Welcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all my new subscribers all over the world. If you wish to subscribe to this F.R.E.E. newsletter, go to The Gentle Way Book and then click on the link in the Blue Box on the right side of the Home page. If you are reading this for the first time and enjoy it, please share with your friends and family.
Keep in mind that I’ve been told that no one is perfect that does this work. I estimate that I’m around 80% to 90% accurate. Most importantly, don’t just read and go on to the next blog or newsletter. Take part when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer (BP) as then you are contributing to make this a better world, and it does raise your own vibrational level (aka “Ascension”).
If you are not receiving the Newsletter, let me know.
Siddharth in India and Severine in China have a group on Whatsapp on MBOs. Since I listed this a few weeks ago the group has more than doubled in size. Here is the link if you wish to check it out and possibly join: Click here.
INTERVIEW: Thursday, November 10, I was interviewed on my book THE GENTLE WAY WITH PETS on The Spiritual Reality Show. Click here.
INTERVIEW: On October 28, Linda G. Comanche Psychic interviewed me about my FIRST CONTACT book. Already over 37,000 views. Click here. In case you missed it, she interviewed me on my ATLANTIS & LEMURIA book on August 25. For the link, Click here: Over 36,000 views. On July 28, she interviewed me on THE GENTLE WAY on her Youtube channel. Viewed over 48,000 times. Click here.
INTERVIEW: On August 10, Debbie Hedberg, of Freebird Spirit, and I deep dived on my book FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET. Click here. Already viewed over 4,200 times. On July 21, Debbie Hedberg and I deep dived on my ATLANTIS & LEMURIA book. Click here. If you missed the June 14 interview with Debbie, Click here. Covered a LOT of questions in about 1.5 hours. I was her guest again on Tuesday, June 28. Subject was a Deep Dive on THE GENTLE WAY! Click here for the link to this interview.
I realize there are several Benevolent Prayers to say listed below. PLEASE TAKE THE FEW SHORT SECONDS TO SAY EACH ONE OUT LOUD. Remember, the human voice is much more powerful than people in this time period realize. I’m told there is a crescendo effect when hundreds and thousands say the BP out loud.
There are predictions that the war in Ukraine will last many months. Let's say this Benevolent Prayer for the people of UKRAINE: "I ask for any and all beings to aid, comfort, and assist the people of Ukraine to remain safe, for all prisoners of war to be treated under the rules of the Geneva Convention, for the economic sanctions imposed on Russia to work even faster and be more successful than we can hope for or expect, for the grain to be transported, and to return the Russian and Ukrainian soldiers home, thank you!"
We are making a difference!
Have you checked out my newest book—THE GENTLE WAY WITH PETS: Angelic Help for Your Animal Companions? It has a complete review of The Gentle Way, plus great tips on our lives with our lovable animal family members. I interview several Group Souls to learn where they came from and why. If you have already bought the book, please write a review. THIS WOULD MAKE A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR PET LOVERS!!
On PINTEREST, I’m listed as Tom T Moore Author. Please follow me and share my pins!
For those of you on Quora, I occasionally answer questions posed there. You can “follow me,” and if you do, please “upvote” my answers. I do this to reach a different group of people and grow the newsletter. So far, I have had over 6,200,000 views of my answers.
Many of your questions are taking at least four weeks to respond to. If you are over five weeks, you can always email me to ensure your questions did not go into the Twilight Zone!
ARE YOU SAYING THE MORNING BENEVOLENT PRAYER? Please say this out loud each morning, just as I do: “I now send white light and love to every continent, every island, all the rivers, lakes, and streams, and all the oceans and seas, and I release this light to go where it is needed the most to light up the darkest parts of the world, thank you!”
My previous book, “ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed!” has so much information that has NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED in any other book on the subject! Here are a couple of sample chapters. Click here.
Before we move on to the rest of the newsletter a quick explanation for my new subscribers. Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA) with whom I communicate in meditation, along with Gaia, the Soul of the Earth, and my soul “cluster” brother, Antura (and a few others). Generally, I’ll ask Gaia the Earth questions and Theo about our lives. Now for some interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give you a DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE.
Cathie writes: In discussing balancing past lives with a friend, we wondered if something bad happens to someone (e.g. I’ve had cancer), is it always to balance something we did in another life? If not always, is there a way to know when this is the case? Also, is there a way to know what you did so that you don’t do it again? I personally am disturbed by these bad lives that require balance.
Gaia, what percentage of the time are we balancing deeds in past lives or just bucket list items?
Always remember that as the Explorer Race you signed up to experience everything on Earth in your many lives. Therefore, using general percentages here, well over half would be bucket list items, especially in very young lives, with balancing past lives slowly being an expanding percentage. You might have a life with very high balancing, or the next life might be more bucket list items.
May I remind everyone that our lives are compared to a theatrical troupe, where in one life you are the hero, the next life the villain (for the growth of all those whose lives you affect), and the next life you might be just one of the cast.
I also highly recommend saying the Benevolent Prayer I say each day for those I have harmed in any way in any past, present, or future life to be comforted and aided. Here is the link to the SIGNS page on my website to find that prayer. Especially read Theo’s explanation about why it is so important to say this out loud each day.
Theo, why were you mistaken on the House of Representatives? Yes, it was close, but I even argued with you on this one. Aren’t these soul contracts?
Here again, we deal with probabilities. There will be actions coming that will affect the head count.
What is the probability of the Republicans either moving to more moderation or even farther to the right? We know that DeSantis and Trump will run, but you also mentioned Hutchinson as a strong possibility, and he is moderate.
Yes, there is great turmoil behind the scenes, shall we say, in the Republican ranks. Mr. Trump still has many legal challenges ahead of him in the next year. We see more moderation from the Republicans coming.
Diane writes: Yemen is still having a lot of unrest....when will this end if ever? Will things calm down soon? I have a friend over there and, of course, am concerned about his safety. He is a medical person helping our soldiers and civilians.
Gaia, what is the probable future for Yemen?
This small country will stay mired in poverty and turmoil during the next few years, but when the free energy machine is provided to its residents, there will be a turnaround. That will not solve all their problems, but it will lessen them.
Gloria writes from Hawaii: I recently read an article about US Marines investigating 3 pyramids discovered in Antarctica in 2012. I checked your newsletters and didn't find anything on these pyramids. What can Theo share about them? Thanks so much for all the information you bring to us each week, and your books! Image by euphro
Gaia—true or false—are there three pyramids in Antarctica?
We have covered this a little in the past. Yes, there are still structures buried in the ice and snow, left over from the people who inhabited this continent before I moved the poles. They were given sufficient warning and left Earth, as they were not part of the Earth Experiment. The structures buried in the ice include several pyramids. You will discover their use in this century.
In 2008, my Guardian Angel, Theo, introduced me to an ET. His name is Antura, and he’s also part of my soul group, or “cluster,” as they are called. As you know, soul fragments in these clusters have lives on Earth. Antura has had 800 lives on Earth, with an interest in exploration and laying out towns from their very inception. But in this life he has a very important function. He has been shepherding the upper time line versions of me and my family as they have filmed documentaries on board his huge mothership that is orbiting the Earth 50 miles above us. Our Time Line 6 crew will be up next year. You can read more about Antura, the mothership crew, and even the real star wars that not too long ago I learned lasted 270,000 Earth years in my FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET book. [Image used is the Abe Sapien character of the Hellboy movies that Antura SLIGHTLY resembles.] Here are more questions I asked this week.
Thought this was a good example of an ET ship masking itself in an artificial cloud: Thanks, Mantej. Click here.
Giselle sent me CALLING ALL OCCUPANTS OF PLANETARY CRAFT by the Carpenters 50 years ago. Click here.
Antura in the wings, Tom, with my teammates and the Pleiadian.
Good morning everyone. Do I have anyone on Earth tuning in besides the usual suspects?
Not at this time, Tom. We do not wish for you to be burdened with learning about Earth people tuning in.
Antura, how much time passed on Time Lines 7 and 8 before the public became aware of the documentary, or that the potential buyers were contacted?
A couple of months went by, before you were ready to contact the potential buyers, Tom. You, Shannon, and Todd were all heavily involved in creating that “pitch-deck” for the potential buyers. Yes, and we will include Dena.
Sandy writes: I was told by a ‘reader of tarot’ during a channeling session that I have three hybrid children. Will you please confirm this or is she mistaken?
As I a child I remember being in their ship a few times, being examined, and having tests done that left finger bruises on my arms and shoulders. They were little gray beings with little to no expressions. I hated when they would do surgical things with my mouth, like take out teeth, which would hurt. Many times I would dread to go to bed because I would see a circle that would swirl around as if to hypnotize me to sleep.
I would appreciate your help on this. I would like your take on this.
Antura, does Sandy have 3 hybrid children? And if so, how many times was she abducted and for how long?
Sandy was abducted multiple times over the years, and yes, was impregnated three times—as much or more than any other abductee. She would remain on the ship for several months, then her memory would be wiped, and be placed back in her bedroom at virtually the same time she was abducted. She can undergo hypnosis should she wish to remember more. May I remind everyone, Tom, that this practice was shut down by the Federation of Planets? The Zetas used a loophole in the Earth Directive that was corrected.
Most of this explanation is available in more detail in my First Contact book, but for my new readers, the Zetas abducted people to see if their DNA would match so that a race of hybrid children could be created. Their race could no loner reproduce. At first, the women were kept on the ship for 9 months, then eventually they reduced this down to 4 months, removing the fetus. I’m told they will, at some point, offer to come and apologize to all those they have abducted. Not sure how well that will go over, and I told Antura that.
Antura, what name was used on the documentary on Time Lines 7 & 8, as The Sirian Mothership is trademarked?
Your choice, Tom, but [title omitted], you were thinking of, was used.
I’m protecting that title for the time being.
Deb in Lakeland, Minnesota writes: Today, Jim had to have a procedure at the hospital so I said several BPs for him, from getting an amazingly close parking space, to the procedure going well with little or no pain, and all the technicians/doctors doing their work perfectly.
It turned out that he did get a great parking space, they did not use contrast for the test (hence no pain), and they were waiting for him and did his test right away. The test went well and the doctor visit afterward did too.
Awesome results!
Linda writes from Halfmoon, New York: Hope you are well. I wanted to tell you about a MBO that I say each day before work. I ask for a MBO to be the best at my job, have a great boss, great coworker relationships, to use my mind and intuition beyond my expectations of its abilities, and to make the best decisions on behalf of the organization and staff. I can notice a lot more clarity in my day to day interactions and much better decisions!
Ellen writes: I continue to say MBOs daily for the little things and big things in my life and have received most benevolent outcomes on both. I recently said a benevolent prayer for a dear friend and she received really good news recently!
My friend, Christine, was in the process of going through multiple tests to become a kidney donor for a friend of hers. In that process, the doctor ordered a CT scan of her chest and abdomen. The results were questionable as they saw a small nodule in her right middle lung and thickening of her stomach wall. Both of these findings could indicate possible cancer. Her doctor then ordered a PET scan. I said an immediate prayer for a benevolent outcome and continued to say them until today. I said "I ask any and all beings to aid, comfort, and assist Christine that her PET scan will have an outcome even better than she can hope for or imagine, thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Christine let me know today that the PET scan was negative for any cancer! The nodule was probably old scar tissue from pneumonia and the stomach wall was fine. I was overjoyed for her.
I am so grateful for this prayer and the positive outcomes I've experienced. Thank you, Tom!
Rick writes: This morning I could not find my keys … Car key, keyless entry, apartment key, FOB for the secured apartment entrance, among other things. I usually keep the keys on a shelf at my apartment entrance, along with my phone and wallet. I did an immediate search of the apartment but turned up nothing. Having to leave to go to the gym, I used my spare car keys.
At one point while at the gym, I said a MBO to myself, "I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for finding my keys." A few moments later, an image popped into my head … a windbreaker that I wear in the cool weather while I ride my bike. As soon as I returned home, not having a FOB, I entered through the manager's office, run up the steps, open my apartment door (which I had to leave unlocked), walked straight to my bedroom and to the windbreaker that is hanging on a clothes rack. There they were, inside the right pocket.
It sucks when the term "senior moment" becomes plural.
Aravind writes from Australia: Quite a sensational story if it is at all true? These appear to be possibly authentic diary entries, but no way to say one way or another. Not sure if you have read or came across this before? Click here.
Gaia, is the “Secret Diary of Admiral Byrd” real or written by someone else?
Not real, Tom, but a good attempt by someone to manufacture an account of what really happened.
So I am receiving this correctly?
Absolutely, Tom. Take that one to the bank, shall we say.
Ray writes: Secret Chinese Police in New York
China has secret police stations in New York as part of network to track dissidents.
Can Theo tell us more about the secret Chinese police stations in New York? Click here.
Theo, any info on Chinese Police Station in New York City?
These are more Chinese intelligence cells operating not only in the United States, but in other countries. They put pressure on Chinese people with families still in China to work for them, not necessarily to return to China. The Chinese tentacles reach far and wide across the world, including the United States. Why have them return to China, when you can “influence” them to provide intelligence on a wide variety of businesses not only in the USA, but around the world?
Theo, do our musical tastes vary in lives in the same century, or time period?
Yes, they can still vary according to what music they grow up listening to in the family households.
Is there some bleed through?
Yes. When your future life as Queen Menen of Ethiopia was alive, she loved Gospel music. You felt that in this life. In your future Pentagon life, as we refer to that one since you will be born in the seventies, you enjoy a little more music from the 80s and 90s, although you still enjoy music from the 60s, since your parents listened to that music.
Musical tastes can still vary widely depending upon soul contracts. The person who enjoyed classical music might switch to jazz or pop music in a life in the same time period—what we refer to for your new readers as an overlapping life.
Charlie writes: Drake Grooming Allegations
Did rap star Drake try to groom Millie Bobby Brown when she was underage, and how many other underage girls has he tried to groom? Click here.
Theo, did rapper Drake try to groom Millie Bobby Brown, when she was underage? And if so, were there others?
He did overstep the line with her and others. He will have to balance this life in the future.
George writes: Ghislaine Maxwell and Elon Musk
Ghislaine Maxwell “asked Elon Musk to DESTROY the internet”
What is the story with Ghislaine Maxwell and Elon Musk?
Musk has denied knowing her several times.
Was Ghislaine just trying to seduce another high value man, this time being Elon Musk? Click here.
Theo, is there any connection between Maxwell and Elon Musk?
They moved in the same circles at times, but she was unable to draw him into their circle of those who took advantage of underage girls.
Robert writes: I have a question that arises from my interest in astronomy:
1. If suns or stars are ensouled, does the recent violent coronal mass ejection behavior from the sun signify anything to the Earth's inhabitants?
2. The life cycle of stars can end in several ways: supernova, white dwarf, black hole, and neutron star. Does ensoulment include these transformations, which may also take many billions of years to complete?
Gaia, does the Sun’s recent violent coronal mass ejection signal anything to Earth’s inhabitants (or anything for other planets)?
It always depends upon which way Sun is facing when these coronal eruptions occur. They can provide me with additional energy to have physical events occur, and even heighten events in the human population. But they are also requested by the souls of other planets in the solar system. Look for more of these in the coming year.
I think I covered number 2 before. If a sun or planet is destroyed, Creator simply assigns them another sun or planet. That’s all part of the ensoulment.
Philly Joe writes: I'm a big WWII history fan. I came across this video about Russia invading Finland. One night during the campaign, a company of Soviet troops were sent to reconnoiter the Khibiny Mountains and never returned. Their bodies were found later, torn apart, and scattered all over the ground and trees. Legend has it that Werewolves live in that area according to the native people. What happened to those Russian soldiers? You can start the video at the 6:25 mark. Click here.
Gaia, what happened to the Soviet Russian troops in WWII, whose bodies were dismembered in Finland? ETs, animals, or what?
It was not ETs, but were set upon by an animal left over from early experiments.
So it was not humans?
No. You would have to read more of the story and description of the bodies.
Mantej writes: Juliane Koepcke (now 68) fell 10,000 feet out of a plane in 1971, still strapped to her plane seat, when she was 17-years-old. She was the sole survivor, and spent 11 days totally alone in the Amazon.
Was she balancing abandoning people in the middle of nowhere in a past life? Click here.
YouTube (9 minutes) Click here:
Theo, was Juliane Koepcke balancing a life when she survived falling 10,000 feet into the Amazon forest?
Not that part of it, but certainly surviving in the jungle was on her soul contract in this life. She inspired many people. Surviving a fall did balance pushing someone off a cliff who also survived, although injured.
If you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world. I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out. And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet? Please do so. I do give extra information there. I also post on TWITTER.
If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me. And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.
Don’t forget that ALL FOUR GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services, along with my other two books! The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! All three books can change lives!
BLOG: For those of you who are just learning about requesting Benevolent Outcomes, I have a weekly Blog now with information and stories sent from all over the world about using this amazingly simple, yet powerful spiritual tool. The link is
TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . --Great resources: Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!
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Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Tom T. Moore
7801 Alma Drive, Suite 105-335
Plano, Texas 75025
United States