Welcome to the Benevolent Outcomes Blog, and welcome to everyone who subscribed in the past week. This Blog is for people who wish to learn how to use a very simple, yet powerful and effective spiritual tool every day the rest of your life. It will lessen the stress and fear of life in general, and will make your life easier. It’s so simple a lot of people say “It can’t be this easy,” but it is, because IT WORKS!
This reconnects you with your Guardian Angel, or higher power, or whatever your belief is. You simply say, “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for… thank you!” When you read the stories below, sent from all over the world, we use the acronyms MBO for Most Benevolent Outcomes, GA for Guardian Angel, and BP for Benevolent Prayers (what you ask for other people). My website is
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My latest book, “ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed!” is PERFECT to learn about our ancient history going back 10 million years! You can buy it on Amazon, and the other online retailers as an eBook, or in printed version, and Book I is also in Audio. On Amazon, here is the link: Click here. For those of you buying the book, I would appreciate it if you would write a review. I only have 83 so far and need more!! This helps others who are undecided since they may never have heard of me or my other books before. Amazon and Goodreads seem to be the most visited.
You can read SAMPLE CHAPTERS of all the books at
Be sure to participate when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer out loud, but are you also saying the Daily BP each morning as I do? Theo says this is one of the most important things you could do for yourself not only for this life, but all the others you have lived or will live on earth, as they are all happening at the same time. Print it out and put it on your bathroom mirror to remind you. Here is the link: Here is an example of a BP for everyone to say today: “I ask any and all beings to aid and assist in bringing peace to the world, thank you!”
Marlene writes: Here is a story that happened yesterday after sending my email to you. My daughter called, crying and driving looking for her dog, Sapphire. She asked for my prayers, which I started immediately. I did an MBO and BP. I was asking my angels and other prayers. Then Goodwill popped in my mind. I texted my daughter to check the Goodwill store area. She kept checking in with me, and I was giving her more ideas. I prayed for the dog not to reach the busy road a quarter block from Goodwill. This is two blocks from my daughter.
Then she had to go get her 10 year old son from school. I call the dog Saffie, and she has become his therapeutic dog for his mutism and anxiety. It finally dawned on me to look at your first book, page one online, to study the prayer for an MBO. I wrote it out and then texted it to my daughter and stated they both needed to say it out loud for their Guardian Angels. I spent time on my phone looking at the dog telling her to find home. My daughter is social network savvy. She had a pic with note sent out on Facebook and sites here in Spokane.
My daughter first called me just before 1 pm, and finally called just after 6 pm. They found her in response to the social networking online on her phone. After asking her questions, we realized a lady from my daughter’s complex was walking to her doctor’s appointment and saw the dog next to that road. And the dog had just walked through the Goodwill parking lot. The dog had pushed opened the patio door when my daughter went next door to help the neighbor on the floor level get back into his wheelchair. So, the lady’s aunt contacted my daughter, and this person had taken pics and shared them, and my daughter sent some of her pics and asked if there was a half inch tiny line tattoo that was on her lower belly; and it was the dog. Ended up the lady who found the dog walked back to her apartment with her, and the dog did not have her collar on her. Saffie calmly walked with her, took a nap, rolled on the floor and when my daughter walked over to pick her up, Saffie licked all of them bye. My daughter and grandson did say the MBO out loud.
My daughter said when she drove through the Goodwill parking lot she must of just missed them. My daughter went into the woods near the complex. There are 13 buildings with my daughter in #10, and apartment 2 is in building #1. My daughter contacted everyone who called, texted, and inline to say thank you, and that she was found. I told my daughter she needed to ask her GA for help also. I am so grateful the dog was found so fast and returned. She is so sweet and protective of my grandson. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Lee writes: Quick MBO. I usually write a note on my iPhone when I need to pick something up at the store but this time I didn’t because it was 3 similar things. I got into the store and quickly picked up two of the items, but drew a blank on the third item. After trying to recall what the item was, I said an MBO to remember what the item was, and as soon as I was finishing the MBO it popped into my head! Got my three things and went to the register to pay; mind you the store was busy, and only had to wait for the person ahead of me to finish putting her wallet away after paying for her things. Quick in and out! Life is so much easier when you incorporate MBOs into your everyday life! Thank you, Tom.
Siddharth writes from India: My daughter was not feeling well and had gotten up due to stomach pain in the middle of the night. We went out to get some medicines. We got back and then two of us said a BP for her – “I ask any and all beings for Avni to get healed and able to sleep quickly now”. After the BP she immediately went for sleep and was fast asleep in about 5 minutes. She got up next morning feeling much better as well.
I keep using MBOs and BPs for my work as well Tom. I had asked for MBOs and BPs for getting some bigger deals and they happened.
MBOs and BPs continue to work in countless ways. I have now actually lost track of it has worked so many times. I am also lately seeing many angelic numbers repeatedly. I say an MBO every day – “I request for an MBO for being able to listen to my GA and guides better than yesterday and better than ever”. I feel this MBO is working very well.
Thanks a lot Tom. A ton of thanks for the amazing work you are doing.
Beth writes: MBO/BP for Gentle baby Weaning and cord cuttings.
For 12 month old baby to only get night feeds to fall right back asleep asap.
A couple months ago I requested an MBO to be guided when time is right for baby and I to wean (stop breastfeeding) and requested for a 100 % gentle weaning for both of us, thank you, plus a BP saying the same for baby.
A month later I watched a cord cutting video and I requested an MBO for this healing to be sent to me and baby at the same time who was just next to me and for the outcome to be better than expected for both of us. Thank you.
I have not specified the weaning during the MBO and session, BUT on that very night he only fed once instead of the usual 3 times a night. This lasted for weeks. I was sure it was due to the MBO and the benevolent cord cutting.
Two weeks later I did another MBO, plus general cord cutting for what no longer served us then, as baby self-weaned. Thank you to our common and angels who assisted in this whole process. “I requested a MBO for non-beneficial cord of attachment to be severed “ .For those who are interested in getting a boost while cutting cords with MBOs I recommend to watch” Alyssa Mary Rose Cord cuttings videos” on Youtube. This is a great combination.
If you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world. I typically post this two days after the newsletter goes out. And have you requested that
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If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me. And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.
Don’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other
services! The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! All three books can change lives!
TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . –Great resources: Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!
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Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore