Welcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all my new subscribers all over the world. If you wish to subscribe to this F.R.E.E. newsletter, go to The Gentle Way Book and then click on the link in the Blue Box on the right side of the home page. On my Articles and News page you will find over 800 archived Newsletters to explore. There is a Search Box on the page to search for interesting topics. If you are reading this for the first time and enjoy it, please share it with your friends and family.
Keep in mind that I’ve been told that no one is perfect that does this work. I estimate that I’m around 80% to 90% accurate. And PLEASE, don’t just read and go on to the next blog or newsletter. Take part when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer (BP) as then you are contributing to making this a better world, and it does raise your own vibrational level (aka “Ascension”).
For the GUNS FOR GROCERIES Congressional Bill proposal, I contacted TEXAS GUNS SENSE and MARCH FOR OUR LIVES and asked for their assistance. I had already contacted Representative Lizzie Fletcher and sent her the Proposal that MOMS DEMAND ACTION had supported her in the last election. If you know anyone in these organizations, put in a good word of support for GFG. I had also contacted the four Congressional Representatives that Jason Whitely of the syndicated program TEXAS POLITICS suggested I contact, who might be interested in co-sponsoring the Bill. They are Representatives Jasmine Crockett, Marc Veasey (Whip for Gun Violence Protection Task Force), Lloyd Doggett, and Greg Casar (Whip of the Congressional Progressive Caucus). If any of these Representatives are yours, please consider contacting them to take part. Rep. Lloyd Doggett declined to take part, saying he did not think any legislation would get past the NRA political machine. I disagree, because this will have BIPARTISAN SUPPORT!
Have you signed my Petition yet on AVAAZ for a Congressional Bill that would set up a National program to buy back guns, and would have BIPARTISAN SUPPORT because it is STRICTLY VOLUNTARY? Over time, guns that could be used for suicides or mass shootings will be turned in. We are up to 1,489 this week! Please add your name. Forward this link to your group. Here is the link: Do you personally know a Congressperson or Senator? Let’s talk! Send me an email. Let me add here. Some people have never heard of AVAAZ, because they only have 2.7 million members in the USA out of 70 million worldwide. Here is a map to see where the members live. Click here. It is completely safe to sign the petition!
Recent Interview: A View Through the Veil, Barb Crowley. Click here.
Recent Interview: Jodi Powers, Soul Spa, June 1. Click here.
Recent Interview: Linda Grindel, Comanche Psychic, May 16. Click here.
Recent Interview: Debbie Hedberg. May 13. Click here.
Recent Interview: Air Psychic Radio, John Capello. Click here.
If you are not receiving the Newsletter, let me know.
I realize there are several Benevolent Prayers to say listed below. PLEASE TAKE THE FEW SHORT SECONDS TO SAY EACH ONE OUT LOUD. Remember, the human voice is much more powerful than people in this time period realize. I’m told there is a crescendo effect when hundreds and thousands say the BP out loud.
Let’s say this Benevolent Prayer for Israel and Palestine out loud: "I ask any and all beings to aid and assist in protecting the people of Palestine and Israel from the fighting between Hamas and Israel, for those wounded to be given medical assistance, and for the hostages to be returned home unharmed with no further violence, and may there be meaningful negotiations between the two sides so that this will never occur again, thank you!"
Let's say this Benevolent Prayer for the people of UKRAINE: "I ask for any and all beings to aid, comfort, and assist the people of Ukraine to remain safe, for all prisoners of war to be treated under the rules of the Geneva Convention, for the economic sanctions imposed on Russia to work to cut off their sale of oil, to return the thousands of Ukrainian children home, and to return the Russian and Ukrainian soldiers home, thank you!" Please say this Benevolent Prayer.
We are making a difference!
Have you checked out my latest book THE GENTLE WAY WITH PETS: Angelic Help for Your Animal Companions? It has a complete review of The Gentle Way, plus great tips on our lives with our lovable animal family members. Learn how you can have another life with your lovable family member. I interview several Group Souls to learn where they came from and why. If you have already bought the book, please write a review.
On PINTEREST, I’m listed as Tom T Moore Author. Please follow me and share my pins!
For those of you on QUORA, I occasionally answer questions posed there. You can follow me, and if you do, please “upvote” my answers. I do this to reach a different group of people and grow the newsletter. So far, I have had over 7,400,000 views of my answers.
Many of your questions are taking at least four weeks to respond to. If it takes over five weeks, you can always email me to ensure your questions did not go into the Twilight Zone!
ARE YOU SAYING THE MORNING BENEVOLENT PRAYER? Please say this out loud each morning, just as I do: “I now send white light and love to every continent, every island, all the rivers, lakes, and streams, and all the oceans and seas, and I release this light to go where it is needed the most to light up the darkest parts of the world, thank you!”
My previous book, “ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed!” has so much information that has NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED in any other book on the subject! Here are a couple of sample chapters: Click here.
Before we move on to the rest of the newsletter, a quick explanation for my new subscribers: Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA) with whom I communicate in meditation, along with Gaia, the Soul of the Earth, and my soul “cluster” brother, Antura (and a few others). Generally, I’ll ask Gaia the Earth questions and Theo about our lives. Now for some interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give you a DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE.
Deb in Minnesota writes: Just read that there was an explosion at Yellowstone. I'd love to hear what Gaia and the others have to say about that.
Gaia, anymore events coming at Yellowstone after the explosion of the geyser?
This is not the last one, Tom. I must relieve the pressure that has built up here, since your souls have not given me the green light to release the full pressure buildup over the years. I have moved lava to other areas deep within the Earth, but these small events will continue for sometime in the future, mark my words.
Aymee writes: Can I ask about my beautiful land, Cuba, which has been destroyed by the evil regime? It was once considered The Pearl of the Caribbean, now my heart is broken for her.
The poor Cubans don't even have enough to eat, no power either, and it’s been like this since Fidel took over in 1959. The lucky ones were able to escape. Do you see any changes in the communist regime? Their buildings are falling apart too. The hospitals are bare, not even sheets to cover their beds, dirty and full of bugs, nothing to clean with, nothing to feed the patients, it's really sad. How long must they suffer?
Gaia, what is the highest probability for conditions to dramatically improve for the people who live on the island of Cuba?
It will not be long now before there is great improvement for the people who live there. The regime is hanging on, but soon there will emerge a leader and along with others will overthrow the government there. It will become a great tourist destination like it was many years ago. Looking for this in the next five years is the highest probability at this time.
Montag writes: When President Biden stepped down from running again, did it affect our Timeline 6? Did his doing so affect any of the other timelines?
Theo, so please explain the sudden change with Biden dropping out, when you said he was staying in.
Yes, you were correct in guessing that was the highest probability, but close behind was the probability that he would retire.
Was what you told me a message for a certain group of people?
In a way, yes, as either way those people wanted to be assured there would be a stable alternative.
Has Harris’ soul contract on other timelines affected Timeline 6?
As you have been told before, big changes come from the upper timelines and work their way down. Don’t forget the effects of the solar eclipse. We said it would affect millions of people in a benevolent way.
Leanne writes: I have 2 questions to ask Jesus please:
1. I saw Jesus very clearly in a recent dream. He was standing behind me and my reaction was to simply run away. I wish I had stayed and talked with him. Did he have a message for me?
2. I grew up in a family who would advise us against adversity by ‘turning the other cheek’. I still struggle with those who ‘push me to my limits’ by cutting them out of my life. Jesus, can you tell me the best way to work with this sort of person so they can be in my life?
Jesus, Leanne says in a dream you stood behind her. Was there a message for her?
Just a reminder of love for her, supporting her. I visit many people in their dreams, just as I have visited you, encouraging you to stay on your path. Anyone can ask for me to visit them in their dreams and I will, but many will forget upon awakening. I encourage everyone to write their dreams down, even though you might not understand them, on a subconscious level you do.
What is the best way to work with people who push you to what you may consider your limits.
Do what Tom has encouraged you to do each day. Send white light and love to them each day. Normally you will not notice any changes at first, but over time you will.
Those are all my questions today. Lots of love back to you, Jesus.
And to all who read this I send my love. I am always available to answer questions.
For my new readers, my GA Theo introduced me to another member of my soul group or “cluster,” as he calls them. He’s an ET—an amphibian from our home planet of Nommo in the Sirius B Star System. After 800 lives on Earth, with a soul interest in exploration, he’s putting what he learned to good use as a member of a “first contact, grass roots” team of four. They are in a giant Sirian mothership 50 miles above us.
You can read more about Antura, his teammates, mothership, planet, and yes, the real star wars that took place over 270,000 Earth years in my book FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET. Here are more questions I asked after some links sent to me last week by my “researcher,” Mantej, who volunteered for the job after I did not have the time. You can see these links during the week as I post them on Facebook by following me at TomTMooreAuthor.
Discussion of 23-minute video of 3 ET craft following Predator US drone over hostile country. 16:58. min. Luis Elizondo. Click here.
3 hours on board a UFO. Teen in 1965. 23 min. Click here. 
Close encounters with UFOs. 10 min. Click here.
Gaia TV: Humanoid ETs invade a nuclear facility and take an atomic warhead in 1971. 11:26 min. Click here.
New UFO sightings. 8 min. Click here.
UFO over Las Vegas, Brazil and more. 10 min. Click here.
Antura here, with my teammates and the Pleiadian monitoring, Tom.
Good morning, everyone.
Antura, in my 3400 era life, have I visited Nommo?
No, you have not. Your ship was given orders to visit a number of other planets, and this did not include Nommo.
Ike’s granddaughter confirms Ike’s meeting with ETs. Claims there is a breakaway civilization on Mars. Click here.
Antura, Ike’s granddaughter claims there is a breakaway civilization on Mars.
As you have been told before, there is not. That is another conspiracy theory, along with a moon colony.
Mantej writes: Question for Antura
Sir Peter Horsley (Equerry to Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip) had a 2-hour meeting, with an ET called Mr. Janus, in an apartment in Chelsea, London in 1954. He was sent there by General Martin. Horsley wrote about it in his book Sounds From Another Room.
I thought it was interesting that in their conversation the ET mentioned authors H.G. Wells and Jules Verne. Although Theo said those writers did have a life in the future, did they also meet with human looking ET who slipped in sci-fi ideas to them, or was their life in the future enough for them to go back and write the books?
When did ET meetings with military personnel first occur in the UK? Was it the turn of the century, the 20s, 30s or 40s during WW2, or immediately after?
Antura, did HG Wells and Jules Verne also had meetings with ETs or just lives in the future?
Just lives in the future.
When did ETs have meetings with UK military personnel take place?
Along the same time as there were meetings with USA military personnel.
Have all the Canadian Prime Ministers since William King been read in on ET ships?
No, before that would occur, there would have to be a definite reason. They took the same approach as did the Americans.
Flori writes: MBO:
1. A recently widowed lady was holding an outdoors auction sale of several tools and big items that had belonged to her late husband. The day of the sale the rain was pouring down in buckets reducing the grounds to a mud slippery mess. I sent out an MBO for the rain to subside, for the sale to be a successful one, and for the crowd to bid good prices and provide the widow with substantial earnings.
Outcome: Initially the rain diminished and eventually stopped altogether, making bidding more successful. I don’t know about the widow’s total earnings, but a pray that it was sizable.
2. our summer cabin is situated by a small lake and a nearby swamp making this a great breeding ground for mosquitoes. Walking past this area requires wearing long sleeved attire, hats and a good dose of bug spray. To replace doing the above, I send out an MBO to the mosquitoes to please stay away from me.
It works!
3. the summer cabin is also situated in deer country. Driving home at nighttime poses challenging encounters with these large animals; either causing them harm, or damage to our vehicles. I say an MBO for the deer to please stay off the road while we are driving home.
Lee in New Jersey writes: We had my 10-year-old granddaughter with us for 4 days and said so many MBOs! One that stood out for her was the evening we made reservations for a Music Man Singing Ice Cream Shop. I asked for good parking (the area is difficult for parking), the best seats and a fun time.
Parking was great and we were seated one table from the front and the show was so much fun! The topper was they changed the original show from a variety musical to a Taylor Swift musical and of course my granddaughter is a Swiftie! Our server even had bracelets for her! She said her day was a 12 out of 10! Thank you for MBOs!
Dottie writes: Thank you, Tom, for all your great work with sharing about positive outcomes with MBOs! They consistently worked for me with requests for parking spots and positive outcomes in public activities for me.
After a very negative encounter with an individual at a dog park, I now ask for no encounter with that person whenever I drive to it now with my dog. The angels continue to provide me with complete protection as I have never seen this person again, and I say prayers of thanks, and also prayer protection for both that individual and myself. I also have found great help with MBOs to reduce any overwhelming emotional negativity I experience in stressful situations. I always remember to say a prayer of thanks after saying them, too.
Severine writes from China: With a friend, we started 2 weeks ago to say this BP every Friday:
"We ask any and all beings to assist Name 1 and Name 2, and their respective families, in having a peaceful, restful and joyful weekend. May the outcome be better than expected, thank you!
We were both happy with the results, with our weekends were more gentle than usual. ;)
P.S. Please share this in the MBO blog and Newsletter:
For those who are interested in practicing the Gentle Way regularly by saying MBOs and BPs, please join our free WhatsApp group.
Please email Séverine at severinechinavasion (at) to be
added. :)
We accept personal BP requests and pray for others and the world. We recently organized 2 zoom calls with Tom T Moore too!
Paul in Pennsylvania writes: Here's a question for the fairy king and queen: A lot of tree species in North America, such as the ash, elm, beech, and Eastern hemlock have been decimated by biotic agents. What is the future for these trees?
King Oberon, what is the future for the ash, elm, beach, and Eastern hemlock decimated by biotic agents?
They will return, since all of the trees you mentioned exist in many localities that are not affected. This is a learning process for those who live in these areas.
Teresa writes: The Fairies work very hard with long hours, in speeded up time, in the four negative energies. They witness extreme destruction by man and by Nature. Yet, they are described as loving their work and being very happy. How do they keep from being depressed?
King Oberon, do fairies ever get depressed or are they just understanding of Earth changes?
We are informed well in advance of any Earth changes. Our work includes comforting those plants and trees that will be destroyed, assuring them they will return to grow again. We show compassion, not depression, and give lots of love to those we are charged with assisting. As Gaia has said many times, Earth is a living thing, and that’s something the fairy kingdom understands and accepts as we work to keep the Earth the most beautiful planet in the universe.
Thanks, King and Queen.
Our pleasure, Tom. In the future you will receive more questions for us, and we will be happy to answer them to give more insight into the world of fairies.
Diana writes: Hi Tom. You always talk about past and future lives which are interesting where you do good things. Which had me thinking.
I was looking at the family tree and wonder is it Karma or Soul’s lessons, but every male member has had trouble with alcohol. Alcohol was important to them in dealing with everyday challenges and life in general. They had good jobs but never looked to improve and move up to better positions. The good thing is it never did interfere with their work where they would get fired but some members died young and some did live to an old age, (smile) but like I said, was this Karma for all these men or a soul contract that they had to live through???
I always wonder about some traits in a family.
Theo, when all the male members of a family over decades have alcohol problems, is this Karma or what?
Everyone must have one or more lives of addiction. That’s one part of the equation. Then you have the DNA makeup of a family. This DNA strand will be altered in the coming years so that there will be no addictions. Then you have the soul contracts to be addicted to alcohol and the soul contacts of the family members to live with someone with this addiction as part of their learning. A male with the addiction in one life will come back as the wife or one of the children to experience what it is like to live with someone with this addiction.
Graham writes: To save the spotted owl, the U.S. plans to kill nearly 500,000 rival owls.
Will the USA’s plan to kill 500,000 owls work? Click here. 
Gaia, will something better be found to control the Barred Owls without killing 500,000?
First there will be a public outcry and various animal and bird organizations will protest. Then there will be ways found so that they do not reproduce in such numbers as to endanger other species. You can say and have everyone else say a benevolent prayer for all the owl species to continue to have sufficient numbers to maintain their species.
Let’s say this Benevolent Prayer out loud: “I ask any and all beings to aid and assist in finding ways to protect the Barred Owls and to find ways to reduce their numbers without harming them, thank you!”
For my new readers, I am proposing a national gun buyback program that would have bipartisan support in Congress, because it is STRICTLY VOLUNTARY. Please sign the petition at We’re up to 1,489 this week! See the beginning of the newsletter for my progress.
- This will have bipartisan support since it does not require anyone to do anything. It is ALL VOLUNTARY!
- No money is given that can be used to buy more guns.
- Payment is made with money cards that can only be used at supermarkets or grocery stores.
- People are concerned that only law-abiding citizens will give up their guns. Over weeks and months there will be people who turn in guns because someone in their family may be considering suicide or going on a shooting spree. Free gun locks would also be given out.
- This would be overseen by the ATF, instead of the Justice Department. They would collect the guns once a month (or sooner) and destroy them the same way they destroy other confiscated guns. This also ensures that some local police department will not sell them out the back door, as is being done presently.
- Another possible benefit I have not mentioned before: Presenting this bill before Congress will allow for Amendments to be voted on. Perhaps one or two might pass this time. We won’t know unless we find a Congressperson or Senator to sponsor the bill.
If you want to cut down on gun violence, please support the petition by SIGNING! With thousands of subscribers to this Newsletter, why can’t we have thousands of signatures? Share this with your friends and family! We’ve climbed to 1,489. Let’s get to 2,000! Please sign and then you can use this tiny URL to send to your friends:, or do you just wish to keep seeing mass shootings every day? 2023 ended with 656 MASS SHOOTINGS! Plus, contact your Congressional Representatives and Senators as I have. If we can stop even one or two in the future, isn’t that worth signing and supporting this gun buyback proposal? No one else is doing anything. Please join with me—don’t be passive on this—SIGN!!
During the last Gun Buyback, Houston-area residents turned in a record number of 1,446 firearms. The fourth Harris County-Houston gun buyback held June 10 was the most successful, collecting a record number of 1,446 firearms that helps in the effort to reduce violent crimes.
In total, more than 4,200 firearms have been collected in the four buybacks, which assist in the coordinated efforts to help all communities be free of gun violence. With the community’s overwhelming response at all the events, Houston-Harris County has conducted the most successful gun buyback program in the country’s history.
NOTES AND REMINDERS: --Great resources: Sign up here for the FREE newsletter. Sample Chapters of the books, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!
If you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world. I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out. And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet? Please do so. I do give extra information there. I also post on TWITTER.
If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me. And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.
Don’t forget that ALL FOUR GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services, along with my other two books! The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! All three books can change lives!
BLOG: For those of you who are just learning about requesting Benevolent Outcomes, I have a weekly Blog now with information and stories sent from all over the world about using this amazingly simple, yet powerful spiritual tool. The link is
XTWITTER: You can now follow me on XTwitter @TomTMoore33 .
FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore Author so "Like Me" at
Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Tom T. Moore
7801 Alma Drive, Suite 105-335
Plano, Texas 75025
United States