Welcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all my new subscribers all over the world. If you wish to subscribe to this F.R.E.E. newsletter, go to where there is a box on the home page to enter your email address.
In my November 15, 2014 newsletter, Gaia said this would be a harsh winter “in spades.” Here is an article about the Great Lakes freezing over. Later in the newsletter, I’ll have the forecast for summer.
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Here is another excellent reincarnation story from 2004. It tells the story of a young boy who remembers being shot down over Iwo Jima by the Japanese during WWII.
And a quick explanation for my new subscribers. Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA) with whom I communicate in meditation, along with Gaia, the Soul of the Earth, and my soul “cluster” brother, Antura, (and a few others). Generally, I’ll ask Gaia the earth questions and Theo about our lives. Now for some interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give you a DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE:
Diane writes: Question for Gaia: With the rough winter that we have had across the country, does this mean that the Midwest and the East Coast will have a very HOT summer and big storms?
Gaia, what is the summer forecast for the Midwest and East Coast, plus the western part of North America?
As has been reported in the news, Tom, much of the snow and ice on the ground at the present time will be there into their summer as, keep in mind, I said their winter will last a little longer than last year since the air above the surface will stay cold due to the ice and snow cover. It will be a shorter summer period for the people in these northern latitudes. It will be rainy and cool throughout most of the summer until August where normal temperatures will come back for that time period. Their summer will feel more like early spring.
Regarding the western part of North America, most will see an average summer; although the drought conditions in such areas as California will prevail, they will be not quite as severe as the previous summers as more rain will fall. So to summarize, for the west, look for fairly normal, but drier than average summer conditions.
Gaia, what is the probability of an approximate 8.0 earthquake and accompanying tsunami in 2015 for Japan?
Yes, the probability this year is minute, less than 10%, Tom—yes, you’re receiving this correctly. There will be other lesser, but still significant earthquakes for Japan, but not in this category this year. When I say significant I mean above 6.0 and closer to the main island, or that will take place on the main island itself. Japan lies upon a very active series of fault lines and those who wish to live there do so by soul contracts. One of these days, Tom, they will have that significant quake we have discussed in the past, but these lesser quakes will be the highest probability this year.
Sandy writes: Would you please ask Gaia and/or Theo why the 20th and the 21st centuries have such a large percentage of the population dealing with the issue of obesity? Obesity hasn't been an issue facing humans to this degree in any other century.
Gaia, why would so many soul contracts include obesity in the 20th and 21st centuries?
Yes, this is a time when there are a large number of soul contracts, Tom, and naturally, there are a variety of answers. Many of these people starved to death in a previous life. That weighs heavily on their subconscious. Then there are the people, as you observed many years ago when Dr. Edith Fiore regressed someone from the audience, who had made life miserable for an obese person. So, in this life, they chose to be obese in order to balance and see how it feels to be obese themselves.
Almost all these lives, Tom, are balancing lives. And we can add that a life of obesity is one of those Earth experiences everyone must have. For those who are obese, I would recommend a regression to understand more fully the reasons for their obesity. This alone can help curb their desire to overeat. You could say it is an inexpensive way to lose weight once they explore their previous life or lives.
Teresa in Austin, Texas writes: I have been reading an old but fascinating book by Michael Newton, Ph.D., called "Journey of Souls, Case Studies of Life Between Lives." Newton does hypnotherapy with clients regressing them back to past lives, and what happens when they cross over and see their guides. The information is complementary to your newsletter. Two statements from the book were particularly interesting to me:
“When we cross over, we are directed to our destination on an energy conveyor belt of light and vibration (think of a monster turning fork inside a flashing strobe light).
After being met by someone familiar upon crossing over, we are taken to a "healing station." This place of pure energy heals the emotional damage on the soul from Earth life. This energy washes out the negative energy or viruses.”
Can you comment on these two statements? So, our high level of negativity can really damage our bodies/souls. When we travel to other planets, will the low level of negativity we introduce not be enough to cause any damage and they will be able to keep it low? I guess time will tell.
Gaia, when someone transitions is there such a thing as a vibration that is followed along with the reported light?
Quite so, Tom. It has been called the “song of transition” by some people. It is the tune or tone or vibration that one follows back to that place where all souls have chosen for you.
Is there such a place as a "healing center" to vibrationally wash away the negative vibrations of an Earth life?
That description, Tom, you might say needs work. It is difficult to put into words what is something that happens on a spiritual level. Describing it as a “healing center” is just part of the description. There is much more to it than that, but you are limited to trying to describe something that is almost indescribable at this time in human understanding. It is a place of transformation, so many descriptions would somewhat describe the experience for those transitioning soul fragments as places of love and beauty are created for them depending upon their belief systems. If the soul fragment feels it needs healing, then that is created for them. There are millions of possibilities here.
I was previously told that we would introduce only .02% to a maximum of 2% negativity to any society we visit when we start traveling to other planets. That’s just enough to cause them to start raising their vibrational levels again.
Gaia, will any other time lines merge at the end of March or, for that matter, any time this year when we merge briefly with Time Line 7?
Good question, Tom. Yes, as you guessed, Time Line 5 will merge with 7 very briefly—not as long as your time line, but long enough to assist them in receiving feminine energy. Then Time Lines 3 and 4 will merge with Time Lines 1 and 2 in order to raise the lower time lines‘ vibrational levels and bring them a little more feminine energy. They cannot merge with Time Line 5 since there are such great differences between those four and the next higher set. And Time Lines 8 and 7 will briefly merge too to assist Time Line 7.
As you can see, Tom, this is a significant event for all the lower time lines. Even the upper time lines will briefly merge. This is all designed to assist you in this year of transition as you become more settled in the 5th focus. It accelerates the raising of your vibrational levels, and though you will see much turmoil this year, there will also be changes for the better that you will see next year and the following years. We are charting a course for all humans on the planet to achieve great things in the near future. Sit back and enjoy the experience; my suggestion to everyone will be to follow your lead with one or more BPs you can suggest to absorb the feminine energy in the most benevolent way possible.
Here is a BP for all of us to say out loud: “I ask any and all beings to assist not only me, but everyone on the planet to absorb the feminine energy quickly and completely when we cross Time Line 7 in late March. Thank you!”
Nancy writes: A possible item for your newsletter: Baghdad has a new female mayor, something that seemed impossible until it actually happened. Can you ask your guides what her tenure will be like and whether she will succeed?
This development gives me great hope in an otherwise totally depressing situation in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East. Of course, just the fact that she is a woman doesn't guarantee that she is any less corrupt or ineffectual than the male politicians of Baghdad have been, but at least it doesn't appear to be business as usual.
If it's appropriate, can you ask your readers to say a BP for her? She will be dealing with violence and corruption within the city limits as well as militant Islamic State forces just outside Baghdad's borders waiting for a chance to pounce. If the Gentle Way newsletter readers join together in a BP, I feel it will be very powerful. I like just imagining even a bit of gentleness touching this otherwise blood-soaked area.
Theo, what is the probability of the new woman leader of Baghdad staying in her position and assisting in running the government there?
Quite good, Tom. The percentage probability would be in the 80th percentile. You should have your readers say a BP for her for not only protection, but for any and all assistance for her to make the best decisions for her constituents and for the benefit of her country.
Here is a BP for everyone to say out loud: “I ask any and all beings to protect and assist the new mayor of Baghdad, Zekra Alwach, to make the best decisions for the benefit of her city and country, thank you!”
I bumped up to 42 chapters on my Atlantis and Mu history book this week. It’s still growing.
Did all the countries on the Mu continent have an Army, Navy and Air Force?
Quite so, Tom. It was necessary with so much conflict between them.
Was military service in these countries on a volunteer basis or required?
Both, through the 50,000 years of their existence. Remember that Lemurians were kind and gentle people for centuries before they sank into war and conflict. That changed drastically in the years leading up to the final battle. It started slowly and then became worse and worse. Many of the gentle people were led to abandon Mu and move to quieter surroundings on the mainland and even Japan.
More of those on the mainland survived, although, as we said before, if they lived on the coast they perished too. They could not avoid the impending disaster even though they believed they were safe. They had no idea that the whole continent would sink into the ocean.
Were women in the military in all those countries and, if so, the percentage?
Yes, especially towards the end where a large percentage of the countries were conscripted to man the front lines—their borders with the other countries. But the percentage of women still remained low—no more than 20% for your purposes, Tom. And again they were almost exclusively in non-combat roles.
What sort of weapons did their armies use?
These were not ray guns, but they were not rifles and such as there are in modern times. You could almost describe them as bolts of lightning as they had that appearance, but again used a different energy, which is difficult to describe as you have not rediscovered it yet in this time period, Tom. It will soon become available to you again, but this time for peaceful purposes.
Did their guns somehow use magnetics?
A close approximation of how the energy was generated. Let’s leave it at that, Tom, as we get into scientific areas where someone will reinvent this energy or how to harness it in the near future. And, yes, these guns, we will call them, were quite mobile.
Were the aircraft on the Mu continent saucer-shaped or some other shape?
The same as Atlantis as, again, they copied what they saw in the skies in their earlier days when being constantly visited by the ETs.
These two questions were from Mantej.
Theo, what was the legal age to work in both Atlantis and Lemuria?
This varied over the centuries, but on average in their later years, it was still lower than the average today. Even in today’s times, you have children still working in sweatshops and in mines and such. It was not too different in those times, although a little more benevolent. As both societies’ children did not attend school for as long a period of time as in modern day first world societies, they tended to begin work at an earlier age of, say, a range of 12 to 14, depending upon their education, just as it is now. Toward the end, they were required to go into the military as not only the Atlanteans but also the countries of Lemuria warred with each other. They used much propaganda to incite the population to hate the others.
Did they have pensions and labor unions?
No, those are modern day creations. Older people were much more inclined and accepted to live with their children. They were not so cut off, as is the case with many modern families.
Were all the restaurants in both Atlantis and Lemuria sit down or did they have the equivalent of fast food drive-throughs?
They had mobile stands that offered food, but as we said before, few people had cars. Cars were more for the government and the rich. Everyone else tended to take public transports of various types.
You are much ahead of them in having restaurants that can serve fast food, but then you have all the chemicals and processed food, which causes health problems of all types.
Sally writes: Your revealing that Atlanteans having horses made me wonder why the North American and Bahamian inhabitants did not have horses. My understanding is that horses originated in Asia. How did horses get to Atlantis and not to surrounding landmasses?
Other questions: Did Atlantis and Lemuria have indigenous peoples? Were they treated with respect? Which indigenous peoples of The Americas have their roots in Atlantis or Lemuria?
Gaia, did the Lemurians also have horses as did the Atlanteans?
No, Tom. Horses were not introduced to this continent. It was decided by your ET uncles and aunts for that society not to have this animal on this continent. Such decisions, I might add, are done with much thought, just as you can see today where Australia has certain animals no one else has on any other continent.
Why didn’t North America and the Bahamas have horses, as did Atlantis?
Again, it was decided not to introduce them at that time in North America. As you were told by the shaman Reveals the Mysteries, who lived in the 1600s, they were limited to where they could travel by foot. All of these decisions were based on the Earth Experiment.
The Bahamas had horses at one time, when it was connected to the Atlantean continent, but they were wiped out when these low-lying areas were inundated in the Second Destruction.
Did ETs build any pyramids?
No, Tom. They simply suggested where the pyramids should be built for maximum energy. Your scientists still have not yet discovered their use, so we will leave it for them to learn through deduction with little hints along the way, such as the beam of energy coming out of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun.
Did either Atlantis or Lemuria have indigenous people?
No, the two continents were only seeded with the two races. This was done for many reasons, including having them learn to get along with others who have the same appearance, but believe differently than do you.
Gaia, was Egypt known as “Khent” in ancient times?
Yes, Tom. It was known this way long ago—thousands of years ago. The name “Egypt” was adopted long after the Atlantean islands sank into the sea.
Antura is my brother on another planet. You can read all about him, his world, and our universe (which sets next to three other universes) in my book, FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET.
Shelley in New Mexico writes: Have you asked Antura about the planet Thiaoouba? This planet is in the 9th vibration (focus), very highly evolved spiritually. The free book, which can also be found online, is titled “Thiaoouba Prophecy” by Michel Desmarquet. This book blew my socks off!
Antura, is there a planet named Thiaoouba and, if so, what focus are they on?
Here I’m not allowed to comment too much as this touches on what you’ve been told before, Tom, regarding whether or not information you read or hear resonates with you. There are definitely planets where the inhabitants are primarily in the 9th focus, and many others in the 7th focus. This is quite foreign to most of your readers, so let’s keep our discussions more to the 3rd and 5th focuses.
That’s fine, as I’m probably out of my depth here too.
Even your quantum physicists can only speculate, Tom. It will take literally hundreds of years to gain an understanding.
This MBO story and the next two originally appeared last week in my Blog, which you can read in its entirety at
Dan in Calgary writes: I have to share this MBO with you.
For the past few weeks, I've been asking for an MBO to get some direction on a series of children's books I've wanted to write. Today, I was coming home from the gym and had a thought to visit a used bookstore close to home to see if they had any books that might provide me with some direction. I ended up buying three kids’ books to give me some examples regarding length, characters and the like.
From there, I thought I would visit one of the big box bookstores to see if they had anything for me. As I made my way to the kids’ section, I noticed an author's table there, run by a well-respected fellow who was promoting some of his books. Turns out, his books were in the same age range I was considering.
As I chatted with him about how to get started in the business, I noticed he had a book that covered all aspects about getting started, right from idea generation to working with publishers. It also turned out that with the change in my pocket and my car, I had the exact amount needed to buy the book. He also mentioned he provides a mentoring service to up and coming writers, so that was an added bonus for me as well. It truly was the perfect answer to my MBO request on every level!
May I remind everyone that my newsletter editor, Ralonne, edited my last book and is much less expensive than the “pros.” If you are writing a book, you need it edited. Contact me for her contact details.
Severine in China writes: Here is my MBO / BP story. With my husband, we planned a trip to Koh Lipe Island in Thailand for the Chinese New Year.
Two weeks ago when we checked, despite my MBOs and BPs, the prices were expensive and not in the best location on the island, but we booked anyway. We kept saying MBOs and BPs, and a miracle happened two days ago. Someone cancelled and we got a hotel in a very quiet place with the same service at HALF price. :) It is, again, a wonderful gift from the universe and the Angels.
Patricia writes: I am studying to receive my Real Estate License. I could use an MBO to remember this information and to pass this test. I thank you in advance. Sending love and light.
Tom responds: This will make you calm when taking the test. "I request a Most Benevolent Outcome to recall all pertinent information and to do even better on my Real Estate exam than I can even hope for or expect, thank you!"
You can adapt this MBO request for any type of exam. Students use MBO requests all the time to score even higher than the best students in the class. If you’re taking a class in some subject, give this a try or have your children request the MBO before their tests.
Theo, was there really a Queen of Sheba and not a King of Sheba?
Yes, your history only has the stories passed down verbally from generation to generation, so they are not too accurate. She did rule the lands in OZ or Africa from Ethiopia on down as far as the present day Zimbabwe. She was quite powerful and had the palace complex in Zimbabwe constructed for her as she enjoyed the grasslands and forests compared to the more arid conditions to the north.
Was her skin black?
Quite so, Tom. A Nubian you could say. But very strikingly beautiful.
Is the story of her visiting King Solomon true?
Yes, she visited him with a large entourage and bore him many gifts. This was done to protect her lands from invasion. She did not want war with this king.
Is it true they slept together and, in so doing, bore him a child?
Yes, this story was embellished as you can imagine. He was taken with her beauty. It was not just one night but several nights, giving his own harem a rest you might say. She was quite happy to become pregnant as she knew this would be another way to keep the King from invading. And it worked.
Is it true King Solomon only lived into the early 40s?
Quite so, Tom. Lives were much shorter at that time.
Mantej writes from the UK: There are a lot of films that deal with dreams and dream manipulations, most recently the film Inception (2010).
But what always comes to mind for me is: In an episode called "a,b,c" of the classic sci-fi fantasy series "The Prisoner"(1967), starring the late Patrick McGoohan. In that episode, his captors attempt to find out his secrets via manipulating his dreams by drugging him and hooking him up to their sophisticated technology which in turn allows them to view his dream in live real time on an onscreen video display.
They even go as far as being able to introduce new characters into his dream. And then voicing themselves through a microphone with the words they wish the new characters to say to tempt or make him open up to revealing the information they are hoping he will be tricked in to giving in his intoxicated dream state.
So, my questions about dream manipulation are:
(1) Does any secret technology exist now where governments can do something similar to the aforementioned TV episode in order to manipulate people’s dreams?
(2) What is the future for such technology to manipulate dreams?
Theo, does any government have the technology to manipulate dreams?
In a way, Tom, but not as asked. It has more to do with methods used in the past that were torturous in nature. Still, experiments are going on where when a subject is seen dreaming they try to interject sounds, colors, and images or suggestions while the person is asleep. This can either prevent the person from completing a “mission,” we will term it, to assist another society in the universe or otherwise disrupt their dream cycle. Keep in mind you’re attached to your body by that silver cord, Tom, and perhaps far away from the physical body. Interjecting into the dream cycles is simply disruptive.
There are also those who are able to manipulate their own dreams through lucid dreaming. It takes a great awareness of knowing you are in a dream in order to manipulate it. This can be good or not so good as there are reasons for these symbolic dreams to give you messages on a subliminal level from your soul. Still, this exploration will continue in the future.
Will they be able to manipulate dreams benevolently in the future?
Yes, but that is something fairly far in the future at this time. It will involve assisting a person to be cured of various psychological conditions. As you can imagine, great work and study must be done to assist people, and there will also be DNA manipulation at the same time. This is a very complicated subject and I suggest we leave it here.
Gaia, are there any beings living on Jupiter?
Yes, Tom, but not on the 5th focus.
But it was reported that when a meteor crashed into the surface it caused a real problem.
Only on the higher focuses, Tom. Let’s leave it there, so that those who wish to believe there are beings on this focus may do so.
If you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world. I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out. And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet? Please do so. I do give extra information there. I also post on TWITTER.
If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me. And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.
Don’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services! The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! All three books can change lives!
GUARDIAN ANGEL 101—MARCH 7, 2009, MARCH 28, 2009-APRIL 4, 2009, MAY 23, 2009-JUNE 6, 2009, SEPTEMBER 12, 2009, SEPTEMBER 27, 2009, JANUARY 8, 2011, JANUARY 30, 2010, JUNE 5, 2010, JULY 3, 2010, JULY 17 2010, OCTOBER 15, 2010, FEBRUARY 12, 2011, MARCH 5, 2011, MARCH 12, 2011, MARCH 19, 2011, MARCH 26, 2011, APRIL 2, 2011, APRIL9, 2011, APRIL 16, 2011, APRIL 23, 2011, APRIL 30, 2011, MAY 7, 2011, MAY 14, 2011, AUGUST 6, 2011, AUGUST 27, 2011, APRIL 21, 2012, AUGUST 18, 2012, SEPTEMBER 8, 2012, SEPTEMBER 15, 2012, SEPTEMBER 22, 2012, SEPTEMBER 29, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 27, 2012, NOVEMBER 3, 2012, NOVEMBER 10, 2012, DECEMBER 1, 2012, MARCH 9, 2013, MARCH 23, 2013, APRIL 13, 2013, APRIL 20, 2013, APRIL 27, 2013, MAY 4, 2013, DECEMBER 7, 2013, DECEMBER 14, 2013, JANUARY 4, 2014--MARCH 29, 2014, APRIL 12, 2014, APRIL 19, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 3, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 14, 2014, JUNE 21, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, AUGUST, 9, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 11, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 1, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER, 15, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, NOVEMBER 29, 2014, DECEMBER 13, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 3, 2015, JANUARY 10, 2015, JANUARY 24, 2015, JANUARY 31, 2015, FEBRUARY 7, 2015, FEBRUARY 14, 2015, FEBRUARY 21, 2015, FEBRUARY 28, 2015,
ATLANTIS—MAY 17, 2008—JULY 12, 2008, SEPTEMBER 13, 2008, DECEMBER 5, 2009, JANUARY 2, 2010, FEBRUARY 7, 2010, OCTOBER 2, 2010, NOVEMBER 20, 2010, APRIL 23, 2011, JULY 2, 2011, OCTOBER 22, 2011, APRIL 21, 2012, JULY 21, 2012, JULY 28, 2012, AUGUST 4, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, AUGUST 18, 2012, AUGUST 25, 2012, SEPTEMBER 8, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 20, 2012, DECEMBER 29, 2012, JANUARY 5, 2013, FEBRUARY 16, 2013, FEBRUARY 23, 2013, MARCH 2, 2013, MARCH 9, 2013, MARCH 16, 2013, MARCH 23, 2013, MARCH 30, 2013, APRIL 6, 2013, APRIL 13, 2013, APRIL 20, 2013, APRIL 27, 2013, MAY 4, 2013, NOVEMBER 23, 2013, DECEMBER 7, 2013, JANUARY 4, 2014, JANUARY 11, 2014, JANUARY 18, 2014, JANUARY 25, 2014, FEBRUARY 1, 2014, FEBRUARY 8, 2014, MARCH 1, 2014, MARCH 29, 2014, APRIL 5, 2014, APRIL 12, 2014, APRIL 19, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 14, 2014, JUNE 21, 2014, JUNE 28, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, JULY 19, 2014, JULY 26, 2014, AUGUST 2, 2014, AUGUST 9, 2014, AUGUST 16, 2014, AUGUST 23, 2014, AUGUST 30, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 4, 2014, OCTOBER 18, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 1, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER 15, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, NOVEMBER 29, 2014, DECEMBER 6, 2014, DECEMBER 13, 2014, DECEMBER 20, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 3, 2015, JANUARY 10, 2015, JANUARY 17, 2015, JANUARY 24, 2015, JANUARY 31, 2015, FEBRUARY 7, 2015, FEBRUARY 14, 2015, FEBRUARY 21, 2015, FEBRUARY 28, 2015,
CONVERSATIONS WITH ANTURA, THE ET—DECEMBER 13, 2008—MARCH 21, 2009 (ALL); APRIL 18--MAY 16, 2009; JULY 25, 2009; AUGUST 22, 2009; NOVEMBER 7, 2009; DECEMBER 5, 2009; DECEMBER 12, 2009; DECEMBER 19, 2009; FEBRUARY 6, 2010; FEBRUARY 10, 2010, APRIL 24, 2010; OCTOBER 31, 2010, JUNE 4, 2011, JUNE 18, 2011, JUNE 25, 2011, JULY 2, 2011, JULY 9, 2011, JULY 23, 2011, JULY 30, 2011, AUGUST 13, 2011, OCTOBER 29, 2011, NOVEMBER 5, 2011, NOVEMBER 11, 2011, NOVEMBER 19, 2011, NOVEMBER 26, 2011, DECEMBER 3, 2011, DECEMBER 10, 2011, DECEMBER 17, 2011, DECEMBER 31, 2011, JANUARY 14, 2012, JANUARY 21, 2012, JANUARY 28, 2012, FEBRUARY 4, 2012, FEBRUARY 11, 2012, FEBRUARY 18, 2012, FEBRUARY 25 2012, MARCH 3, 2012, MARCH 17, 2012, MARCH 24, 2012, APRIL 7, 2012, APRIL 28, 2012, MAY 5, 2012, MAY 12, 2012, MAY 19, 2012, MAY 26, 2012, JUNE 2, 2012, JUNE 16, 2012, JUNE 23, 2012, JUNE 30, 2012, JULY 7, 2012, JULY 14, 2012, JULY 21, 2012, AUGUST 4, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, SEPTEMBER 1, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 13, 2012, OCTOBER 20, 2012, OCTOBER 27, 2012, NOVEMBER 3, 2012, NOVEMBER 10, 2012, NOVEMBER 24, 2012, DECEMBER 1, 2012, DECEMBER 8, 2012, DECEMBER 15, 2012, DECEMBER 22, 2012, DECEMBER 29, 2012--JUNE 7, 2014 (ALL), JUNE 14, 2014, JUINE 21, 2014, JUNE 28, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, JULY 19, 2014, JULY 26, 2014, AUGUST 2, 2014, AUGUST 9, 2014, AUGUST 16, 2014, AUGUST 23, 2014, AUGUST 30, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 4, 2014, OCTOBER 11, 2014, OCTOBER 18, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 1, 2014, NOVEMBER 15, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, DECEMBER 6, 2014, DECEMBER 13, 2014, DECEMBER 20, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 10, 2015, JANUARY 17, 2015, JANUARY 24, 2015, JANUARY 31, 2015, FEBRUARY 7, 2015, FEBRUARY 14, 2015, FEBRUARY 21, 2015, FEBRUARY 28, 2015,
JESUS--SEPTEMBER 29, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 13, 2012, OCTOBER 20, 2012, OCTOBER 27, 2012, NOVEMBER 3, 2012, NOVEMBER 10, 2012, NOVEMBER 17, 2012, DECEMBER 1, 2012, DECEMBER 8, 2012, DECEMBER 15, 2012, JANUARY 5, 2013, DECEMBER 7, 2013, JANUARY 11, 2014, JANUARY 18, 2014, APRIL 12, 2014, APRIL 19, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 3, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, DECEMBER 6, 2014, DECEMBER 20, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 3, 2015, FEBRUARY, 14, 2015,
GAIA, SOUL OF THE EARTH— AUGUST 23, 2008, SEPTEMBER 15, 2012, NOVEMBER 17, 2012, MARCH 30, 2013, NOVEMBER 23, 2013, JANUARY 4, 2014, JANUARY 11, 2014, JANUARY 18, 2014, JANUARY 25, 2014, FEBRUARY 8, 2014, FEBRUARY 15, 2014, FEBRUARY 22, 2014, MARCH 1, 2014, MARCH 29, 2014, APRIL 5, 2014, MAY 3, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 21, 2014, JUNE 28, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, JULY 19, 2014, AUGUST 2, 2014, AUGUST 9, 2014, AUGUST 16, 2014, AUGUST 23, 2014, AUGUST 30, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 4, 2014, OCTOBER 11, 2014, OCTOBER 18, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER 15, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, NOVEMBER 29, 2014, DECEMBER 6, 2014, DECEMBER 13, 2013, DECEMBER 20, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 3, 2015, JANUARY 10, 2015, JANUARY 17, 2015, JANUARY 24, 2015, JANUARY 31, 2015, FEBRUARY 7, 2015, FEBRUARY 14, 2015, FEBRUARY 21, 2015, FEBRUARY 28, 2015,
TIME LINES—JANUARY 29, 2011, FEBRUARY 5, 2011, JULY 16, 2011, JULY 23, 2011, JULY 28, 2012, AUGUST 4, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, AUGUST 18, 2012, SEPTEMBER 1, 2012, JANUARY 5, 2013, NOVEMBER 23, 2013, NOVEMBER 30, 2013, DECEMBER 7, 2013, DECEMBER 14, 2014, JANUARY 4, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 14, 2014, JULY 26, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 3, 2015, JANUARY 10, 2015, FEBRUARY 7, 2015, FEBRUARY 21, 2015, FEBRUARY 28, 2015,
THE LOST CONTINENT OF MU—MAY 30-JUNE 13, 2009; JULY 11; JULY 21, 2012; JULY 28, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, FEBRUARY 23, 2013, MARCH 2, 2013, MARCH 9, 2013, MARCH 23, 2013, DECEMBER 14, 2013, JANUARY 18, 2014, FEBRUARY 1, 2014, FEBRUARY 8, 2014, MARCH 1, 2014, MARCH 8, 2014, MARCH 15, 2014, MARCH 22, 2014, MARCH 29, 2014, APRIL 5, 2014, APRIL, 12, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 14, 2014, JUNE 21, 2014, JUNE 28, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, JULY 19, 2014, JULY 26, 2014, AUGUST 2, 2014, AUGUST 9, 2014, AUGUST 16, 2014, AUGUST 23, 2014, AUGUST 30, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 4, 2014, OCTOBER 11, 2014, OCTOBER 18, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 1, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, NOVEMBER 29, 2014, DECEMBER 6, 2014, DECEMBER 13, 2014, JANUARY 10, 2015, JANUARY 17, 2015, JANUARY 24, 2015, JANUARY 31, 2015, FEBRUARY 7, 2015, FEBRUARY 14, 2015, FEBRUARY 21, 2015, FEBRUARY 28, 2015,
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BOOK EDITOR: Need an editor for your upcoming book? Email me. Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books.
Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore Email: