The Gentle Way Book For People Who Believe In Angels

July 20, 2013

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 7-20-13




Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!  This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!”  When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).   


Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool to TomTMoore6(at)  Now for some inspiring stories.


Josette writes from Houston, Texas: It works; it really works in unbelievable ways. Here is a success story to publish in your newsletter if it pleases you to do so.
My mother is 94 years old, living in a retirement home. She suffers from a mild Alzheimer condition, forgetting everything from one minute to another but she can sustain a discussion and she does recognize me, sometimes she sounds normal.
She is of course dependent on medical personnel for the last 8 years. She was until now paying for an insurance that she took long ago, which rent would be paid when disabled. I kept sending doctors, calling the insurance, proving she was mentally deficient etc., but it was not enough for them. They would refuse paying the rent.  Then last month I had an idea I did an MBO on it.

Just received a letter from the insurance Co. She is getting the rent. 400Euros a mo. + not having to pay the premium every month so like 450 euros per month.
Since I do MBO for my friends and I, I have been much more successful in all directions. I still have one problem that I can’t crack, but I carry on asking.
Tom, thanks for the good work you provide to humanity.


Carell writes from California:  Here’s an MBO:
I’ve been having challenges with sleep apnea and getting proper equipment and resolution for snoring, talking in my sleep (even if it IS in French) and my throat closing off at night.  In the MBO back at the end of June, I requested the most benevolent outcome for these issues, in spite of that fact that my MD won’t schedule my sleep study till August 6. Lo and behold 5 days ago, one of my healing arts colleagues sent me info on essential oils, noting that thyme oil, applied to the pads of the big toes at bedtime, treats the respiratory tract, reduces snoring and alleviates symptoms of apnea. Madame Doubting Thomas here thought “fat chance”, but since I had some on hand, I tried it at it WORKS!!!!!!!! I’ve had 4 wonderful nights now, no snoring, and no philosophizing in French, waking up early instead of noon and feeling alive. Apnea gives you morning brain fog, headaches and low energy and puts on the pounds, and now mornings are fine!!!!  I’m getting my life back!  Yea for MBOs!!!!  


Johnny writes:  I’ve been meaning to write this post for about a week now but hadn’t got round to it…I think a lot of people maybe put off by this whole concept of talking to their GA/guides/guardians. It is strange at first but the more you do it the more natural it becomes. I think it’s of up most importance that you be yourself when doing this. Although your requests should be clear and precise, you should use language that is comfortable to you, and not get bogged down with being so formal. Some of these guys have been with us all our lives; so if we cant speak plainly with them…. who can we?

I’ve now gotten in to the habit of speaking to them in the morning; I start by wishing them good morning and telling them about my dream interpretations. I then thank them and tell them how much I love them, and appreciate all they’ve done and continue to do for me. I then move on to my MBO’s and BP’s...I know this may seem a lot but it really can benefit you, for the sake of about 20 minutes this could drastically change your life for the better. It fills you with such a happy feeling once you get used to this, that nothing could remotely spoil your day.

I’ve also started combining MBO’s and BP’s with law of attraction.… as you ask for your most benevolent outcome on a certain thing…. picture in your minds eye the result on that you’re asking for, also attach the emotion you will feel when this comes true. This takes some practice but is potentially very powerful.

This is my latest BP; it hopefully sends waves like a pebble dropped in a pond… “I ask any and all beings to help and assist any and all beings, who are helping and assisting any and all beings, in positive, productive and benevolent ways, thank you.”  

Thanks for reading, and if this helps just one person it will make me extremely happy. Much love.


Bob and Joy write:  The Most Benevolent Outcome certainly does work.  Today Joy and I were driving to the early voting place and I asked for a MBO to get into and out of the voting booth quickly.  There was no one in front of us in line.  We voted in less than 5 minutes where in the past when we did early voting we had waits of an hour or more.  The poll worker said that they were busy all day and we got there in the only slow time.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for introducing us to this.


Helen in the UK writes:  I have been saying MBO’s for a few years now but I had to tell you about this one, as it was so instant.

I have a mortal fear of birds and this afternoon a cat got hold of a baby crow in our garden and savaged it quite badly. I shooed the cat away, but then the injured bird was in between the back door and me and I was terrified. I blurted out “I request a MBO for the bird to recover and fly away!!” To my astonishment it instantly came back to life and flew away. I was left open mouthed and laughing with relief.


Kate writes:  I made an MBO last week for an increase in sales and my general finances.  I also asked that things happen to be better than I hoped or expected.

First, I was paid $20 more for a job than I expected.  Secondly, yesterday, my landlord lowered my rent by $50 just for this month because of an ongoing problem we are having in the condo, something that his business partner refused take care of.

Today, I did an MBO that these amounts be at least tripled for events in the coming week.

Also, I had done an MBO with intentions on the New Moon that my housemate would feel more comfortable with me, and how we communicate is twice as good this week, as in the last month so far. I had also done one for improvement in relations with the aforementioned landlord, and he was amazing. He turned around 180 degrees in his attitude when speaking with me. It could be that we paid to get a new carpet installed, not him, but, he still was good and that is what counts!


Laurie writes:  I use MBOs every day of my life. Sometimes the results are quick, sometimes they’re slow, and sometimes they manifest at the speed of OMG. I’m a freelance writer, and today I requested an MBO for “work to come from unexpected sources”. Well, a few hours later that is exactly what I received. I was contacted by a person I did not think was even in a position to send writing work my way. Well, he has been promoted and can now send work in my direction. I am so grateful for MBOs!


Laura writes:  A rescue chow was going to be sent back to its owners after they surrendered it.  It had never had any vet care and had somewhat of a behavioral problem.  My friend had a hospice nurse that really loved it and wanted it and was devastated when she found out they wanted to give it back.  My friend was over at my house as she found out.  So I asked for the MBO and for assistance that this dog was not going back to a home where it would be neglected and possibly put down for its fear of being touched.  And lo and behold, our beloved chow is now going somewhere where he will receive the proper love and care to have a healthy and extremely loving life.


Tom Signing BooksJuly 21–2pm—E.P.I.C. VOYAGERS group. Grapevine, Texas.  All about the new book!  Grapevine Municiple Activities Building.  1175 Municipal Way. $8 at the door.  Phone Ken for more information at 817-379-0773.

August 9–7:00pm–Satori Group.  Richland Hills Community Center.   3204 Diana Drive.  76118. Phone Phil for more information at 817-222-1871


FacebookIf you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has On Airnothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world.  I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out.   And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet?  Please do so.  I do give extra information there.  I also post on TWITTER. 

If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me.   And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them. 


Gentle Way BookDon’t forget that BOTH GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services!   You Gentle Way Book 2can also order the print versions by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  Either or both books can change lives!


TWITTER:  You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at .  Let’s be friends!

BOOK EDITOR:  Need an editor for your upcoming book?  Email me.  Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books.

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore Tom

Tom T. Moore

Send to Kindle

June 1, 2013

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 6-1-13




Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!  This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!”  When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).


Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool to TomTMoore6(at)  Now for some inspiring stories.


Cheryl writes:  Whenever I get into a vehicle, I at least say an MBO for a safe trip. I did so on Sunday morning when I left on an hour long drive to a family reunion. Passing through a nearby town, I moved over to let a string of traffic on at an entrance. As I was passing them, I realized that the last vehicle (a small car, fortunately) apparently didn’t see me because they just kept coming over into my lane. The only reaction I managed was to move further left without hitting the center divider.

I really thought I’d feel the car hitting my rear side  and was surprised  when I finally looked in the rear view mirror to see them safely behind me. I said many “thank you, thank you!!” ‘s, caught my breath, and drove safely on. Oh, I also asked an MBO for nice weather, since it had been storming for days and we would be outside. It was beautiful!


Lee writes:  Our local news station was giving away golf-type umbrellas as part of a promotion. All you had to do was “like” them on Facebook or be a fan all ready. The first night I heard the promotion I requested an MBO to win one and today I picked up my free umbrella and boy, is it beautiful!


DeLeah writes:  I have been a long time donor of blood to the Red Cross because I believe in giving back and this is an easy way for me to do so. However, being born with rolling and collapsing veins makes this difficult. For the last six months I have been saying, “I request a most benevolent outcome that I am received by a wonderful technician who is able to hit my veins on the first try with no issues with results even better than I could expect or hope for.” And every time I have done that it has been a breeze donating! Thank you Angels!

Since we are in the summer vacation season, the following two stories are excerpts from THE GENTLE WAY II: The Story continues:


Annie in Ft. Lauderdale writes: “I just traveled to France and dreaded the flights. The planes are always very full and I usually never sleep for the nine hours they last. For my flight to Paris, I requested an upgrade of any kind. Well, I slept during half of the flight, which was a major improvement. I asked for a similar or better outcome for my flight back to Miami. This one is still amazing to me. The flight was far from full, with eighty-five empty seats. My daughter and I were able to enjoy four seats each, so we flew very comfortably and slept a lot. Even the crew had never experienced such an empty plane on that specific line.

“Another one for you: I had misread the time my high speed train (TGV) was leaving Aix-en-Provence by thirty minutes.  I had told my older daughter who was driving us to the station that the train was scheduled to leave at 7:46 am when in fact it was to depart at 7:16 am We left home at 6:55 am for a drive that normally takes over twenty-five minutes. I asked for a time compression. We made it three minutes early, and the train was late by six minutes—something that never happens. French trains have a reputation to run on exact schedule. Thank you so much for teaching the world about MBOs. I am planning on asking for bigger and bigger outcomes.”


Dianne writes:  “Having introduced my sister in law, Tracy, very successfuly to MBOs, she decided that obviously she needed to create an MBO for her family’s journey from England to holiday in Tuscany, Italy. An arduous two-day journey especially when there are two young children to keep amused!

”My brother in law called us on their arrival to say that they had experienced the smoothest journey yet (the family travels to Tuscany by car every year), they negotiated a tunnel between Switzerland and Italy, which is notorious for congestion without the usual tail-back and arrived at the vineyard hours ahead of time. My brother in law said, ‘Tracy was doing those things you told her to do.’ It took me a second or two to realize what he meant…MBOs, of course! And so MBOs continue to gain more supporters – How wonderful!”

May I also suggest for anyone to say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for this vacation, and may it be even better than I can hope for or expect, thank you!”  That should allow your GA’s to get really creative.


Tom Signing Books
June 4—7:30pm-9:30pm—ISEE—Communications Hub, Midway & Proton Drive, Addison, Texas.  I will speak about MBO’s, Orbs, Time Lines, and Antura. Telephone Beverly Biehl at 214-679-3498 for more information.

June 5—10am PDT, 11am MDT, 12pm CDT, 1pm EDT.  Richard Sutphen.

June 7—7am PDT, 8am MDT, 9am CDT, 10am EDT.  Lois J. Wetzel.


FacebookIf you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has On Airnothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world.  I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out.   And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet?  Please do so.  I do give extra information there.  I also post on TWITTER. 

If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me.   And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them. 


Gentle Way BookDon’t forget that BOTH GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services!   You Gentle Way Book 2can also order the print versions by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  Either or both books can change lives!


TWITTER:  You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at .  Let’s be friends!

BOOK EDITOR:  Need an editor for your upcoming book?  Email me.  Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books.

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore Tom

Tom T. Moore

Send to Kindle

March 24, 2012

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 3-24-12




Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!  This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!”  When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).


I have some new signs that you can print out on my website under the SIGNS tab to help you remember to request MBO’s.  Check it out at

Have you bought one of The Gentle Way books yourself yet?  If not, why not?   On one MBO forum a lady posted that this is better than the Secret or anything she has ever tried, because IT WORKS!  You can buy them online by simply going to my website and clicking on the images on the side (which takes you to, or you can call my publisher direct at 800-450-0985.  The first book is also published in Germany and Greece.  

Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to  the column on the right side and click on the RSS button.  You can also find on the website a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s.  Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it.  In the Articles & News section I have a Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase.  And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook.  I give extra information during the week there.   

Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool to TomTMoore6(at)  Now for some inspiring stories.


I’ll begin with an MBO story of my own.  I NEVER get in a car without requesting a MBO for the drive to wherever I’m headed—even if someone else is driving (which I called THE RADIANT EFFECT in my first book).  In that book, I told the story of renting a car to drive from the Nice, France airport to Cannes with my trunks for a world TV market and requested a MBO for the drive; a little French car just in front of me on the highway lost control, slid into to median rail divider and popped out right in front of me.  Had I been five seconds sooner I would have hit him, but easily avoided by going all the way to the right side of the roadway and slowly passed by.

This time, after I started the program to send out the newsletter, I drove down to have a haircut.  After requesting a MBO for my drive back to the Kroger grocery store near where I live in Plano, I took the North Dallas Tollway back and exited at Legacy Drive, for those of you who know the area.  A large black pickup truck turned onto Legacy in front of me and was on the outside of the three lanes, so I took the middle in order to not be right behind him.  As we both approached the signal light for the entrance to the Shops at Legacy, I could see another black smaller SUV car in the turn lane to turn left into the north end of the Shops at Legacy and could just barely see a car in the opposite turn lane to turn south.  

Suddenly the black SUV started to turn; obviously she had not seen the black pickup as her vision was blocked by the other car in the opposite turn lane.   I’m sure my eyes became as wide as saucers, as I saw there was no way the pick-up truck, traveling at about 40-45 miles per hour (65-72 kph) could stop.  The truck slammed into the SUV and literally lifted it off the pavement.  I came to a stop about five feet or so from the SUV that had been turned 180 degrees after the collision.  

Here I was stuck in the middle of the intersection.  I had room to go in between the two vehicles, but there was debris all over the road, so I backed up (luckily the SUV behind me had stopped before the intersection) and turned right as if I was entering the Shops road; I planned to park on the brick and concrete divider to check on the lady, as I could see she was dazed, but the SUV turned right behind me and another car was in the right lane too, making it impossible to stop.  People were running out of the shops to the lady’s car to check on her, so I decided it was best to keep the traffic from piling up preventing access by the emergency vehicles.  I turned down a lane with parking spaces parallel to Legacy and drove on.  I immediately said a Benevolent Prayer for both drivers to fully recover from any injuries they had experienced.  

So may I remind you to ALWAYS request a MBO wherever you go, even if it’s just to the local supermarket.  


Dong in the Philippines writes:  Thank you again for accepting my friend invitation in Facebook last week and for sharing your work to everyone. I haven’t read your book yet (I don’t think it is available here in the Philippines) but I have read all articles and newsletters in your web site. I’ve learned about your work a few months ago and immediately started requesting MBOs. I’ve noticed after a few weeks that life has become gentler – less stress driving, less stress at work and even the banks and collection agencies are more forgiving when I miss my payments. I also noticed that when I don’t get what I requested, I would get an explanation (or at least an idea) why. Here are a couple of MBO experiences I had involving rain (I’ve been having an urge for days to send you these stories and I think it’s my GA shouting in my ear).

My wife is a real estate agent and last month she had a client who wanted to look at two development sites. It had been raining since the night before the tour and when we met the client, there was no indication that the rain would stop anytime soon. So, on the way to the sites, I whispered a MBO for the rain to avoid the places we were going to. When we approached the gate of the first site the rain died down to only a drizzle and completely stopped as soon as I parked the car. As we stepped out the car the clouds above us broke just enough to show the sun while it still rained on the surrounding area. It stayed that way for more than two hours. Just as we were leaving the site, the clouds became dark again and it started to rain. The same thing happened when we got to the second site. The rain stopped and the sun came out again when we arrived and stayed that way for a few hours. The rain didn’t start again until we were already leaving. Of course I thanked my GA, the Sun and Gaia for the wonderful experience.

A few weeks ago, while I’m on my way home from work, it started to rain. Naturally I requested a MBO for the rain to stop for a while when I arrive – just long enough for me to get in the house without getting wet. I was surprised when the rain did not stop when I arrive but I trust the process. The next day at work I suddenly had an “aha” moment and suddenly realized what happened the previous night and why my request was not granted. I think my GA shouted in my ear because I wasn’t even thinking about the event. There is a stray dog that stays outside our fence. We can’t let it in as we already have three dogs that are very territorial, but we feed him and my father-in-law would set up a beach umbrella by the fence for the dog whenever it rains. Because it was raining when I arrived home, my father in law opened the gates for me and that’s when he saw the dog getting wet from the rain. So he set up the beach umbrella for the dog’s shelter. It turned out to be a most benevolent outcome after all. Now I know definitely that angels also look after our animal friends.

Oh, and I request a most benevolent outcome for these stories to help in any way someone new to requesting MBOs and help attract more people to the gentle way and may the result be even better than we can hope for or expect. Thank you!


Rhonda writes on Facebook: My husband and I use MBO’s and BP’s constantly, with great effect. I can’t tell you how many times I have found things using MBO’s. This weekend, I was putting together the 25-30 page newsletter that I do each month and I was having trouble coming up with a visual format that pleased me. I was grumbling about it to myself, saying things like, “This sucks. This doesn’t work. I hate this.” Finally, I realized I hadn’t done an MBO, and while I was fixing myself a cup of coffee, promptly said something like, “I request the Most Benevolent Outcome for inspiration for the newsletter format. Thank you thank you thank you.” I IMMEDIATELY thought of something, went back to the computer and came up with a stunning visual format. That made me happy the rest of the day! Thank you, Tom, for bringing this to so many people’s attention! Our angels rock!!!


Kostya in the Ukraine writes:  Yesterday was a nice sunny day; I had a nice walk on a Dnipro river. But my mother stayed at home for the whole day. This morning I woke up, saw another sunny day and requested an MBO for my mother to come out of the house today. In 30 min she said that she’ll go to a dacha. Great!

Just a reminder for anyone living in the northern latitudes.  Gaia says she’ll give you one sunny day a week, but you have to ask for it.  So early each week request a MBO for a Sunny Saturday!


Lee writes:  Hi, Tom. I have an MBO for you. My grandson has a “comfort” stuffed animal that we call his “Woobie.” He was getting ready for bed and we couldn’t find it anywhere. We looked high and low. Finally I remembered MBO’s and said one immediately for help in locating his most sacred possession. Within 3 seconds a thought popped into my head and I asked my husband if it was still in his truck from when he picked the baby up at nursery school. He went outside and looked and there it was in the car seat! Tragedy averted and very quickly!! I said thank you, thank you, thank you!!


Ann writes: My MBO story happened this winter. After going to bed one evening, I woke with severe acid reflux. I was quite sick and very disturbed. I thankfully remembered to do an MBO. The moment I said thank you, the acid reflux was gone immediately. I wasn”t surprised, but I was so thrilled that it worked immediately. I asked to remain free of this acid reflux, and I have not experienced it again. Thank you for sharing this wonderful tool with us to do MBO’s. I do them all the time about everything, and not only do they work, I feel so good about doing them. I have shared with many people and hopefully they will benefit from them also. I know some already have.  Thanks again for all you share with us.


Fredrick writes:  What could be a more benevolent outcome than coming back to Oklahoma thinking I would have to bury my father, but instead I’m taking him fishing! He is 96 years old, frail, and was in the hospital with pneumonia and end stage kidney failure. We were ready to order the flowers. Many people were praying for him in their own ways, but my sister was using Most Benevolent Outcomes. I had never heard of this, but felt it was something I could do, so I chimed right in.

Now, the physical therapist at his nursing center has organized a little fishing expedition for the two of us at a nearby lake for tomorrow. Dad has been my fishing buddy for the last 50 years. I don’t think he likes to eat fish all that much, but fishing was a way for father and son to spend time together. To go fishing with my father  another time is a precious gift for us both.

Thank you for teaching this great approach. 

Fredrick wrote later to say the fishing expedition had gone great.  They didn’t catch any fish which was a MBO for the fish.  


Gentle Way BookDon’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK!  Here is theGentle Way 2 link: .  You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  It has twice as many pages as the first book.  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  The first book is also available on  Either or both books can change lives!



TWITTER:  You can now follow me on Twitter. . resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here:    Let’s be friends!

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore Tom

Tom T. Moore

Send to Kindle

May 28, 2011

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 5-28-11



Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).

AUSTIN WORKSHOP:  JUNE 11, SATURDAY–10:00 AM-5:00 PM–ROUND ROCK, TEXAS (16 MILES NORTH OF AUSTIN) $75 in advance or $85 at the door.  People are already signing up for this event and space is limited, so you may wish to sign up TODAY!  Full day about MBO’s, BP’s, and other Tools for your Tool Box plus a guided meditation to contact your own Guardian Angel or Guide.  More information CONTACT KIM at  or telephone 303-917-6093.

I will be speaking at the Soul Explosion & Living Green Expo in Houston, Texas on July 30 and 31. Plus I will also have a half-day workshop that Saturday afternoon July 30.  It will be held in the Galleria.  Go to to sign up for either THE Austin or Houston workshop.

Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to .  I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to  Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s.  Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it.  In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase.  And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook.  I give extra information during the week there.

If you like forum discussions, I’ve been asked recently to post on one devoted to discussions about Benevolent Outcomes.  Perhaps one day we’ll have a forum on the website, but here is the link to this one for now:

Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool.  Now for some inspiring stories.


Teresa from Austin here.  I just wanted to send an email about the value of habitually saying MBOs.  I say MBOs daily, every time I get in the car, before I start projects, and for business.  My husband had a medical emergency last month, he passed out and fell hard on the floor and was unconscious but moaning horribly.  It was early in the morning and I was asleep, but the noise woke me, and I immediately ran into the living room (half asleep);  I saw him laying on the floor, bleeding (he had a gash in his head from the fall), still moaning and still unconscious.  Probably because I am so in the habit of saying MBOs, I had the presence of mind to say a short one (I really don’t even remember exactly what I said).  About 30 seconds later I was getting ready to call 911 but my husband became conscious, sat up and was lucid and said he was not in any pain.

We went to the emergency room where  cat scans showed that he had blood clots heavily in BOTH lungs.  Several doctors have said that he is the luckiest guy in the world to have survived that event.  Also, this happened just three days before he was going on an international flight and high altitude airplane flights and prolonged sitting can actually cause or worsen blood clots.  My husband normally has excellent health, but he had a back disc issue and was unable to exercise for several months and he was sitting in front of the computer for extended periods.  We now know you should get up every 20 to 30 minutes and stretch.

Anyway, I know this is pretty long but I just wanted to let you know that I believe the MBO request really made a difference and I think my husband’s Guardian Angel was working overtime to keep him safe.  I also realize it must not have been in his soul contract to cross over.  I will see you in Roundrock on June 11, looking forward to it!


AG on the forum writes:  For my trip to Macedonia I have requested, as you suggested, to have one of the best trips I have had so far. And I had, the most impressive being the way I have changed all the planes involved.

To Skopje I had to change three planes and each time there was someone who was going to the same exact place and could tell me how to catch on time the next connection. On the last plane, I sat next to a man who instantly became my soulmate. We exchanged visit cards and we’ll see what this friendship will turn into.

On the way back, the plane from Skopje to Prague was late and there were 20 minutes left to change in an airport, which is pretty big. However, on the same plane Skopje-Prague there were two of my male colleagues. One of them ran as fast as he could to the counter to say that we were late. They had already cancelled us from the flight, but once my colleague was there, they have waited for us and we got back to France safely.

During the whole trip I had this feeling that people were happy to see me, I have exchanged cards with some people I met in the hotel and I just felt that I was protected.  In addition, I had a lovely sauna and jacuzzi there!

When I write this, I smile and I am looking forward for new opportunities to use MBO’s.

I loved AG’s travel story. I haven’t told this story before, but I think this is a good place for it.  As I have mentioned before, requesting MBO’s keeps you on your soul “contract” as my GA Theo calls it–I used to call it soul path. And that means if you try and go off track it will not allow you to, as keep in mind that your soul contract is what YOU set up before this life for the most learning, experiences, knowledge, challenges, etc.

I spent two years trying to raise money for a package of World War II movies that a friend of mine in Paris and I had optioned the book rights to film. I traveled to Budapest, Prague (both beautiful cities), Cannes, Los Angeles, etc. to try to raise the money. One city I visited was St. Petersburg, Russia trying to convince a production company to put up part of the money to film there. Like all the other places I visited I was turned down, even though I requested MBO’s each time. But St. Petersburg was special anyway and what a great MBO it was, even though I had to look back later to see what a great experience it was.

I flew directly from the states to Frankfurt and then St. Petersburg, so I was jet-lagged, but the president of the company picked me up at the airport. As we traveled out of the airport there was a billboard advertising a Paul McCartney concert the very next day in front of the Hermitage Museum (there had never been a concert there before). I asked if there were any tickets left and they said they doubted it, but we went to the ticket office and naturally I requested a MBO. I got the last seat in the first 24 rows, right of center! We went on and they showed me various locations for filming, and the next morning I did a walking tour of the city and the Hermitage Museum, guided by one of the producer’s staff.

That early evening I proceeded to the concert. We experienced a pouring rain before it started and everyone was wet, but it didn’t matter. Paul put on a great show, and can you imagine listening to “Back in the USSR” sung to Russians–what a great time! Paul had been wearing a “No More Mines” t-shirt and at the end of the performance I was approached by a Russian, who spoke almost no English. He said, “T-shirt–Mines–Russia?” I got to do my tiny part for world peace and said, “No–World,” and gestured a world with my hands.  Here’s a link to that performance:

I finally asked my GA Theo why I had never been able to put together the package of films and he said that had I taken that path I would never have reached the number of people I’ll benevolently affect with my books and speaking.

I do encourage all of you to get out and see the world. You’ll find people all over the planet are much more the same than different, and you’ll certainly feel more in tune with everyone.  And requesting MBO’s will keep you on your soul path YOU CHOSE before birth.


Iris writes:  I had a seminar to attend and left on time. I noticed I left my wallet on the coffee table and had to go back. I was trying to make it 35 miles away by 7pm ( at the tail end of rush hour)and once I retrieved the wallet it was 6:17pm. I know… it takes at least 1 hour to get to my destination so I repeated an MBO that specified that time be compressed. I did not look at the clock and miraculously arrived at 6:55! Thank you angels for altering time so that I was not late!

If you’re running late, or need more time to finish a project or assignment, you can say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for a compression of time until (specify the time), thank you!” Then don’t look at a clock or watch.  You are cocreating and bending time!  Try it, it works, just as it did for Iris!


Patricia writes:  Went to Havasu yesterday and had a blowout on one of my tires.  We got it safely off the road and everyone was ok. I had to buy not one, but two new tires, and all was well. Was grateful that all was ok and that we were protected. Thank you angels I appreciate all of you.


Christa-marie writes:  In your latest newsletter you asked Theo about the amount of MBO’s one can ask. I have asked many of the ones repeatedly but felt that there were blocks, and that I’m missing something important about the process. Then I remembered having read something in the Gentle Way thread on the Steve Pavlina site’s forum. You or someone explained that better results will be achieved by asking an MBO for every ‘aspect’ of the issue at hand, usually a big or complex one. I started doing this with incredible results! To identify an issue, I pay close attention to the thoughts or emotions that pop up after I’ve asked the first MBO. I ‘work’ at these till I feel peaceful or just a sense that that I’ve covered all the bases. It really works for me! I even use my dreams to guide me in the process.

Since I started using the Gentle Way method only a week ago, specifically doing the above, I have experienced an enormous shift in myself. Emotionally I am much more peaceful, spiritually no other method/ technique has helped raise my awareness of and connection to my guides, angels, well, Everything! more, and my whole life is changing for the better in a big way. Not to speak of help with the smaller, everyday things 🙂

Thank you so much for being the teacher of this wonderful Gentle Way, and also for dedicating yourself to introduce this to as many people as possible. And thank you, Theo, for assisting Tom to do this!


Sunny writes:  Just had my car for inspection today – had a quote for 385Euros . When I dropped the car of I did a MBO and asked for a cheaper price when I pick it up …Even though I had no hopes for this one to come true as usually it will be a little more for extras not considered but in this case it worked ..AGAIN

With little extras not quoted I paid 350Euros.


JUNE 11, SATURDAY–10:00 AM-5:00 PM–ROUND ROCK, TEXAS (16 MILES NORTH OF AUSTIN)–WORKSHOP–$75 in advance or $85 at the door.  Full day about MBO’s, BP’s, and other Tools for your Tool Box plus a guided meditation to contact your own Guardian Angel or Guide.  More information CONTACT KIM at or telephone 303-917-6093. Sign up for the workshop at .

–$50 plus $10 entrance fee to the Soul Explosion & Living Green Expo.  For more information and to sign up, go to .


Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: .  You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  It has twice as many pages as the first book.     The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  The first book is also available on  Either or both books can change lives!


TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter. –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here listed as TOM T. MOORE. Let’s be friends!

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore

Send to Kindle

November 20, 2010

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 11-20-10




Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).

As we are in the middle of the Christmas Season, please keep in mind that Angel books make a great Christmas or Hanukkah gift! So please give one or both my books as presents to your family and friends.  Book II has great inspirational stories that can really encourage someone to start requesting Benevolent Outcomes in their lives.  You can order them from, your local bookstore, or from my publisher, Light Technology (  If you don’t have book II yet, put it on your Christmas list for your family to buy for you!

Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to .  I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to  Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s.  Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it. In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase.  And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook.  I give extra information during the week there.

I am doing something a little different with this Blog.  As this is the Holiday Season with lots of family reunions, I thought it timely to present an article that has been published in many regional and even international magazines.  The title, as you saw above is:



Copyright 2010

The months of  November and December are generally viewed as great months of parties, dinners with friends, and reunions with families.  But it can be a highly stressful time when you’re in charge of the dinner, or you have to travel, or you and your family are worlds apart in lifestyles and/or beliefs.

I’m going to give you some tips and suggestions to make this time period much less stressful and a lot more pleasurable.  About twelve years ago, in reading spiritual articles and books, I kept noticing the word “benevolent” used in stories about angels and their relationship to us.  As this is not a commonly used word in the English language, it was quite noticeable to me.  One day I read a suggestion to request benevolent outcomes for events in your life. I decided to try it out, and was amazed how PERFECTLY it worked for everything, from small requests such as a parking spot next to a busy restaurant or a seat on the subway to the really important situations in my business and personal life.  After having made these requests between 10,000 and 15,000 times over the years, I am firmly convinced that our Guardian Angels are there to assist us in living more gentle lives.  We just have to ask.

So how do you request Benevolent Outcomes from your Guardian Angel?  If you are cooking for your friends or family, consider saying, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome that the food I prepare will be perfect for my group, and that our time spent together will be enjoyable, thank you!”  Always thank your Guardian Angel, and the more emotion you can put into these requests the better.

These requests need to be said out loud or in writing and must be for something that is specifically for you.  Certainly you can change the wording to fit the circumstances, but remember that the requests have to be benevolent for not only you, but also all those involved in the request, as even if you request something that is not benevolent for others in error or on purpose they will not work.  This is your best friend you are talking to, so be assured that you can speak directly to them and in these simple terms.  You can never “use up” your requests.  Webster’s dictionary defines Benevolent as “A kindly disposition to promote happiness and prosperity through good works, or by generosity in and pleasure of doing good works.”  Doesn’t that sound like what we would imagine our Guardian Angel would do if given a chance?

If you must travel during the holidays, there are a variety of requests you can make.  You can request Benevolent Outcomes:

  • That you remember to pack everything for the trip;
  • That the drive to the airport or to the place you are going to be safe and free of traffic;
  • That the check in at the airport be fast;
  • That your luggage will arrive safely and on time;
  • That you speed through the Security Line with no delays;
  • That your plane and any connections you make be on time;
  • That (if you are traveling alone) you sit next to someone interesting, or, if you need to sleep, next to someone who will not want to talk;
  • That your friends or family are there on time and easy to find;
  • That if you are taking part in any sport during your holiday, from touch football, to skiing, to scuba diving, you remain safe from injury.

As examples I request Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s as I call them) for everything.  While packing for a trip, I’ll say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for remembering everything I need to take on my trip. Thank you.”  When it comes time to go to the airport, I request a Benevolent Outcome for the drive to the airport in safety and with no delays.  How many people have you heard about that have missed a flight because of a traffic jam or wreck on the freeway?

At the airport, I’ll say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome that my bags arrive safely and on time.  Thank you.”  Don’t forget to say “thank you” to your Guardian Angel.  David in St. Louis emailed to tell me he requested a Benevolent Outcome for making it through the Security check line with no problems (nothing can slow you down more than being “randomly” chosen for a full search).  There were two lines, one that traversed back and forth and the other for flight personnel.  Just as the person ahead of him was directed into the maze, the gatekeeper closed off that path and let David be the first person to pass through the fast-path route through security.  As he said, “that was cool!”

David also mentioned that he likes to request MBO’s for meeting interesting people on the plane.  I tried that out on a business trip back from Washington DC, and after a gentleman offered to trade seats with a young lady sitting next to me so she could sit with her friend, he turned out to be a buyer that I had not seen at the book market.  I was able to give him some information, which will result in a sale.  That’s how Benevolent Outcomes work.  It is so much fun to see how your Guardian Angel makes these things happen!

My wife and I went to a conference in Mt. Shasta, California—a really beautiful place.  On our way back to the Sacramento Airport, I requested a MBO for a safe and problem free drive.  On the car radio, there was a news bulletin that the California Highway Patrol was getting tough on Interstate 5 and would be ticketing anyone barely over the speed limit.  As we were driving along, I had passed several slower moving cars when an oversized pickup came up behind me.  I decided to let him pass, although there was still another car to pass ahead of me. As he passed, I started to move out again to pass the car when suddenly out of the bushes in the median roared a CHIP’s patrol car with lights blinking. I jumped back in line and watched as the pulled over the pickup.  That could have been me.  I have found over time that after requesting a MBO for a drive, the highway patrol cars are either turning off, going the other direction, or have just pulled someone over as I pass by.

One time I rented a car in Nice, France for the 20-minute drive to Cannes on a freeway.  Naturally I requested a MBO for the drive.  A few minutes into the drive a small car passed by me at a speed of approximately 90 miles an hour.  About 100 yards up the road, he tried to weave in and out of traffic, lost control, spun out and bounced off the guardrail ending up straddled across two of the three lanes of traffic.  Had I been five seconds earlier, I would have been in danger of being involved.  I was able to slow down and creep by the car on the far right lane.

Jean from Ontario, Canada emailed to tell me she was in Seattle on vacation.  She was exploring the city via their “excellent” bus service.  She asked for a Benevolent Outcome for her ride downtown.  As the driver approached his stop in front of the Seattle Center, home of the Space Needle, a parcel delivery truck suddenly stopped in front of him.  The bus driver had been looking at the bus stop to see if any passengers were waiting.  “Something” told him to look ahead, and he did, bringing the bus safely to a stop within inches of the truck.  No one was injured, and Jean was able to joke with the driver about all the paper work he had just avoided!

Perhaps you wish to share a taxi with someone to cut down on costs.  The Milan, Italy airport is a long drive outside the city, so I checked with the hotel concierge to see if there was anyone else that had ordered a taxi for the very early drive to the airport.  He had no one scheduled at 5:00 am in the morning, so I requested a MBO for someone to share my taxi.  The next morning when I checked out of the hotel there were no people in sight, so I was resigned to paying for an expensive taxi, when in walked five or six doctors from the Mayo Clinic who had been in Milan for a cancer conference.  They had hired a mini-bus to take them to the airport and invited me to join them, at no charge!

You can request a Benevolent Outcome that your visit with your family or acquaintances be cordial and pleasant.  Just say, “I ask that during the time I am at (name the location) that my experience be delightful.  Thank you.  This may seem like you’re asking a lot in some instances, but REQUEST THE IMPOSSIBLE!

Under this category comes family members or people you know will be at the party or reunion with which you have had a difficult time.  The reasons could include alcoholism, drug use, or you have had a difficult relationship with them in the past.  I suggest saying something like, “I ask that any and all beings come to the assistance of (name) so that they remain sober and pleasant during the time I’m there, and that they receive assistance in overcoming their problem.”  This is a “Living Prayer” that you can say for other people.  Change the wording to fit your circumstances.   Or you can say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for having a pleasant relationship with (name) during the time I am with them.”  Again, change the wording to fit your particular circumstances.

If you are worried about you and/or your children’s safety while in the presence of someone whom you know to be physically, mentally, or sexually abusive, then say,  “I ask that my safety and that the safety of my children be guaranteed now and in the future in a way that is Benevolent to us all.”  This can also be said if you are currently in a relationship where you are fearful for the same reasons.

If your job involves working during the Holiday period, then you can request Benevolent Outcomes that you will be safe at work each day, that your commissions will be higher than you hope for or expect, and that your time at work be pleasant with your fellow employees and customers. As an example say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome that my commissions be higher than I can expect or hope for.  Thank you.”  Don’t limit yourself to asking for a specific amount.  You might be asking for too low an amount!  That also goes for requesting a Benevolent Outcome for your annual Bonus.  If you must work to late at night, request a Benevolent Outcome for your walk to your car or bus or train stop.

There is what I call the  “Radiant Effect” when you make these requests.  Many of these requests will be benevolent for all of those around you, such as when you travel. Other people are affected by your request for safety in driving or flying.  If there are people in your car or on the bus, train, or airplane, they will travel in safety too.  When you request a Benevolent Outcome or say a Living Prayer for a pleasant time with someone who has caused everyone problems it has a Radiant Effect.   When you request Benevolent Outcomes for yourself, it also affects others who are present at the dinner, party, or reunion with you.  It makes for a much more pleasant time for everyone!  These simple requests can lower your stress and make your family’s holiday much more congenial and joyful!

Have a Most Benevolent Holiday period this year!


One of our readers, Kate, has designed the first two in a series of bumper stickers and T-Shirts.  Below are the images.  To purchase them, go to the website Store.  Here is the link:


Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: .  You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  It has twice as many pages as the first book.     The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! Both books are also available on  Either or both books can change lives!


TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter. –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here: Let’s be friends!

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore
Tom Portrait 3958 Smaller

Send to Kindle

July 24, 2010

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 7-24-10

·    1-800 MBO



Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).

Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to .  I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to  Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s.  Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it.  In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase.  And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook.  I give extra information during the week there.  Now for inspiring stories.


I’ll start with one of my own.  This last April I had paid over $1,200 for entrance to a world TV market in Cannes, France held two times per year and had reserved my hotel.  Naturally I requested a Most Benevolent Outcome (MBO) for my trip way in advance. As time grew closer, I grew perplexed as I was working on two large deals for my company, plus the number of people signing up to attend was way off the previous year at that juncture, plus business had really slowed.

I had really wanted to attend, but finally decided to let a representative of mine in Europe handle my meetings and I decided to stay put and work on the larger deals.  I was not happy about this at all.

The results were that I was glad I did not go.  One of the deals I was working on did come through, business continued to deteriorate through the spring and into the summer, plus the volcano in Iceland blew ash, and if you recall, many flights to and from Europe were canceled.  Several of my friends had to stay in Cannes an extra week (I know it sounds good, but you have to get back to your office) with the extra expense of hotels and food before they were able to get a plane out.

So all in all, a Most Benevolent Outcome!

1-800 MBO

Laurie writes:  Here’s an “instant MBO” for you.  Yet again I was struggling with confirming a hotel reservation.  I called the 800 phone number, went through all the prompts, and was informed by a recording that “all representatives were busy”.  I hung up, waited a bit, then dialed again.  In the middle of dialing the 800 number, I requested an MBO for a representative to answer immediately.

Well, one picked up immediately.  And I mean IMMEDIATELY.  It was only a few seconds after my MBO request.  I’ve used my “1-800 MBO” on all such calls ever since and have had terrific results.

Thanks Laurie!  I’m sure I’ll not be the only one using this from now on.


Rita writes:  Tom, I wanted to tell you about an MBO I requested……….too funny!

Two weeks ago, my daughter, her husband and 3 grandkids headed to Schlitterbahn in Galveston, Texas for a day of fun in the water. We had to take 2 cars because we had so much junk and my 16-year-old grandson was in the car with me.

I told him just to be safe I was going to do an MBO, and of course he wanted to know what it was so I explained. My request was “Angels I would like to request a Most Benevolent Outcome for our outing for the day, thank you Angels.” As the word Angels came out of my mouth my grandson said “And, please give us some good music to listen to on the way.” I just laughed.

Then he began to tell me about how he loved old ’70s and ’80s music, so I asked him if he liked Evil Woman by Santana. He is autistic and has a photographic memory, but as he reached for the button on the radio to change the station his reply was, “That song doesn’t compute, Meemah.” And, there at the other radio button was the song.

We laughed hysterically. Then he said, “No wonder I couldn’t remember the song, it was by Electric Light Orchestra.” Just thought I would share.

And he’s correct–it was The Electric Light Orchestra.


Angel writes:  I want to share this MBO that happened to me. I’ve been looking for a cheaper place to live. A while back I requested an MBO:” Guardian angel, I request a MBO that you help me find a bigger place with 2 bedrooms, Thank you”. Well a few weeks ago, my friend was trying to purchase his 3rd house and so he gave me the opportunity to live there and pay cheaper rent. I was happy.

But then this week he broke the bad news that he was no longer getting the house, because the bank was taking too long on the on the paperwork. So just yesterday, a friend told me about the big apartments where she lives now, they are spacious and the rent is cheap. So now am planning to move to an apt! It will help me a lot because where I live now, the main stores are 30-45 minutes away no matter what direction your going. So I will save on gas!!

The wierd thing is that I had a strong intuition that I was going to move very soon. I saw signs already.

Sometimes when you request MBO, be careful what you ask for. In a way, I appreciate what my G.A what he did for me. Even though it wasn’t a house that I expected to live in it, it turned out to be  an apartment. Your Guardian Angels know what’s best for us!


Sue writes:  Just wanted to tell you I love both your books! They have been so helpful in my life and in my kid’s too—we all do MBOs all the time.  I wanted to tell you of one that was the best so far—my youngest daughter and I were at the place of employment’s biggest fundraiser auction of the year and I bought 3 raffle tickets for $25.  The largest prize was a 42” Plasma TV.

So just before the numbers were drawn, I said an MBO to win the TV—and guess what??  We did!!!  My daughter was so excited, she couldn’t wait to tell her oldest sister!!!   I have done MBOs for parking, good days at work, but nothing real substantial until now.  How it reinforced my faith.  My kids and I have been going through a rough time (I am in the process of getting a divorce) so this was a real nice surprise.

Keep your newsletters coming with all your helpful tips!   Just wanted to share this story with you.  Have a great day!


Jeff Maziarek ( sent me this blog he posted on his website:  Perhaps three years ago a friend referred me to a book entitled “The Gentle Way” by Tom Moore. The key message in this book is that our Guardian Angel always stands ready to assist us in countless ways; all we need to do is ask. Tom’s recommended approach is to make the following statement: “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome (MBO) for_____ (fill in the blank) and then say “Thank You!” And, the more emotion you express when making the request the better.

An important point to remember is that you’re not always assured of getting your desire manifested, as in some instances it is simply your soul’s path for you to experience a particular situation in a certain way. However, it certainly doesn’t hurt to ask, for you never know what good could come your way. Tom recommends starting with simple things like asking that a parking space be available in a crowded area, and then expand your requests from there.

I’ve been using MBOs for a while now, and have experienced some very positive results. On Saturday I had an experience using one that I felt compelled to share. While trimming some tall bushes in my yard, ones that required me to climb up a ladder, I requested an MBO that I “remain safely on this ladder and not fall off.” As I reached the first step down from the top of the ladder, I began using my electric hedge trimmer to clip the few sprigs of new growth that had emerged in the past two weeks. I was able to cut all but one of them, but rather than stepping down the ladder, moving it, and then climbing it again I decided to try and use the device with my left hand only, and reach far across the top of the bush (which is about three feet across). As I began that effort, within seconds I was stung by a bee and I immediately screamed out in pain and then quickly descended the ladder. What didn’t make sense was there was no bee’s nest in the bush, just a lone bee who decided to introduce itself to me in an aggressive way.

In my view this is where the story gets interesting. The fact is this exact same thing happened to me two weeks ago when I was trimming the same bush and I had asked for the same MBO. The ladder was in virtually the same spot, and I was trying to do the same darned thing I tried today – reaching across the top of the bush with the trimmers in one hand. At that time I got stung on the same arm in essentially the same place. In both instances my left arm swelled up in a big way. On Saturday evening as I reflected on the latest bee sting, the thought finally occurred to me that in both instances my Guardian Angel granted my MBO – I remained safe on the ladder and didn’t fall off. However, I truly believe that in order to accomplish the MBO the Angel called on a local bee to assist in meeting the request. The fact is, if a bee hadn’t stung me both times, it’s quite possible that my effort to reach across the top of the bush while using the trimmers one-handed and standing near the top of the ladder could have easily led to me falling and causing serious damage to myself (like falling on the clippers for example).

So, it’s my conclusion that the bee stings were actually blessings in disguise, and these experiences have finally taught me that taking such risk on the ladder is not something I’ll ever do again. While I’m certainly not enjoying the pain of the sting that is persisting, I have to admit that I do feel deeply grateful for the bee’s role in manifesting the MBO I requested, as things could have been a whole lot worse.

Yes, indeed, we do learn something new every day if we just remain open and willing.




Log in up to 10 minutes prior to the broadcast at . Click on “Join a Live Event”. Enter your FULL name, Meeting ID: 271-620-369 (including dashes) and your email address. Then JOIN. I’ll talk about MBO’s and Predictions.  Hosted by Cindy Belmonte, , 805-520-3733 for your video conferences.  Ask me questions LIVE! Major Earth and Storm events are coming. Hope to see you there—and please invite your friends!


Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: .  You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  It has twice as many pages as the first book.     The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  The first book is also available on  Either or both books can change lives!


TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter. –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here: Let’s be friends!

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore

Send to Kindle

May 8, 2010

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 5-8-10


The Gentle Way Books

The Gentle Way Books

Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who signed up in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!”

Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to .  I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to  You can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s. Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it.
Attention everyone living in the Ft. Worth Metroplex.  I will be speaking at the Satori group get-together (everyone’s invited) May 14.  Details down below.

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: I will be having my first LIVE GLOBAL WEBCAST on Thursday, May 20. See the details down below.  You’ll be able to ask questions, so please tune in.  It’s F.R.E.E.!

Now for this week’s inspiring stories.


Each year I travel to Cannes, France for an international TV and Video market held there.  The one I am writing about was an uneventful trip (thanks to requesting Benevolent Outcomes) with two exceptions. I had the little “whisper in my ear” from my Guardian Angel Theo in Frankfurt while waiting for my connection that my watch was going to stop working, and I remember thinking (I was foggy from being on a plane overnight) that at least it had lasted for 20 years. Then I awoke from a nap while waiting and discovered the watch had stopped and it was only 25 minutes until boarding time.

Upon arrival in Cannes, I headed for the Rolex store nearby to see if it could be fixed (after requesting a MBO). I was having a hard time finding the address and stopped in another watch store to ask directions. After finding the store a few doors down, I was told it would take four to six weeks and a minimum of 400 to 600 Euros ($600 to $900) for the repair. I know prices in the USA are lower, so I headed back to the other store and bought the least expensive watch they had to tide me over until my watch is repaired. Had I not stopped in for directions, I would not have known where to go for a less expensive watch—a nice Benevolent Outcome!

The next night I ate at a pizza and Italian food restaurant near the “old” port in Cannes. There are a lot of these in the area, as Italy is just an hour drive or so away, just past Monte Carlo. I pulled my reading glasses out of the case and the lens on the left side, along with the screw, dropped out on the table. The screw rolled off the table and even with two waiters assisting me we couldn’t find it. I requested a Benevolent Outcome and luckily the print on the menu was large enough to read.

The next morning I asked the front desk where to have the glasses repaired, and was advised there was a store only one block away. The repair person replaced the screw and even the pads, which she said were yellow, and at no charge! It was a nice MBO. I do know from similar things happening like this before that I set these little challenges up on a higher self level in order to force me out of my routine, which also allows me to speak French; I am only able to use my French two times a year now. I used to also attend the Cannes Film Festival, but my lower budgeted regional films didn’t sell well there, as that is a market for art films and for films with highly recognizable stars, so I stopped attending.

After my book was published I started receiving emails from people with there own Benevolent Outcome stories.  One of the first was from David in St. Louis.  He said that he had requested a Benevolent Outcome for getting through a security line at the airport with no problems. When he reached the person who checks boarding passes and ID’s, she opened up a line that had only been used for airline crews and he was the first person through the line.  Then he requested a MBO for someone interesting to sit next to on the plane coming back from South Africa and had a great conversation with someone that put on metaphysical events.

The first time I tried it was coming back from Washington, DC from a bookstore convention.  I wound up sitting next to the buyer for a chain of bookstores and was able to show him my book and sell sheet, which resulted in sales.  With that success I have requested MBO’s to meet interesting people many times in my travels.

In Cannes, at the Italian restaurant I mentioned above, I requested a MBO to sit next to someone interesting, knowing that a lot of my colleagues were arriving for the market.  When I arrived I was seated at a table by the wall with empty tables next to me.  After my experience with my glasses, two young ladies came in to eat and instead of sitting one table away from me, sat down next to me.  We started talking and they were also there for the TV market, and came from Toronto, Canada.  The talk eventually led to a discussion about Benevolent Outcomes and one of the ladies, named Jenna, said that her mother had just returned from Sedona (one of my favorite places)!  Jenna and her friend Valerie said they would try requesting Benevolent Outcomes for their meetings.  A couple of days later I received an email from Jenna saying that the requests were going great.  In later emails she has continued to request them.

I also went to a reception the PBS station in New York has each market at a penthouse that overlooks the whole bay of Cannes.  I again requested a MBO to talk to someone interesting, and there were plenty of interesting people there. I eventually went to dinner with five ladies, mostly in South American sales and TV broadcasting.  One of the ladies promised to put me in touch with their dubbing service in Argentina and she told them to tell them to give me the same rate they have.   These are just examples of how many ways there are to request Benevolent Outcomes in your work and life.  Make it a HABIT!

Note on my last scheduled trip to Cannes in early April: I had bought my badge for the market and requested a Most Benevolent Outcome for my trip there. Then I kept hearing about how many of my potential clients were not going to attend, plus I had started negotiations on two extremely large deals for my company—either of which would surpass any normal business I would do at the market; I felt that I could not justify the expense of going and not being able to continue these negotiations and canceled my hotel reservation.

I’m sure you heard how people were stuck all over Europe and were not able to fly because of the volcanic ash cloud.  As you read above, I normally connect through either Frankfurt or Paris, and I would have been stuck in Cannes for at least an additional 5 to 7 days before being able to fly back to the USA, as I heard a number of my colleagues were.  This was DEFINITELY a big MBO for me!


MAY 14, FRIDAY—7:30PM—FT. WORTH, TEXAS—SATORI. This will be my third appearance at Satori, and this time I’ll not only talk about MBO’s, but I’ll talk about the predictions given to me for 2010 and beyond.  I’ll also have my new book there for signing.  For more information contact Phil Walthall at 817-222-1871 or

MAY 20, THURSDAY—6:00 PM PDT, 7:00 PM MDT, 8:00 PM CDT, 9:00 PM EDT, 9:00 AM SINGAPORE, 11:00 AM SYDNEY, 2:00 AM LONDON.
Log in up to 10 minutes
prior to the broadcast at Click on “Join a Live Event”. Enter your name, Meeting ID: 271-620-369 (including dashes) and your email address. Then JOIN. I’ll talk about MBO’s and Predictions.  Hosted by Cindy Belmonte,, 805-520-3733 for your video conferences.  Ask me questions LIVE! Hope to see you there—and please invite your friends!

JUNE 21, MONDAY—6:00 PM-10:00 PM—SEDONA, AZ—Sedona Creative Life Center. Jam-packed evening where I go through all the simple spiritual tools you can use every day the rest of your life and conduct a guided meditation for you to contact your own Guardian Angel.  For more information and to register:


Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: .  You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  It has twice as many pages as the first book.     The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  The first book is also available on  Either or both books can change lives!

Please email me (I’m also on FACEBOOK) your MBO stories, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore

Send to Kindle

April 23, 2010

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 4-24-10


The Gentle Way Books

The Gentle Way Books

Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who signed up in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!”

Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to .  I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to  You can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting Most Benevolent Outcome (MBO’s).  Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it.  Now for this week’s inspiring stories.


When my daughter had her wedding, anyone who’s gone through this experience knows how stressful it can be.  So here are some Benevolent Outcomes that happened by requesting them.

First was my wife’s search for a dress for the ceremony.  As Dena and I work together in our business, this means we had to take off from work to look for one.  Both she and I requested a Benevolent Outcome for quickly finding the PERFECT dress for her and that it would be better than we hoped or expected. In Dallas there’s a store with all sorts of beautiful gowns and dresses for all occasions called Terry Costa.  She’s the ex-wife of Victor Costa, the designer.  When we arrived we went directly to the sales section, as we didn’t feel the dress would be worn again for some time (if ever).  We found a beautiful dress that was originally offered at around $300 that was on sale for $120.  Then the sales lady, to our surprise, took off 50% to drop it to $60! It still needed altering, but so would have all the other dresses.

Then my son and I were to pick up our tuxes this past Thursday.  Naturally I requested a MBO for the drive there and that the tuxes would fit properly. They did fit well, and we left to return a bad laser printer to the Fry’s Electronic store about an eight minute drive back to the north.  As we were walking into the store my daughter called, and said the store had called saying I left my tux shirt on the chair there.  I was surprised, but sent my son in to get the printer while I drove back to the store, wondering why I didn’t get a Benevolent Outcome.  When I arrived, the owner said that our handkerchiefs had “just arrived.”  I’m quite sure he forgot to give them to us, so that was a good MBO that I had to return!  And when I arrived back at Fry’s they still hadn’t found the one printer, which was the only one left on sale.  Both my son and I requested MBO’s and finally after another 30 minutes they found the printer behind several other boxes of printers.

When my wife went out searching for a rehearsal dinner dress (after requesting a Benevolent Outcome), she immediately found one on sale for $22—and it looks great!


Annie in Ft. Lauderdale writes:  “I just traveled to France and dreaded the flights. The planes are always very full and I usually never sleep for the 9 hours they last.
For my flight to Paris, I had requested an upgrade of any kind. Well, I slept during half of the flight, which was a major improvement. I asked for a similar or better outcome for my flight back to Miami. This one is still amazing me; the flight was far from full, had 85 free seats and my daughter and I were able to enjoy four seats each so we flew very comfortably and slept a lot. Even the crew had never experienced such a empty plane on that specific line!

“Another one for you: I had misread the time my high speed train (TGV) was leaving Aix-en-Provence by 30 minutes. I had told my older daughter who was driving us to the station that it was 7:46 am when it fact it was 7:16 am. We left home at 6:55 for a drive that normally takes over 25 minutes.  I asked for a time compression. We made it three minutes early, and the train was late by 6 minutes – something that never happens, as French trains are known to be on exact schedule.  Thank you so much for teaching the world about the MBOs.  I am planning on asking for bigger and bigger outcomes.”

If you’re running late, say, “I request a compression of time until _____, thank you!” Then DON’T LOOK AT YOUR WATCH OR CLOCK.  Simply drive there and you’ll be surprised to see how fast you arrived.


Ellen writes:  “On Mother’s Day here in Canada our church provided the gift of bedding plants donated by a local nursery. They looked pretty worn, but I picked a 4 pack of pansies. I asked for a benevolent outcome when I planted them in poor weather.  They are doing beautiful; fresh and healthy.

“That was the second time I asked. The first time was amazing. Medical here is free but the waiting for an appointment except for an emergency is long!  I had been trying since April to get an appointment for a check up in May and then in June when that didn’t work out. Finally on Friday, 3 weeks ago, I had just ready your article and asked for the doctor’s office to call that they found an appointment for me in June. 90 minutes later, the receptionist called that my appointment was for June 11th. That made a believer out of me.

As I responded back to Ellen, be sure to request Benevolent Outcomes for everything in your daily life, so you won’t forget to request a MBO when you really need one.  This is a habit that must be formed, or you’ll eventually forget and go back to just being the ping pong ball bouncing back and forth from hit after hit.


Harry in Texas writes:  “I was scheduled to drive my Step-Dad from Mt. Pleasant, TX, to Tyler on Tuesday May 6th for Eye Surgery.  On Monday, May 5, I drove to Red Oak, TX to the Shooting Star Ranch and Retreat to take pictures of a site location for a Labyrinth our group wishes to build.  I also took all my massage equipment so I could give the owner of the retreat a massage.

“I asked for an MBO for the trip, and when I got there and stopped to open the Horse gate to let myself in, my car transmission only buzzed when I put it in drive to move through the gate.  I tried several times with the same loud buzzing.  Then I pulled the gearshift to the low gear and the car moved forward slowly through the gate.  I stopped, got out and closed the gate, and continued on to the house in low gear.

“As the lady came out to see who was there, I told her what had happened. Then I said…”And I asked for a Most Benevolent Outcome for this trip today!

“To make a long story shorter, I had a tow truck come and take the car to the transmission garage in Garland near where I live, and made arrangements with my son to come pick me up that afternoon with all my massage equipment.

“When I got back home later that afternoon, I contacted my Step-Dad to let him know what had happened, and to see what time I had to be there the next morning to make it to his appointment on time.  His appointment was at 7:45 AM–which meant I would have to leave my home at 4:00am to get to Mt Pleasant by 6:00am so we could leave at 6:15 for Tyler.  Then it hit me–Here was my MBO!!!!!!!

“If I had not traveled to Red Oak that morning, and just stayed home, and then left for Mt Pleasant the next morning, there is a good chance that my transmission would have “died” somewhere between Greenville and Sulphur Springs in IH 30 around 4:30 am in the middle of nowhere.  Then I would have been in a panic to contact my Step-Dad that early in the morning and have him find someone else on such a short notice to take him to Tyler, and then wait till daylight to get my car problem corrected.

“As it was morning, no panic mode set in; and emergency procedures were handled expeditiously.  I had the car in the shop by noon, and didn’t get it back till Friday.  And my younger sister took the day off and carried our Step-Dad to Tyler in my place.

“Sometimes MBO’s are blessings disguised as difficult problems, but they are indeed blessings because they avert other more difficult situations!”

I couldn’t have said it better myself, Harry!

If you’re requesting Benevolent Outcomes for specific things in your life, email me if you have an interesting storyHave a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore

Tom HS 2-27-10 JPEG

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April 17, 2010

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 4-17-10


The Gentle Way Books

The Gentle Way Books

Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who signed up in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!”

Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to .  I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to  You can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s.  Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it.  Now for this week’s inspiring stories.


Diane writes:  “I just had to share what happened the other day……… had me smiling to sleep and feeling so great and grateful.

“The other day when we got home my husband told me that he could not find
his wedding ring.  He has a habit in the morning to take his watch and ring off
and take his shower…..when he finished his shower his watch was there but
no ring.  He looked every where….floor, bed – no sign of the ring.  So he went
to work without his ring.  It bothered him of course and when I got home, I looked
for the ring….nothing…not even in the corner of the floor….no where to be
seen….so I immediately said my Most Benevolent prayer request!

“Well, we got into bed getting ready to go to sleep….my husband had the TV
on and was lying on his side when all of the sudden he felt something cold on
his leg…..he put his hand near his leg and what did he find?  His Ring.  He was
surprised and all he could say was I can’t believe it….and all I could say was thank you and smile from ear to ear….because of course I said “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for finding David’s ring.  Thank you! Plus I added one thing that my Mom has always taught me that also works….”Nothing is lost in Spirit” I was saying both of them and then just relaxed.  So Tom I had to share this with you because I felt good……happy, excited and very grateful and thanking my angels a million times.

”I also realized this week after this miracle that why worry and fret… in God
and your angels and all will be well.  Your Angels want to help you and they can’t
unless you call.

”I’m still working on the Most Benevolent outcome for the selling of my home and
my credit and getting some extra money so that we an move with no problem.
I have a strong feeling that I will get what I want in the selling of my home in
this down market….I refuse to go with the market or negative talk about not
getting the price that I want.  So far, some folks that I have contacted have given me
low amounts and I refuse to get discouraged…..I’m holding strong in faith knowing
that I will get the amount that I want and need for the house….my Angels will come
through for me….I know it.  Thank you so much………..I’m now on the start of great things.”

For those of you that read my book, you know I had a similar experience.  I realized after we had left a movie theatre that I didn’t have my wedding ring on.  When we arrived back home I called the theatre and they searched to no avail.  I was quite concerned because I had lost my first wedding ring during a Boy Scout canoe trip, and I didn’t want to lose my second one.  I looked all over the house and couldn’t find it, so I requested a Benevolent Outcome.  Then my wife went to her bathroom and found my ring where it had slipped off while quickly washing my hands before running out the door for the movie.

And my wife and I have both requested Benevolent Outcomes for selling our house at a good price, so we’re patiently waiting without fear.


Dianne in the UK says that Amazon in the UK is now stocking my books, as before it took three weeks for delivery and now only a couple of days.  And she writes:

“In one of your very recent emails, I read that you had traveled to Cannes for the World TV Market and had asked for interesting traveling companions and also to meet helpful and inspirational people; and of course, it happened just as you had requested in wonderful ways that you could never had imagined.  It just so happens that friend’s daughter-in-law was one of the people you met in Cannes and just by chance mentioned to her that she had met a ‘really interesting guy’ (at the TV Market) who had written a book about MBO’s!  My friend said she didn’t know who was more surprised at the story–my friend (she had the other copy of the first 2 books that I ordered) who had read the same newsletter–or her daughter-in-law when my friend told her that she used MBO’s all the time and had a copy of the book herself!  I wanted you to know that the word is spreading, Tom but then you knew that anyway!”

I’ll relate that story in a future Blog.


Cheri writes:  “I really enjoy the newsletter and have passed it on to friends. I have been using MBO’s sort of on-and-off since I saw you at Satori in North Richland Hills, Texas a couple of months ago.

”I want to tell you that my roommate, a dear friend, and I recently had a very powerful demonstration of the effectiveness of MBO’s.  Her daughter and her husband, originally married in a civil ceremony three years ago, were planning to celebrate their union with a marriage blessing in their church.  Our “extended family” was very excited about the upcoming celebration and had been making preparations for some time.  There was just one problem.  Due to a very limited budget and the high cost of renting a space, there were no plans for a reception after the ceremony.  The plans, though lovely, felt truncated, and we all longed for a way to bring this special occasion to a more appropriate conclusion.

”After exploring all conceivable (to us) options, we had finally, reluctantly, given up.  One week to the day before the ceremony, my roommate had a thought (divinely inspired!) about a room at her church that might be available for free.  Four days and many prayers later, she found out for sure that we had the room.  That left all of us three days to put the reception together after work.   For every obstacle we met, there were answers.  Resources, ideas, and people appeared just when we needed them. It took a lot of work, and some squeaky-close episodes, but the next Saturday night, after a beautiful ceremony, we had a great reception. Almost everyone who attended the wedding was able to attend, even loved friends who were attending another function at the same church and were drawn to our event. Thus, the happy couple got to celebrate their commitment to each other in the company of family and friends!”

What I would have advised Cheri would be to request a Benevolent Outcome when they had the problem, and very probably the solution to the problem would have presented itself earlier, or perhaps an even better solution.  They co-created the solution through synchronicity.  You’ll find this happening more and more as we move farther into the fifth dimension.


Jacquie writes:  “A great many changes have occurred, following my request for MBO’s.  During a heavy wind and rain downpour night my living room ceiling began to leak.  Retired and getting by, I asked for an MBO.  After all was said and done I received something in the neighborhood of $25,000.00 + or – dollars of work on my cottage.  Other needed work came to light when they came to inspect the roof.  It was all taken care of.  I’ll be at town hall tomorrow to wrap up paperwork on the completion of this work.  It would take another paragraph to list everything that was done.  It is a federal program called Small Towns Program for those 65 and older.  If that was not enough, I needed a new car.  Not a walk in the park with my retirement salary and identity theft issues.  I am now driving a 2008 Honda Civic of my dreams.  Oh, I forgot, I also received almost $3000.00 out of the blue.  You couldn’t make this up.  Who would believe you?  I am grateful to a benevolent universe, to myself for allowing miracles, and to my super duper guardian angle, and angelic guides.

“The above was written some weeks ago.  I’ve been unable to send to your e-mail, hope this one goes through.  But, by way of overkill, since the above was written I have received the notice of my “stimulation check” (as have many), and another notice from the CT Department I retired from that I will be receiving $2,000.00 from a union settlement with that department.   There’s a lot I want to do.  I keep reassuring my self that this is OK, that magic and miracles are our true nature.”


Laurie writes:  “I’m so glad you are mentioning the “Great Things Mantra” (as I now call it) in your latest video.  I’ve been saying it since you mentioned it, and have reaped some wonderful results.  One example:  I’m a writer and work is tough to get.  Not long after I began verbalizing the Great Things Mantra each morning, an editor called me up and invited me to submit a few story ideas for a science fiction anthology he is putting together.  (Believe me, I’m going to be asking for MBOs on that, too!)

”I’m also quite convinced that the combination of MBOs and the Great Things
Mantra are working to help me find the perfect agent for me and for selling my novel about Atlantis.  Already, two agents have responded to my query letters and have asked to see the first three chapters.  Your newsletters are a great pleasure to read.  I look forward to receiving them each week!”

You say each morning “I EXPECT GREAT THINGS TODAY, GREAT THINGS TOMORROW, AND GREAT THINGS ALL THIS WEEK, THANK YOU!” This helps overcome any subconscious restrictions you have against having abundance in your life.  You can now print out the sign to help remind you to say this each day by going to my website and clicking on SIGNS.  There are also signs to help you to remember to request MBO’s each day and a sign to say a Benevolent Prayer I say each morning along with the Expect Great Things mantra.


Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is in stock! Here is the link: .  You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  It has twice as many pages as the first book. The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  The first book is also available on Either or both books can change lives!

For many more suggestions on requesting MBO’s, please go to my website   You can also sign up to receive this weekly F.R.E.E. blog at  And I also have a weekly newsletter on more advance topics.  All the newsletters are archived under Articles and News on the website, plus I do a Podcast of the newsletters for those too busy to read.

Email me your own MBO stories, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week everyone!

Tom T. Moore

Send to Kindle

January 16, 2010

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 1-16-10


    The Gentle Way Books

    The Gentle Way Books

Welcome to this edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog for everyone that enjoys inspiring stories from around the world from people using this simple, yet powerful spiritual tool each day in their lives.  It makes life so much easier when you do.  You start with the simple, mundane requests such as a parking spot or seat on a subway or train to gain trust that this WORKS!

As an example, you would say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for a parking space next to _________, thank you!” Now you don’t do this one minute before arrival—you make the request as long in advance as possible to give your Guardian Angel (your GA) time to set it what with another GA so that a person who was planning to leave, leaves at the exact time you arrive.

Please feel free to visit my website, where you can also read or listen to my weekly F.R.E.E. newsletters, articles I’ve written for magazines, a couple of chapters of my first book, and more!  You can even print out signs to help you to remember to request Benevolent Outcomes each day.

This week I’m going to discuss how to ask for Benevolent Outcomes for other people. The earthquake in Haiti is a good example, so let’s begin.


Susie writes:  “I know you are being flooded with emails concerning the earthquake in Haiti and all the suffering that is going on there.   I’ve been asking my GA and other spiritual beings to help these people but I guess my question is how can I be sure that my requests are being heard?  Hope this is not too trivial.  I really enjoy reading your newsletters.”

When you say a Benevolent Prayer for someone else, you don’t always see immediate feedback as you do with many of your MBO requests.  In my first book I described how saying a BP for a couple on a plane, who had left her purse at security, and seeing the joy they felt when she returned with the purse.  So you do have to say these and have faith that they do work.

In this case have you not read nor seen on TV the massive amount of aid both from governments and the general public, it is huge.  So the question is, have you said a Benevolent Prayer for these people yet? If not, say RIGHT NOW, “I ask any and all beings to assist the people in Haiti affected by the earthquake to be rescued, and to be aided in recovering from this disaster, and may the results be even better than we can hope for or expect, thank you!” You say “ask” instead of “request,” as a whole different set of angels responds to these Benevolent Prayers INSTANTLY!
If we have hundreds more people saying this prayer, think about the ENERGY that is created!  Pass this along to your friends, and perhaps lead your group in everyone saying this—not just you.


Peggy writes:  “Hearing you talk about requesting MBO’s has changed our lives here in Ohio.  We’re having some major construction work done on our home so I requested a MBO for our carpenters’ workday.  Before they left that day they remarked that they didn’t know what happened but their work just flowed effortlessly and they got so much done!  I told them I asked for a MBO for them.

”I told my husband Joe about MBO’s and he was so excited about trying this.  We both do it every day now and throughout the day for everything–it’s a wonderous feeling to know none of us are alone in this journey.  This past Monday Joe asked for a MBO prior to leaving for an out of town 2-day workshop he was teaching.  His fellow teacher came in to work that day horribly sick–so Joe said he could handle the class all by himself.  His co-teacher has 16 years experience–Joe is a new teacher with 8 months experience in teaching weatherization techniques.  8 months ago he was milking cows at an organic dairy and working at Wal-Mart.  Our area is so economically challenged and it took him 2-1/2 years to find his present job.  Everything was on the line with this class.

”The class turned out so great–his 27 students all wrote great reviews of their experience with him.  His new bosses were so impressed that he was willing to handle this class by himself and that he did so well.  Joe’s confidence has soared and his future looks bright with this company and in this new field.

”I do upholstery and continually ask for MBO’s on every piece of furniture I work on.  I was so behind in all my orders because of a recent move we made and all the construction work going on around here.  Now I’m completely caught up and once again feel professional, on-time and excited about the magic of creating beauty with great workmanship.  I was assisted in clearing the back-log by my angelic helpers.  Thank you Tom, for sharing this incredible awareness in so many of us!”

And thank you Peggy for sharing some great MBO’s!


Laurie writes:  “Here’s another example that our guardian angels are ALWAYS listening:  Recently, my mom came home from the grocery store and realized that she didn’t have her purse.  (It’s a small clutch, not a big handbag.)  After some confusion and worry, she remembered what I’d told her about MBOs and asked God and the angels to help her find her purse.  She didn’t use the exact language of “I request a most benevolent outcome for…” but the message went out!  She returned to the grocery store parking lot two hours later (having first cancelled all her credit cards just in case), and while she and one of the managers were combing the area where she’d parked, the fellow bringing in the shopping carts came up to them.  He held up my mom’s little clutch purse and said:  “Are you looking for this?”  Not only had he found the clutch, he’d found it only a few minutes before encountering my mom.  It had been wedged in the flip-up seat of the grocery cart.  (Nicely hidden.  Thank you guardian angels!)

”And what a great case of synchronicity.  The purse had been sitting in the cart, out in the parking lot, for TWO HOURS, before my mom, the manager, and the cart collecting employee all merged.  Wow!

”I write fiction for a living, but if I wrote this incident in a story an editor would say it was contrived!”

Recently here in Dallas my son could not find his very expensive cell phone (to call it just a cell phone does not do it justice).  He looked all over his bedroom and office in our house and then looked in his car and so on.  Naturally he called his cell phone from all over the house but couldn’t find it.  I reminded him to request a Benevolent Outcome and he did.

My wife asked me to search his car once again, so I took my cell phone to ring his along with a flashlight.  When I rang it and heard no sound, I said out loud to myself, “It’s not here.” After it went to voice message, I dialed again and as it was ringing, my son came up behind me with his cell phone ringing.  It had been buried in a drawer in his desk and for some reason he didn’t hear it ringing before.  I got to go back to TV after 11 hours in the office.  A nice, quick MBO!


Daphnee in Vienna, Austria writes:  “I read your newsletter with interest and there was a request about marriage in the last one. I am trying also to formulate an MBO so that my marriage dissolves without having to go through drama and trauma.  Can you help me with a formulation that is more positive?”

For Daphnee and anyone else going through a divorce right now, I would suggest, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for dissolving my marriage in the most benevolent way possible, and ask that the emotional cords that are connected to my spouse be severed in a most benevolent manner, thank you!”

Then you can also say a Benevolent Prayer for you and your husband–“I ask that any and all beings assist and comfort both my husband and me so that this divorce be as amicable as possible and may the results be even better than we can hope for or expect, thank you!”

I Hope this eases the process for both of you and for any reader in the same situation.


Previously I included in a couple of blogs about my trip to Cannes, France and the Frankfurt Book Fair in October, but was a trip to England I took last March.

I requested a large number of MBO’s during the trip.  I now always request MBO’s for the safe arrival of my luggage, for getting through the Security line with no problems, and for sitting next to an interesting person on the plane. I always travel business class if I have enough mileage to upgrade, and on the Continental Flight to London from Houston, I did just that, but the plane was not full and there was no one next to me.  That allowed me to “spread out” with things in the seat next to me, and there was no sound of someone eating while I went to sleep after taking a Melatonin (vitamin that helps you sleep if you are not familiar with the name).  Plus it was easy getting up to go to the restroom without having to climb over someone else in the middle of the night.

I requested a MBO to easily find Val Stoner at the London Heathrow Airport, and had stood there waiting at the coffee shop for less than 5 minutes when she arrived.  I stayed at a very nice Bed & Breakfast in their largest room Val had arranged.

The B&B was only a one-block walk to the railway station, where on Thursday I went to Windsor for lunch with one of my DVD company clients in the UK.  I had to change trains twice and requested MBO’s for getting to the right train. At each of the two stops there were kind people who directed me to the correct track.  I even sat near a gentleman from Philadelphia who’s a “head-hunter” living in Windsor and a lady going to a play that was headed for the West End in London.  They directed me in the right direction to Don Beni’s restaurant.  The waiters sing there.  Fun place if you are ever in Windsor visiting the castle.

On the way back I requested a MBO for the trip and was OK with the first change, but arriving in Twyford, I wound up following a sign saying Henley, but it was incorrect.  There was NO ONE on that platform to ask.  Then suddenly out of nowhere two ladies appeared, inspecting some construction work on the platform.  I asked and they said that the train was on a different platform and pointed to the train already sitting there.  I thanked them and ran up the stairs, over the bridge and down to the platform, thinking they might close the doors any second.  They didn’t until 3 minutes after I entered the train car.  Now THAT was a Benevolent Outcome!

We had a great time in the workshop and I had requested a MBO for that, and had everyone request it too. Then on Sunday Val and her husband Jim took me to the London City Airport for the flight to Nice, France.  I naturally requested a MBO for the drive, as we had to go through the middle of London. We arrived in plenty of time.  I really must publicly thank Val for all the work and friendship.  She’s a great lady and a catalyst for Benevolent change in the United Kingdom.  Mine was the first workshop she arranged in the UK, but she has several more in the works.  If there’s anyone else that would like to sponsor a workshop, let me know soon, as I must plan months in advance.

The London City Airport is such a small airport that they close the Security line down at times.  Naturally I requested a MBO for my luggage to arrive on time, and for my trip through the Security checks.  I also requested a MBO to sit next to someone interesting on the plane. The Air France commuter jet I flew on holds 81 people and it was stuffed with people attending the world TV market I was headed for.  There was a jolly English chap that sat on my row in the plane and we exchanged business cards.  He’s the managing director of an internet supply company and has already sent me an email upon my return suggesting we do some business.  The runway is so short that the pilot kept the brakes on while revving the two jet engines up to full power, then letting off the brakes and off we went like a catapult.

Upon arrival in Nice, it was in a downpour.  I had been given a free bus pass as part of my “platinum card” service (earned through many years of attendance at this market), so I requested a MBO to not have to wait too long after I picked up my luggage, and the wait was a short 10 minutes. Again there were lots of market people on the bus to talk to.   As it was raining, I hurriedly walked the two blocks to my hotel with an umbrella stuck in my jacket while I rolled two bags.  After checking in, I requested a MBO to pick up my badge with no problems and that went smoothly—with no lines. I had requested a MBO for someone interesting to sit next to for dinner, and it turned out to be my old friend Dominique, as a dinner with a French client had been cancelled when they decided not to attend at the last minute. It was nice to catch up, as I know that having these dinners will not happen as often in the future; Theo has told me that our paths will divide more in the future, especially when requesting Benevolent Outcomes becomes widely known in the next couple of years.

Each day at the market (as I do every day) I would say the EXPECT GREAT THINGS TODAY mantra (found on the website under the SIGNS tab for new readers of this blog).  And then I would request a MBO for all the meetings that day to be productive, and the results to be even better than I could hope for or expect.

I won’t bore you with the rest of the details of the business portion.  I requested MBO’s for not having to wait long for the bus back to the Nice Airport and it was again less than a 10 minute wait. I was hoping for an upgrade to business class for the flight to Paris, but it was all coach.  The MBO was that I had gotten in the Elite or Business Class line so my wait was much shorter than the coach line, and two of my clients from Japan were in line and they got me an invitation to the Elite lounge where I had a free sandwich and cola.

In Paris, my bag showed up in reasonable time and the wait for the shuttle bus to the hotel was not too long.  I flew back to Houston on Air France the next morning next to an attorney whose main client in Europe was Airbus, and he was pleasant.  On the plane I mentioned just a little about The Gentle Way.  As we approached the Passport Control there was a huge crowd there from two 747’s that had arrived before us.  As we went through the queue, I saw there were two lanes that were roped off.  I quickly requested a MBO for them to open, and they did open just three people in front of me. I told the attorney that this was an example of THE GENTLE WAY.

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Have a Most Benevolent Week!


Tom T. Moore


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