Enterprise agreements are collective agreements between employers and workers on employment conditions. The Fair Labour Commission can provide information on the process of drafting enterprise agreements, evaluate and approve agreements. We can also deal with disputes over the terms of the agreements. Business agreements can be tailored to the needs of some companies. An agreement should be overall better for an employee when compared to the corresponding bonuses or rewards. If you have searched and cannot reach an agreement, the information and tools are available on the Commission`s website to support the agreement. Visit an agreement for more details. The Australian Municipal, Administration, Clerical and Services Union and Australian Industry Group will meet before September 1, 2005 to discuss and reach agreement on adequate coverage for workers in the telecommunications services sector. 30.6.2 The employer considers the application in light of the worker`s circumstances and, if the right is in fact based on the worker`s parental responsibility, it can only dismiss the application for reasonable reasons related to the impact on the workplace or on the employer`s affairs. These reasons may include costs, lack of replacement staff, loss of efficiency and impact on customer service. 27.2.3 Notwithstanding 27.2.1 and 27.2.2, annual leave can be done by mutual agreement between the employer and the worker over a period of at least one day. If a job has a registered contract, the premium does not apply. But: start with our search for documents and try to search for full text chords.
25.4.2 In all cases, the start and end of employment may vary by agreement between the employer and the employee or, in the absence of an agreement, vary from at least one week given by the employer to the worker. Normal hours are at the employer`s discretion on 21.1.2 to work continuously, with the exception of meal breaks. The allocation of hours (from 7 a.m to .m at 18:30 p.m.m Monday to Friday and, if applicable, 7 a.m. . m at 12:30 p.m. Fair Work Commission publishes enterprise agreements on this website. Start with our document search and try to search for full-text chords. Saturday) may be amended by agreement between the employer and a single worker with a maximum duration of one hour at both ends. 10.3.1 According to the agreement between the employer and the worker, the following facilitation provisions can be invoked, provided that the agreement 10.3.2 and 10.3.3 of this agreement is compliant: 13.8.2 A worker cannot be employed on an action basis without the mutual agreement of the employer and the worker.