The Gentle Way Book For People Who Believe In Angels

August 9, 2014

Benevolent Outcome Blog 8-9-14


Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people who wish to learn how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!  

This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!”  When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronyms MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).   My website is


Gautam in India writes:  Yesterday some crucial data could not be found on my computer after a long search. Gave an MBO and found the data in a few minutes.

Gave an MBO for financial success in business at the fastest possible time.… new insights have come to change my strategy and change my priorities, which I am now following.

Many a times when in a difficult situation I give an MBO for help and the difficulty level is reduced to enable forward movement in that situation.

An MBO for solving my age long back problem is this year bearing fruit...I was directed to the correct place for treatment and their post treatment advice of joining a gym and strengthening my back muscles is working like a miracle. Some MBOs take time to show their results. So for me some MBOs work short term, some medium term and some show results long term.


Mary writes:  Tom – here is an MBO story. My husband and 20-year-old daughter were on vacation last Monday when my daughter got upset over something posted to her FB page. Her upset spilled into rudeness toward my husband, and they had a fight with the upshot that my daughter was going to just leave my husband high and dry and fly home nearly a week early. I tried to help her realize how hurtful that would be for her father, but she could only see her point of view.

My husband was deeply hurt by her lack of consideration of his feelings and basically felt he was nothing more than a cash register for her. I felt bad for both of them because they really have a wonderful father/daughter relationship and this incident could have really harmed that. So I said an MBO for the both of them to resolve their differences in the best interest of both of them and asked for an outcome better than I expected.

Within a few hours my daughter reconsidered her hasty decision and decided to stay and work out her differences with her father. They ended up having a wonderful rest of vacation and no harm was done to their beautiful friendship. Indeed, my daughter, who is emotionally immature for her age, took a step toward being an adult with this situation. I was very proud of her. That’s my MBO story. I use MBOs all the time, and they always, always work!


Katherine writes:  My boyfriend and I have walked in a particular park near his home for three years now. We love it because of the trees, water and even a waterfall. There are many geese and ducks. Every time we walk here, something spectacular happens as a gift to us. We always request a benevolent outcome and it happens. We giggle as we approach the park because we always wonder what gift we will be presented with. One of our favorite gifts was an entire field of lightening bugs. We are always in awe and filled with gratitude!!


Janet writes:  I was awakened recently in the dead of night with a very excruciating cramp in my right calf.  I usually get out of bed immediately since putting weight on my feet seems to help reduce the pain, and head for the Bach remedy Impatiens, which works fairly quickly to get the cramp to leave.  
This cramp was so intense, the worst I ever had.  The pain was so strong that I couldn’t walk!  So I asked for an MBO for the pain to stop – the response was INSTANT!  I couldn’t believe it!  The pain totally stopped as soon as I finished making my request.  Thanks for all you do!


Sandy writes:  I asked for a headache free afternoon at art class, meaning my meds kicked in, and they did, and I had a nice art class.


Lee writes:  I have an interesting MBO for you. My husband was selling some scaffolding that he no longer needed on Craigslist.  I said an MBO for it to sell quickly and at a price better than we could expect. He put the ad up last year while we were at our vacation home. A gentleman called, but we had all ready left early to return home. He said he would wait until we came back.

We kept his phone number and called he last week when we got back in town. He finally came by today to look at it. My husband was asking $100 for it and he offered $80 so my husband said OK. While loading it into his truck the man said that the scaffolding was really nice and gave my husband the full price! Now that’s a price I can smile about! We have a refrigerator in the garage that we need to get rid of and he told us where to take it to get the best price.  Thank you, Tom.


BlogIf you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world.  I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out.   And have you requested that AudienceI be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet?  Please do so.  I do give extra information there.  I also post on TWITTER. 

If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me.   And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them. 


Gentle Way BookDon’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other The Gentle Way IIIservices!  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  All three books can change lives!



TWITTER:  You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at .  Let’s be friends!

BOOK EDITOR:  Need an editor for your upcoming book?  Email me.  Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books.

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore Tom

Tom T. Moore

Send to Kindle

June 28, 2014

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 6-28-14


Tom T. Moore's Books

Tom T. Moore’s Books


Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people who wish to learn how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! 

This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!”  When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronyms MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).   My website is


Spanish_Gentle_Way I’m sure you’ve been seeing on TV and reading about all the sectarian violence in Iraq. It would be easy enough to say, “Let them kill each other,” but we know that’s not our path.  Here’s a Benevolent Prayer you can say out loud: “I ask any and all beings to keep the citizens of Iraq safe, and for all the countries of the world to work to bring peace to this troubled country, thank you!”

My first book is out in Spanish! Title is El Camino Amable.  You can find it on Amazon at on both Kindle and in print now.

Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool to TomTMoore6(at)  Now for some inspiring stories.


(Tom) Here is one that just occurred to me.  My wife could not find a file on one of our international clients, so she asked me to look too.  I started to look, but after a couple of minutes I requested a Most Benevolent Outcome (MBO) to find the file and within two minutes I found it on a shelf that was above her eye level.  


Dan in Calgary writes:  Here’s an MBO that came to pass, but took over a year to do so. Last year, one of my staff members was enroute to the school I work at and she hit an icy patch, crossed the narrow grassy median, bounced over 2 oncoming lanes and landed in the ditch on the opposite side. Aside from being rattled, she was ok, but it could’ve been tragic had she collided with any oncoming traffic.

I took it upon myself to see if we could get some barrier system in place, so I began a campaign to influence the Transportation Minister to install something. After a year plus of also working with our local politician, I recently was made aware that a cable-barrier system will be installed for the 6 kilometer stretch of highway that has no real median. This will undoubtedly save lives for many years to come. Just a wonderful example of an MBO coming to pass that will be good for me and all those who travel that road.


Sandy writes:  I was visiting my sister in a housing development.  Her grandson loves to look for critters around the yard, and Ben was looking for frogs.  He found one and my sister told him that while frogs need water to keep it, toad’s require dirt to live in.  Her grandson said, how can I find a toad?  I told my sister that maybe she could request an MBO for one.  Well, a few hours later my sister comes excitedly into the house and said, “I requested an MBO for a toad, and Ben found one right on the frame of the front door!”  We all laughed and talked about how the MBO worked.   

I returned home and my daughter and family were visiting from Florida.  Her husband Rodney was going on his annual camping trip with friends near Strasburg, Virginia from Wednesday to Sunday.  Rain and storms were forecast throughout the week.  I mentioned to Rodney, maybe you can request an MBO for no rain during your trip.  Well, that weekend we had 2 huge storms, and flooding was rampant throughout the area.  Roads were covered, bridges overflowing, mudslides, etc.  When Rodney returned home I asked him if they had rain during their trip.  He said with a big smile, “No!  It must have been the MBO you requested.”


Tom in Michigan writes:  I’ve been following you for a few years now and decided to drop some material for your newsletter –
Since January of 2013, I’ve been saying an MBO every time I get into the car.  I have an approximate commute of 35 miles or so one way every day (less now; see second part of message!).

“Dear Angels and other Beings- I request a Most Benevolent Outcome on this trip that it is safe, timely and incident free.  Thank you!”  Even with the past two harsh Winters we’ve had here in Michigan I was never late for work.  (Granted, some of those storms they got rid of the ‘late’ rule…they were happy we showed up!)  There were three times I missed my request and this is what happened:
1.  Ticket for expired license and registration.
2.  Flat tire
3.  Blown fuel pump
I now have a little post-it note on my steering wheel reminding me to say my MBO’s!
I was stuck in a dead-end, non-fulfilling job that was making me (and my family) crazy. Almost 90 miles a day round trip commute. I won’t go into the conditions of the company since it is all in the past so I wrote out my wants and desires for a new position.  I then said an MBO around Halloween of last year (2013) and by Thanksgiving I had four options on the table!  One was pretty far-fetched but it was still a good lead.  I’m now very content in a position that was sort of a “combination” of several points of the MBO.  I’m still reeling at how quickly it all happened and all fell into place after I spoke my MBO.
Thanks Tom, for sharing what you had learned about MBO’s!!!


Eleanore writes from Florida:  Last week it was very hot so I decided to go to a nice air conditioned mall and treat myself to a little crystal ladies’ clock for my bedroom.  The first store I went to (Dillard’s) had just sold their last Waterford ($189) and believe me, I was not heartbroken.  I went into every gift shop and nothing so I used an MBO. 

I got the inclination to go into the one store I never use, Macy’s.  I walked all around and didn’t even see a clock of any kind. I stopped at a counter that had things on it I had no interest in.  I looked down and there, RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME was a cache of exactly the clock I was looking for.  It was Stafford crystal for $20.  When I went to pay for it  – – – drum roll- – – it was 50 % off!!!  Now, how’s that for an MBO success?  I said thank you all the way home for the outcome certainly but mostly for the assurance that my Buddy Angel is with me and is on the job when I’m contact through my MBOs.

Lord, Man, I cannot ever thank you enough.  Oh yes,  in the health category, I’m 100%.  That’s accomplished through The Daily Affirmation.

You can find the Daily Affirmation on my website at


Victoria writes:  I am so grateful that I found your books. Life changer. Living in ease and flow what a great way to live life.

On our drive to Atlantic City we stopped in Delaware. I was starving and we couldn’t find a place to stop. MBO sent us to a beautiful state park. While we stopped to have a quick bite it started to rain heavily. The roads were flooded, not knowing the area well we were nervous continuing our journey. We said a MBO and our GPS directed us to the ferry. We had a safe fun time on the ferry and arrived an hour earlier.  Very grateful for the blessings.

Thank you for giving me a chance to share my story.


Rahul in India writes:  Hope you are well. This is Rahul from India and I am the latest addition to your readers list and I recently bought all the three editions of your book The Gentle Way. Intrigued as I was and I am with the concept, I have started to apply it. It has indeed worked for little things like parking space, traffic on the road, a particular comfortable place in a coffee shop.

In fact once on my way to office, I also asked for a number 111 be shown to me if this was real. And I happen to chance upon two such instances where exactly this number came in front of me (one on a billboard as part of someone’s mobile and the other instance a car plate number that started from 111 – amazing!)

Am on my way to reading all your three books- they are WOW!!


BlogIf you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world.  I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out.   And have you requested that AudienceI be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet?  Please do so.  I do give extra information there.  I also post on TWITTER. 

If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me.   And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them. 


Gentle Way BookDon’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other The Gentle Way IIIservices!  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  All three books can change lives!


  You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 .
–Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at .  Let’s be friends!BOOK EDITOR:  Need an editor for your upcoming book?  Email me.  Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books.

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore Tom

Tom T. Moore

Send to Kindle

June 19, 2014

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 6-21-14


Tom T. Moore's Books

Tom T. Moore’s Books


Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people who wish to learn how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!  This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!”  When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronyms MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).   


I’m sending my Blog out early this week, as I’ll be out of town on Saturday, when I would normally send it.  

I’m sure you’ve been seeing on TV and reading about all the sectarian violence in Iraq. It would be easy enough to say, “Let them kill each other,” but we know that’s not our path.  Here’s a Benevolent Prayer you can say out loud: “I ask any and all beings to keep the citizens of Iraq safe, and for all the countries of the world to work to bring peace to this troubled country, thank you!”

My first book is out in Spanish! Title is El Camino Amable.  You can find it on Amazon at on both Kindle and in print now.

Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool to TomTMoore6(at)  Now for some inspiring stories.


Gautam in India writes:  My MBO: I was thrown out of my business group for not participating for quite some time. I requested an MBO for being reinstated. Though the group administration does not do that after you are thrown out, they made an exception. Thank you Tom.

Tom, the BP we all gave for the highest good for election in India has worked – a very corrupt government has been replaced by a benevolent one. Thank you from 1.5 billion people of India.

I was struggling to download a program after the program still had some files that did not work. I gave an MBO to resolve this situation and within minutes, magically while shifting the download between folders, the non-working file names got shortened and they started working. I was shocked, who shortened the name of over 20 files in 5 seconds…and got them to work…. one hell of a magician…I am thankful for the divine intervention and solution. The best and fastest MBO till date.


Denell writes:  I requested a Most Benevolent Outcome to receive the financial assistance needed to travel to and take Doreen Virtue’s class in Maryland if this would be for my highest good with results even better than I could expect or hope for, thank you!

I had a yard sale and made over $150 (which is a ton more than I usually make) and then I also received a double order in my business so I am now able to attend! With my yard sale I also asked for assistance to direct the correct people to me!

Thank you Angels!


Lee writes:  I requested an MBO for a dryer repair that would be easier and far less than we could hope for. The technician called this morning and was able to talk my husband through the repair at no cost to us!


Anne writes:  I was in Pakistan for a three-week vacation and got home last Tuesday. I asked multiple MBOs especially while traveling and I truly believe the angels were there with me all the time.


Joy writes from Dallas, Texas:  My brake lights went out on Friday. Took car to my mechanic on Saturday afternoon. They couldn’t find out what was happening, I walked home and said an MBO for a simple inexpensive fix. Picked it up this morning–only $35.00.


Carell writes:  Intuition kept telling me I should get my front brakes checked. It costs $25 for a diagnosis. I signed up to find out what my deal was. I did an MBO for the brakes to cost way under what was possible, that I had an really easy experience with the tire/brake guys today and that I was already happy and out of there. Of course, that’s what I received. I arrived in the nick of time to save my rotors and do brake pads and they even rotated my tires for free. $420 became $245, including the tire rotation. Thank you, Universe!!!


BlogIf you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world.  I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out.   And have you requested that AudienceI be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet?  Please do so.  I do give extra information there.  I also post on TWITTER. 

If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me.   And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them. 



Gentle Way BookDon’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other The Gentle Way IIIservices!  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  All three books can change lives!



TWITTER:  You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at .  Let’s be friends!

BOOK EDITOR:  Need an editor for your upcoming book?  Email me.  Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books.

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore Tom

Tom T. Moore

Send to Kindle

June 14, 2014

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 6-14-14


Tom T. Moore's Books
Tom T. Moore’s Books

Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people who wish to learn how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. 

It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!  This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!”  When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronyms MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).   


Do you teach classes to your group or organization?  If you would like to teach a class on MBOs I can provide you with my PowerPoint presentation.  So, if you wish to “spread the word” on this amazingly simple, yet powerful spiritual tool, email me at tomtmoore6(at)

Spanish_Gentle_Way May I remind you that all of my newsletters from 2007 until last week are archived on my website at  In the Appearance section, you can find past radio interviews that I’ve done should you care to listen. In the Signs section, you can print out a number of MBO and BP signs. And there is much, much more.

My first book is out in Spanish! Title is El Camino Amable.  You can find it on Amazon at on both Kindle and in print now.

Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool to TomTMoore6(at)  Now for some inspiring stories.


A short one of my own.  I request a MBO each time I drive somewhere.  It’s AUTOMATIC!  Drove to our postal service the other day and in between the time I arrived at the postal place (a five-minute drive from my house) and the time I began my drive back home, there was a wreck on the other side of the street right in front of the district police station.  The police were just arriving as I passed by, and then I passed an ambulance one-minute later heading towards the accident with its siren on.   Requesting MBOs keeps you out of trouble.  Had I been five minutes later I could have been in the middle of the wreck.   This is at least the third time I’ve been close to a car wreck.  The other two I’ve related before and were much closer—seconds.  

I’ve even requested a MBO to never be involved in any kind of car wreck the rest of my life.  


Sherry-Ann writes:  I depend on MBOs to help me keep my anxiety levels down. I become stressed very easily, so when it happens I say an MBO. It relieves it to the point where I can feel comfortable when I’m at work (where most of my stress is generated). It also helps me when the anxiety gets ratcheted up enough where I feel so frustrated I want to cry. I say an MBO and then give myself a minute to pull it together. It helps A LOT!

This is a great use of MBOs!


Diana writes:  Lost my very important safe box key, requested an MBO and found it quickly. It inspires “where” to look.


Lee writes:  I have a quick MBO for you today. I needed to go to two stores today for supplies. I requested MBO’s a couple days ago for an easy drive to both stores, a great parking space that did not have large vehicles parked near or next to the spots, able to get what I needed quickly and at a price that was better than I could expect, and everything that I needed to purchase was in stock.

I also said an MBO for a quick checkout and pleasant experiences in each store. Well, everything went as asked and better! Such pleasant, helpful salespeople and customers, too! Got everything that I needed and some things were unexpectedly on sale! My advice? Plan ahead! Thank you for all you do!


Kuizad writes from Pune, India:  I write in to personally thank you for introducing The Gentle Way.  Recently I learned about Most Benevolent Outcomes on the Facebook group page of one of the healers I am following where she shared the link to your site. I read a little of what you have shared and applied for myself and also shared it with a friend who had approached me to help her with an issue with her bank.

I have personally experienced the immediate assistance received from the angels and so did this friend of mine.  I am grateful to the angels and also thank you with all my heart for bring this simple prayer approach that helps us connect with our angels.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Sandy writes:  I ordered B2 vitamins from Amazon and I needed them quickly despite using free shipping, or the slowest service. I did an MBO. They were at my doorstep two days after ordering. WOW!


Gautam in India writes:   [Referring to story about Michigan teen who carried his brother who has cerebral palsy 40 miles on his back] “Honestly, yes, there was a point that we did consider stopping,” Hunter said. “Braden’s legs – the chafing was getting pretty bad. We did have to consider stopping. It was at about the 30-mile point.”

A phone call changed all that.

Hunter reached out to a friend, who said a prayer for the brothers. That, combined with some rest and a change in how Braden was positioned on his brother’s back, helped the boys make it the final 10 miles.…/michigan-teen-walks-40-miles

This is just one story about the power of prayer.  We call it “Benevolent Prayers” because anyone of any faith can say them together.  The more people who say the same prayer out loud the greater the energy created, so remember that the next time you’re asked to say a prayer in any type of group situation.  Have everyone repeat the prayer as you say it.


BlogIf you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world.  I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out.   And have you requested that AudienceI be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet?  Please do so.  I do give extra information there.  I also post on TWITTER. 

If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me.   And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them. 


Gentle Way BookDon’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other The Gentle Way IIIservices!  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  All three books can change lives!


TWITTER:  You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at .  Let’s be friends!

BOOK EDITOR:  Need an editor for your upcoming book?  Email me.  Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books.

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore Tom

Tom T. Moore

Send to Kindle

May 24, 2014

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 5-24-14


Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed

Tom T. Moore's Books

Tom T. Moore’s Books

in the past week.  This Blog is for people who wish to learn how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!  This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!”  When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronyms MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).   


Spanish_Gentle_Way My first book is out in Spanish!  Title is El Camino Amable.    If it’s not on  Amazon yet, try my publisher’s website at  You can copy this image and send to your Spanish speaking friends and family.

All my books are sold on in both print and ebook formats, if you wish to buy them that way, You can read SAMPLE CHAPTERS of all the books at

Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool to TomTMoore6(at)  Now for some inspiring stories.     


Rick writes:  I have a living prayer for your next newsletter. I had a problem with my car stereo. Same thing happened last year. Disconnecting the car battery and letting it reset did the trick. I tried that this year, and it didn’t work. I didn’t want a new stereo because of the costs, so I made an appointment to have the factory stereo that came with the car re-installed. As the date approached, I kept reminding myself to ask the technician to try one more time to reset it. On the way to my appointment, I said a living prayer for the technician to have a flawless re-install.

When I arrived, before I could ask the technician to try one last time to see if he could fix it, he asked me! He goes out to the car to bring it into the garage. A few minutes go by, he returns on foot and says the stereo is in perfect working order. I tried everything to see if it worked and it was perfect. I asked him what he did, and what he showed me is exactly what I had tried before. He said to me, “I guess it just likes me.”

Saved me the time and hassle of putting the factory stereo back in the car, which is what I didn’t want to do.

In my first book I called these prayers Living Prayers, but the requests were all over the place in verbiage.  In book II, I was “inspired” to create an easy way for everyone to say these prayers you say for other people and beings.  Now you can just start off by saying, “I ask any and all beings to ………, thank you!”


Sandy writes:  When I was at the YMCA’s pool yesterday a little kid was squealing at the top of his little lungs. He wasn’t upset, he was squealing because his parents were egging him on. I have sensory issues due to a medical condition that leads to headaches when hear this sort of sound. I said an MBO. That kid went from banshee to near silence in a second.


Nancy writes from New York:  Tim and I had to replace some items in our car of 10 years. It’s been good to us, and we wanted to repair it and see how much farther than 100,000 miles it could take us!

So of course I said an MBO for a perfect repair at a great price for my car, and took it to my usual mechanic. He said that the air-conditioner compressor was cracked, and that at the age of my car I should replace the timing belt for a thousand dollars at the dealership, as he didn’t do air conditioning problems or timing belts. So on a hunch from May, my GA, I took it around the corner to another garage. They told me that they could fix the timing belt for $350! But they also said that, as long as they were in there, water pumps often needed replacing at this point in a car’s life too. It all came to twelve hundred and fifty dollars. SO we decided to do it.

I had to rent a car for the two days the work was expected to take, and couldn’t get one on Monday. So I said my MBO and made a request online at Enterprise, because they will take you back and forth. I drove by the Enterprise location, and planned a pick-up time of 5 pm. At that time, I stressed that they needed to go to Colonie, not Albany, where there was an identical address. Then I delivered the car to the garage and walked home. I waited about 209 minutes, and called Enterprise back. Apparently the driver who was supposed to pick me up got lost and yes-went to Albany. He finally found my home and we went to get the car. They didn’t have it ready, so I had to wait again. I got my car, it was OK, and I went home.

Then I realized that I had left my garage door opener in the car at the garage. So the next day I dropped by after work, and guess what??? My car was done!!! I asked how the repairs went, and the mechanic just looked at me and said that they went so well that it was a little scary! That’s why they were done in one day-and were $35 dollars under budget! Yeah!

So I returned car to Enterprise, and when I was paying for the rental, I was asked if everything was to my satisfaction. So I said “Well, you guys are a little crazy up here.” When asked why I said that, I explained about my effort to clarify my address, and how I’d had to wait. Not being a regular car rental customer, I was a bit stressed. Then I had to wait for the car after making an internet appointment to reserve it. So I was asked how they could make it up to me, and I asked to have my bill reduced. They asked what I thought it should be reduced by and I said ten dollars. So they did it! So the car rental wasn’t as expensive as expected or as long, and my car was ready a day early and for less!!! Pretty neat work, May!!!


Gautam in India writes:  My MBO for tax resolution saved me from a $10,000 fine from the USA government; new ways were brought forward to file in a way to avoid the tax liability.


Wendy in the UK writes:  I use MBO’s every day for myself and my friends and family. Funds were very low after paying treatment for my sick cat (who died last Monday) and various other household expenses and I was starting to get quite worried. I asked the Angels for a little financial help and I got a £600 tax rebate!! I thanked the Angels profusely for their help.

May I remind everyone that you can request a MBO for the soul fragment of your beloved dog or cat to return back to you.  It works!


Susannah writes from Australia:  It’s been a while since we last spoke. In that time because I have been requesting an MBO every day for benevolence, saying affirmations and listening to those hunches and guidance, the most amazing life is unfolding as we speak. Specifically I have been requesting for an MBO around the Russian DNA that I some members of my family carry. Previously it has seemed an almost insurmountable mountain to climb. I had so much to help sort out not only in myself but also in family members both here in Australia and overseas, and the general issues around this.

I and my other family members were in a whole lot of fear around coming out of the closet.  Also as I became more and more centered in the feeling of benevolent outcomes and living my life every day and in every way it has syngergized my life and those around me – and I have to say it’s a wonderful, happy, life and love affirming life I now have.

I had been writing a book about my Feodor my Guardian Angel for some years but always seemed to get stuck after the first few pages, emotionally it felt too difficult to write any more, I was frightened to do so, I felt that If I did something bad would happen to my dad and me and our family. And indeed back then many odd things did happen that seemed to confirm how I was feeling. I didn’t know about requesting benevolent outcomes back then! Or about how energy attracts energy either!

On I plodded, year after year, putting together a gigantic puzzle in my head. This year I really focused on nothing but requesting benevolent outcomes around this, and to actually listen to my intuition! So, I completed the Assertiveness for Earth Angels Course as well with Doreen Virtue, I focused on reading powerful messages from other leaders as well, ones that were always centered on the Highest Good for humanity.

Suddenly in the month of May and indeed, yesterday I completed by book, and made the affirmation of an MBO.  I immediately received a phone call with another phone call scheduled for today! My book is being published this year – all because I requested it and affirmed it. This morning, just before I started writing this email to you Tom, I found an email from London Royal Free confirming our results, which they knew about in 2001. My family and I will have a formal letter within the week posted out to us. This is seemingly incredible and a miracle…and it because I also requested a benevolent outcome around this from the family that we are related to – that its an act of the Highest Good for humanity – and its all because I chose this path – The Path of Peace for all. But that’s not the end in fact its just the beginning for I see a beautiful family reunion, both here in Australia and overseas. I see my father and all our family members and humanity thrilled with joy and love. I see much happiness and an alignment of The Codes – Ten Intentions for a Better World…for all of humanity including Leaders of every kind.

But that’s not all Tom, I have also been requesting for benevolence in my bank account and the minute I requested this there was another email confirming a beautiful win!

Requesting Benevolent Outcomes and Benevolent Prayers is a win-win for all!


BlogIf you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world.  I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out.   And have you requested that AudienceI be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet?  Please do so.  I do give extra information there.  I also post on TWITTER. 

If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me.   And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them. 


Gentle Way BookDon’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other The Gentle Way IIIservices!  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  All three books can change lives!


TWITTER:  You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at .  Let’s be friends!BOOK EDITOR:  Need an editor for your upcoming book?  Email me.  Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books. Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore Tom

Tom T. Moore

Send to Kindle

January 25, 2014

January 11, 2014

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 1-11-14


Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!  This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!”  When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).   



My publisher, Light Technology, just announced that they have a big sale of 35% off all books until January 15. This is better than Amazon or anyone else! Be sure to use the promo code WINTER2013. Here is the link:

CHRISTMAS GIFT CARDS: Did you receive one for Christmas? Use it to gift yourself one or more of my books! If you have read either THE GENTLE WAY I or II, you’ll love THE GENTLE WAY III: Master Your Life! It’s filled with stories from our readers all over the world having great success in requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBOs) and Benevolent Prayers (BPs). And, if you have not tried this out yet, please do so. It will change your life! You can read a sample chapter on my website at I have FIVE five-star reviews so far; so if you have read it please place a review on and wherever you bought the book. And for all you Star Wars and Star Trek fans, don’t forget my FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET.

The books are sold on in both print and ebook formats, if you wish to buy them that way, You can read SAMPLE CHAPTERS of the books at

Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool to TomTMoore6(at)  Now for some inspiring stories.  


Elisabeth writes:  I have bought and read your books Gentle Way 1 and 2, and am looking forward to reading the third in the series, soon.  I have a question which I don’t recall seeing in the books, or in the MBO blog since I began reading it. (If this question is already answered in a past blog, you don’t have to address this – I’m also reading the MBO blog archives and will get to it eventually!   (Ditto if it’s in Gentle Way 3.)

Anyway, my question relates to canceling, correcting or re-starting an MBO (assuming the outcome has not yet occurred.) For example, if  –

1 – I have requested an MBO for something that I no longer wish or need to have happen. Either things already came to pass in some other way, or I no longer need the MBO due to a changed circumstance.
2 – I have requested an MBO, but realize the verbiage I used was not the best, or was unclear. I wish to correct it, either right away after saying the original MBO, or a bit later.  
3 – I have started to request an MBO, but became distracted or interrupted (i.e., driving, household crisis, daydreaming!) and never finished the usual verbiage. I wish to “erase” the MBO fragment and start over – think “Ctrl-Alt-Del” as in restarting your computer.

I guess I could always wing it and say something like “Cancel MBO” or “Do-Over” or the like. However, this might be similar to saying MBOs and BPs, where specific language is preferable. Do you have any suggested wordings for the above three scenarios?  Thanks for your interesting and helpful writings!

Remember, when you request a MBO, you put it in the “hands” of your Guardian Angel (or whomever you believe takes the request) and your GA decides if it is in your best short term or long term interests.  So if it is not needed, they KNOW!

If you wish to change the MBO request because you did not like it or were distracted, then just change it!  This happens quite often to my wife and me.  We just start over and request what we want to request.  I just say, “Let’s start over…”  Something to that effect.  


Christa writes: The reason I’m writing is to relate an amazing MBO story. I’ve been using MBOs for three years now, and with varying degrees of ….well, let’s say ‘satisfaction’, because I do believe they’re always ‘successful’! I asked for pretty big things throughout the years and became frustrated mainly because my angel’s timing is slower than mine. A common problem, I understand. I’m saying this tongue in the cheek, because tonight I discovered an application for MBOs that restored my complete faith in this simple, beautiful and elegant method. Also, it lifted me out of a long mental depression, and right now I feel my angel is standing here by my shoulder, edging me on to write this! My mind is still a bit incredulous – the relief is just amazing, and it was so simple…!!

Tonight I woke up after only 4 hours of sleep, feeling dreadful, as usual. Without elaboration, I can only say that depression is a monster. My angel is bigger though, because I kept feeling intuitive nudges to use EFT on myself in order to feel better. This is a simple but effective emotional healing technique that involves tapping on certain meridian points while using prescribed affirmations. I tapped and felt a bit of relief, but only when I gave in to an urge to tap MBOs ‘into’ the meridian points did something amazing happen. The cloak of darkness lifted instantly and completely! I’m also so aware of the angelic love and support!

I know there’s more work to be done, but for the first time in nearly a year I truly am seeing light. And my angel is with me, I’m not alone. I’ve already tapped in an MBO for wisdom, insight and knowledge to hit my tendency towards depression on the head firmly and forever. I believe it is already busy happening. Thank you for the work you do!

I might remind everyone here that depression may be caused by a lack of nutrients in your diet.  Google “Vitamins for depression” and you’ll see vitamins and even books on the subject.  

Here is the link to sign up for the Blog: on the “Subscribe” button at the top.  May I also remind everyone that all of my Blogs and all of my Newsletters are archived on my website.  


Julia writes:  After my apprentice got a part in the school play and was no longer able to help me, I asked for a MBO to have an even better apprentice. I found one within 24 hours, and she was wonderful to work with even on the first day. I love MBOs and use then All the time. So it’s had to remember them sometimes because there are so many each day.


Nancy writes:  I say MBOs and Benevolent Prayers all the time.   A friend expanded my view of them with her ability to incorporate everyone into an MBO, as in this example:  I ask any and all beings for a Most Benevolent Outcome for traveling safely and easily on the roads today, and may everyone travel safely and easily on the roads today, and may it all work out better for everyone than can be possibly expected or  anticipated.   Thank-you!
I have walked across the street to teach at a school for 10 years, and since I got laid off I am teaching at Early Start, a version of Head Start for younger children, downtown.   I was driving, and I said the above MBO as I took Tim to work and then planned to return home before I needed to go to my job.   It had been snowing, and the roads were slushy and not in bad shape, but not great either.   As I took the exit into town, going from one 3 lane highway to another 3 lane highway, I lost control of the car and began to slide.   I turned the wheel this way and that trying to gain some traction, but then remembered to turn the way the car was going.   So I did, and ended my spin by facing oncoming rush hour traffic.   

Unbelievably, all three lanes had slowed down and STOPPED for me-with not a police car in sight!   I got myself turned around correctly, and then finished driving Tim to work.   He was upset with me for going too fast, which I had been, given the conditions  of the roads.   I was mad at me too, as well as upset and scared!  

Afterwards, I remembered that it has been 10 years since I had to deal with rush hour traffic in snowy weather.  I also remembered that I had said that particular MBO.   Talk about a Most Benevolent Outcome!   When I talked to Tim about it later, and he realized that I was way out of practice in driving in the northeast in wintry weather too.  Then I reminded him about my MBO, and how it included everyone.  And really, what were the odds of all 3 lanes of morning traffic being aware enough to all stop for me without anyone else getting hurt?   I don’t think they were good!    

So I thanked my Guardian Angel May all day long for that amazing second chance that that MBO gave me.  You can be sure I have been WAY more careful since then!   This MBO saved my life, my husband’s life, and probably many other driver’s lives too.   I am infinitely grateful to you for teaching me about them!   It has also caused  Tim to take MBOs seriously.


IPS in Bombay India writes:  I have been using MBO Prayers to avoid unwanted people in my life and make them stay away for 3-4 months.  Some of my old contacts used to regularly, almost daily, came to my office and it was like time and energy and money wasting for me.

I wasn’t able to tell them straight to their face, “Don’t come here.”

So I started using MBOs.  

Dear Archangel Michael and Dear my GAs…I request a MBO that “person’s name” is very, very busy in his own life and I am very, very busy in my own life for our all highest good with love and light. Thank You. And may it be even better than I hope for or expect. And it’s Done. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Love and Light, Love and Light, Love and Light.

I said this once of twice a week…and started observing.  Since then they have slowly stopped visiting me or calling me. Like once in two months now.

So my time energy and money is saved…from this kind of unwanted people and make them stay away from myself and my life.


Chrissy in Brisbane writes:  I have an MBO for you to add to your files, although it is a sad one.

My son-in-law’s uncle died the weekend before Christmas Day from pancreatic cancer. I have been saying MBOs for him for quite some time and as the year went on, I began asking that he be able to transition in his own time and without too much pain.

He took himself off to hospital on the Friday and he rang my son-in-law and told him and said not to rush in – he had been to hospital several times over the last few weeks. By the time my son-in-law got into the hospital on the Saturday morning, his uncle was already in a coma. They were only administering his normal level of morphine and by Sunday morning, he had crossed over.

As sad as it is for the family and friends, I thank the Angels for allowing him to transition in his own time and with minimal pain – I hope. I can imagine that when he went into the coma and was maybe between there and here, he would have seen how wonderful it is on the other side and decided that there was better than here!!

Thank you Angels.


Sandy writes:  I requested that the printer I got worked with Linux (not a given with that OS) and it did, beautifully after a cleaning of the print heads.


Jackie writes:  We went out whale watching and asked for  an MBO to have them appear. They did and sang a wonderful song!


BlogIf you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which as you can see has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world.  I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out.   And have you requested Audiencethat I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet?  Please do so.  I do give extra information there.  I also post on TWITTER. 

If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me.   And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them. 


Gentle Way BookDon’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services!   You Gentle Way Book 2can also order the print versions by phone at my publisher Monday to The Gentle Way III SmallFriday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985 for 35% off until January 15, 2014.  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  All three books can change lives!


TWITTER:  You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at .  Let’s be friends!

BOOK EDITOR:  Need an editor for your upcoming book?  Email me.  Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books.

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore Tom

Tom T. Moore

Send to Kindle

December 21, 2013

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 12-21-13




Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!  This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!”  When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).   


Boulder, ColoradoATTENTION DENVER AREA READERS: Gaiam TV is flying me up to Denver on January 22 to record two interviews at their studios in Boulder the next day as part of their Original Programming series. Do you know of a group, or bookstore, or church that would like to have me do a talk or workshop on January 24 or 25 after my interviews? Check out their website at They have over 5,000 spiritual, inspirational, yoga, UFO and paranormal programs you can watch online for $9.95 a month.


My publisher, Light Technology, just announced that they have a big sale of 35% off all books until January 15. This is 35% off better than Amazon or anyone else! Be sure to use the promo code WINTER2013. Here is the link:

The Gentle Way III:   Master Your Life
The Gentle Way III:
Master Your Life

CHRISTMAS GIFTS! If you have read either THE GENTLE WAY I or II, you’ll love THE GENTLE WAY III: Master Your Life! It’s filled with stories from our readers all over the world having great success in requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBOs) and Benevolent Prayers (BPs). And, if you have not tried this out yet, please do so. It will change your life! You can read a sample chapter on my website at I have FIVE five-star reviews so far, so if you have read it please place a review on and wherever you bought the book. And for all you Star Wars and Star Trek fans, don’t forget my FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET.

The books are sold on in both print and ebook formats, if you wish to buy them that way. You can read SAMPLE CHAPTERS of the books at

Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool to TomTMoore6(at)  Now for some inspiring stories.  


This is an MBO story of my own.  I’m just not a shopper.  I’m at an age where I just don’t need all the new bells and whistles.  Like a lot of guys I like to get in, find what I’m looking for and then onto other things.

What changed a little for me this time was that Gaiam TV ( will be flying me to Denver to record two interviews on January 23 at their Boulder, Colorado studios.  I decided I needed a slightly casual look for the interview and needed a black sweater and white button-down shirt.  You see this “look” or appearance quite often in TV interviews.  It allows the viewer to concentrate on the message and not the person.  I also wanted to buy a gift for my wife, even though she had bought several gifts she wanted already.  

I knew the stores would be at their most empty of shoppers when they first opened.  My daughter had volunteered to assist me, so I requested MBOs not only for the drive to and from the mall, but also to find the perfect sweater, shirt, and gift for my wife at prices even better than I could hope for or expect.  

We arrive five minutes after the store had opened, so we had a gentleman to direct us to the right part of the store for the sweaters, and naturally there was a lady there that showed us several choices in black sweaters.  I chose one that happened to be at a sale price of 30% off.  Then we found a white shirt also at a 30% discount.  

Next, on to the ladies section, where I had no idea what to buy.  My daughter suggested we look at nightgowns, and we found a cute one (after going through a LOT of them!), again at 30% off the price. 

After that we had plenty of time to head for another store to buy a set of glasses for my daughter’s husband.  Again she found them at a large discount.  

All in all, a very successful shopping trip!


Dan writes: Just have to share an interesting MBO with you that happened today. As I always do before I get out of bed, I asked for an MBO to have everything work out well, including a Doctor’s appointment I had to attend to at the end of the day. I asked that the appointment itself and my travel to and from would turn out for me better than I could hope for or expect.

The appointment was on the far side of the city and I had a choice of about 3 different ways to get there. I deviated from my usual route, for what I thought would just be to inject some variety into the trip. Just about the time I arrived at my destination, I heard on the radio about an accident on my ‘usual route’ which had traffic backed up for a considerable distance. Had I gone that route I would’ve been very late to my appointment, so my GA ‘guided me’ to a direct route that enabled me to arrive on time and in a good mood.

At the appointment itself, the Doctor reviewed my file and decided things were just fine, so there was no worry or treatment plan. Thanks again! Now for the trip home…. again, I went with a new route, just for some variety. And again, about half way through my drive home I heard on the radio about another accident and traffic tie-up, which I would’ve encountered, had I gone the ‘usual way home.’ Amazing how a MBO allows one to be responsive to the promptings and guidings of our GAs!


Cheryl in Texas writes:  I went Christmas shopping at Walmart. Said an MBO for a close parking space and got one right next to a cart return. Said an MBO for the doll one of my granddaughters asked for and found it. When I went to Target yesterday, my MBO for a good parking space was granted, and when I was leaving, a kind lady offered to return my cart for me (I couldn’t have walked another step!)

I had said an MBO for them to have the boots another granddaughter wanted and in the correct size. They had ONE PAIR left!! And my MBO for the horrible traffic going home across the bridge to move quickly and safely was also fulfilled. And my car always gets me safely wherever I’m going. MBO’s are great, and it’s wonderful to have frequent confirmation that someone is listening to our prayers. Thank you, Tom. Merry Christmas and joyous Solstice!!


IPS in Bombay, India writes:  As love MBOs.  I experience MBOs everyday.  Here is yesterday’s experience.

An eye doctor had prescribed a special eye drops for my Mother.  It is expensive and it’s not available at all Chemists Shops.  And yesterday a three-day-strike was announced by all Chemists Shops all over India due to heavy taxation.

After having dinner my mom said that eye drops are over and asked me to get a new bottle. We were not very hopeful to get it do to the strike.  As usual I said an MBO to my Guardian Angels that I am able to get eye drops for Mom.

I drove to couple of chemists’ shops and hospitals around but all were closed.  Had a last hope.  It was far away so I drove there–almost midnight and there was a Chemists Shop, which was about to close down; and I found eye drops there.

Thanks Angels, Thanks MBOs, Thanks Divine and Thanks Tom!  


Rosalyn writes:  I could really use a custom MBO. Going through a divorce and I really want the outcome to be above all things right and fair. I do not seek to take what is not mine or cause any further grief in my soon to be ex’s life. I also want him to be bound from doing harm to others or to himself. This part is really important to me. The man I loved disappeared in front of my eyes due to excessive drinking and later drug use. I fear he is going to kill himself.

One MBO I have recommended many times is to cut the “ties that bind.” You say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome to sever all energy cords not in my best interests at this time, thank you!” Another one you can say is, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for my relationship with by ex to be cordial on both sides, thank you!” And for the future, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for the PERFECT mate for me, thank you!” This will obviously take some time, but you set the wheels in motion.

And for your ex-husband:   “I ask any and all beings to assist my ex-husband in finding the best treatments for his addictions, and may the results be even better than I can hope for or expect, thank you!”


Roda writes:  I use them so much I can’t think of one alone. They are so much a part of my life now. I love thinking angels are with me. Love the MBOs and BPs!



Happy HolidaysIf you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has On Airnothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world.  I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out.   And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet?  Please do so.  I do give extra information there.  I also post on TWITTER. 

If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me.   And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them. 


Gentle Way BookDon’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other The Gentle Way III Smallservices!   You Gentle Way Book 2can also order the print versions by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985 for 35% off until January 15, 2014.  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  All three books can change lives!


TWITTER:  You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at .  Let’s be friends!

BOOK EDITOR:  Need an editor for your upcoming book?  Email me.  Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books.

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore Tom

Tom T. Moore

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December 14, 2013

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 12-14-13




The Gentle Way III:   Master Your Life

The Gentle Way III:
Master Your Life

Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!  This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!”  When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).   


My new book THE GENTLE WAY III: Master Your Life is ready for delivery.  My publisher, LIGHT TECHNOLOGY, is having a 35% off sale on all their books until January 15.  The link to my books there is The link to order the book on Amazon is on  This book contains all my columns from The Sedona Journal of Emergence for the past three years, separated into chapters such as Travel, Home Repairs, Career and Work, Relationships, and Weather & Natural Disasters.  Many of YOUR stories are in this book.  It’s very inspiring.  352 pages!

Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool to TomTMoore6(at)  Now for some inspiring stories.  


Gina writes:  On the way to the New Delhi airport a few days ago, ending my month-long trip to India, I asked an MBO for empty seats next to me on the planes, that my flights and layovers feel like they went by quickly, that I not have any hassle going through customs, and that I arrive home safely.

On my 7 hour flight from Delhi to Tokyo I had my row to myself, then after my 4 hour layover and on my 9 hour flight from Tokyo to LAX I had an empty seat next to me. The time went by much more quickly than my flights to India. At LAX I went through customs without hassle, pushed my cart to the Southwest Air terminal and caught my plane to Phoenix without problem, and my husband was right outside baggage claim when I went to retrieve my luggage.

Our gas light came on during our 2 hour drive home to Sedona, and we were able to get to a gas station before running out completely (it’s a long way between gas stations on that route). When we arrived home, and after a sweet welcome home from my cats, I thanked my angels and guides profusely for answering my MBO!!!


Alison writes:  Thank you so much for introducing me to MBOs. They have changed my life in the most positive way.
I get anxious when driving and I ask for help before I start out, and each and every time my journeys have no situations that cause me to panic. I worry especially when I need to pass cyclists, and I now usually see them turn off the road as I approach them, or else there is a wide space for me to overtake them. Phenomenal.


Sunny Ann writes:  MBO…for speedy healthy escape from hospital without need for surgery for my husband.  He went in on Saturday night; was put on morphine and iv, had CT scan and x-ray. MD that night said perhaps surgery.  Long story short, after writing an MBO/BP he went home Monday and MD said it was strange–they did not know what he had had at this point.  Needless to say we were very happy with the MBO/BP.  Merci, merci, merci :)))again:)))


Sandy writes:  I said an MBO for safe delivery of package and it arrived, safe with out BS from temperamental post office/UPS/FedEx.


Donna writes:  I guess parking places are considered mundane, but twice now I’ve asked for an MBO to get a parking place at a crowded restaurant that I frequent. As I’ve said the MBO, I have pictured where I want my space to be, and both times somebody “just happened” to be backing out when I arrived! I’ll take mundane any day! Thanks so much, Tom! You have changed my life in so many wonderful ways!


Lee writes:  Today I needed to follow my boss to an offsite location for an event.  We left at the height of morning rush hour traffic. Before leaving my home I had requested an MBO for a safe commute, an easy trip to the location with no problems and being able to keep my boss’ taillights in my sight and a good parking space when we got there as it would be crowded.  And may everything be better than expected.

First, we were held up at work and left almost 15 minutes later than we wanted. Now that was a clue to the rest! Second, the drive was better than expected even driving the main arteries. No traffic, green lights and not a car in sight when we needed to merge. The site required us to make a left turn across three lanes of traffic and when we got there not a car in sight! We pulled in and my boss went to the front to start to unload and directed me to the parking area. As I headed down the aisle a car pulled out four spaces from the side door!

The event was a success and everything was better than expected. I had to leave to return to work for some appointments and my replacement showed up on time and the drive back was just as easy as the drive there and it was in lunchtime traffic! Did not ask for that but thanked my angels profusely for the return trip. And the rest of my day went great! Thank you, Tom, for the best way to get though the day!


Happy HolidaysIf you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has On Airnothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world.  I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out.   And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet?  Please do so.  I do give extra information there.  I also post on TWITTER. 

If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me.   And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them. 


Gentle Way BookDon’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services!   You Gentle Way Book 2can also order the print versions by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985 for 35% off until January 15, 2014.  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  All three books can change lives!


TWITTER:  You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at .  Let’s be friends!

BOOK EDITOR:  Need an editor for your upcoming book?  Email me.  Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books.

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Send to Kindle

November 9, 2013

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 11-9-13




Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!  This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!”  When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).   


My new book THE GENTLE WAY III: Master Your Life is ready for delivery.   The link to order the book is

The Gentle Way III:   Master Your Life

The Gentle Way III:
Master Your Life on  This book contains all my columns from The Sedona Journal of Emergence for the past three years, separated into chapters such as Travel, Home Repairs, Career and Work, Relationships, and Weather & Natural Disasters.  Many of YOUR stories are in this book.  It’s very inspiring.  352 pages!

Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool to TomTMoore6(at)  Now for some inspiring stories.


Danielle writes:  Thanks for the newsletter. My good friend told me about you and MBOs.  So its time I share one of my MBO stories with you. About a year ago my family moved to Florida for a new job for my husband. It was a sales position based on commission. Well we rented a house hoping for the best and signed a 12-month lease last December. In May we realized that we couldn’t maintain all of our expenses with my husband’s job. We really wanted to move back to Kentucky near family but we signed the lease.

Well I had been saying MBOs and BPs throughout this entire time for a resolution to the situation. The carpet was wet near the kitchen every time we ran the dishwasher. We called the rental company and things just got stranger. They put us off the repair people didn’t have parts for the broken dishwasher. The GE repairman who finally came told us the dishwasher had been broken when it was installed (this would have been the same month we moved in) Well it turns out that they were slow with a repair and mold had set in the kitchen behind the cabinet where the dishwasher was.

The rental company released us from the rental agreement refunded our deposit and we were able to move back to KY where a job was waiting. The funny part of the story was when the repairman said it was broken upon installation. I felt the hand of the angels and God at that moment.


Vicki writes:  I am a big fan and use MBOs before I do anything with good success.  I had said MBOs at the beginning of the year to find the perfect “new” car for me. I knew exactly what I wanted, an updated version of my current car with a warranty in place.  I have been actively looking since April but without success. I was beginning to think my perfect car would never materialize and I really wanted to get one before winter.  

I did locate a car out of state about a month ago but thought it was too good to be true because the mileage was so low that it would be out of my price range.  A friend with a used car dealership was helping to get the car and so he made an offer.  He was able to get my new car about 7K below current retail and it only had 783 miles on the odometer.  

I know why I had to wait all year for the car, my GA had a perfect car for me with 4 years left on the warranty! I thrilled with my car and learned that with a bit of patience that my GA will come through!  Thanks for all you do to bring us to a higher spiritual plane!


Rick writes:  Hey Tom, my brother-in-law lost his glasses the other day. I said a BP to find them ASAP. Well, ASAP didn’t happen, but after we ran an errand, he walked into his house with me following and I found them sitting on his outdoor hose rack. Took about 20 minutes.


Sandy writes:  I asked for my water aerobics to be headache free, and the MBO has worked for class.


Andre writes:  This might be a nice one: I was scheduled for a meeting with someone from the local repair cafe’, and had asked for it to be a positive outcome. I arrived late due to train delays, and dropped in the middle of a talk the lady was having with someone else. It turned out he was a local artist, and they talked about the ’12 senses’, which at times came very close to my own ‘research’. When the guy was finished, I invited him to come by sometime, because meeting him had been such a lucky coincidence. On top of that the talk, which I did come from, also went great!


Gautam writes from India:  My dad 75 years, got jaundice, 104 fever; the MBOs got him through 14 days of high fever and sickness. We are grateful.


Lindi writes:  Last week, two days in a row, I had people driving at me head on. At the last second both got back into their own lanes. Thankfully I had said MBOs before leaving home!


Yvette writes:  Every day I say BP for my husband to have a good day at work and for everything to go smoothly.  He is a mechanic.  Last week he and his work mate were trying to remove a light truck split rim.  It’s very dangerous.  They tried and tried to get it off.  Out of the blue a man they knew turned up walked into the work shop and completed the job.  He came back later that day to make sure it was ok.  My husband told him he turned up at the right time!


Donna writes:  I have trouble with snoring, which wakes me up when I try to sleep. So, whenever I lay down to sleep I say an MBO to help me sleep without snoring. It always works! Sometimes I take a nap and forget to say my MBO, and I wake up with a snore! Not very glamorous, but I really appreciate the better sleep. And if I’m around somebody else who snores, I say a BP to please help them stop snoring, and that always works, too.


FacebookIf you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has On Airnothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world.  I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out.   And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet?  Please do so.  I do give extra information there.  I also post on TWITTER. 

If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me.   And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them. 


Gentle Way BookDon’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services!   You Gentle Way Book 2can also order the print versions by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  ALL THREE books can change lives!


TWITTER:  You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at .  Let’s be friends!

BOOK EDITOR:  Need an editor for your upcoming book?  Email me.  Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books.

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore Tom

Tom T. Moore

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