In Angels

October 4, 2020

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 10-3-20


Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people who wish to learn how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!

This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for… thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronyms MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people). My website is


Would you PLEASE write a review for any of my books that you own on Amazon, Goodreads, or anywhere else you purchased the book? I would appreciate your support!! As I don’t charge for these newsletters, this is one thing you can do for me.

My newest book, “ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed!” is PERFECT to learn about our ancient history going back 10 million years! You can buy it on Amazon, and the other online retailers as an eBook, or in printed version, and Book I is also in Audio. On Amazon, here is the link: Click here. For those of you buying the book, I would appreciate it if you would write a review. I only have 83 so far and need more!! This helps others who are undecided since they may never have heard of me or my other books before. Amazon and Goodreads seem to be the most visited.

You can read SAMPLE CHAPTERS of all the books at

Be sure to participate when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer out loud, but are you also saying the Daily BP each morning as I do? Theo says this is one of the most important things you could do for yourself not only for this life, but all the others you have lived or will live on earth, as they are all happening at the same time. Print it out and put it on your bathroom mirror to remind you. Here is the link: Here is an example of a BP for everyone to say today: “I ask any and all beings to aid and assist in bringing peace to the world, thank you!”


Many of you may have noticed that you received your Newsletter late this week. Normally I send it out late on Wednesday afternoon, so that I can devote my time to our film distribution business, or write on Thursday and Friday.

After I hit the send button for the Newsletter, I had to immediately turn my attention to a licensing agreement with Serbia and Bosnia for a number of movies. The next day, I received an email from Teresa in Austin, Texas, who’s helping me with my Pets book. She mentioned she had not received hers, so I checked, and no one had received theirs either.

I immediately requested a Most Benevolent Outcome for the problem to be fixed. The problem was “above my pay grade,” you could say, and I finally had to bring in my son to work on it. It took a number of communications back and forth between him and the company that hosts our server, but finally a 2:28 am CDT on Friday morning the Newsletter went out. Even better, they upgraded our account to handle larger numbers of emails, as the email list keeps growing, plus I send a weekly newsletter out to several thousand buyers all over the world for our film distribution business. This was a good MBO ending to a perplexing problem.


Severine writes: Here are a couple of Benevolent Prayers.
1) MBO/BP for baby solid meal

My son wasn’t picky at all until 3-4 weeks ago. Last evening, I firmly requested an MBO/ BP to remove all blockages related to food and solid meals and for help for our baby to enjoy his meals. Thank you! Victory: He finished 80% of his plate.

2) Facebook updates for Nanny.
Thank you to all the loving souls who took part on the BP on your FB page Tom. Our nanny/maid’s spirit has been uplifted since the BP; she’s been more positive, professional, and pleasant towards us.
We can say she got 95% on track. As no one is perfect, we are happy with the results Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!.
“I ask any and all beings to assist nanny’s name to do a great job with a positive and respectful attitude or may she be replaced by a better God-sent nanny ASAP. Please surround everyone involved with a massive healing, white light and love, and may the outcome be better than expected, thank you on all timelines thank you.”

Tom, you’ve taught with Theo many times that the more people saying the BP the bigger impact it will have. It is again confirmed. I have worked weeks on it with my mom before posting. The results became way more significant after the group said the BP.


Lee writes: There was a pair of casual sneakers by a well-known company that I had years ago and when I went to replace them I couldn’t find them anywhere and had no luck with the company. I said an MBO at the time to be able to find this particular sneaker and never was able to find them. The other day I was telling my husband about them and how I wished I could find them and they turned up in an ad for the company on my Facebook feed! Not only that but they offered a 25% discount and when I ordered them, because of previous purchases, I became Elite status and got free shipping! Yay me! Although most MBOs are fulfilled in a timely manner some may take a bit longer. Thank you, Tom, MBOs are the secret to an amazing life!


Ray writes: Hey Tom, my bosses’ step son went in for surgery and was suffering. I asked for a BP on September 26, in which Severine had corrected he is doing much better.

The BP was: “I ask any and all beings to assist Brandin to get the best care and treatments from his blessed doctors and medical staff to make a full recovery. Further I ask to have his pain greatly relieved and for all of this to happen even faster and better than we can expect, thank you.”


BlogIf you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world.  I typically post this two days after the newsletter goes out.   And have you requested that AudienceI be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet?  Please do so.  I do give extra information there.  I also post on TWITTER.

If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me.   And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.


Gentle Way BookDon’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other The Gentle Way IIIservices!  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  All three books can change lives!


TWITTER:  You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at  Let’s be friends!

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!


Tom T. Moore

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