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The Gentle Way News

Angel Stamp



The Gentle Way Books 1 2 and 3 and First Contact


Tom T. Moore


Welcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all Welcomemy new subscribers all over the world. If you wish to subscribe to this F.R.E.E. newsletter, go to and then click on the link in the Blue Box on the right side of the Home page.

I hope you are enjoying these newsletters. Have you told your friends about them? And keep sending me your MBO stories. I need at least four to six each week for my Saturday Blog.


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LIKE ME: Have you “Liked” my “Tom T. Moore Author” Facebook page yet? I’m Telepathyalways posting something there, so “Like” me!

My TV series,
THE TELEPATHIC WORLD OF TOM T. MOORE, is now on the new ROKU channel EPTV (stands for Extraordinary Phenomena TV). Check it out if you are a Roku box owner! My third episode is now posted. Orbs, Time Lines and much more!

FIVE STAR REVIEWS  Five Star Reviews

THE GENTLE WAY I: Mel wrote: This book is amazing. I just have to start off as saying that I do not believe in angels. I purchased this book for someone who does believe in angels, but hates self-help books. Well, the title includes "A Self-Help Guide for those who Believe in Angels," so I figure I have a 50/50 chance of her enjoying it!

Gentle WaySo when it arrived, I thought, "I should probably check this out a bit, and make sure it's not too 'out there' for her!" But while I intended to look through the first chapter or two, I was completely unable to stop reading. Tom T. Moore's writing style is like you are having a personal conversation with him. I've never read anything like it. And although it is not a very long book, and not very detailed, it really doesn't need to be either! His writing style is just concise, and has enough detail that nothing more needs to be said.

Now, mind you, I have not given this gift yet. I don't know how much she will like it. Also, at this point, I am giving her a “used” book, which is a little awkward! But since I only had a 50/50 chance of liking it (I like self-help books, sometimes, and this came with a high recommendation, but I Gentle Way IIdon't believe in angels) and she has a 50/50 chance of liking it, the odds are pretty good that it will change her life, as it has changed mine.

THE GENTLE WAY II: Linda wrote: The Gentle Way 2 is a continuation of Tom T. Moore's book on interacting with your guardian angels. I would recommend this book and the first one, The Gentle Way, very much to those who would like to acquaint themselves with their own guardian angels, guides, etc. Tom has written the book with many excerpts from real people who have had guidance from their angels and even tells you how to get started.

I was asked where to go to write the reviews. The most popular place to go (they Amazonsell more books than anyone else) is and then just enter the name of the book you wish to write a review about in the search book. Then click on “Reviews” and there will be a box that says “Write a review.”

Atlantis/ LemuriaWould you PLEASE write a review for any of my books that you own on Amazon, Goodreads, or anywhere else you purchased the book? I would appreciate your support!! Given that I don’t charge for these newsletters, this is one thing you can do for me.

My new book,
“ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed!” has so much information that has NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED in any other book on the subject! Read the REAL history of two societies that existed for over 50,000 years each.

You can read SAMPLE CHAPTERS of all the books at

And a quick explanation for my new subscribers. Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA) with whom I communicate in meditation, along with Gaia, the Soul of the Earth, and my soul “cluster” brother, Antura, (and a few others). Generally, I’ll ask Gaia the earth questions and Theo about our lives. Now for some interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give you


Cynthia writes:  Tom, can you talk about the area in Canada that is being burned by the fires? Is it karma for the area, or something that Gaia needs to do in order to clear the negative energies?  Thanks so much for all you do!Forest Fire

Gaia, give our readers some information regarding the large number of fires in the Ft. McMurray region of Canada.

Yes, we have spoken about this several times in the past. I have cycles of growth, then decay to the point where I use fires to clear the land in order to start over. As I have said before, if humans wish to live in these areas, then their homes need to be made of stone and material that does not burn, or they will suffer the fate of those that live in this region of Canada where their homes are reduced to rubble and ash.

Forest FireThen there are the soul contracts of these people that has the destruction of their habitat by fire as part of their experiences on Earth. Everyone has this experience on their bucket list. You can go back to ancient times when armies would conquer and then burn the cities to the ground. Whether I cause the fires or humans do, it accomplishes the same need so that this can be crossed off your list of experiences.

Let’s say a Benevolent Prayer (BP) out loud for the people affected by these fires:

“I ask any and all beings to assist the people affected by the Canadian fires to be able to overcome these challenges and return to productive lives in new homes, wherever their soul contracts take them, thank you!”


As if Oklahoma doesn’t have enough problems being squarely in the middle of Train Derailment“Tornado Alley,” now they have more earthquakes a year than does California—but these are all man-made.

Gaia, will your earth movements in Oklahoma stop if and when they cease fracking operations and injecting waste water back into the “Arbuckle,” or will it continue?

Good question, Tom. It will cease eventually, but it will be like the proverbial bowl of Jello. The movements will continue for a while, but will slowly lessen until they reach the level prior to the beginning of fracking and waste water injections.


Daralyn in Galveston, Texas writes: Lately I have been hearing in the news about a Train Derailmentvariety of train derailments. Is this by mere chance, or is there some general cause, such as earth movements bending the tracks? Is there any symbolic meaning to it?

Gaia are earth movements causing the train derailments, or is it because of poor maintenance?

It is a little of both, Tom, but perhaps more on the construction side. Still small movements over time can bend sections of rail or even just one or two rails. There is no one answer for all the rail systems. Many factors enter into the cause of a train derailment, including human error.


Jen in Helena, Montana writes: I was reading your recent newsletter about the 9th planet and my first reaction was that this would actually be the 10th, if Pluto was still recognized as a planet.

When the scientists revoked Pluto's planetary status, it really bothered me because Plutomy sun sign is Scorpio and they just took the planet with which we are associated away. Why? Is there something on Pluto that we aren't meant to see, like a civilization, or a Federation ship? What is Gaia's take on this? And with Pluto gone, how does this affect our astrological chart, if at all? Part of me can actually hear Gaia laughing right now as I ask this question, so maybe it's just much ado about nothing!  Thanks again for your wealth of knowledge. Have a lovely day!

Gaia, did the proclamation that Pluto is not a planet affect astrological charts in any way?

Not in the least, Tom. Pluto does influence you and everyone else, just as the so called planets do. These are astrological bodies and some have more influence on you than do others such as Jupiter and Saturn, simply because of their immense size.

How will the new Planet 9 affect the astrological charts?
Planet 9 Possible Orbits
The discovery will simply fill in a gap as to how you are influenced by the planets, Tom. Those who are professional astrologers will see how this dark planet, we will call it, affects and influences you.

Is there anything on Pluto we are not meant to see?

None, Tom. All these planets in this solar system are available for you to explore in one form or another. This is part of your training so that when the Explorer Race goes to the stars you will be able to instantly recognize other similar planets. You will find similar planets throughout the universe.


Angie writes from the Philippines: It is most likely that Rodrigo Duterte, a Rodrigo DuterteTrump-like Presidential candidate will win the Philippine elections on May 9. He is a violent man who has used death squads & killings as mayor of a small city. He has publicly admitted killing people & vows to do more. He has mesmerized lots of voters who are blinded by his rhetoric. Can you please ask Gaia or Theo and GAs what is the big probability that he will win the election, and if he loses, the probability of conflict among us Filipinos? Many of us are scared and dreading what will happen after May 9.

5/8/16 Theo, will Rodrigo Duterte win the Philippine election, and why do they people of the Philippines need his leadership?

Many of the people of the Philippines are younger souls, Tom. They feel more comfortable being told what to do. But they will also see their lives suffer in having a strong armed president. A gentler person will come to their rescue, you could call it, within a fairly short number of years.

More on Duarte’s win.


For my new readers, Antura is a soul fragment in my soul group and has already First Contacthad 800 lives on Earth, mostly as an explorer. This time he’s back on our water world having a life as an explorer and member of a “first contact” team. Read more about him in my book FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET. Here are more questions this week.

Good morning and good life, Antura. I have more questions about the ET craft.

Yes, I knew it would cause you to think of more, Tom.

Did the U.S. troops take pot shots at the craft, or were those flares the craft released?

Those were not flares, Tom. Look at the angle and curvature of the smoke.

The space craft seemed to appear out of nowhere or from inside a mountain?

Yes, the pilot entered your frequency level, we will call it, at that precise moment when the craft is seen for the first time. It did not come out of a mountain.

UFO AfghanistanThere were seven vents, or slots on at least one side. Were they air intakes or were they to dispel heat, or what was their use?

Yes, those slots or vents you described can take in air and convert it for use in the propulsion system.

What were the ports or what appeared to be ports below the slots?

At least one is used to attach the craft to the mothership.

How many passengers besides the pilot could it carry?

A few more than you might think, Tom. It could carry a total of six. And to answer your next question, yes, they are humanoid, but small in comparison to Earth humans. You have not seen these people before.

There were two or three raised portions of the craft on the top. Their use?UFO Afghanistan

Part of the arraignment of devices to take readings.

Does it have the same performance capabilities as the Sirian round, saucer-shaped craft?

Almost identical. They prefer the triangle design compared to the round, Sirian design.

Were there two spacecraft?

Quite so. The other came from the next valley.

What was their mission?

They were taking readings of the people who lived in the valley, along with the soldiers on the mountain top above. It was like saying “Smile, you’re on candid camera,” to use a saying I believe you’re familiar with.

Aurora AircraftAre our triangle craft as fast? 

Not yet. As I mentioned before, we have put “speed controls” on your back engineering to keep your speeds down to a certain level. And of course your craft do not have the ability to transfer out of your frequency as do ours and the red triangle craft seen by the soldiers.

If you did not see last week's newsletter here is the link to the video:


This MBO story and the next two originally appeared last week in my Blog, which you can read in its entirety at Please send me your MBO and BP stories. They will inspire others to try The Gentle Way!
Recently my wife Dena and I and two of our friends took a weekend trip to Glen Brazos River Glen Rose TxRose, Texas, southwest of Ft. Worth and home of the dinosaur parks. It had really rained for three to five days at a time and we wanted sunny, mild weather for our trip, so both Dena and I said a month out,
“I request Most Benevolent Outcomes for perfect weather for our trip to Glen Rose and may the trip be even better than we can hope for or expect, Glen Rose Tx Dinosaur Parkthank you!”

And it was. We stayed at the Tres Rios (Three Rivers) resort our friends belong to. They stayed in their trailer and we stayed in a cabin, perfectly located overlooking the Brazos River, which was in flood stage, but well below us (a brand new dock had just been swept away and was hanging in brush across the merging of another river). We chose our restaurants well, went to one of the dinosaur parks with l50 life-size replicas of dinosaurs, and did wine tastings at two wineries near Granbury, fifteen miles north of Glen Rose. It was a perfect weekend with our friends and went by all too fast. Oh, and it did not rain one drop that weekend!


DF in Canada writes: Thank you for your books!

I just recently started engaging MBOs and the results, well, there's definitely results!

Lottery TicketOne of the first MBO requests I made was for my upcoming walk to stretch my legs. I usually have to cross an extremely busy intersection with no crosswalk lights. So generally it takes a half a minute to wait for traffic to figure itself out. I walked up to the intersection and cars seemed to be clearing out and the last van had 'ANGEL SEAFOOD' on the side then the intersection went DEAD. I mean I could have waltzed for a minute on the road, there were simply no cars!

The next morning,
I went to check a lottery ticket, so for fun I MBO'd that, and I won a free ticket!

It really works, it really does! I have also asked for blockages to be cleared in dreams and have experienced vivid and very emotional dreams as a result.


John writes: Here are my favorite MBOs or ones that made my life easier! Here's MBOone I like, "I request the most benevolent outcome to stay in the flow today and may this outcome be even better than I could hope for or expect, thank you!"

Here's another good MBO, "I request the most benevolent outcome to have my guardian angel give me ideas of what MBOs I can say that will make my life easier and more joyful and may this outcome be even better than I could hope for or expect, thank you."


Theo, I have seen a reduction in those offering MBO stories so that tells me the Car Salesmanrequesting of MBOs is not growing.

Yes, there is a lull, shall we call it, in the numbers, Tom, as people try out the newest modality, just like their desire for a new car. They will find those do not come up to the standard of The Gentle Way modality. Just keep moving along your path, Tom, and you’ll see a resurgence.

So you see, folks, I do need those MBO stories to encourage more people to try it out!


Caitie writes: Thank you so very much for sharing your work and calling with us. We're so grateful for your service and connection. I'm hoping you could ask Gaia about essential oils. They are becoming much more popular as alternatives for Essential Oilshealth, beauty and cleaning products. Considering their potency, if properly handled, are essential oils safe for ingestion, topical application and inhalation? Are they a safe and effective alternative to health/wellness, beauty and household cleaning products?

Gaia, are essential oils safe for use, if instructions are followed, as an alternative for health and wellness, beauty and household cleaning use?

Of course they can be, in the right hands, Tom. They have been in use for thousands of years. But instructions must be followed. As you guessed, Tom, there is the underlying monetary desire here, but that is all right. Again, these oils have instructions that come with them on their use, which must be followed. In the wrong hands there could be complications.


Suzanna writes: I have a question I hope you can answer. I've heard about “the music of the spheres” from various books but I would love to learn more about this. What is it exactly?  Does it have something to do with the sounds from various Spheresplanets?

Thanks for your help and thanks for all that you do for all of us. I love your books and have reviewed them too. MBOs have changed my whole way of life and now I can't imagine starting my day without saying them.

Gaia, what is “music of the spheres”?

Tom, this is celestial music that is constant and is at a level above the human ear’s ability to hear, with a few individual exceptions. You could also call it the “song of life.” One can hear it in spirit.


Mike in the UK writes: A question for the newsletter.


Dr. Khalid Abdul Muhammed (1948 - 2001) was a BRILLIANT man. He was an African-American activist who originally started out in the Nation of Islam being an assistant to Louis Farrakhan. He was later removed from that post due to a controversial speech he delivered elsewhere. He then later became the national chairman of the New Black Panther Party. He was a powerful and profound speaker and virtually unbeatable in debating. I'm very sad he is no longer with us, having Black Panther Partydied in 2001 of a brain aneurysm.

Here is a YouTube video of his appearance on the Phil Donahue show in 1994 for the readers to watch:

Please ask Theo what is his soul interest.

More information:

Theo, what was Dr. Khalid Abdul Mohammad’s soul interest?

In this past life it was to be an agitator and to open people’s eyes to prejudice. It is his soul interest to be connected to governments—on one hand to work in governments and on the other hand to work against them. Don’t forget all lives must balance at the end of your Earth existence. He has been a leader, both moderate and radical in many previous lives.


Mantej in the UK writes: JAMES DEAN & THE LITTLE BASTARD:

James DeanA) Is James Dean’s soul interest an actor or athlete/sportsman (as he was a race car driver also)?B) Why was it Dean's contract to die so young at 24?
C) "The Little Bastard" is the name of Dean's Porsche 550 Spyder that he crashed and died in. It has been said over the years that the "Little Bastard" is cursed, as supposedly it brought misfortunes to others. So is the "Little Bastard" cursed?
D) The whereabouts of the "Little Bastard" are unknown; has it been destroyed or where is it?


JAPANESE APOLOGY AGENCIES: In Japan, you can hire someone from an agency to apologize (to another person you need to apologize to) rather than apologizing yourself!!! Please explain; in this instance, does the person working for the agency who apologizes on your behalf create good Karma for him/herself and or do you get bad karma for not apologizing yourself?

Natalie Wood and James DeanTheo, was James Dean’s soul interest the arts or sports? Also why was his soul contract to die at 24? And what happened to the car he crashed?

His soul interest was, yes, the arts, Tom. Fast cars were simply part of his lifestyle. He was a very complicated man attracted to both men and women. He felt fast cars proved his manhood. His soul contract was to achieve stardom and then exit because in past lives he had caused the violent end to others. It was to assist in achieving balance. He will return and again achieve stardom, but will live a long life. The car he crashed sits abandoned.

Theo, the tradition of the Japanese to hire someone to apologize for them. Why that tradition?

It dates back to a time when it was seen as an act by the wealthy to show their respect to the other person. As you might notice it also kept that person safe in case the apology was not accepted.


Pete writes: Greetings and good health, Tom. Could you please ask Theo if the following explanation of my present understanding (Condensed Readers Digest version) of the "Earth Experiment" as gleaned from your weekly newsletters that I have followed since some time in 2014 to the present, and the newsletter archives going back to 2007, is correct, mostly correct, or somewhere out in left field.

Creator Depiction "Millennia ago, Creator asked all other creators across the Omniverse that, if they wished to participate in what you presently term "The Earth Experiment," they could do so by providing from six to twelve soul fragments of themselves, while at the same time continuing on with what they were doing elsewhere in the Universe.

The experiment entailed that the chosen fragments would live humanoid lives on planet Earth, (the only planet of choice), and gaining both knowledge and experience within what we know as our humanoid physical bodies, through the process we (some of us) understood when still in the third dimension to be "reincarnation."

However, each reincarnation was not into a single lifetime as was/is the common understanding of reincarnation. Over the 600 to 800 (avg.) incarnations that each soul fragment would require in order to fully experience everything the earth plane had to offer, each soul fragment would further divide itself into 12 fragments. Each of these individual fragments would then lead similar but not identical parallel lives within the same time-frame of the incarnation. These parallel lives would vary from extremely difficult to extremely pleasant lives depending on which of the 12 time lines the fragment was on, with 1 being the most "difficult" and 12 being the least difficult.

At each incarnation the fragments would birth into, and be exposed eventually, to every possible earthly experience including: face every type of death of the body at various ages; face every type of accident, illness and disease; live a life (lives) in every possible sexual orientation; and, following death, review the progress and missteps made by each of the six to 12 soul fragments and their 12 parallel lives, and then formulate a plan for what the "soul" would experience in the next incarnation.

Parallel EarthsBy having each soul fragment experience 12 lives that were impacted by similar events, much varied earthly experiences would be gained by the contributing souls, as well as the individual fragments, in a much shorter time period. (Not withstanding that time only exists in this, the earth, dimension.)

In order for the experiment to function as intended, the participants would have free will and complete freedom of choice in all things. Free choice, by its very nature, can lead to either positive or negative outcomes, and the experiment would test the ability of the soul fragments to find their true nature while at the same time having to do so while functioning in a reality ripe with negativity. (This appears to me to be the true test of the "Earth Experiment.)

At the same time, each fragment would also be veiled. In other words, once born into the earth plane, the entities would have no remembrance that they were in fact spiritual beings who were in essence pieces of the Creator temporarily living as physical humanoids in a third dimensional reality, free to do whatever they felt like, but in an environment that was prone to producing negativity. Once they were part of the experiment, they would continue to reincarnate until they had experienced every nuance of earthly life. Also unbeknownst to them, all of these lives would be lived simultaneously, something extremely difficult to comprehend given our concept of linear time.

It was Creator’s hope that mankind would use their free will to make positive rather than negative choices and come to understand that they were in fact part of the creator, and, most importantly, would come to understand that they were eternal spiritual beings temporarily contained within a human physical body.

ReincarnationIn addition, throughout millennia, numerous souls volunteered to incarnate with messages about how life was best lived by loving creation, rather than destroying it. It appeared that this was a message would take far longer to be implemented than what Creator initially anticipated. Having destroyed part of the planet and much of its population on numerous occasions over the past millennia, the messages finally got through, and the experiment passed through into the next phase in Dec of 2012 A.D.

Thanks again, Tom, for your dedication to bringing forward the amazing guidance you obtain from Spirit each and every week.

I’m glad this was the “Readers Digest condensed version!” I’ll make comments on Pete’s perceptions.

1. Certainly the souls that take part in the “Earth Experiment” originally came from Creators, or larger pieces of Creators, the souls that are contributing on average six to twelve “soul fragments” volunteered in order to “fast track” the raising of their vibrational levels. Their end goal is to, sometime in the future, meld together (which has never been done in the billions of other creations) and take over for the Creator of this Universe and allow it to go to a higher level. They are not just sitting around waiting for all this to play out. They may be having 500,000 to one million other lives going on at the same time across the universe;

2. The souls gave each fragment of itself different interests so as to gain the most experience from these Earth lives. When each soul fragment has a life on Earth, there are actually 12 Earths (one non-physical) known as “Time Lines” set on different frequencies with the lower frequencies having harder lives and the upper frequencies having easier lives;

Speeding Time3. There is “Universal Time,” but Earth Time is ten times faster than Universal Time and is still increasing in speed for just a little longer. Our grandchildren will not notice any difference is time as it will be constant for them;

4. Each soul fragment has a life plan known as a “Soul Contract” laid out for it for the greatest amount of learning, challenges, successes, etc., but because the soul fragment is veiled, the person can veer off the soul path and reduce the amount of learning in one life. Of course, as Theo says, requesting MBOs in your life keeps you on your soul path;

5. As the soul fragments had destroyed themselves several times in the past (such as Atlantis and Lemuria), this was the time period when it could happen again. But the soul fragments raised their vibrational levels to a point in 1987, known as the Harmonic Convergence, so that humans will never destroy ourselves again.

Tom T. Moore Tom

 Tom T. Moore
 7000 Independence Pkwy. STE 160-7
 Plano, Texas 75025
 United States



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