Welcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all my new subscribers all over the world. If you wish to subscribe to this F.R.E.E. newsletter, go to and then click on the link in the Blue Box on the right side of the Home page.
Thanks to all of you who subscribe to my newsletter. I have an insatiable desire to learn and know, and I learn right along with you when you send me your questions to ask in a meditative state. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Keep sending in questions. But most importantly, don’t just read and go on to the next blog or newsletter. Take part when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer (BP), as then you are contributing to make this a better world, and it does raise your vibrational level.
Be sure to read the first topic about the Pineal Gland.
For those of you traveling during the Thanksgiving Holidays, be sure to request MBOs for your travel, plus, Benevolent Prayers for your interactions with other family members.
Google Earth apparently shows a UFO over Jacksonville, Texas. Click here.
THE GENTLE WAY I is now an Audio Book! Here is a link to it on Amazon: Click here.
You can listen to a sample, or you can get it for free, if you try their “Audible Trial.”
Christmas will soon be here! What a great gift these books will be for family and friends.
THE GENTLE WAY I, II, III: Jenadako wrote: "Help yourself! Very easy to read with great examples and wonderful suggestions to love your best life! I bought all three and read in one weekend."
FIRST CONTACT: Brad wrote: "An inquiry of the Galactic nature. What a Gift! An insightful interview and inquiry of what may be possible outside of our 6 senses, of what we believe we can see, touch and feel. Tom's exploration takes us past the 'Twilight Zone' of our immediate world, and into the possibility of billions of beings, and new ways to wonder. Wonder what could be possible in a parallel time, space, and galactic explorations. And the world of 'What If': what if alternate life forms, guardian angels, souls and beings are exploring and guiding our daily existence, creating a future that is yet to unfold as we explore our world, universe, galaxy, and become good planetary neighbors and explorers with the Federation of Planets?"
ATLANTIS & LEMURIA: Madeline wrote: "Atlantis and Lemuria reaching new heights of awareness! I'm a devout student of Atlantis's history and ending. I also crave more information on Lemuria’s life and end. I learned time lines I never knew. How close they were on time periods. They were not similar in their belief systems. They had similar warring behaviors, but still so different. I appreciated his connections with Gaia, Theo and more. Great reading. Thank you!"
For those of you on Quora, I occasionally answer questions posed there. Here is a new one. You can “follow me,” and if you do, please “upvote” my answers. I do this to reach a different group of people and grow the newsletter. So far, I have had over 800,000 views of my answers.
Many of your questions are taking about three weeks to respond to. If you are over five weeks, you can always email me to ensure your questions did not go into the Twilight Zone!
You can sign up to receive email notifications and the link when I post my MBO and BP Blog on Saturday. Just go to
NEW ADDITION TO MORNING BENEVOLENT PRAYER: Please say this out loud each morning: “I now send white light and love to every continent, every island, all the rivers, lakes and streams, and all the oceans and seas, and I release this light to go where it is needed the most to light up the darkest parts of the world, and I send white light and love to every single person and being I meet or encounter today, thank you!”
If Atlantis and Lemuria were just myths, why are there roads and cities submerged in the Mediterranean? And what about the land bridge that connected England to Europe? Read why the records no longer exist, and the REAL history of two societies that existed for over 50,000 years each until they destroyed themselves. My latest book, “ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed!” has so much information that has NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED in any other book on the subject! Here are a couple of sample chapters. Click here.
And a quick explanation for my new subscribers. Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA) with whom I communicate in meditation, along with Gaia, the Soul of the Earth, and my soul “cluster” brother, Antura (and a few others). Generally, I’ll ask Gaia the Earth questions and Theo about our lives. Now for some interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give you a DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE:
I was astounded to watch this short video (8 minutes) I received last week. A scientist, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, was expressing concern that various energies and substances were a danger to the important Pineal Gland. As I have mentioned many times in these newsletters, I’ve been told many times that the Pineal Gland acts as the antenna in our bodies for all types of telepathic receptions. Scientists so far have only identified its function as secreting melatonin, which assists us in going to sleep at night.
Peter in Canada writes: This scientist says things that are quite concerning for humanity. Here's the link. Click here.
Should the truth come out soon enough to help change all this?
Gaia, does wifi, fluorides, glyphosate, and aluminum negatively affect the Pineal Gland?
Yes, but not to the extent that Dr. Klinghardt theorizes. Still, it is a good thing to limit your exposure to any of these substances or energies.
Ruth writes: I keep feeling/seeing that I am experiencing the world....the universe as if it was a giant hologram. Is this part of the next time line....the next reality?
I even had a visual of a world where a child is born and raised in full consciou-sness of life as a hologram. Where he knew that everything contained him and he contained everything. It was a magnificent life of exploration of all that is!
I mentioned a portion of this to my family and they are still giggling about Grandma’s losing it...but it is so easy to feel this. Am I losing it or perhaps have I found it?
Gaia, Ruth sees Earth, and the Universe, and people as a giant hologram—is it?
In a way, yes, Tom. Each Time Line Earth—and a reminder to your readers that there are 12 parallel Earths, all existing on a different frequency in the special space-time continuum—to a person with a special perception such as Ruth has, can almost see the construction of these Time Line Earths. Each is real, but at a different frequency.
Philip writes: Today (Saturday October 26) there was a basic income march in (I believe 24) cities around the world for Universal Basic Income, with the main one being in New York City. I found some info about it from your past articles. My question is could a Universal Basic Income be a catalyst for world peace?
Gaia, could a universal basic income be a catalyst for world peace?
An interesting concept, but not for this time period. There are other guarantees though that can be made, so that people in general have better lives, such as universal health care. That will come before a universal basic income. The other development we have covered before is free energy. That will be an enormous change in the near future, allowing great strides for those at the lowest income level of society, yet will still benefit everyone.
Jerry writes: I have recently watched a Youtube video about destroying cancer cells with frequency. Does the device mentioned in the video do what Mr. Holland is claiming that it does, or is it a snake oil? Click here.
Gaia, can cancer cells be destroyed with a certain frequency?
Yes, Tom, scientists are working on this idea at the present time. This is another development that the big pharmaceutical companies do not wish to happen, but will. You are moving in the direction that the Atlanteans were at before their self-destruction. As we said before, they were still well ahead of you in the treatment of the sick, but you will close the gap in the next few years. Sound is part of it, but learning about light is too.
For my new readers, Theo introduced me to another member of my soul “cluster,” back in 2008. After 800 lives on Earth as an explorer, Antura is having a life back on Nommo, a water world in the Sirius B Solar System. He looks SLIGHTLY similar to the Abe Sapien character in the Hellboy movies. He is a member of a “first contact” team that goes out to emerging worlds to introduce themselves after studying the beings who inhabit the planet. In my FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET book, he related a story about visiting a desert planet and meeting with beings he described as looking similar to sloths on Earth. Here are some more questions I asked this week.
These questions came from Mantej in the UK.
Antura, did Valiant Thor ever used mind control?
No, there was no need. He was accepted more readily than had he appeared later.
How many lectures did he give?
Not so much as a lecturer. He was an excellent communicator.
Did he try to get Eisenhower on board his ship?
Yes, but Ike refused. He was not sure if he would ever return.
Was he a guest at the Pentagon?
Yes, that is well documented.
Could he bilocate?
He had he capability, but rarely used it.
Was his clothing indestructible?
Yes. Many years ahead of your garments.
Was his IQ 1200 or more?
Certainly. He had the benefit of being a larger fragment of a soul.
Did he impress Eisenhower with his abilities?
Quite so.
Did he use a voice translator?
Yes, but again, they are undetectable in their use.
Did Truman ever meet Thor?
No, he did not.
Were the names of the two women, who accompanied him, Jill and Tonya?
Yes, those are the names they used.
Would they be considered irresistible to men?
They were quite skilled in their jobs.
Could they go incognito if they wished?
Yes, if they left the Washington DC area.
What did they do with their downtime in DC?
They could retreat to their ship, which could not be seen, or they simply took part in the many social activities to help influence the people at the Pentagon.
Did they assist the people at the Pentagon with their personal problems?
No so much. They did not want to interfere with their soul contracts.
Why is Thor in Mantej’s dreams quite often?
A future life.
Emily writes: On Sat night 11/9 at around 7PM, Andrew & I were at an outside music concert in Dade City, Fl. We noticed a bright red ball in the sky, we watched it to see if it moved or not, it didn't. It stayed still in place for about 10 minutes. This was on the northeast night sky. We were distracted by the band and took our eyes off it for a very short time. The next time we looked up at the sky it was gone. We searched the sky to see if it had moved, it had not, it was gone.
Would you please find out what we were looking at? Andrew and I both feel it was some sort of ET craft.
Antura, was the red ball over Dade City, Florida on 11/9 ET in origin?
It was ET, Tom. Another example where the ET craft was taking readings while trying to have the appearance of Mars in the sky.
Tammy writes: On my route to work I drive in close proximity to a small town airport; it’s not on the street I drive, but it’s very close. I see small private planes ALL the time; I work in a big city that has a large international airport, but I never see commercial planes until I get close to the edge of the city where I work, as it is closer to their flight path which is more so north and south on the coast.
A couple of days ago I was driving the long highway stretch close to the small town airport, and I saw a huge commercial airplane way ahead to my left; it was grayish in color and did not have an airline logo on it. The weirdest thing about this airplane is not that it was a huge commercial airplane in an area I never see them, it was that it was literally dead still in the sky. I drove for approximately 5 to 7 miles with this plane in my sight and it did not move 1 inch, when I passed by it, I looked in my rearview, and it had completely disappeared, and there was nothing that would have obstructed my view in spite of how low it was in the sky and I would have been able to have full view of it in my rearview mirror.
Antura, was the large, gray aircraft Tammy saw on her way to work an ET craft or what?
Yes, again an ET craft in disguise.
Linda writes: I was outside last night and a very low flying craft flew by my home that faces the woods and then disappeared. Do you know who this craft was? It was actually 100 yards or so from my house and the woods were full of trees, so it seemed to go right through. Is there a portal out there?
Antura, Linda wants to know if aircraft over her house is unusual?
Not in this case, Tom.
This MBO story and the next one originally appeared last week in my Blog, which you can read in its entirety at Please send me your MBO and BP stories. They will inspire others to try The Gentle Way! You can now sign up to receive notification of the Blog, along with a link.
On Veterans’ Day, Texas Roadhouse Restaurant was offering all veterans a free lunch, with a choice of 10 different entrees. My friend Frank and I decided to go. Since they were to open at 11:00 am, we decided to go a little bit later, hoping the crowd would have gone down a little. I requested a Most Benevolent Outcome for my drive to Frank’s house as a cold front was coming through at that exact time; the winds were 45 to 50 mph, accompanied by a light rain. I brought my rain gear just in case we had to spend any time outside. I also requested an MBO for our drive to the restaurant and to be seated as soon as possible.
We arrived at the restaurant and immediately found a parking spot behind the building. We quickly walked around to the front door, and there was no line outside. We entered and walked to the counter. The hostess said that we were getting one of the last two tables available in the whole restaurant—and it could seat six people. Our service was outstanding, as was the food.
When we left, the whole waiting area was full, as well as along the wall of the entrance. We concluded that the timing was perfect. No wait and a really nice lunch. Thanks, Texas Roadhouse!
Margaret writes: Earlier in the fall I asked for MBO that any and all beings would assist me, especially the divas, elves, fairies, and essences, and consciousness of my home, to assist me in maintaining and thriving my home and property; and that I would be open to them on all levels. Last week I discovered the sump pump in my crawl space was no longer working, as the entire space was filled with ground water. Because of a sudden onslaught of winter weather the heating-plumbing company was backlogged for over a week. In between I cleaned my furnace filters; however I couldn’t get the cover back on, which has never been a problem before for me.
After the plumber easily installed the new pump he checked out the water heater they had installed awhile back. He then noticed the unfastened furnace cover and realized the electronics on it were no longer working. He explained how that mis-function allows the dirt to still get in and coat the mechanics inside the furnace, which in turn could cause the air conditioner to not function next summer. The newer replacement filters are much simpler and easy to maintain. He also saw the backup battery pack for the other sump pump was overdue for a replacement. So I averted a damaged furnace and air conditioner, failure of battery backup; and will have cleaner house air when my partner moves down for the winter. Afterwards I realized my inability to reattach the furnace’s filter cover was because of my earlier MBO.
These questions came from Malti in New Zealand, Tanudja in Australia, and Martha.
King Finvarra here, Tom. Good morning.
Good morning, King, and good life to your Queen and to all the faerie world.
King, can trees house bad or angry energies to avoid?
No, Tom. They can be affected by bad energies of different types, but we work with them still if they are in harsh situations.
Is there such a thing as a house gnome?
Not that lives in a human’s house, but certainly there are gnomes that may live in someone’s garden, especially if a tiny house is placed on the property. And yes, it has to be small, in order to keep birds from roosting there. Remember that they are only 6 inches tall. They also make their home in the cavities or holes in trees and such. They are quite industrious in finding a place to live.
Can they cause poltergeist activity to warn us of some danger?
We would not describe it in that manner. It might seem like that to the person they are warning, but it is not some wizardry.
Do red mushrooms indicate faerie territory?
No, but a nice thought. Faeries have a special affinity for mushrooms in general. They can provide shelter in storms and shade in the summer. Plus, they are a food source for us.
Does a large circle of mushrooms indicate faerie territory?
A nice thought, and yes, you will see more activity when there is a circle.
Should we place something special for them in the garden?
Yes, that is greatly appreciated.
King, can we somehow welcome faeries into our homes to help care for plants?
Certainly, you can request MBOs for them to assist plants inside your homes.
What work do the Elves do?
They have their own society, Tom. Read more about them and I can respond.
It sounds as if, regarding previous comments, that faeries are able to work underground on the root system.
That’s correct, Tom. Keep in mind that they are actually communicating with the plants and their root systems.
Ray writes: Laughing at angry people.
I don’t know why but it is often absolutely hilarious to laugh at angry people. When you see somebody having a massive rant (mostly these days caught on video and on YouTube for everyone to watch) millions of people around the world find themselves just laughing hysterically.
Why is it that people find angry people hilarious?
Here is a good laugh for everybody: YouTube clip of angry man shouting at a Scientologist!
Theo, why is it that people find angry people hilarious?
As you all know, that is not always the case. Sometimes seeing someone angry reminds you of yourself being angry and then discovering it makes you look like a fool. You laugh because you, in many cases, have learned that lesson. Extreme anger, may we remind everyone, is not good for your body. Approaching a problem in a cool and collected manner is much better for your overall health.
Diane writes: In the news we have heard so much about Meghan and Harry and the special documentary that was made about their trip to Africa.
My question is with all that this couple has gone through will they weather the storm together and get through all of this and stay in good graces with the Queen (smile)? She did remove their picture!!!!
I do pray that they weather this battle before them!!!
Theo, will Harry and Meghan weather the storm of publicity, and will they get along with the Queen?
Harry and Meghan will write their own path, and yes, they will find the right path to stay away from the limelight, yet still perform their royal duties. That will include taking trips to the United States, where they will find ways to enjoy their time together, without all the paparazzi. The Queen is another matter. She tries to put on a good face for the public, but dislikes all the attention the couple receives. By keeping out of sight, this will help in getting her to at least accept the situation, whether she likes it or not.
If you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world. I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out. And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet? Please do so. I do give extra information there. I also post on TWITTER.
If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me. And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.
Don’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services, along with my other two books! The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! All three books can change lives!
BLOG: For those of you who are just learning about requesting Benevolent Outcomes, I have a weekly Blog now with information and stories sent from all over the world about using this amazingly simple, yet powerful spiritual tool. The link is
TWITTER: You can now follow me on Twitter @TomTMoore33 . --Great resources: Sign up here for the newsletter. Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!
FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore Author so "Like Me" at
BOOK EDITOR: Need an editor for your upcoming book? Email me. RJ edits my newsletter and edits books.
Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Expect Great Things!
Tom T. Moore
7801 Alma Drive, Suite 105-335
Plano, Texas 75025
United States