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The Gentle Way News

Angel Stamp



The Gentle Way Books 1 2 and 3 and First Contact

October 5, 2024

Tom T. Moore



 Welcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all my new subscribers all over the world. If you wish to subscribe to this F.R.E.E. newsletter, go to The Gentle Way Book and Welcomethen click on the link in the Blue Box on the right side of the home page. On my Articles and News page you will find over 800 archived Newsletters to explore. There is a Search Box on the page to search for interesting topics. If you are reading this for the first time and enjoy it, please share it with your friends and family.

Keep in mind that I’ve been told that no one is perfect that does this work. I estimate that I’m around 80% to 90% accurate. And PLEASE, don’t just read and go on to the next blog or newsletter. Take part when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer (BP) as then you are contributing to making this a better world, and it does raise your own vibrational level (aka “Ascension”).


Almost all the questions I received this week are about people. I’m getting a little backed up, so be patient if you have submitted a question in the last couple of weeks.

GUNS FOR GROCERIES UPDATE: I have another Zoom type call this Petitionweek with a Congressional Office scheduled. Please SIGN my Petition on AVAAZ for a Congressional Bill that would set up a National program to buy back guns and would have BIPARTISAN SUPPORT because it is STRICTLY VOLUNTARY. Over time, guns that could be used for suicides or mass shootings will be turned in. We are up to 1,517 this week! Please add your name. Forward this link to your group. Here is the link: Do you personally know a Congressperson or Senator? Let’s talk! Send me an email.

Recent Interview: Sedona Journal Podcast with Lindsay Dierking. 54 Sedona Journalmin. Click here.
Past Interview: A View Through the Veil, Barb Crowley. Click here.
Past Interview: Jodi Powers, Soul Spa, June 1. Click here.
Past Interview: Linda Grindel, Comanche Psychic, May 16. Click here.
Past Interview: Debbie Hedberg. May 13. Click here.

If you are not receiving the Newsletter, let me know.

I realize there are several Benevolent Prayers to say listed below.
PLEASE TAKE THE FEW SHORT SECONDS TO SAY EACH ONE OUT LOUD. Remember, the human voice is much more powerful than people in this time period realize. I’m told there is a crescendo effect when hundreds and thousands say the BP out loud.

Let’s say this Benevolent Prayer for Israel, Lebanon, and Palestine out Civilians caught in warloud:
"I ask any and all beings to aid and assist in protecting the people of Palestine, Lebanon, and Israel from the fighting between Hamas, Hezbollah, and Israel, for those wounded to be given medical assistance, and for the hostages to be returned home unharmed with no further violence, and may there be meaningful negotiations between the three sides so that this will never occur again, thank you!"

Let's say this Benevolent Prayer for the people of UKRAINE: "I ask for any and all beings to aid, comfort, and assist the people of Ukraine to remain safe, for all prisoners of war to be treated under the rules of the Geneva Convention, for the economic sanctions imposed on Russia to Pets bookwork to cut off their sale of oil, to return the thousands of Ukrainian children home, and to return the Russian and Ukrainian soldiers home, thank you!" Please say this Benevolent Prayer.

We are making a difference!

Have you checked out my latest book
THE GENTLE WAY WITH PETS: Angelic Help for Your Animal Companions? It has a complete review of The Gentle Way, plus great tips on our lives with our lovable animal family members. Learn how you can have another life with your lovable family member. I interview several Group Souls to learn where they came from and why. If you have already bought the book, please write a review.

On PINTEREST, I’m listed as Tom T Moore Author. Please follow me and share my pins!

For those of you on QUORA, I occasionally answer questions posed there. You can follow me, and if you do, please “UPVOTE” my answers. I do this to reach a different group of people and grow the newsletter. So Reincarnation depictionfar, I have had over 7,500,000 views of my answers.


Many of your questions are taking at least four weeks to respond to. If it takes over five weeks, you can always email me to ensure your questions did not go into the Twilight Zone!

ARE YOU SAYING THE MORNING BENEVOLENT PRAYER? Please say this out loud each morning, just as I do: “I now send white light and love to every continent, every island, all the rivers, lakes, and streams, Atlantis & Lemuriaand all the oceans and seas, and I release this light to go where it is needed the most to light up the darkest parts of the world, thank you!”

My previous book, ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed! has so much information that has NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED in any other book on the subject! Here are a couple of sample chapters: Click here.

Before we move on to the rest of the newsletter, a quick explanation for my new subscribers: Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA) with whom I communicate in meditation, along with Gaia, the Soul of the Earth, and my soul “cluster” brother, Antura (and a few others). Generally, I’ll ask Gaia the Earth questions and Theo about our lives. Now for some interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give you a DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE.


Mike writes: Jon Bon Jovi Saves Woman’s Life.

Jon Bon Jovi just saved a woman’s life (Sep 2024), after she was Jon Bon Jovistanding on the ledge of a Nashville bridge to commit suicide. Do they have a past life connection together?

YouTube - Footage News Clip: Click here.

Theo, did Jon Bon Jovi and the woman he saved from jumping off the bridge have a past life connection?

Most certainly. He was paying her back for doing the same in a past life. It was good that your reader made the connection.


Lydia writes: Do stem cell patches work to regenerate cells (slow/Stem Cell Patchreverse aging & damage)?

Gaia, do stem cell patches work to regenerate cells and slow/reverse aging and damage?

This is in its infancy. Much work will need to be done before these will actually do what is claimed.


Kurt writes: I recently saw the latest episode of Ancient Aliens about Puma Punku, and I decided to search your newsletters to see if you had ever asked about that archaeological site.

I didn’t find anything there. Could you possibly inquire about that? I’m Puma Punkuinterested in knowing how it actually is, will we ever learn the truth about it, and what was its purpose? Was it completed and then destroyed, or was it never finished?


Gaia, what can you tell us about Puma Punku and why was it abandoned 14,000 years ago?

Like many settlements throughout time, Tom, they had their moment of glory when there was enough food and water, but in time it became more difficult to have enough food to feed the population in periods of drought, so they were forced to move. This has happened hundreds of times to different societies before homo sapiens and after. You can see examples of that even in modern times when islands are abandoned, or water becomes scarce or severe drought lasts for years. Back in those times they were less equipped to handle those changes than you are today.


Teresa writes from Austin, Texas: We had a large split leaf philodendron plant in the ground off our back porch for ten years. It died last winter, and we suddenly have Elephant Ear plants thriving there. I did not plant them. Elephant Ear Bulbs are rather large, and I read that it is rare for these plants to have seed pods. So, my question is where did these plants come from? Was this a gift from the Fairy Kingdom?

King Oberon and Queen Titania here, Tom. Good morning and good life.

Good morning and good life to each of you and the Fairy Kingdom.Elephant Ear Plant

King Oberon, where did the Elephant Ear plants come from in Teresa’s yard?

We guided their seeds there, when our fairies saw the conditions would support these plants. This is done all the time with a variety of plants whose seeds are seeking a place to grow. It is all part of our service we perform.

Just to revisit a question previously posed, pixies and fairies are the same, and are not antagonizing each other?

No, they are not, Tom. That is a human story.

Those are all my questions today. I do wish you both a good life.

And the same to you, Tom. We are always available to answer questions about the world of fairies.


Pam writes: In the newsletter 9/7, a question was asked of Creator and was answered as follows:
Gaia, why are most photos of UFOs blurry?

It is the energy system they use that disrupts the air around them. This is something your scientists are learning about.

Does the Energy System mentioned have anything to do with the 10 positive energies?
Or does the Energy System mentioned disrupting the air have anything to do with the 4 negative energies?
Lastly, when (generally) will our scientists discover the 4 negative Energyenergies?

Thank you for all you do – I am praying (BP) that you get to film Antura’s ship soon!! What if you asked all your readers to say a BP?

Here is a BP to be filming on Antura's ship soon:

I ask any and all beings to assist in lining things up quickly to have Tom film on Antura's ship as soon as possible! May the results be better than we can hope, imagine, or expect. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

That is most appreciated!

Gaia, is the blurring of the ET spacecraft in photos and videos caused Spaceship Engine Room depictionby the 10 positive or 4 negative energies and when is the highest probability for scientists to discover the 4 negative energies?

The blurring of the images of the spacecraft is caused by a disruption of the air due to the engines they use in the spacecraft. Here it gets fairly technical. It will be understood by the general public in the not-too-distant future when the back engineering done on the downed ET spacecraft is revealed.

Regarding the 4 negative energies, the highest probability will be at least 200 years or more, since the scientists have yet to study or even postulate their existence. Where does one begin in this study? This will require great advances in scientific knowledge.


For my new readers, my GA Theo introduced me to another member of my soul “cluster” in 2008. I was shocked to hear he is an ET. After 800 lives on Earth as an explorer and designer of towns from their inception, Antura is a member of a “first contact, grass roots” team stationed on a huge Sirian mothership that is hovering 50 miles above First Contactus while the crew of 900 is taking millions of readings each day as part of the Earth Experiment. His team contacts “regular people” on the planets they study, while other teams contact governments and scientists. My family are on the list.

You can read much more about him, his team, the mothership, his planet, and yes, the real star wars that lasted for 270,000 Earth years in my
FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with and ET book. Here are more questions I asked this week after several links my “researcher,” Mantej sent me, since I do not have the time to search myself. I post these throughout the week on Facebook where you can view them by following me at TomTMooreAuthor.

Patricia sent me this short video of the creation of a crop circle. 1.5 min. Click here.

Daily Mail: Several excellent photos of UFO hovering above nature UFO Hovering above manpreserve in Brazil. Click here.

UFO sightings. South America 10 min. Click here.

UAP Congressional Hearing Chairperson Nancy Mace says they want to interview people who have seen some "s__t" in the hearing. 10 min. Click here.

UFOs, Colorado, Warsaw Poland, Mexico. 10 min. Click here.

UFOs over California, Berlin, more. 10 min. Click here.

Good view of V shaped UFO over Brazil, UFO over New York and in fog. 10 min. Click here.

Rare look at UFO under the sea and several seen from jet over Colorado. 9 min. Click here.

Antura in the wings, Tom, with my teammates and the Pleiadian monitoring.

Good morning and good life, group!

Antura, how many different types of beings are on your ship with wings, since you mentioned bird beings in the past. I don’t think the winged being we have been discussing lately falls under that category, does it?

No, it does not. There are actually three types of what you would consider bird beings on our mothership. They also use those two large spaces that are 12 miles long to exercise.

Do you have any felines on your mothership?

No. There are none in the Sirius B solar system.

Pleiadian, how many different types of beings are on your mothership?Mothman

Almost an equal number. A little less than 30.

Do any of them have wings—either birds or other types of beings?

Yes, one of them was brought up by one of your readers that has a vague recollection of lives lived in the Pleiades with wings. As you might imagine, or perhaps not yet able to, there is a wide range of different types of people not only on Antura’s ship, but ours too. Each contributes to the study of the Earth Experiment in their own way.

Do you have one or more open spaces in your ship like exists on the Sirian ship?

Yes, not quite as long, but our ship does have the space for our winged people to exercise.

Is the being described as “mothman” one of the beings on board your ship?

Yes, he has flown over places where he was observed.Oval Spaceship depiction

What is the shape of your ship?

More oval in shape, compared to Antura’s which you have been told is more in the shape of a boomerang.

How are the Pleiades governed?

Each star system works with the others for our mutual benefit. No real disputes. All are deeply interested in and involved with the Earth Experiment.

Can’t recall if I have asked this before—do you know all the languages of the six countries you visit with the scientists, or do you use a universal translation device?

I personally know all the languages. They are easy to learn. Keep in mind that you have many people on Earth that know several languages, so with our higher intellect, they were easy to pick up.

Those are all my questions, Pleiadian. I look forward to speaking withFederation councildyou, hopefully soon.

It will be soon, as Antura keeps assuring you.

Jerry writes: Would our friends interfere with the following? "Russian leaders threaten nukes, destruction of Kyiv if Ukraine uses long-range missiles deeper inside their borders."

Antura, would ETs stop nukes being used in the Ukraine?

Absolutely, along with help from various Guardian Angels as you call them. You have reached a point in your development that even with these wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, there are many people whose vibrational levels are at a point where this will not occur again. It is a simple thing for us, just as we have demonstrated in the past, to turn off the nuclear warheads and rockets.

Antura, how are the Sirius B planets governed?

Each planet have their own governments, with each meeting regularly with the governments of the other planets. All very cordial I will add. More on the order of “what do you need that we can assist you with.”

That’s all my questions today, Antura. Speed it up!

Soon, Tom, very soon.


This MBO story and the next two originally appeared last week in my Blog, which you can read at Please send me your MBO and BP stories. They will inspire others to try The Gentle Way!

Pam writes: Here’s my MBO story that I’m so thankful for my Spirit Team helping me and my mother in so many ways.

My mother has Alzheimer’s and lives 1 hour away from me, so it has been quite a bit of work to manage care for her, plus the stress of her remembering without her husband there to help. During this time, especially on the drive to and from my mother’s house, I asked for Woman in assisted livingMBOs for all aspects of my mother’s care, for the right help, people, and anything else to make this easier for both of us.

Here’s a wonderful list of help I have received for my mother’s move to assisted living only 15 minutes from my house:
  • First the cleaning person is a relative of a friend and she is a retired Alzheimer’s nurse which has been so helpful to my mother
  • The companion supervisor has friends in common with my mother and one of the employees is a girl from the village and my mother knew her parents
  • The assisted living facility had openings, which normally there’s a Alzheimer'swaiting list and we got in.
  • My mother’s cat is being adopted by one of my neighbors.

I’m sure there’s more. I am so thankful that I know about MBOs, and I tell everyone to try it.

Oh, I forgot the biggest part—I took my mother to lunch. My mother ran into a friend from church who inquired what is she doing now. I said she’s moving near me. The friend said where and much to our surprise her family member is living in the same assisted living place. The woman asked my mother to go to lunch when she comes up. The clincher was the woman said God works in mysterious ways. I could have fainted right there, since I’ve asked for a sign that all the plans to get her set up was the best for all of us.


Connie writes: You are getting familiar with my growth stories. You know, how I step into fear and judgment and Love bails me out. Well, the stories just keep coming.

So, DH and I were planning an evening with some old friends. The comfortable kind of friends. Then we got a call informing us they had invited another couple to join us. DH and the man are friendly, and I know the woman enough to know her opinions on religion and politics are very different from mine. The two subjects that I allow to push my Friends having funbuttons. And once started she will not shut up.

So, I'm bummed. I'm thinking of all the things she is going to say and how she will not give it a rest. And I'm thinking all sorts of unpleasantness. I had a little speech in my head on how we would not mess up our digestive systems by engaging in a political discussion. Oh, and how I was going to spend an evening in judgment.

Oh yeah, like I wasn't there already. Right? Was I on a roll or what?

And then, and then— I remembered the Most Benevolent Outcome exercise I have mentioned here before.
"I request a most benevolent outcome for an evening of good food and pleasant conversation. May it be better than I can imagine. Thank you."

It was such a relief to let it go and not think about it anymore. Well, lo and behold, we had a most pleasant evening and that person I was judging and bashing (you know, the one I was blaming for my crappy attitude), jumped on the band wagon to help with two of my current community projects. Not only that, but she enlisted some of her tribe to help. Well, that was certainly more than I imagined.

If I had figured out the most benevolent outcome for the evening, I would never have thought of the projects. God, the Universe, the All, has a zillion ways that I would never dream. And how about three, yes Couple dancingTHREE, requests answered at the same time. Oh my!

This stuff works.
When we quit figuring out the hows and let God, the Universe, the All takes care of things. Well, it is better than we can imagine.

I just love how even when I am in fear and judgment God, the Universe, the All, still has my back.
I just love how everything that happens, even the things I judge as bad, are full of wonder.
I just love that I don't have to figure out anything.
I just make my request with gratitude, and sometimes relief.
I am so loved that God, the Universe, the All, pulls the magic out of the bag.
I am in control by letting go of control.

Goosebumps. Isn't that just too cool?

Who knew giving up could be so, well, benevolent.


Dena misplaced her best pair of eyeglasses and looked everywhere in Eyeglassesthe house for them with no luck. She then requested a Most Benevolent Outcome, went upstairs and in a small space on a counter, there they were! She said she had looked in that area several times, but never saw them.


Carol writes: Would you please ask Theo if Scott Peterson killed his Scott Petersonwife more than 20 years ago. He is serving a life sentence. He is trying to prove his innocence. Thank you for everything that you do.

Theo, Scott Peterson was convicted of killing his wife. Did he?

The evidence supports the conviction, Tom.


Graham writes: John Wayne

John Wayne is looked at much differently today than he was in life. Known for his racist views on black people and native Americans. How John Waynewill John Wayne balance his racist views?

Will he be both a Native American actor, and other persons of color as an actor in the future to see the other side, and is this now, in the future or back in the past? Click here.

Theo, how will John Wayne balance his racist views of Indians and Blacks? What was his next incarnation?

Naturally to balance this one he will have lives both as a Black actor and as a Native American pushed off his land by the white settlers. All lives must balance. This was a significant life for him, but he was just a third quadrant Young soul, with many lives in the arts ahead of him. He will also have future lives as a female actor to balance.


Could not include this until now.

Michael writes:
I don't know if you will get this email in time, but here is what you received on JAMES EARL JONES, who died yesterday.

Would be nice to fit in at the bottom of the newsletter to remember him, if there's space:
James Earl Jones

Theo, why was it James Earl Jones’ soul contract to have such a magnificent voice in this life?

Yes, it was his soul contract to have a body with that voice, since this is a significant life for him. Everyone is given some special ability—it may be that they are great at some special field of activity. He has a soul interest in acting and the artistry associated with that activity. Some are comedic artists; some are Shakespearean in nature—drama. They all try to explore everything within their soul interest. As this is a special, significant life for him, he was given this ability, along with the fact that he is Black and so crossed racial boundaries, and is loved and admired by people of all races.


For my new readers, I am proposing a national gun buyback program that would have bipartisan support in Congress, because it is STRICTLY VOLUNTARY. Please sign the petition at for Groceriesgroceries. We’re up to 1,517 this week!

September 28, 2024: CHICAGO police gun buyback event draws long lines. 275 guns were turned in.

September 20, 2024: PALMDALE, CA. Police took in 85 guns at buy back event.

Saranac Lake, New York. 8/21/24. 82 firearms collected.

MONTGOMERY ALABAMA: 9/21/24. 106 guns turned in.

NEW MEXICO: 8/24/24--205 Firearms Turned In. Click here.

HAWAII: 531 Firearms collected. Click here.

DETROIT: The public forces Michigan police to completely destroy the Gun buy backguns collected and not sell to companies that sell the parts. Click here.

HOUSTON: More than 500 weapons were turned in at Houston’s 5th buy back event.

  1. This will have bipartisan support since it does not require anyone to do anything. It is ALL VOLUNTARY! People look at this as a SERVICE to get rid of guns in their homes.
  2. No money is given that can be used to buy more guns.
  3. Payment is made with money cards that can only be used at supermarkets or grocery stores.
  4. People are concerned that only law-abiding citizens will give up their guns. Over weeks and months there will be people who turn in guns because someone in their family may be considering suicide or going on a shooting spree. FREE GUN LOCKS would also be given out.
  5. This would be overseen by the ATF, instead of the Justice Department. They would collect the guns once a month (or sooner) and destroy them the same way they destroy other confiscated guns. This also ensures that some local police department will not sell them out the back door, as is being done presently.
  6. Another possible benefit I have not mentioned before: Presenting this bill before Congress will allow for Amendments to be voted on. Perhaps one or two might pass this time. We won’t know unless we find a Congressperson or Senator to sponsor the bill.

If you want to cut down on gun violence, please support the petition by SIGNING! With thousands of subscribers to this Newsletter, why can’t we Petitionhave thousands of signatures? Share this with your friends and family! We’ve climbed to 1,517. Let’s get to 2,000! Please sign and then you can use this tiny URL to send to your friends:, or do you just wish to keep seeing mass shootings every day? 2023 ended with 656 MASS SHOOTINGS! Plus, contact your Congressional Representatives and Senators as I have. If we can stop even one or two in the future, isn’t that worth signing and supporting this gun buyback proposal? No one else is doing anything. Please join with me—don’t be passive on this—SIGN!!

During the last Gun Buyback, Houston-area residents turned in a record number of 1,446 firearms. The fourth Harris County-Houston gun buyback held June 10, 2023, was the most successful, collecting a record number of 1,446 firearms that helps in the effort to reduce violent crimes.

In total, more than 4,700 firearms have been collected in the five buybacks, which assist in the coordinated efforts to help all communities be free of gun violence. With the community’s overwhelming response at all the events, Houston-Harris County has conducted the most successful gun buyback program in the country’s history.


Blog --Great resources:  Sign up here for the FREE newsletter.  Sample Chapters of the books, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!

If you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to 
SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world.  I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out.   And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet?  Please do so.  I do give extra information there.  I also post on TWITTER. 

If you know of Expos or groups looking for
 FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me.   And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them. 


Don’t forget that ALL FOUR GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services, along with my other two books!  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  All three books can change lives!


BLOG:  For those of you who are just learning about requesting Benevolent Outcomes, I have a weekly Blog now with information and stories sent from all over the world about using this amazingly simple, yet powerful spiritual tool.  The link is

XTWITTER:  You can now follow me on XTwitter @TomTMoore33 .

FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore Author so "Like Me" at

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Tom T. Moore Tom

 Tom T. Moore
 7801 Alma Drive, Suite 105-335
 Plano, Texas 75025
 United States


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