Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).
Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool to TomTMoore6(at) Now for some inspiring stories.
Jason in Ohio writes: I had been putting together a shed in our back yard for days after work, and was finally putting the roof on. Unfortunately the screw holes didn’t always line up perfectly, and one in particular was giving me a lot of trouble. After trying for 15 minutes to get the screw lined up and put in I was getting very frustrated. So I took a deep breath and said to my GA, “Max, I request the most benevolent outcome to get this screw in quickly and easily so I can move on. Thank you!”
I took another deep breath, tried again with the screw, and it stayed lined up and went right in. I think my smile must have lasted an hour! I only wish I had thought to make the request sooner.
The next night the skies were ominous with threatening rain. I had just a few panels left to put on the roof and really didn’t want the shed interior and wood floor to get soaked. So I requested the most benevolent outcome from my GA that I’d get the roof on before the rain started, with the results better than I could hope for or expect. I also asked Gaia to please hold off the rain just long enough for me to get the roof on the shed.
I was close to being done, but still had one panel to go when it started sprinkling. I grabbed the panel and put it in place…but didn’t have time to get any screws in because the skies opened up with pouring rain. I was stuck inside the shed, holding the panel in place which was the only thing keeping the inside dry. My wife and daughters were watching me from the back door, just laughing and carrying on about my predicament, and texting me words of encouragement for the 20 minutes of the down pour.
I realized afterward that the way it worked out actually was the most benevolent outcome – I DID get the roof on in time to keep the inside dry, and my family got a kick out of watching me holding the panel in place and had a great story to tell later. Perfect!
Linda writes: I doubt one day has gone by since I began to do MBO’s that I have not done them… for me, for family and pets, for friends and friends’ family and friends… and for complete strangers. And sometimes I can clearly see the angels at work.
This past weekend I suddenly felt a “nudge” to do an MBO for my daughter and her partner and friends, and several show dogs, all traveling via RV in the UK. They planned to cross into France via the Chunnel, by train – something they have often done. I have never felt the need to do an MBO for their frequent travels before, but I quickly responded to this feeling, and emailed my MBO Partner to do so as well.
The next morning I learned that, due to a couple of uncharacteristic mistakes on her part, my daughter’s RV was turned back and they missed the train that they had planned to take. They were annoyed, until they learned that the train subsequently became stuck in the Chunnel. They were at a comfortable rest stop, with food and water and an exercise area for the dogs… not stuck under the English Channel on a train, in the RV, for hours. THANK YOU ANGELS!
I love it when I am given a glimpse into the angels’ handiwork! 🙂
Dave writes: It has been a week since it started raining… and cold. The lawn was getting out of control and there was a slight break in the weather on Sunday so I broke out the lawnmower. It would not start. The engine kicked over but would immediately die. I requested an MBO. I pulled the cord 20 times… and requested an MBO. I replaced the gas with fresh… and requested an MBO. I got a blister on my finger after 45 pulls and finally gave up. I was ready to go out and buy a new Lawn Boy. Home Depot had one just like my 12 year old version at less than half the price. I was determined to get a new one the next day. For some reason that morning I decided to call my lawn mower guy. No answer! Joe is 80 years old and has been fixing lawn mowers forever and has developed a very independent attitude. After 5 tries and five MBO’s I got my neighbor to help me load the Mower into my van (yes, I tried to start it again first), and off I went to the Service Store.
I was fuming and a bit frustrated to say the least. I pulled up to the store with 50 mowers out in front and it looked like nobody was there. Joe was just inside and says, “Hey, welcome back”. Ironically I hadn’t been there for a couple of years and he apparently remembered me. He helped me unload the mower as I explained the problem. He primed the engine, took off the air filter and put his thumb over the opening, and told me to crank it up. It started right away but the engine seemed to struggle revving up and down. He walked over, picked up a ball peen hammer and struck the side of the engine three times in a strategic place and the motor smoothed right out. Apparently the combination of the cold air and some dirt in the gas tank caused the problem. I thanked him profusely and told him I was actually planning on replacing the mower with a new Lawn Boy and wondered if I could buy one from him. “Sorry, Dave, they don’t make Lawn Boys anymore”. “What about the ones I saw on line?” I asked! “Oh, those are knock-offs from China. The 12 year old original you have here would probably outlive any new one of those you would buy!” Wow, I thought, not only did I get my mower fixed better than new I avoided a costly purchase.
Okay, so I am still confused as to why I drove to get a mower fixed that I had already decided to replace, but the lesson for me is pretty clear. If the “MBO” hasn’t seemed to happen yet… be patient.. the best is yet to come.
Margaret in Ypsilanti, Michigan writes: Every Memorial Day weekend, my sister and I visit the cemeteries back home, to plant flowers and clean up the family graves. Both cemeteries are home to very healthy populations of mosquitoes, so the constant bites made it quite an ordeal for us.
This is a perfect MBO situation! So, here’s the MBO I’ve used for the past few years:
“Angels, I respectfully request a Most Benevolent Outcome on behalf of my sister and me, for a truce with the mosquito folk while we are working outside today. If they will agree not to bother us, we agree to do everything we can to avoid accidentally harming them. And may the results be even better than I can hope for or expect, thank you!”
Boy, did it ever work! We saw actual clouds of mosquitoes, but neither one of us was bitten, not even once. A few mosquitoes did land on my skin; but I reminded them that we had asked for a truce, then blew a very gentle puff of air at them, and away they flew.
One year I also asked for a truce “for the whole summer” so my energetic young cat and I could enjoy our daily walks. (There was a lot of concern about the West Nile Virus being carried by mosquitoes that year.) The truce worked perfectly for the next three months, and ended precisely on September 15, when I got bitten!
Rose writes: I went out of state for a weeks to spoil my youngest grandchild. I took one of my two debit cards with me.
After I came home, I was reorganizing my purse and billfold. Started to look for the card I did not take and could not find it. After a few hours, I said a MBO to have it returned to me, sooner than I could hope for or expect. (since this was a Sunday, knew that it wouldn’t do any good to call the credit union until Mon AM to report it missing). I continued to unpack and began to dump a bag of laundry I brought back with me and my missing debit card surfaced from the pile of dirty laundry. Someone has a sense of humor.
Lee writes: Hi Tom. Just returned from a short trip to Orlando. Fl. I requested several MBO’s before I left starting about one month before. First I requested good weather as May is rather warm in FL. The days were in the low to mid 80’s and humidity was on the low side. Nice for walking around the parks. Second, I requested short lines at the attractions or no lines. Only one ride was a 45 minute wait and most others were under 10 minutes. This is a busy time at Disney and especially at Epcot for the Flower and Garden Show. We stayed on property and used the bus transportation system to get around. I requested that we have no wait or a short wait for the bus and that they not be too crowded. Riding the bus an average of four times each day, we had the most amazing timing! The bus was either at the bus stop when we got there or it pulled up as we were walking up to the stop! And once we had the entire bus to ourselves! Unheard of! Many more MBO’s happened. Nothing is too small to ask for when requesting an MBO! Thank you for all your support of those of us learning our way in this new world.
If you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has
nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world. I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out. And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet? Please do so. I do give extra information there. I also post on TWITTER.
If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me. And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.
Don’t forget that BOTH GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services! You
can also order the print versions by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday. Call toll free 800-450-0985. The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! Either or both books can change lives!
FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at . Let’s be friends!BOOK EDITOR: Need an editor for your upcoming book? Email me. Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books. Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore
Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).
Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool to TomTMoore6(at) Now for some inspiring stories.
Jason in Ohio writes: I had been putting together a shed in our back yard for days after work, and was finally putting the roof on. Unfortunately the screw holes didn’t always line up perfectly, and one in particular was giving me a lot of trouble. After trying for 15 minutes to get the screw lined up and put in I was getting very frustrated. So I took a deep breath and said to my GA, “Max, I request the most benevolent outcome to get this screw in quickly and easily so I can move on. Thank you!”
I took another deep breath, tried again with the screw, and it stayed lined up and went right in. I think my smile must have lasted an hour! I only wish I had thought to make the request sooner.
The next night the skies were ominous with threatening rain. I had just a few panels left to put on the roof and really didn’t want the shed interior and wood floor to get soaked. So I requested the most benevolent outcome from my GA that I’d get the roof on before the rain started, with the results better than I could hope for or expect. I also asked Gaia to please hold off the rain just long enough for me to get the roof on the shed.
I was close to being done, but still had one panel to go when it started sprinkling. I grabbed the panel and put it in place…but didn’t have time to get any screws in because the skies opened up with pouring rain. I was stuck inside the shed, holding the panel in place which was the only thing keeping the inside dry. My wife and daughters were watching me from the back door, just laughing and carrying on about my predicament, and texting me words of encouragement for the 20 minutes of the down pour.
I realized afterward that the way it worked out actually was the most benevolent outcome – I DID get the roof on in time to keep the inside dry, and my family got a kick out of watching me holding the panel in place and had a great story to tell later. Perfect!
Linda writes: I doubt one day has gone by since I began to do MBO’s that I have not done them… for me, for family and pets, for friends and friends’ family and friends… and for complete strangers. And sometimes I can clearly see the angels at work.
This past weekend I suddenly felt a “nudge” to do an MBO for my daughter and her partner and friends, and several show dogs, all traveling via RV in the UK. They planned to cross into France via the Chunnel, by train – something they have often done. I have never felt the need to do an MBO for their frequent travels before, but I quickly responded to this feeling, and emailed my MBO Partner to do so as well.
The next morning I learned that, due to a couple of uncharacteristic mistakes on her part, my daughter’s RV was turned back and they missed the train that they had planned to take. They were annoyed, until they learned that the train subsequently became stuck in the Chunnel. They were at a comfortable rest stop, with food and water and an exercise area for the dogs… not stuck under the English Channel on a train, in the RV, for hours. THANK YOU ANGELS!
I love it when I am given a glimpse into the angels’ handiwork! 🙂
Dave writes: It has been a week since it started raining… and cold. The lawn was getting out of control and there was a slight break in the weather on Sunday so I broke out the lawnmower. It would not start. The engine kicked over but would immediately die. I requested an MBO. I pulled the cord 20 times… and requested an MBO. I replaced the gas with fresh… and requested an MBO. I got a blister on my finger after 45 pulls and finally gave up. I was ready to go out and buy a new Lawn Boy. Home Depot had one just like my 12 year old version at less than half the price. I was determined to get a new one the next day. For some reason that morning I decided to call my lawn mower guy. No answer! Joe is 80 years old and has been fixing lawn mowers forever and has developed a very independent attitude. After 5 tries and five MBO’s I got my neighbor to help me load the Mower into my van (yes, I tried to start it again first), and off I went to the Service Store.
I was fuming and a bit frustrated to say the least. I pulled up to the store with 50 mowers out in front and it looked like nobody was there. Joe was just inside and says, “Hey, welcome back”. Ironically I hadn’t been there for a couple of years and he apparently remembered me. He helped me unload the mower as I explained the problem. He primed the engine, took off the air filter and put his thumb over the opening, and told me to crank it up. It started right away but the engine seemed to struggle revving up and down. He walked over, picked up a ball peen hammer and struck the side of the engine three times in a strategic place and the motor smoothed right out. Apparently the combination of the cold air and some dirt in the gas tank caused the problem. I thanked him profusely and told him I was actually planning on replacing the mower with a new Lawn Boy and wondered if I could buy one from him. “Sorry, Dave, they don’t make Lawn Boys anymore”. “What about the ones I saw on line?” I asked! “Oh, those are knock-offs from China. The 12 year old original you have here would probably outlive any new one of those you would buy!” Wow, I thought, not only did I get my mower fixed better than new I avoided a costly purchase.
Okay, so I am still confused as to why I drove to get a mower fixed that I had already decided to replace, but the lesson for me is pretty clear. If the “MBO” hasn’t seemed to happen yet… be patient.. the best is yet to come.
Margaret in Ypsilanti, Michigan writes: Every Memorial Day weekend, my sister and I visit the cemeteries back home, to plant flowers and clean up the family graves. Both cemeteries are home to very healthy populations of mosquitoes, so the constant bites made it quite an ordeal for us.
This is a perfect MBO situation! So, here’s the MBO I’ve used for the past few years:
“Angels, I respectfully request a Most Benevolent Outcome on behalf of my sister and me, for a truce with the mosquito folk while we are working outside today. If they will agree not to bother us, we agree to do everything we can to avoid accidentally harming them. And may the results be even better than I can hope for or expect, thank you!”
Boy, did it ever work! We saw actual clouds of mosquitoes, but neither one of us was bitten, not even once. A few mosquitoes did land on my skin; but I reminded them that we had asked for a truce, then blew a very gentle puff of air at them, and away they flew.
One year I also asked for a truce “for the whole summer” so my energetic young cat and I could enjoy our daily walks. (There was a lot of concern about the West Nile Virus being carried by mosquitoes that year.) The truce worked perfectly for the next three months, and ended precisely on September 15, when I got bitten!
Rose writes: I went out of state for a weeks to spoil my youngest grandchild. I took one of my two debit cards with me.
After I came home, I was reorganizing my purse and billfold. Started to look for the card I did not take and could not find it. After a few hours, I said a MBO to have it returned to me, sooner than I could hope for or expect. (since this was a Sunday, knew that it wouldn’t do any good to call the credit union until Mon AM to report it missing). I continued to unpack and began to dump a bag of laundry I brought back with me and my missing debit card surfaced from the pile of dirty laundry. Someone has a sense of humor.
Lee writes: Hi Tom. Just returned from a short trip to Orlando. Fl. I requested several MBO’s before I left starting about one month before. First I requested good weather as May is rather warm in FL. The days were in the low to mid 80’s and humidity was on the low side. Nice for walking around the parks. Second, I requested short lines at the attractions or no lines. Only one ride was a 45 minute wait and most others were under 10 minutes. This is a busy time at Disney and especially at Epcot for the Flower and Garden Show. We stayed on property and used the bus transportation system to get around. I requested that we have no wait or a short wait for the bus and that they not be too crowded. Riding the bus an average of four times each day, we had the most amazing timing! The bus was either at the bus stop when we got there or it pulled up as we were walking up to the stop! And once we had the entire bus to ourselves! Unheard of! Many more MBO’s happened. Nothing is too small to ask for when requesting an MBO! Thank you for all your support of those of us learning our way in this new world.