• LIFE IN 4013
Welcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all my new subscribers all over the world. If you wish to subscribe to this F.R.E.E. newsletter, go to and then click on the link in the Blue Box on the right side of the Home page.
I hope you are enjoying these newsletters. Have you told your friends about them? And keep sending me your MBO stories. I need at least four to six each week for my Saturday Blog.
I’m going to be speaking at the Harmonic Crystal dig in Mt. Ida, Arkansas, the weekend of August 19-21. For more information see the first topic in this newsletter.
Have you written a metaphysical book and wish to become more well-known? My friend Ken Cherry is losing two of his hosts for their radio show on Monday nights due to illness and moving to another country. Contact me with your bio if you would like to host and interview people. Don’t delay—one reader has already contacted me.
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LIKE ME: Have you “Liked” my “Tom T. Moore Author” Facebook page yet? I’m always posting something there, so “Like” me!
THE GENTLE WAY III: Daph wrote: “I love reading the books and the stories. It’s a great source of inspiration to ask for more MBOs, which I would have never thought of. And even if one had read the first two books, it’s still so interesting to read the 3rd one, always new ideas, new possibilities and good way to keep on track. I am loving it.”
ATLANTIS & LEMURIA: Dianne wrote: “Many of us on the spiritual path have wondered about the enigmatic continents of Atlantis and Lemuria and how they may impact on our lives in the present day.
Tom T Moore's book Atlantis & Lemuria The Lost Continents Revealed will, I know, answer all your questions and even questions you never knew you had! The information
in the book explains about the two continents however reveals so much more about the Ancient World and Civilizations.
This book is an awe inspiring work of Love and fascinating information. My use of the word Love is deliberate for Tom is a dedicated Light Worker in service to his fellow humans at this time; many of us master our lives by the use of requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes which Tom introduced us to in his Gentle Way books.
It is this dedication and service which has resulted in his latest book for Tom has acted as the channel for his Guardian Angel, Theo over a number of years cataloguing each question and answer.”
I was asked where to go to write the reviews. The most popular place to go (they sell more books than anyone else) is and then just enter the name of the book you wish to write a review about in the search book. Then click on “Reviews” and there will be a box that says “Write a review.”
Would you PLEASE write a review for any of my books that you own on Amazon, Goodreads, or anywhere else you purchased the book? I would appreciate your support!! Given that I don’t charge for these newsletters, this is one thing you can do for me.
My new book, “ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed!” has so much information that has NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED in any other book on the subject! Read the REAL history of two societies that existed for over 50,000 years each.
You can read SAMPLE CHAPTERS of all the books at
And a quick explanation for my new subscribers. Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA) with whom I communicate in meditation, along with Gaia, the Soul of the Earth, and my soul “cluster” brother, Antura, (and a few others). Generally, I’ll ask Gaia the earth questions and Theo about our lives. Now for some interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give you a DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE:
I will be speaking at a Starseed event in Mt. Ida, Arkansas, during the weekend of August 19-21. More about that below, but I thought I should ask more about the mining for crystals that took place in that region by the Atlantean people. If you have read my book on Atlantis and Lemuria, I briefly covered their mining.
Gaia, was the area around Mt. Ida, Arkansas, the main center of mining for the Atlanteans?
Yes, Tom, that whole region—and you understand we are talking about a somewhat wider area than you are asking about—served their demand for crystals.
Were they searching for the large 20 to 25 foot crystals or only for the thousands of crystals needed for their individual uses?
Both, Tom. As has been discussed before, they had quite sophisticated crystal detectors that were able to search out very large crystals to use in those relays discussed before called “posers,” but they also needed crystals for individual appliances and machines.
Did they mine the region around Mt. Ida more after the Atlantean Continent sank leaving only Poseidia and the Aryan Islands, or did they have this operation working prior to its sinking?
It was smaller – much smaller—before the continent sank; as you can possibly imagine with a continent 10% larger than Australia, there were quantities of crystals available. They had discovered the crystals, which to this day are plentiful in that region of Arkansas, but it was more taking samples, using their devices to scan underneath the surface to see how plentiful the field, we will call it, was. Then, after the continent sank, there were few places left to mine, so their attention turned to Arkansas.
How did they transport the crystals—by air?
Yes, their aircraft were capable of handling heavy loads, and to answer your next question, yes, they used posers along the way to power the aircraft. There was no need for them to use slower modes of transportation such as by water or overland. You could say they had their own flight path on a straight line back to the remaining islands. This continued for many years until the tension between the two sides reached a boiling point, and yes, the fighting carried over to the mining operations.
How many miles of tunnels are there in that region of Arkansas?
Well over 100 miles, Tom.
Speaking of tunnels, couldn’t they also tunnel all the way to the East Coast?
Yes, but there was no need with their transport aircraft.
Then did the tunnels total as much as 200 miles?
Over 100, Tom, but less than, say, 150—more on the order of 125 to 130. Keep in mind that this operation persisted for several hundred, and yes, even over 1,000 years. They had reached a point where they had sufficient crystals for the size of the islands. As we have mentioned in the past, Poseidia was about the size of Cuba and the main Aryan island about the size of Hispaniola. Their populations swelled to several million each before their war destroyed everyone and sank the remaining islands.
How many miners were living there on average?
There were well over 100 and their families. The area was remote, but they had their own villages—yes, more than one according to which mine or mines were being worked at any given time. There were farmers and other types of supporting activities for the villages. Naturally, they have long since been covered over during the past 12,500 years, leaving only the tunnels to be discovered by those in that region.
How deep did the mines go?
Most were shallower, but a couple did go a mile or so down as, again, we return to their desire to search out really large crystals, and they were located deeper into the earth.
Gaia, I asked if there were over 100 Atlanteans miners and their families in Arkansas, so were there over two hundred? What was the largest number of miners, their families and support?
Yes, Tom. There were several hundred at the height of the mining. Use the number of less than 500 and you’ll have an idea of the scope of their operations.
Were there multiple villages with a village around each mine, or would they dig one out and move to a new location?
There were multiple villages at the height of their mining, but yes, after they would obtain the largest crystals from one mine, they would then move their operations. They were limited to having their villages near water and would construct rudimentary roads to the mines and even between villages, as for the miners this was a lonely life.
Were there ever mine accidents?
Yes, but few compared to mining today. They also had the advantage of having the advanced healing techniques we have discussed previously. There was a healing center that would serve all the villages or just one if there was only one village. The villages also all had light and all their appliances so that they did not have to live primitively. The miners were also paid quite well and they could vacation back in Poseidia or the Aryan islands to visit families and friends.
Of course to the majority of the Atlantean people considering living that far away from “civilization” was unthinkable. But again, the miners had schools that were the equivalent of what the schools other Atlanteans attended. All of this has since returned back to the grassland and forests that prevail in this part of the country.
Known as the August Harmonic Crystal Dig, it will take place from Friday, August 19 at 4:00 pm to Sunday, August 21 at 2:00 pm. It includes all the presentations, including mine on Saturday evening for four hours, your digging tools, digging at a private mine, and all food with (I think) the exception of one. Cost is $477 per person and does not include lodging. For those not familiar with this area, you can fly into Little Rock, and the drive would be about two hours; flying into either airport in Dallas would mean a five-hour drive. Space is quite limited. For more information, please email me at tomtmoore6 (at) and I’ll forward it to the Starseed person in charge of this fun event!
Lee writes from Florida: My heart weeps for the victims and the families of the massacre in Orlando. I understand life paths, so my question is besides teaching compassion, were these lives given in order to be the beginning of the change we need to see involving guns, acceptance of others and compassion? It seems that the 20+ children and adults in Newton just wasn't enough. And it seems we really need to change and change soon. Also, is this picture real? Whether or not it is, the message is powerful. Thank you.
Theo, has the outpouring of compassion for the Orlando shooting victims helped to raise our vibrations any?
Quite so, Tom. You notice there was a coming together of people all over the world who expressed their sympathy and silently vowed to work for more understanding, and over and over again you heard the word “love” expressed. The victims all had soul contracts to transition at that time, but they also knew on a soul level this would contribute to more love in the world and to ways in which to lower violence. We could discuss thousands and thousands of individual ways this will occur, but it is contributing to a turning point in peoples’ beliefs.
What is the highest probability of when the gun laws in the USA will change?
There is a low probability for now, but of course this will be used against those running for reelection who have voted down strengthening your gun laws. It will happen more state by state rather than on a national level, but the laws will change over the next two to three years.
Were the photos of the cross in the sky real or Photoshopped?
Photoshopped, but you could call it an artistic view of the person who created it.
[This came in before Orlando] Mike writes: What is the purpose of compassion? I was challenged with a statement from another recently that suggested there might or should be a hierarchy to what gets compassion. Refugees escaping from Syria might be in line ahead of animal concerns in its endless forms, for instance. Compassion is valued regardless of what the focus is. That's what my gut says, but why? I am reminded of the Star Trek Episode (original series) where Kirk and the other officers were made to act out theater style dramas for the pleasure of the enlightened and elevated space beings. Not sure who was more evolved there.
So, why do we generate our drama and compassion scenarios? Apparently we take turns being the victims and the perpetrators. To what end? I might swear off any acts of violence and trauma to other humans and fellow critters in this life, yet decide to come back and play the part of a sadistic monster to all who cross my part in another cycle. I would hope I would just say no to those roles that seem to provide some sort of entertainment value to an unseen audience.
Gaia, what is the purpose of compassion, and how do we, or should we prioritize?
Good question from your reader, Tom. Showing compassion in a myriad of ways helps to raise your vibrational level. If you ignore those in need you will actually take a step back in your development. So be compassionate to those in need, whether human or non-human. You will find a lightness of being over many years as you work, whether it is healing, or just sending a Benevolent Prayer to someone or something you cannot physically assist. And by doing so, you help the whole world to raise everyone’s vibrational level.
Should you prioritize? Certainly if you have strong feelings to assist another person, then that becomes a priority. Perhaps you are paying back an old karmic debt from another life when they assisted you.
We understand there are just so many minutes in a day, but that should not stop you from saying a quick BP out loud for that person or non-human, just as you and Dena did on your way to Arkansas when both of you said a benevolent prayer for a homeless lady walking along the side of the road as you passed. That did assist her, we can assure you. In summary, the more compassionate you are, the higher your vibrational level will rise in this life, and you and other compassionate people will lighten the whole world with your brighter lights.
Heather writes: Could you ask Theo a little more detail about when we are at the planning board preparing for our next life?
I understand that we have the main path planned that will give us the best possible life, but do we also include the alternative paths we could possibly take in our plan?
And if the one of the alternative paths are taken, then are there contracts with people on that path also?
Thank You!!!
Theo, when we are planning our next life, I do understand this happens in what we would term milliseconds, but besides the main path or soul contract, do we cover the alternative paths we might take if we use free choice and do not continue on the best path for our growth?
Photo: Unsplash
Good question by your reader, Tom. Yes, these paths are covered during the planning stage. Naturally, you want to stay on the best path for your growth, but you also see what happens if you take an alternative path or paths. You come into these lives very determined to stick to your soul contracts, but being veiled you consciously don’t know that you are about to take a less favorable path, with the exception that your GA and guides are screaming at you to stay on the best path.
As I have said before, if you’re requesting MBOs all the time in your lives, you will remain on your best path. If you begin to request MBOs after you have taken an alternative path there are many occasions when we can steer you back to the original path, and if not, at least lessen the damage, so to speak, and keep you from taking other even less desirable paths. So do request MBOs all the time as it will keep you on the “straight and narrow,” to use an old saying.
For my new readers, Antura is a member of my soul “cluster” and was introduced to me by my GA Theo in 2008. I was in for a shock when I discovered he doesn’t look like humans because he’s an amphibian living on a water planet in the Sirius B Star System. I asked him hundreds of questions about life there, other planets in the Star System, our universe, detailed questions about those big “motherships” and scout craft and much more that came together in my book FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET. Here are more questions.
Antura, was the image on Mars of what appears to be an ET skull just that or a rock with a similar appearance?
No, in this case the winds on Mars uncovered a skull left over from their wars. It is a tantalizing bit of discovery meant to pique your scientists’ and archeologists’ curiosity. It was not just by chance that it was photographed.
Peter writes from Canada: Thank you for your wonderful newsletter we get every week. It helps me to open my mind with all your wonderful questions you ask your guides. This link here talks about something that happened in 1990 and went on TV.
Can you ask to see if this was nature, manmade is something from the Federation of Light?
Thank you for your time and wisdom.
Antura, was the UFO seen over Montreal in the 1990s a Federation craft and if so, what was their mission with all the lights?
Its mission, we will call it, was to bring more attention and curiosity to encourage talk and wonder. It was not at that moment taking any special readings, although those are always ongoing, but more to cause talk for many years to come as you can see from when this took place.
With the recent violence by reportedly mentally unstable people, Pam suggested we all say this Benevolent Prayer, which I remind you to say out loud:
"I ask any and all beings to assist in quickly and effectively providing mental health programs for all people in the world so that we can all live happy and healthy lives. May the results be better than we can hope for, imagine, or expect. Thank you!!"
This MBO story and the next one originally appeared last week in my Blog, which you can read in its entirety at Please send me your MBO and BP stories. They will inspire others to try The Gentle Way!
M.E. writes: Memorial Day weekend I discovered that an animal had gotten inside the AC part of my car and died - the smell was horrific! Every mechanic was closed due to the holiday (of course!). I said an MBO that the smell / animal would be gone even sooner than I could hope for. Next day I went out to my car and there was no trace of the smell - like it never happened!
Donna writes: LOVEBUGS
I was traveling through Florida last week, and every time I stopped, the lovebugs were swarming around my car. You probably have these bugs in Texas, too. They are quite a nuisance, and in the past they have managed to fly into the car, and then they are really distracting and annoying until you can manage to get them out (and not let additional bugs in). This time I said the following MBO each time before I opened my car door: "I request a Most Benevolent Outcome to place a force field around me and my car to please keep all critters out, thank you!" I have to report that this worked perfectly! One time one bug kept loitering outside my car window until I reminded it that it was not supposed to be inside the "force field," and then it immediately flew off! I'm still amazed, and I won't forget to use this one again and again!
I don't even know how it happened, but one day when I was removing my contact lens, it just wasn't in my hand like it should have been. So, thinking it must have fallen onto the bathroom floor, I said an MBO to help me find it. It was blue tinted and I should have been able to easily spot it against the white floor tile, but I couldn't find it. Every time I went past the bathroom floor over the next few days I kept looking at the spot where it should have been. Luckily, I did have a spare lens, however, a few days after I lost the first lens, my second lens left my hand when I was about to place it in my eye! So, again I looked around the (same area of the) floor, but couldn't find it. By now I'm wondering what if one of my other selves on another timeline needed the lenses more than I did, or what lesson was I supposed to be learning?
I said another MBO when I lost the second lens, and this time I was pleading with my guardian angel and anybody else that I could think of to please help! Nope, still didn't see any lenses in the spot where they should have been. I was still obsessively glancing at the "spot" on the floor anytime I got near the bathroom. I think it was either later that night or even the next day when I glanced down, and one of the lenses had returned! It was sitting there plainly visible in the "spot" on the floor and completely undamaged! I certainly don't have any explanation about how it reappeared like that. Even though I only got the one back, I'm VERY grateful! Thanks, Angels!
And, I'm so grateful to you, Tom, for teaching us about MBOs and BPs! I absolutely use them all of the time, and when I think they haven't worked, I assume that it's because there's a lesson in it for me or somebody else. Thank you so much!!
Lee writes: Tom, with the passing of Muhammed Ali, I am sure many of your readers are wondering what his life path was this time around and how true he was to it. He was a true humanitarian and a wonderful example of someone who lived what he believed. And let us not forget that he was The Greatest! Any comments would be appreciated. Thank you for all the work that you do to educate us in The Gentle Way.
 Gaia, did Muhammad Ali follow his soul contract? Why did he experience Parkinson’s and was he a young, medium, or old soul in Earth lives?
Yes, he did follow his soul contract quite closely, which should tell you he is a seasoned soul in the mid-500 range. He experienced Parkinson’s first because it was on his bucket list and second in order to show everyone how you can live with a disease and still do great work. It just takes desire and the belief you can do it. He was an inspiration to many people, both young and old. Need we mention his soul contract was to show people that we should accept people of different beliefs? He was like a beacon in darkness as he showed how to fight for one’s rights.
Will he incarnate again soon or will he choose much later or earlier?
He will incarnate not too many years from now, again, as a man, although the life after that will be as a woman. He will remain in good health in both those lives.
Daralyn in Galveston, Texas writes: When I was growing up, I never once met or heard of a person who believed they had been born into the wrong body, gender-wise. It was not even a concept. Nowadays we hear so much about transgender issues, to the point that there is legislation and policies for bathroom use, and even young children are self- identifying as really being the opposite gender. Is transgender actually happening more frequently these days, and if so, why, or is it merely more acceptable to discuss it?
Gaia, has transgender always existed, or are there more soul contracts to have this these days?
Transgender has always existed, Tom. It was just hidden, and was combined with homosexuality in people’s minds for a very long time. Now as your world has become more compassionate and accepting of homosexuality, light is now being shined on those whose bodies do not match their inner feelings.
Of course these are soul contracts, not only for them, but is also another lesson on accepting someone for who they are, giving them love and compassion. Also keep in mind that many had these feelings, but since no one talked about it they were left in the dark as to why they were different. They lived their whole lives in misery because there was no name to how they felt. I have said this numerous times, but ALLOW. You will be a gentler person if you accept and love them along with everyone else with no exception.
Laura writes: I was given a scholarship to do Harmonyum healing. Dr. Levry says it is bio-metaphysical medicine.
"Harmonyum is an extraordinary healing science that is the total sum of the 22 Major Arcana in action. In other words, Harmonyum is the psycho-therapeutic application of Arcanal wisdom. Its power is the same as that of the force represented by the engraving on the rod of Moses. Harmonyum belongs to a chain of light. This chain of light is the lineage of those once worshipped in Atlantis and Ancient Egypt. During this period in human history, health was of the utmost importance. People with pristine power routinely accessed the astral body and spirit of the bones, known as the Body of Light, in order to heal the physical body without causing side effects."
I have felt more like the "Me" that I had never yet seen. Experienced so much pain relief and many positive healing changes in my life. I have seen the energy surrounding this modality and have been blessed tremendously. But a few around me are concerned. A certain "intuitive" is saying to stay away from it. This is causing me confusion as I only want others to heal. Since it is supposed to be Atlantean medicine, I thought you could ask for me and clarify.
Thank you ever so much for all you do. I always pray for Benevolent Beings and Outcomes in all I do every single day.
Gaia, was a healing method some now call Harmonyum used in Atlantis?
Not in the way asked, Tom. There are ways to heal you have not discovered yet that were done in the days of Atlantis. Over the ages there were a number of healing modalities that the Atlanteans tried with varying success before discovering the healing energy of crystals. You could say Hamonyum was one of those healing methods along their path. Again, we say Allow, Tom, for those to believe any healing modality works for them.
Mike writes from the UK [edited for brevity]: There are only TWO TYPES of men and they are the Alpha man and the Beta Man. The Alpha man is the man all women crave and want. He is charismatic, confident, uncompromising and a leader; think of James Bond as the ultimate alpha man (which any man can learn to be like). The beta man is an emasculated weakling, doormat, submissive and used and controlled by women; think of the geek characters from the comedy show "The Big Bang Theory" as being the beta guys.
Why are some men's soul contracts to be an alpha man and some are to be a beta man?
Theo why are some soul contracts of men to be Alpha males and some to be Beta males.
Here we get into soul contracts for your balancing, Tom. You can’t be an Alpha male in every one of your male lives. You must experience being meek and being aggressive. The Beta males are oftentimes much braver than the Alpha males because they are harassed and bullied in school. Don’t forget the old saying, “And the meek shall inherit the Earth.” Just because a person is a Beta personality does not mean they do not have inner strength. They are exploring what they can do with what they have been given.
LIFE IN 4013
Mantej in the UK writes: A LIFE 2,000 YEARS IN THE FUTURE - IN THE YEAR APPROX 4013! I asked back in 2013, what is the furthest time period into the future someone living now has already had and Theo said that this person has had a life 2,000 years in the future - which would be the year 4013! It was apparently to "learn about family.” Can we learn more about this person?
(1) What specifically did he/she have to learn about family about 2,000 years into future and why?
(2) Is this person who is living now (if presumably he/she hasn't died since I last asked in 2013) obsessed with the future and gadgets and technology or a "futurist" because of his/her prior life 2,000 years ahead of him/her? As, of course, technology and general lifestyle would be so far advanced beyond comprehension to us at this time.
(3) What is this person's occupation now in 2016?
(4) What was this person's occupation 2,000 years in the future?
(5) What has this person been allowed to remember in this life about his/her life 2,000 years in the future?
(6) What has this person been blocked by their guides (or part of their soul contract) from remembering of the life 2,000 years in the future?
(7) Is this person still holding the record for having the furthest life prior to this one in the future, or has anyone been born since 2013 that has beaten that record and had a life further than 2,000 years in the future?
(8) What is the extent of our relationship with Aliens at that time and does this person have an obsession or interest in them now?
Here is what you received back in 2013 about this person:
Theo, regarding humans now alive, what would be the longest years in the future someone had a life that is living today, and is this person recognizable?
No, to answer your last question, Tom. The farthest out a person now living had a life for approximately 2,000 years in the future. Your futures are so fluid at the present time it would be difficult for a soul to have a life farther out. Naturally, this was understood by your souls going into having lives on Earth millions of years ago.
What sort of life did this person have?
Not an important one shall we say. More for learning about family. ____________________________________________________
Theo, RE: the person previously mentioned [in 2013] who is alive in 2016, but has also had a life in 4013, what did she learn about family?
It does not matter what time period you were born in, a family is a family.
Is she still living?
Quite so. She has more to learn about herself and those in her family unit.
What was her occupation in 4013 and then 2013?
Both involved working for corporations. Obviously the work she did in the future was quite different from what she is doing now. You just adapt to the time period you grow up in. You’re still human and still have the same brain capacity—there are just ways to expand your knowledge that have not yet been discovered in your time period.
Does she have any memories of that life now?
In her dreams she certainly has times when that life appears, but not too often.
Is there anyone alive now that had a life farther out?
Not at this time.
What is our relationship with ETs in that time period?
You will have long since visited every other planet in the Federation as, don’t forget, we have discussed before that you learn to travel to other planets almost 800 years before. It will be “old hat” by then.
Janis writes from Chicago: I live in the Chicago, IL suburbs. But Chicago is the worst city in the United States for gunfire, killing people, and pedophiles praying on children. The police are not able to contain this in the city. It is because of gangs, guns, and drugs – all of which are rampant in the city. Constant theft is also big there, not only in stores, but in homes and of individuals on the streets. It isn’t safe to go there. There are also constant shootings from cars on the freeways during the days and nights. We have to STOP this, whatever we can do.
Could you please request an MBO that we can all say, with fervor, to try and curtail the violence in Chicago. It is worse than New York, Los Angeles, Phoenix, or any other big city in the country.
I cannot do this simply on my own. It will take a miracle to do anything. The weekend before last there were 48 shootings over the two days, not to mention the rapes and robberies – and this is simply any weekend.
Please help us with an MBO.
MBOs are for you specifically. Here is a Benevolent Prayer (BP) for everyone to say out loud:
“I ask any and all beings to comfort, protect and keep safe the citizens living in the area of Chicago, and to bring order and peace to everyone there, and may the results be even better than we can hope for or expect, thank you!”
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Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Tom T. Moore
7000 Independence Pkwy. STE 160-7
Plano, Texas 75025
United States