Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).
SPECIAL NOTE: APPEARANCES— WEBCAST TODAY!! I’ll be doing my first webcast in several months today, Saturday, April 16 at 10:00 am PDT, 11:00 am MDT, 12:00 pm CDT, 1:00 pm EDT and 6:00 pm London daylight savings time. More information next week. You will be able to ask me questions for 1.5 hours.
WORKSHOP: JUNE 11, SATURDAY–10:00 AM-5:00 PM–ROUND ROCK, TEXAS (16 MILES NORTH OF AUSTIN) $75 in advance or $85 at the door. Full day about MBO’s, BP’s, and other Tools for your Tool Box plus a guided meditation to contact your own Guardian Angel or Guide. More information CONTACT KIM at or telephone 303-917-6093.
Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to . I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s. Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it. In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase. And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook. I give extra information during the week there.
If you like forum discussions, I’ve been asked recently to post on one devoted to discussions about Benevolent Outcomes. Perhaps one day we’ll have a forum on the website, but here is the link to this one for now:
Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool. Now for some inspiring stories.
Judi on Facebook writes: Thank you, Tom, for sharing ‘Most Benevolent Outcomes”. It has changed my life. Your articles in The Sedona Journal of Emergence led me to you.
For some time now, I have been saying MBOs with great results. In the past, I’ve had to go to a dermatologist to remove Basal Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer growths from my many years in the sun. But, this time, when it appeared, I said an MBO for natural healing. To my wonderful surprise, it disappeared. I was more than happy not to have to go to the dermatologist. This was just miraculous!! Thank you and my Guardian Angel for this wonderful healing.
Lois writes: Tom, one of my students called me after having a horrific accident on the freeway in which she was rear-ended by two vehicles including an 18-wheeler. She hit the car in front of her and her car was totaled. I talked her into going to the hospital and getting checked out, and said an MBP for her and the others involved in the crash. Later that day, I called her again. At the hospital they said she was just fine; gave her some pills for pain. She had muscle soreness.
She then began to tell me that her dad had financed the car, and it was being paid for in full by insurance plus more than she owed. So her father is keeping all that money, but he is deeding over to her the title to another car he owns free and clear. It is a miracle. Her kids were not with her, she is not hurt, and she is disentangled from her father, has a new car and no car payment. I paused a minute and said, “Sweetie, did you ask for an MBO for a new car and ‘may the outcome be better than anything I could have hoped for or expected’?” She gasped and said, “OH! Yes, I did!” I replied, “Well, in that case, congratulations on your car wreck.” We both laughed.
Jackie writes: My wife is changing her medication, which is always challenging. After a day we suspected her levels were too low and unsafe. We went to the emergency room. Both of us asked for an MBO for it to go quickly. She was given a room within minutes, though other people had been waiting longer and my wife didn’t appear to be an emergency at the time. So that was one appreciated MBO. I suspect our other requests weren’t agreeable by the doctor. Most doctors have strong wills and aren’t as easy to convince when they are asked to do more than the normal, but at least our MBO for quick service was answered!
Chelynn writes: 24,000 people live in or around Elizabethtown, KY and at any given time, 22,000 of them are at Wal-Mart. Today, I tried an MBO on a parking space and immediately not 1 but 2 of them opened up right in front of me, and right in front of the store. Uber-kewl!
Rebecca writes: Hi Tom, I have a Chihuahua, that is 11 years old. He was recently diagnosed with diabetes, and glaucoma. The doctor wants to remove his eye. Is there a way to state a MBO for him?
You can say, “I ask any and all beings to assist me in finding the best treatment for my dog ________, thank you!”
Then you might just have a second opinion.
If you have explored all options and feel it is in the best interest of the dog to have the operation say, “I ask any and all beings to assist the veterinarian and assistants in performing a PERFECT operation on my dog ____, thank you!”
Pam in Arizona writes: Blessings to you Tom, I have a MBO for you. Every morning I say them and my Aunt was coming from MI for a visit. She has problems with her back walking so I was looking for a walker to buy to use while she was here. I saw in the paper an estate sale very close to me that weekend. I thought I should really go to that. Well I’ve been busy and didn’t go right away. I passed the sign and thought about going again and made it a point to go when I was through with whatever it was. Well walking up the drive way what do I see but a walker with wheels, handbrakes and the seat in the middle. They cost just over $100.
When I say my MBO’s I always add that I find just what I need at the very best possible price. Well to my great surprise the walker was marked $5. My aunt was so thrilled that I found that for her. So I’m keeping it in case anyone else comes to visit and needs it.
Michael writes: On 7 April, my daughter-in-law, Jen had a healthy baby girl, they came home on 10 April. On the 11th, she was running a fever that finally broke that night. This evening my son, Chris sent a text at 9:40pm that he had to take her to the ER and straight to surgery. Immediately upon receiving that text, I asked an MBO by any guardian angels around her to assist in the surgery. It’s now 10:08 here and I just got a text…Surgery done, the doctor told Chris at the delivery not all placentas was removed…surgery went well and is over….she will be there tonight and with no complications will go home tomorrow.
All doubt is gone, Tom, amazing results, and I send thanks to all who offered assistance……couldn’t wait to tell you.
Mel writes: I have had many years of getting what I need and want, however, with MBOs, I’ve learned to ask for more than I ever imagined as you have encouraged us to do. The other day, my garage door was acting up. I could get it up to get out, but it wouldn’t come down. I was really frustrated and just could imagine the cost to get it fixed. I worried and fretted and wondered how I could get it fixed without costing me an arm and a leg.
I remembered a friend who works for a company that installs and repairs those electric-eye doors at grocery stores. Phew. That gave me a relief enough so that I remembered to ask for an MBO, which I did. The next day, to my great surprise, the door opened and closed, and the next time I went out, it worked perfectly. I was thrilled, to say the least. Thank you, thank you, Tom, and, of course my, Guardian Angel, as well.
This came from the forum. Anderson writes: I think I’ve had far better MBO experiences since the first night of trying. Yesterday as you know I did my MBO for my dissertation, but being the general typical student that I am, I let myself drift and played an online PES2011 (football) tournament on the ps3. I asked for an MBO that I could win the tournament. You see to get to the knockout stage, they take the top 16 players who have the best results over 3 consecutive games in a 65 minute period. Whilst I was doing extremely well with my first 2 games, I just never managed to win the third game, there was countless times where the ball was saved from the line from the defender, the ball went over the bar when it was a simple tap in, the ball hit the post, but more often than not it was the ball being saved on the line from the defender. Now this happened way too many times for this to be a mere coincidence.
Inside my head whilst I was playing the game I was thinking, my GA won’t allow me to progress because its not the most benevolent outcome for me because I should be getting on with my dissertation. The same thing happened to me again later on when I played in another tournament.
Anyway I eventually started getting on with my dissertation and I was just free flowing and material was coming to me better than it has done before. I managed to get 1600 words done last night and although that might not sound a lot considering I have to get a minimum 10,000 words done, I’m on about 4600 in total and I think I’ve got the momentum and motivation to be able to get another minimum 2000 words done without any problems.
Also last night I drank a lot of water and whilst I was laying in bed watching a film I must have got up to go to the toilet about 4 times, after the fourth time I did my MBO and didn’t have to get up again! lol Happy days.
I had an eye test appointment today at 9:50 and got out of bed at 9am. Normally I would be rushing to get ready but this time I said my MBO, had my shower etc and got to my appointment with 10 minutes to spare. As I was trying to find a parking space without going too far down the road I decided to say an MBO and then, as if like magic, a space appeared to me within 2 seconds as I passed a side road. I asked for an MBO as I went to have my appointment and the appointment turned out to be far greater than I could have hoped. I’ve had an eye problem for years where I’m constantly blinking, I had a doctor’s appointment 2 days ago and he’s written a letter to a specialist. I told the optician and he said he could see dry patches in my eyes and wrote out a letter for me to give to my GP; he said hopefully this will be able to push through your appointment so that you can get it quicker, if this is the case then that’s definitely a most benevolent outcome.
It’s my mums birthday today and I hadn’t gotten her a card yet so I did an MBO earlier to let my trip be productive (there are no Clintons or birthday card shops where I was, I was just going to go to Safeway). As I was walking up to Safeway I noticed a shop that hadn’t been there before. It’s called Smokers Paradise; now I remembered the sign for Smokers Paradise a few years ago but there was nothing there. Of course I was intrigued by the name but noticed it was merely just a newsagents, when I looked closer I also noticed that they sold greetings cards. So I went in and found a nice Metoyou card and even found a nice Metoyou bear to give to my mum.
It’s only small things at the moment, but you did say to start small so hopefully I can build on this and let my momentum take me through to bigger things once I’m more receptive to it. I feel a lot of positive energy around me today and I’m actually looking forward to getting more of my dissertation done.
This is also from the forum. Sunny writes: I just did an MBO today that I would have a safe and smooth ride from work to the shopping area, finding a safe and suitable parking space, getting through the shop in no time with a cashier ready for me when I am and to be back home by 3pm...I know a lot of requests BUT my Guardian Angel managed all of it.
Usually the “Autobahn” is very crowded and so is the grocery shop on a Friday, not enough cashiers open etc – all done within an hour not counting the driving time of usually over 30 minutes.
Unheard off on a Friday and therefore I am very grateful – “She” did a great job.
APRIL 16, SATURDAY—10:00 AM PDT, 11:00 PM MDT, 12:00 PM CDT, 1:00 PM EDT, 6:00 PM LONDON, 7:00 PM WESTERN EUROPE. FREE “LIVE GLOBAL VIDEO WEBCAST!” Log in up to 10 minutes prior to the broadcast at . Click on “Join This Broadcast”. Enter your FULL name and your email address. Then JOIN. I’ll talk about MBO’s and Predictions. Hosted by Cindy Belmonte, , 805-520-3733 for your video conferences. Ask me questions LIVE! Hope to see you there—and PLEASE, invite your friends!
httDon’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: . You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday. Call toll free 800-450-0985. It has twice as many pages as the first book. The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! The first book is also available on Either or both books can change lives!
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Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore