The Gentle Way Book For People Who Believe In Angels

November 7, 2015

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 11-7-15





We’re in the Christmas buying time. My books make great gifts for friends and family. And there is such a range—THE GENTLE WAY to introduce people to requesting Benevolent Outcomes in their lives, FIRST CONTACT for all those sci-fi Star Wars fans, and ATLANTIS & LEMURIA for those who like ancient history. PLEASE WRITE A REVIEW for any books you own on Amazon, Goodreads, or anywhere else that you purchased the book. I would appreciate your support!!

Atlantis_CoverMy book ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed! has all five-star reviews so far!  You can purchase and read it RIGHT NOW!!  Here is the link on Amazon:

Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people who wish to learn how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!  

This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for… thank you!”  When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronyms MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).   My website is

Be sure to participate when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer out loud, but are you also saying the Daily BP each morning as I do?  Theo says this is one of the most important things you could do for yourself not only for this life, but all the others you have lived or will live on earth, as they are all happening at the same time.  Print it out and put it on your bathroom mirror to remind you.  Here is the link:  Here is an example of a BP for everyone to say today: “I ask any and all beings to assist the refugees in Hungary to be allowed safe passage to Austria, food, and shelter, thank you!”


Cassidy writes:  MBO: My two-year old washing machine was making strange noises. I said an MBO that it not die on me as I really didn’t have the funds to replace it. It continued to function but the noise got worse over time. I said an MBO for an easy repair and called the repairman. He looked at it and said “It’s the main bushing and it would cost less to just replace it.” He left and I started a load, said an MBO that it would finish and it did. But it died as soon as the spin cycle ended! Hmm, what happened with the MBO?

So I went to the store where I bought it and the salesman sees me and says, “What are you doing here? I just sold you a new washing machine two years ago!” I told him that it had a main bushing issue. I said another MBO for an affordable machine. He called his distributor and Electrolux and everyone agreed that the machine should not have died in two years. I got the same exact but brand new washing machine for a few hundred dollars because all parties kicked in money to make good on the old machine. And it turns out that the old washer was a lemon from the start because the new one washed clothes SO MUCH cleaner and better. So my MBO did work after all!


Pamela writes from France:   I used an MBO for intestinal distress.  I was on the Island of Swans, in the middle of the Seine, with sudden intestinal distress.  MBO to make it home (2 metros and 15 minute walk) and yes, I made it home – on time and in time.  


Donna writes:  I use MBO’s and BP’s every day for routine requests and blessings for others, and I also say the BP and Affirmation from your website every day.  I feel so good when I say them, and I just know that my energy is being elevated!  Thank you so much for everything that you do for all of us, and I wish you grand success with your Roku show.  I’m really looking forward to it!

Here’s my special MBO:  I had scheduled two days with a spiritual workshop in West Palm Beach, Florida, but I had to cancel the second day because I thought I would be required to accompany a friend to check on her 94 year old mother in Alabama.  I know I had said numerous MBO’s before my trip, but when it turned out that my friend didn’t need to travel to take care of her mother, I said another MBO that everything would work out so that I could attend Day 2.  I knew that Day 2 was a smaller, private event, but I really wanted to attend.  

The morning of the event I called to ask if I could attend, and I was told they would check and let me know.  Luckily, I went ahead and got ready to go, knowing that I had said my MBO, and when it was time to leave, I found out that it was OK for me to attend!!  I thanked my Angels for working things out for me, and I totally enjoyed my day!


Joanna writes from the UAE:  I have an MBO regarding the rent of my office. The rates of rents in the UAE are sky rocketing, and the real estate market companies are allowed to increase it as much as they like each year. The rent for the office I work in, increased by 5% in respect of last year. We already pay a lot! My task was to call the owning company of the building, and request to wave the increase. Before I called, I wrote on my pad: “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for this discussion, let it lead to decrease of the rent and let the results be even better than I expect, thank you!” Short and simple.

During the conversation with the Facility Officer of the managing company of the building, I was advised to send an official letter. I requested another MBO for best results. Couple of weeks later we got a reply and it was confirmed that our rent stays now on the same rate as last year!  Once again, worked perfectly! Thank you!


Sara writes:   I had a quick BP to share with you. Thursday night at work we had a new puppy in for a bath, and he got very excited on the table and seemed to hurt his tail. Luckily there wasn’t much bleeding and it stopped easily on its own. The vet had already closed and his owner was ok bringing him into the vet in the morning. So when I got home I said a BP for his tail to be fully healed and fine in the morning. The next day when the vet checked him out he couldn’t see anything wrong with him!! I knew it was thanks to the BP! Thanks again, Tom!


BlogIf you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world.  I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out.   And have you requested that AudienceI be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet?  Please do so.  I do give extra information there.  I also post on TWITTER.

If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me.   And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.


Gentle Way BookDon’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other The Gentle Way IIIservices!  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  All three books can change lives!


TWITTER:  You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at .  Let’s be friends!

BOOK EDITOR:  Need an editor for your upcoming book?  Email me.  Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books.

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!


Tom T. Moore

Send to Kindle

March 14, 2015

Benevolent Outcomes Post 3-14-15


Tom T. Moore's Books

Tom T. Moore’s Books



Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people who wish to learn how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! 

This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for… thank you!”  When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronyms MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).   My website is

Be sure to participate when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer out loud, but are you also saying the Daily BP each morning as I do?  Theo says this is one of the most important things you could do for yourself not only for this life, but all the others you have lived or will live on earth, as they are all happening at the same time.  Print it out and put it on your bathroom mirror to remind you.  Here is the link:  Here is an example of a BP for everyone to say today:  “I ask any and all beings to aid and protect all those in harms way from the violence of terrorists or war, thank you!”


I have for several years been encouraging you to say the “EXPECT GREAT THINGS” MBO request each morning.  You can print it out on my website at:, along with other reminders.  My Guardian Angel Theo says benevolent events you never thought to ask for can begin happening in as little as two weeks if you say this simple MBO each morning.

As an example, on Friday, quite out of the blue an old friend and client in my international film and TV program distribution business contacted me wanting to license 10 movies for a brand new satellite channel he’s starting.  He also will tentatively license up to perhaps 50 movies a month.  I would never have known to ask for an MBO for this to happen, as I was unaware of his plans.  


AuntMommie writes:  Here is my latest successful MBO:

My front end washer is 12 years old and has served my family well….until last week.  I have a service contract on my washer, however, the gentleman who came to service it, said that it was pretty much a goner.  And so, the search began….that was the easy part.  I found the one that would service my family the best, I did all the consumer research and found that I had actually picked the best one for our needs….And as I was poking around on different websites comparing prices, I stumbled on one that had the washer I wanted for a price way below the prices offered by the major manufacturers….by almost $200.00…..SCORE!!!…and that was without MBO’s.

And then came the dilemma….where to get the money….and I needed over a thousand dollars, too.  I really didn’t want to add it to my list of credit, but didn’t know what else to do.  I said a bunch of MBO’s to find the money somehow to pay for it before the dirty clothes piled up and got too out of control.  And then the most amazing thing happened.  I have 3 adult children who live with me, all going to college, and all have part time jobs.  They came to me and said they would be happy to pay for the washer; it was the least they could do because they say I do so much for them.  It blew me away.  But, I don’t know, there is something about taking money from my children that made me feel uncomfortable….although appreciated, still a little uncomfortable.  

But in an effort to help them feel like they were contributing to the family, I got over myself and I accepted their generosity.  I was so proud of them and the decision they made to help the family.  I was telling my mother-in-law about what they had offered me and all the efforts they had made for our family and how far they have come in their lives…..really something to be proud of, and she got up and went into her purse and wrote me a check for a thousand dollars….so the boys only had to pony up for the $89.00 extra for the price of the machine and a tip for the guys who delivered it……It “pays” to do MBO’s!!!!!!!!!!!   

Thanks so much Tom, this would not have happened if not for you and your Gentle Way.  


Cassidy writes:  Sometimes I don’t sleep that great despite being very tired. I have started requesting an MBO for my sleep and I sleep great each night now!


Lee writes:  I say MBO’s for so much that I don’t even think too much about them but this is one I say as part of my commute every day. I came up a ramp to a toll plaza where six lanes merge into two lanes after the tolls. Needless to say, it can be quite a harrowing experience with everyone jockeying for position. I always ask for an MBO for smooth sailing through this one area. Today this car was driving aggressively and I backed off a little to let him get ahead and on his way, which he pulled right in front of me and stayed there.

As we came up to the tolls I could see all these cars merging and trying to find their places. The car in front of me slowed down and was weaving a little as we approached the toll that you can just drive straight through. My thought was oh boy, now what, thinking there was a problem. Well, as we came through the plaza there was a big empty space that we just drove through and into lanes to go over the bridge, nice and smooth! The car pulled into the left lane and took off! I just chuckled and said thank you! Another MBO delivered as requested!  Thank you.


I’ll call her Gina writes:  I am also long overdue in telling you my big MBO success story. A little over a year ago is when I first saw the interviews you did on GaiamTV and learned about MBOs. I subsequently ordered your books, but even before I got them I started trying out the MBOs. My husband and I live in a real fixer-upper of a house, so our first big MBO was for help in affording to renovate one of our rooms into a guest bedroom. A couple weeks later we went to one of our local building supply retailers and stocked up on items we’d need for renovating that bedroom. I know Spirit is great at manipulating electrical devices, and at the checkout register after the $500 charge for items made it through to my credit card company, the transaction “randomly” got totally deleted. We also had to hire an air conditioning repair service technician to fix the ac unit in our bedroom.

The store couldn’t charge my card again because the first charge was already on my card, so for a receipt they printed off a screen shot of the second ring up (which was cancelled since the first charge went through). Then the next day the charge disappeared from my credit card, never to return. I had very mixed feelings about this for a while – I felt uncomfortable getting so much for free and it’s not like we tried to steal it because we made honest efforts to pay for it! But several weeks later I looked up the profits for the big chain building supply store we had shopped at, and found an article posted the very same day as the day we shopped saying this retailer had made several billion dollars in profits the previous year.

After that I didn’t feel as bad about receiving the “gift”, I know MBO outcomes have to be benevolent for everyone involved, so I guess the angels decided this “gift” to us also wouldn’t hurt the retailer at all. Needless to say the angels made a swift and memorable impact on my husband and I as to the effectiveness of MBOs!


BlogIf you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world.  I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out.   And have you requested that AudienceI be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet?  Please do so.  I do give extra information there.  I also post on TWITTER.

If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me.   And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.


Gentle Way BookDon’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other The Gentle Way IIIservices!  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  All three books can change lives!


TWITTER:  You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at .  Let’s be friends!

BOOK EDITOR:  Need an editor for your upcoming book?  Email me.  Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books.

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!


Tom T. Moore

Send to Kindle

July 15, 2011

Benevolent Outcomes Blog 7-16-11




Welcome to this week’s edition of my Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week.  This Blog is for people just discovering how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool you can use every day the rest of your life.  It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier.  It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS! This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is.  You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for…….., thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronym MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people).


RADIO APPEARANCES: Thursday, July 21, 7:00 pm CDT—Positively Incorrect with Scott Cluthe, Lime Radio, Sirius Network,
Friday, July 22, 9:00 am CDT, The Lois J. Weitzel Show, Blog Talk Radio
Wednesday, July 27, 9:00 am CDT, The Honoring Hour with Lynn Allen,

HOUSTON WORKSHOP SCHEDULED: Less than a month until I will be speaking at the Soul Explosion & Living Green Expo in Houston, Texas on July 30 and 31.  This event may very well be the largest Expo ever in this region of the country.  There will be 115 vendors alone in the Exhibition hall.  Plus I will also have a half-day workshop that Saturday afternoon July 30.  I’ll show you how to contact your own Guardian Angel.    It will be held in the Galleria.  Go to to sign up.

Subscribing to this blog is easy, just go to .  I also email a weekly newsletter with more advanced topics, which you can subscribe to by going to  Here you can also read a couple of sample chapters of my first book to give you more suggestions on requesting MBO’s.  Please forward this blog to your friends if you enjoy reading it.  In the Articles & News section I have a new Search Function you can use to search all my articles and newsletters by simply entering a word or phrase.  And be sure to request to be my Friend on Facebook.  I give extra information during the week there.

If you like forum discussions, I’ve been asked recently to post on one devoted to discussions about Benevolent Outcomes.  Perhaps one day we’ll have a forum on the website, but here is the link to this one for now:

Please email me your MBO stories to show others how to use this simple tool.  Now for some inspiring stories.


Lindsay writes:  I was gardening alongside the driveway on a super hot day a couple of weeks ago working up a sweat.  My nice expensive prescription sunglasses were sliding off my sweaty nose so I took them off and set them on the back bumper of my husband’s truck.  An hour later he came out and told me he was going to Home Depot and a to do a bunch of errands.  Off he goes and about 45 minutes later it dawned on me he drove off with my glasses.  I ran down the street and looked for them without any luck.  I foolishly said an MBO and called my husband.  He was driving and said he’d check and let me know when he stopped.  Much to my amazement and joy, they were still there.  I repeatedly thanked my angels.


Arthur writes:  Hi Tom, thank you for making me aware of how important angels are in our lives.  I have been doing MBOs for a while, and have always had positive results–finding parking in difficult situations, getting transportation when I really need it, and so many others.

Recently I was in London for 3 months, and had a jacket that was missing 3 buttons. As it was made in the UK, I took it to one of their shops in Regents Street; the manager took it and promised to have it back as soon as he could.  After a month, I called to see if it was ready, only to be told they could not get the buttons, but they would try another tailor.

I then said an MBO that everything would work out even better than I expected.
Well after two months, I was near the shop and decided to pop in to see how things were going.  To my surprise the manager said he was so embarrassed that he would make sure it was ready the following Friday and in addition I could choose a shirt as a way of saying sorry for the delay. The jacket was ready as promised and I collected my free shirt.  Not bad as the repair was only being done as a favor.


Billy in Japan writes:  I’ve gotten to the point where almost all of my MBOs get positive results in the best way possible. The positive percentage has been so high that when one doesn’t seem to work the way I requested it really stands out these days.

The MBO that surprised me the most recently was one that I requested for more karate students. The parents of 2 children brought them to the very next practice after my request. The parents also joined. Utterly amazed and satisfied that my MBO had been answered, I was even more pleased when the following practices also saw new students enroll. 10 new students in 4 weeks is nothing short of miraculous considering the low population of children in the area where I have my classes!


Ron writes: I don’t know if you remember or not Tom.  I was in the hospital back in April and I had asked you how to make an MBO to cover all of the expenses from the hospital. Well here’s what happened: Everything was covered by my insurance except an amount of  $860.00, which was the total of my five-day stay.  So the hospital sent me the bill last month and I asked them if I could make a payment plan and pay a little each month.  They told me to give them information about my income so I did, and they would contact me in 30 days to let me know if it is approved.  I then made an MBO,  ” I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for the full payment of the hospital bill. Thank You.” Two weeks ago I received another bill in the mail for $860.00 and on the back of the bill was attached a letter telling me that my request was approved and my balance was adjusted to 0.  I was so very happy and thanked my guardian angel.

I sent an email to my niece last month and asked her how she was getting along and she wrote back to me and told me she was not doing too good. She is a school teacher in Wisconsin and school was out and no summer school so she has to find another job. Plus her washing machine broke down and she didn’t have the money to buy one or to get it fixed. I wrote back to her and said I know how you can get a washing machine and it won’t cost you a cent. I told her how to make an MBO to her guardian angel.

This was on a Monday and somewhere during the week–she didn’t say what day– she was at school and doing some work and she happened to go into the supply room and when she did she saw a washing machine in there. She asked what was it in there for and they told her that it was donated to the school and that nobody wanted it and they told her she could have it if she wanted it. She had made an MBO for the washing machine, just like I instructed her to do. Plus she had three friends deliver it to her house too. It didn’t cost her a cent. She was very excited and thanked me for telling her about MBO’s and that she will start using them for everything.

I am in charge of our bingo games at my senior apartment complex and I have already taught some of our players how to request MBO’s to win a bingo game. Last week one of our new players approached me while I was setting up tables for our bingo night and said Hi. I asked her how she was enjoying the bingo games and she said ok; however it would be nice if I could win a game. She has only been playing now for three weeks.

So I said how would you lie to win a game of bingo tonight? She said that would be nice but how could that happen. I asked if she believed in angels and she said yes. I then told her that her guardian angel would help her to win a game tonight. She looked at me and I knew she was skeptical. I then said well do you want to win a game or not. She said yes. I then told her how to make an MBO for winning a bingo game tonight and had her state the MBO out loud in front of me and she did.

I said now expect to win a game of bingo tonight and you will. I already knew she was going to win because I have more confidence in trusting angels now too. So I told her you will win tonight. She smiled and said OK and I said see you at bingo. She came down to bingo that evening and came up to me to pay her fee and I asked her if she was ready to win a game tonight and she said yes. I said good and you will win. Other people at her table looked at me very strangely as if I had fixed something up for this lady. Little did they know about MBO’s and how they work. Well on the 6th game we played this lady yelled out very loud “BINGO.”  And when I went to check her card I could feel the excitement in her and she was smiling. I then said, “What did I tell you.” Now she knows too how to make MBO’s because I told her not to stop here; however you can use MBO’s for everything. MBO’s work.

So Tom feel free to post these if you want on your blog. I am spreading the word about your books and also teaching people daily about MBO’s. I am getting better and better now everyday working with my angels. I want to thank you too for sharing this with the world.


Jackie writes:  I’m still getting the hang of requesting MBOs, but boy do they work! This time I applied it to meditation. I believe I’m going to have a great time at the seminar at the end of the month!

Before beginning meditation, my request was “I request a most Benevolent Outcome for a beneficial meditation and to receive any messages clearly, in whatever form they are presented.” I’m working on learning to open up to my guides and such verbally so I’m not limited to dream time messages and intuition.  Anyway, that’s how I started.  Then I spent about a minute breathing progressively deeper.  Once I felt good there I had a conversation with my mind (as taught recently by Neale Donald Walsch). I thanked it for all the good it did and assured it that it would remember everything it needed to after the meditation. Now it was to take on a different role, holding open the door to my soul where it could observe everything within and without.  It could also protect from any dangers in either place.

Then I imagined walking through a door.  When the visualization was strong enough I could feel as if I passed through a barrier.  Once there I started discussing what it is that I’m wanting help working on.  At one point I remember hearing something like “it will take more time for us to be together.” This jolted me out a bit. A few days after the meditation I got to talk to my wife’s guide who confirmed it was real, and it wasn’t just a lower level ‘earth bound’ spirit but more of a middle level being who may become a guide for me.  While the time is not right now, the meditation was beneficial and allowed me to hear something I could confirm as a benevolent being, thus fulfilling my benevolent request!


Mark writes:  Here’s an MBO. “Last week this time, I asked for an MBO to gather enough money for my family and I to move into a new apartment. We needed about $3,000 and only had $1,400 on hand. I simply asked for support and then forgot about it, trusting the funds would show up. The next day, I made a rather large sale on my website that ended up giving us $500 more. Then a few days after that I felt inspired to ask for a loan for the rest from my father (something I’ve never done even once in 42 years). He agreed.

The next day I got an email from him that he and his wife had discussed it and actually decided to gift the money to us! That came as a big surprise. I was grateful, but as I know he and his wife are also on a tight budget, I didn’t feel totally comfortable taking it. We talked and he assured me that they had the money to spare. After talking we agreed that I would pay the money back, but straight into the fund that my dad started for my daughter. It now feels like a win, win, win situation. It’s a relief to have the whole $3,000 in hand now as we go to sign the rental contract!


JULY 30, SATURDAY–1:00 PM-5:00 PM–HOUSTON, TEXAS  (GALLERIA)–WORKSHOP–$50 plus $10 entrance fee to the Soul Explosion & Living Green Expo.  For more information and to sign up, go to .


Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here is the link: .  You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday.  Call toll free 800-450-0985.  It has twice as many pages as the first book.     The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  The first book is also available on  Either or both books can change lives!


TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter. –Great resources:  Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here listed as TOM T. MOORE. Let’s be friends!

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!

Tom T. Moore

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