The Gentle Way Books
Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!”
Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to . I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s. Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it. In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase. And scroll on down to the bottom of the Home page to see who is tuning into the website from all over the world. It’s neat!
Here are some inspirational stories to help you understand how easy it is to request Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s).
Galimir in Prague writes: Thank you Tom for providing such a cool tool for all of us!I have been diligently saying MBO’s (MBO’s for the day for me, my wife and our relationship, plus “I am expecting great things” formula; also different MBOs through the day, specific purpose-oriented) every single day of my life the last almost an year now and I must say that is one of my major tools for transformation…Thank you!”
Galimir is referring to the Sign you can print out by going to the website and clicking on SIGNS. There is also one that says, “REQUEST BENEVOLENT OUTCOMES TODAY,” which helps you make requesting MBO’s a daily habit. Print out several of those and put in the bathroom, on the fridge, and in the car.
Catherine on Facebook writes: Tom–Thanks so much for all you do! I am a new subscriber and I just read my first issue of your newsletter. I used the MBOs on my very recent move (my first experience with MBOs) Results were stupendous! I was very efficient/effective and best outcomes were achieved. Physical issues (back pain) was minimal. I cleared out and settled in very satisfactory way. Next time I will ask for it to be F U N also! God bless.
Annette writes: My life has become very “active” so to speak, and some days I am so busy I don’t know if I found a rope or lost a horse. But…it is all a blessing – in so many ways there is not enough time to tell you about. This you can share with the use of my name. Maybe it will help people not to become discouraged if things don’t “happen” the way they “think” they will or in the way they “think” they want.
All of our staff knew we were losing our funding and our jobs would end several month ahead of time. I requested a MBO for finding a job and a MBO for finding a way to manage my finances so I could keep my home. They were as follows. ” I request a MBO for finding the job for me and may the outcome be better than I could hope for or anticipate. Thanks you” and “I request a MBO and guidance to ensure I have enough income to pay my mortgage and car payments until I can find a job. May the outcome be better than I could hope for or anticipate.”
When the last day came I was the only one not upset, panicked or “freaking out” because I knew – deep in my heart – I knew that my GA had my back. Yes, I had been frustrated, as I had applied for over 44 jobs at the University where I worked and only got called for 3 interviews. Each job I KNEW I was perfect for, but I was not hired. But I had faith and knew I would be guided after all; I was able have the time and had the guidance to set aside enough money to make certain we could pay the mortgage and our car payments for 6 months while we lived on my husbands pay and my unemployment. I was out of work for 77 days and am now in the job I have prepared for all my life. My GA guided me to THE job for me and the outcome has been better than I could have ever imagined, dreamed of or hoped for, let alone anticipate – LOL!!
Things may not happen exactly the way we expect – but they do happen when you build that relationship with you GA. Thank you for sharing the information in your books and newsletters.
Diane writes: Can you please clear something up for me when it comes to MBO?
Would it be confusing to my angels if I requested a few things right after each other? Example: MBO for a good, calm, happy day! Then after that an MBO for a good rate for getting my car fixed as soon as possible. Then requesting an MBO for my husband to calm down and be happy.
Or should one just stick with an MBO say within an hour??? Not sure about this………but I do know that my MBO’s work on short term…..long term….still waiting.
I requested to find my lens for my camera about two weeks ago, and when I would
think about it I would request again….but then forgot about it. My lens showed itself the other day……so I do know that some MBO’s just take a little longer than others.
For Diane and everyone else. Keep in mind that there is no time “on the other side”, so your Guardian Angel can handle any number of MBO requests you make and literally a million others from its other “clients” all at the same time.
My Guardian Angel Theo says humans are very impatient. You have to give MBO’s time to manifest. My daughter couldn’t find her backup contact lens last week she had just picked up and was leaving for Indianapolis on a business trip. She said she had requested a MBO, but no lens. When she returned she found them in a pocket in her camera bag. At least she found them!
She asked me to change her name so Stella writes: I have thought about writing to you many times, but I promised myself last evening that I would finally do it! First I want to thank you for all you do. It is unusual for me to find spiritual guidance that really resonates with me. My heart has always told me that miracles and wishes should be gotten by simply asking – not performing complicated rituals only – although fulfilling for some, I don’t want nor need the pomp and circumstance. So to find your site, newsletter, articles and books has been not only reaffirming but enlightening and has helped me see miracle after miracle!
I was introduced to MBO’s through the Sedona Journal of Emergence and thought it was too good to be true. So I started to test it out on little things like parking as you suggested, and of course I quickly became a believer!!!!!!!!! I now say MBO’s several times a day and expect positive results each time (mostly – I have had trouble with one in particular – see below) . I try to pass this gem on to as many people as I can, especially those in immediate need. I have so many success stories, but I will share the two that have impacted me the most!
Dissolving Anger
I was with my 2 yr old son visiting his father (we are no longer together) in another country over Christmas for about 3 months. I was extremely anxious about this extended trip because, without getting into too many details, he has a very frightening temper which can come on with little warning. Every morning I requested an MBO for our communications to be based on Love, Respect, Understanding, Patience, Kindness, Compassion, Loyalty, Support and Joy – and I would repeat this to myself when I felt his mood change and I am telling you right now, this was miraculous – his face and voice would change instantly!!!! I had spent 7 years in a very bad and painful relationship and had never seen him stop once he began his dark moments and yet here I was with this little, yet very powerful phrase creating positivity and peace for all three of us. THANK YOU!
Scholarships and Money
My sister and her family have been having a very difficult time financially. They were not able to have their children return to the private school they had always attended. However this year, armed with MBO’s my sister decided to apply for scholarships for both her kids. Both were awarded scholarships!!!! But there still remained the item of the outstanding balance from the year before – so another MBO later the school agreed to apply the awarded funds to the previous year’s tuition. That still left quite a hefty balance to be brought up to date for the beginning of the school year. So together, we requested an MBO for free and clear money to be able to put towards the school fees! Well, you will never guess – an inheritance from a distant relative came in JUST IN TIME to help pay down the fees! The idea was to NOT borrow the money but instead have it for free – and VOILA!
So I know MBO’s work, I know my Angels are with me always – I can ask for a hug and I get the most warm and loving physical hug around my heart. But why can I not find a job – I have been requesting this for months now!!!!!!! I ask for the perfect job, better than I could possibly imagine – and as a single mother I really really need to provide for my son, plus I know my ego has taken a big hit! My previous career was with my son’s father and although I still want to help him succeed – I want my own road. I have a tendency to be the VP not the Pres – give away my power. I had an enlightening dream the other night after requesting an MBO and I think it was to show me how I need to have more confidence in myself and to rely on myself and not a “father figure”. I am trying to step out on my own, but with no results… Can you perhaps ask THEO why I am not having any luck – I have sent resume after resume – even to the jobs I really didnt want and I was overqualified for. Please – is there hope? Why won’t this MBO happen for me?
Perhaps your GA is whispering in your ear to take a course or two in management? Also, I think Dick Sutphen has a book on asserting your power. You might look on his website to see if he is selling it ( or on Amazon.
Each time you go out, you might also request a MBO to meet someone who needs to fill a job. And if you apply for a job you’re overqualified for, drop off or reduce down your qualifications. One on a new job you might be quickly promoted from within, which is how a lot of companies like to work.
I receive a lot of emails from people out of work, and I can tell you my own business has really suffered this year. It’s a world wide economic recession. People can’t hire if they aren’t receiving orders. So it’s not you! You have to remember that.
Take whatever job you can to pay bills and wait for sunnier days. When I was starting my first business I did all sorts of extra jobs–selling insurance, townhomes, keys and knives, newspaper advertising, just to name a few. Have you considered going to garage sales and buying at $.05 on the dollar and selling at $.25? Lots of people do that and make a very decent living. They had a story on TV recently about a guy in Dallas that would go to a liquidator store and buy new electronic stuff and resell at a nice profit on Ebay.
I hope this gives you some ideas.
Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: . You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday. Call toll free 800-450-0985. It has twice as many pages as the first book. The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! The first book is also available on Either or both books can change lives!
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Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore