Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).
GREAT NEWS! My two books are now Ebooks. You can find them both on on Kindle. The links are:
The Gentle Way –
The Gentle Way II –
I’m sure they are now, or will be soon, available on other Ebook services. Some services take a few days to post. Here is an update on a couple JUST RECEIVED this morning from my publisher:
· iTunes: “Your books are in the iTunes approval queue. Apple has been known to take anywhere from 7 – 21 days to move books out of this step. They were submitted 04/06/2012 and I will keep you up to date on when this moves onto their iBookstore.”
· Google: “The Gentle Way II is in the process of going live. While it is on their store right now, they haven’t fully integrated the ePUB with the book. I am still unable to add The Gentle Way to my account and have sent another email to them to get this cleared up. I will send you updates as they become available.”
Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to, which you can subscribe to. You can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s. Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it. In the Articles & News section I have a Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase. And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook. I give extra information during the week there.
If you like forum discussions, here are a couple that are devoted to discussing MBO’s:
Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool to TomTMoore6(at) Now for some inspiring stories.
Darlene writes: Good Morning, Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge in your books and for the nice welcome note you sent me when we became friends. You are very kind.
I am friends with Lois Wetzel. She mentioned your book so I knew I had to purchase it. Then I purchased “The Gentle Way II.” I am still reading it and enjoying it immensely.
Last week my husband and I were in Las Vegas on vacation. On the first morning there, our hotel room had no hot water for our shower so we had to jump in and shower as quickly as possible (brrr). My sister later came to our hotel room and saw your book on the credenza. She loves angels and asked about your book. I briefly explained the premise and opened your book “randomly” to show her an example of requesting a MBO. Our angels told us in no uncertain terms they are with us because when I “randomly” opened the book, the MBO was the request for the hot water heater to work. My sister and I laughed and knew we had confirmation from our angels.
My husband was stunned by the synchronicity and is a true believer. My brother-in-law poo-poos everything so there was little reaction from him. LOL Thank you and thank you to our angels for reminding us constantly they know what’s up. MBOs are a wonderful gift.
My husband is a “slow learner” and finally and recently accepted the fact that he is very psychic. It’s only taken him 40+ years to accept it. However, once he’s there, he’s wholly committed. He is enjoying listening to my MBOs. Take care and best wishes in all your endeavors.
Queenie writes: Friday as I was entering the freeway I did not see the car in the lane where I entered, anyway she did not move over to the next lane and as she came up on me I looked and swerved to my right just in time to keep us from colliding, thanks to my MBO I said before I left home for a safe trip. My great grandson whom I started using MBO’s is having some wonderful success. He just got a promotion on his job and a good raise. I told him he need to send them to you. Before this his Boss who lives in some other state was visiting the facility here where he works and after everyone had left the office gave him $100, and commented on his performance.
Jaffra writes: Yay, Tom, I finally remembered to keep track of my MBO! I had a REALLY good one. I have literally thousands of pieces of paper to handle to move into storage, most of them LOOSE and needing to be put into file boxes. For at least two years now, I’ve wanted to find an Amazon Gift Certificate lost in this mess that I earned more than TWO years ago from my bank “rewards” program. I asked Moses (my GA’s name) for the MBO of my finding this “needle amidst the haystack”, and within an HOUR my hand picked up a piece of paper containing that $50 certificate!! Even though it was that long ago it was issued, Amazon, being as fair as it is, immediately honored it. Needless to say, I’m having a Happy Easter, and I wish the same for you, too!
Lee writes: Hi, Tom! I just love all you do to make our lives easier. Thank you for putting your Gentle Way I and II on e-readers. Now I can have them at my fingertips wherever I go.
I have an MBO for you! These last two months have been a little slow at work. I work on commission only and am getting into the habit of asking for MBO’s for clients, etc. Well, I had a good week but don’t get paid until Friday and my major credit card payment was due on Thursday. What to do? Well, I asked for an MBO to be able to pay all my bills on time. This morning I was debating whether to call the credit card company or just wait. Something “told” me to just look at the e-statement bill and to my surprise, and relief, the due date said the 14th instead of the usual 12th of the month! I get paid on the 13th so I am able to pay my credit card on time, keep my credit standing clean and avoid any late fees! I was so excited and just kept looking at the date and couldn’t believe my good luck! Then I took a deep breath, exhaled and thanked my angels for helping me with my MBO. Tom, your teaching are the answer to my prayers. Thank you.
Monacca writes: Hello Tom, I have a nice MBO story for you. My husband and I really wanted to get out house refinanced. My husband had started his own business a year ago so everyone we talked to turned us down. We kept being told you must be a business owner for a minimum of 2 years. So after trying several places we decided to give up. Then it dawned on me to say an MBO. I couldn’t believe I didn’t do it to begin with. After saying and MBO to get my house refinanced we started trying again and in less than a week we found a bank willing to do it!! The lady we spoke with told us there was a loophole for our situation. If your business is doing the same thing that your previous job was then you do not need to be a business owner for 2 years! We saved thousands of dollars. I am so grateful. I try very hard now to always remember to say an MBO for everything no matter how big or small it may be. Thank you Tom for introducing me to MBO’s and thank you for all your hard work.
Carol writes: This is a success story from my friend Irene.
Irene works in a hair salon. The gal who works right next to her has very negative energy and spends the whole day telling her clients about bad boyfriend experiences, and other negative things she experiences. So Irene has to listen to these stories repeated day after day multiple times. Not only is it frustrating for Irene, but Irene’s clients complain about it too. There are no other stations available in the salon so she is stuck there and since Irene is just building her business after being there a year, Irene did not want to move to another salon. Irene said a MBO asking that the situation be alleviated. To her surprise, her co-worker gave a 2-day notice to her boss and moved to another salon. This happened fast, Irene and her clients are so happy, and the whole vibe of the salon has become more peaceful and loving.
Kate writes: Tom, I made an MBO that someone would GIVE me a car. I had been carless since last June! (Getting exhausted from a mediocre bus system that doesn’t go easily where I need to go!) Well, someone did offer me use of their car, within a month. We had an agreed on the price to rent it-my employer, but it was awfully synchronistic. He is even putting me on his insurance! I just have to pay for gas, with the condition if he needs it for a weekend I give it to him, rarely. The offer is good until October. Pretty darn good I would say!
Brenda writes: Thanks for all that you do! Here is my MBO story this week. I needed some valuable information off of my iPod and my iPod is quite a few years old so the battery did the ‘death’ I couldn’t bring it back as it was too far gone and my computer kept shutting it down. I had already tried my stereo system that uses one of the very old iPods. It didn’t seem to want to get into the charging plate. I kept looking for my old ‘quick start ‘ charger to with no luck. I said my MBO and later that night I got the idea to try the stereo system again. I finally slid it in and still dead screen…then after 15 minutes it came on! It is now fully charged and working perfectly. The great thing is once I said my MBO I heard it would be okay. It turned out perfectly.
I am so glad for all of your MBO stories as now I make it almost an every day part of my life. Things definitely work out more smoothly. Abundant blessings to you.
Kathy writes: I had a great MBO recently. I live with my sister in a modest 3rd level condo, and I have experienced repeated problems over the past 2 years with tenants living in the condo next door. Problems ranged from animals defecating on the patio to leaving leaking and smelly trash in the common areas. It was clear the people living next door have no consideration of others.
I had just read The Gentle Way, and one morning in desperation I requested an MBO that the condo area would be cleaned up and that my sister and I would have some really good neighbors who care about the building and are considerate of their neighbors. The next day my sister told me the neighbors moved out! I was completely impressed and amazed. This event made a firm believer of my sister who also now requests MBOs faithfully with excellent results.
We now have some very sweet neighbors who are very considerate. Best of all, working with our guardian angels has totally transformed our lives so that we are now optimistic and never worry. It used to feel as though life was constantly beating us up, but not any more. Tom, thank you so much for your books and for helping us remember we truly are not alone and have so much support from our angels who just need for us to ask for their help.
APRIL 26, GLOBAL TELECLASS–CONVERSATIONS WITH ANTURA, My “Brother on Another Planet”: 9:00 PM EDT, 8:00 PM CDT, 7:00 PM MDT, 6:00 PM PDT, 11:00 AM April 27 BRISBANE AUSTRALIA. To sign up, go to and click on Free Teleclasses, then Personal Development.
Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY Books ARE NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on on Kindle! Here is the
links: The Gentle Way – The Gentle Way II – . You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday. Call toll free 800-450-0985. It has twice as many pages as the first book. The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! The first book is also available on Either or both books can change lives!
For those of you who wish to read more on a specific subject, the link to them is :
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Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore