The Gentle Way Books
The following stories are excerpted from my second book, THE GENTLE WAY II: The Story Continues, which was just recently delivered back to my publisher by the bindery. My publisher, Light Technology, is having a 40% off sale up through this coming week on both my books, so please call Monday through Friday 9-5 Mountain time. The number is 800-450-0985 or 1-928-526-1345 outside the United States.
The month of December is generally viewed as a great month of parties, dinners with friends and reunions with family. But it can be a highly stressful time when you are in charge of the dinner, or if you have to travel, or if you and your family are worlds apart in terms of lifestyle or belief.
I’m going to give you some tips and suggestions to make this time period much less stressful and a lot more pleasurable by requesting benevolent outcomes.
You can request a benevolent outcome that your visit with your family or friends is cordial and pleasant. This may seem like you are asking a lot in some instances, but ask for the impossible!
Under this category comes family members or people you know will be at the party whom you have a difficult time with because they are alcoholics or you have had a difficult relationship with them in the past. I suggest saying something like, “I ask that any and all beings come to the assistance of (name) so that they remain sober and pleasant during the time I’m there, and that they receive assistance in overcoming their problem.” This is a “living prayer” that you can say for other people. Change the wording to fit your circumstances.
If you are worried about your safety or your children’s while in the presence of someone you know to be physically, mentally or sexually abusive, then say, “I ask that my safety and that the safety of my children be guaranteed now and in the future in a way that is benevolent to us all.” This also can be said if you are currently in a relationship in which you are fearful for the same reasons.
I have mentioned the radiant effect before, but remember, when you request benevolent outcomes for yourself, it also affects others—in this case those who are at the dinner, party, or reunion with you. It makes for a much more pleasant time for everyone.
Amy in Scotia, New York writes: “I had great fun with a benevolent outcome on the weekend before Christmas. Because of bad weather in the east, my husband and I finally went out to find a Christmas tree on Saturday. I asked for a MBO, including finding the perfect tree quickly and at an even better price than I could imagine. We started out to a local grocery chain where they were selling trees, hoping to find a sale. On the way there, we ran across a long line of cars waiting for a light at a busy intersection.
”Sensing a message here, I turned the car around and headed back the way we came, going up a country road where we had bought a tree from a farm stand in previous years. That place was closed, but up the road I saw a sign for Christmas trees. Walking in knee deep snow, we found the trees and went to the door to get the proprietor, but no one was home. I shook the snow off one perfect tree and saw a price tag – $15!
”I took the money out of my wallet, but wondered how I was going to leave it at the house with no one home. In my purse was an old paycheck envelope that I normally would have thrown away. Perfect. I wrote Merry Christmas on the envelope, put in the money and left it inside the front door. When was the last time you found the perfect Christmas tree for $15? I put it up yesterday and it’s the most beautiful Christmas tree we’ve ever had. Happy Holidays to all.”
Val from England writes: “Living in an apartment with very little storage we have to be very selective at what we buy. I wanted to decorate the front pillar of our entrance with a Christmas tree. I only wanted to pay £5 because I knew I would have to throw it away after. We looked in several garden centers, but all were over £25. Back in our home town the market was on and lo and behold they had some lovely Christmas trees and guess what–the one I wanted, which was nearly 6ft tall, was just one penny under five pounds! The vender told me they were £40 in the shops and I quite believed him. How blessed I was.
”Do you know what, since you introduced me to MBO’s I do it automatically and just amazing things come about.”
Marie writes: “Dear Tom, I have to thank you, the Angels, and God, for my MBO’s, when I felt all was lost for my Marine son’s visit for Christmas.
”Now I want to say of my MBO, This morning my son was supposed to take a flight from Washington. His flight was cancelled. Hearing there were some people waiting 3 days for a plane had me wondering if we will spend the time with him and thoughts of if he doesn’t come home, he has a good chance of being shipped out!
”My son’s Dad and I started doing searches of the Greyhound bus service, since there was a flight to a hilly area 7 hours away. We found out the road was closed due to snow conditions, so the Greyhound bus was out. My ex was about to leave to drive there and that plane also was cancelled since the airport was snowed in. There was no way for my son to get here till the 26th of Dec., “after Christmas”. This was my chance to have my plans of cooking for my family, when each year I wasn’t sure how much time I’d have with them.
”I decided to seriously ask for an MBO, and as I waited for word I made a wreath, the best I have ever made. Then comes the call, my son is boarding a plane and home in 2 hours. I cried and thanked the angels and that’s also why I am here (many, many thanks Tom).”
Lyn writes: “What a joy and a blessing you are. It’s New Year’s Morning and I had to write to express my appreciation…and excitement with this wonderful new and gentle approach to life! I always believed that angels were out there…but did I ever think that I could have a relationship with them? Not until a friend gave me the 2 chapters from your website and I started inviting them into my life, did this incredible and easy miraculous living start to unfold.
“My daughter and I were taking a girls’ weekend down to New York City and I read the chapters out loud to her on our drive there. It would take too much space to tell you all the marvelous things that joyously fell into our laps (will mention that we got “bumped” up to the most expensive seats for the Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular!!!)
”From that weekend (only 3 weeks ago), I realized that life has a splendid, happy, and simple addition…our guardian angels are there for us!! So many amazing things have happened, but let me tell you the biggest wow! One of my wonderful jobs is that of “Pet Nanny”. I live in people’s homes and care for their beloved pets while they are away. It was the Saturday after Christmas and I was living in a home with a Great Dane and a greyhound, the last day before their family returned; I was also stopping in twice a day to care for two different family’s cats. I was at the second home, feeding cats, when I had that dreaded feeling of the stomach flu bug hitting me like a bolt out of the blue! I was feeling sicker and sicker, and just barely made it back to the dog’s house, crawled up to the bathroom…spare you the details here…and then wondered how the heck I was going to make it through the day with all the animals looking to me for their needs.
“I was going through my list of “who to call…even someone who could at least take the dogs for their afternoon walks, when of course, I realized I needed to request for the MBO! I had just gotten your book a few days earlier, when I also remembered about the condensed time concept. That’s what requested! Tom! It was profound! As I was lying on the bed and dozing off, I felt I was being rocked back & forth, then slowly awoke to feel the nausea go up and out of me. I sat up and felt fine! I thought a few minutes had gone was two hours later. But I was able to walk the dogs, finish cleaning the family’s house, visit the cats again, pack up and head for home. I felt like you feel the day after you’ve had the flu…so, it seems I had the 24-hour bug in 2 hours!
”I have been telling absolutely everyone about The Gentle Way. At the hair salon yesterday…created quite an audience!! I would love to do a little class. I often teach feng shui at a local recreation center and I think offering a small class there based on your book would be such a neat way to share with lots of people. What are your thoughts on having someone like me facilitate a class? Thank you so much for “hooking me up” with my guardian angels! Life will never be the same!”
For Lyn and anyone else out there that would like to facilitate a class on The Gentle Way, let me know and I can point you in the direction of some of the usual questions people ask about the book, plus I can hook you up with my publisher so that everyone in the class can have a book as part of the class.
Lyn recently update me about the results of the class. Lyn writes: “Requesting MBOs helped so much with moving last week. Things went really well, even having the intermittent rain showers cease when we were loading and unloading. Too many to mention!!
”I invited anyone from our recent Guardian Angel class to come to share their experiences. Many wanted to, but it was such a busy weekend with graduations, etc. However, two ladies came…the two who were the most skeptical!
”They went on and on about how many lovely things happened that week. The one who was most critical of the idea, spoke of a lunch she had with a friend who is very negative and unhappy and she always dreaded meeting her. She requested an MBO for it to be pleasant and joyful for both of them, and she said it was the best time they’d ever had…and her friend bought her lunch!”
Jean writes: “I had a grocery store MBO, Christmas Eve afternoon. I knew the stores would be crowded with last minute shoppers, but really needed a few items, especially since that is my usual shopping day. Knowing that the lines could be long, I still requested an MBO for a short line. With only 8 items in my cart, I was still about 15 people back from the express check out. While chatting with the woman ahead of me, I noticed a woman waving near the head of the line, and decided to see why. Come to find out, she was trying to signal to her son that they’d opened a second express line, but she couldn’t catch his eye.
“So I told her that I hoped she didn’t mind, but I was going to go through. One woman was having her groceries bagged, the next man in line had three items, and I was next! Instead of a 20 minute or more wait, I was out of the store within five minutes, laughing all the way, as I still had another errand to run and now knew I’d get there before their earlier closing time! Of course I didn’t have far to walk to my car!”
Debbie writes: “I have to tell you my MBO tale of yesterday. Well, I gave my mom a nightgown….too big, so went back to store myself for exchange. As I pulled up to parking I asked for MBOs for the whole experience of returning it. I found a perfect parking spot even in the season rush. Also I had a most favorable outcome in the lingerie dept(2 fold request!). Anyway, a good spot on end so I didn’t get my car pinged. And in the store…. I found a better nightgown in the proper size.
“To top that, in line a woman ahead of me turns and asks if I could use a coupon for a purchase…it was for 10 bucks off. As I walked to leave I saw a robe that had “Maxine” written all over it(not literally!)…. Used another lesser amount coupon for the robe purchase and then I had an extra I offered to the guy behind me. Upon delivery, all fit perfectly and she excitedly modeled them for me. Mission accomplished!”
As I have mentioned many times, requesting Benevolent Outcomes makes even the normal mundane tasks easier and less stressful. That last story was just sent to me a couple of days ago, so if you’ve started requesting MBO’s and have an inspiring story to tell, email me at the below email address. You can also explore my website at, where you can read articles I’ve written for magazines, my weekly newsletter, listen to a Podcast, print out signs to help you to remember to request MBO’s and much more!
Have a Most Benevolent Week, and a Most Benevolent 2010!
Tom T. Moore