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The Gentle Way News

Angel Stamp



The Gentle Way Books 1 2 and 3 and First Contact

February 22, 2025

Tom T. Moore


Welcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all my new subscribers all over the world. If you wish to subscribe to this F.R.E.E. newsletter, go to The Gentle Way Book and Welcomethen click on the link in the Blue Box on the right side of the home page. On my Articles and News page you will find over 900 archived Newsletters to explore. There is a Search Box on the page to search for interesting topics. If you are reading this for the first time and enjoy it, please share it with your friends and family. This is my gift to the world.

Keep in mind that I’ve been told that no one is perfect that does this work. I estimate that I’m around 80% to 90% accurate. And PLEASE, don’t just read and go on to the next blog or newsletter. Take part when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer (BP) as then you are contributing to making this a better world, and it does raise your own vibrational level (aka “Ascension”).


I’m sure everyone is looking forward to spring in the Norther Latitudes. It has been a harsh winter.

Let’s say this Benevolent Prayer OUT LOUD for the Congressional and State sessions:

I ask any and all beings to aid and assist those involved in passing Los Angeleslegislation to vote for legislation that will be in the best interests of the people and beings in the United States and the world, thank you!”

Even people whose homes were saved in Los Angeles can’t live in them due to toxic conditions inside.
Let’s say the Benevolent Prayer out loud:
“I ask any and all beings to aid, comfort, and keep safe all the people and animals affected by the Los Angeles fires and assist them in rebuilding their lives wherever they choose to move, and to keep the citizens healthy, thank you! Groceries sign

GUNS FOR GROCERIES UPDATE: Please SIGN my Petition on AVAAZ for a Congressional Bill that would set up a National program to buy back guns and would have BIPARTISAN SUPPORT because it is STRICTLY VOLUNTARY. Over time, guns that could be used for suicides or mass shootings will be turned in. We are up to 1,590 this week! Please add your name. Forward this link to your group. I Am Activation

UPCOMING TALK: I will be speaking at the 3rd Annual I AM ACTIVATION. It is FREE and there will be two speakers per day from March 3. I will be speaking on March 6. Register at:
I AM Activation - FREE Online Event

RECENT INTERVIEW: Debbie Hedberg, February 3. 59 min. Click here.
RECENT INTERVIEW: Linda Grindel January 27, 2026 Quakes. 47 min. Click here.
Past Interviews:
Life In The Hologram December 13. 2 hrs.
Linda Grindel, November 18. Soul Contracts, Meditation, Moon Base. Click here.
A View Through the Veil, Barb Crowley. November 15. (Video) Click here.
Debbie Hedberg, October 28. Creator, Mars, Gentle Way. Click here.
MysticMag, How Requesting MBOs makes your life easier. Click here.

If you are not receiving the Newsletter, let me know. Pets

We are making a difference! Hostages are being released in Gaza! Thanks for your BPs!

Have you checked out my latest book,
THE GENTLE WAY WITH PETS: Angelic Help for Your Animal Companions? It has a complete review of The Gentle Way, plus great tips on our lives with our lovable animal family members. Learn how you can have another life with your lovable family member. I interview several Group Souls to learn where they came from and why. If you have already bought the book, please write a review.

On PINTEREST, I’m listed as Tom T Moore Author. Please follow me and share my pins!

For those of you on QUORA, I occasionally answer questions posed there. You can follow me, and if you do, please “UPVOTE” my answers. I Reincarnationdo this to reach a different group of people and grow the newsletter. Sodddfar, I have had over 7,800,000 views of my answers.


Many of your questions are taking at least four weeks to respond to. If it takes over five weeks, you can always email me to ensure your questions did not go into the Twilight Zone!Atlantis

ARE YOU SAYING THE MORNING BENEVOLENT PRAYER? Please say this out loud each morning, just as I do:
“I now send white light and love to every continent, every island, all the rivers, lakes, and streams, and all the oceans and seas, and I release this light to go where it is needed the most to light up the darkest parts of the world, thank you!”

My previous book, ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed! has so much information that has NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED in any other book on the subject! Here are a couple of sample chapters: Click here.

Before we move on to the rest of the newsletter, a quick explanation for my new subscribers: Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA) with whom I communicate in meditation, along with Gaia, the Soul of the Earth, and my soul “cluster” brother, Antura (and a few others). Generally, I’ll ask Gaia the Earth questions and Theo about our lives. Now for some interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give you a DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE.


I know that many of you are tiring of questions about 2026, when we Conversations bookhave so much going on in 2025. I think the reason Gaia brought up the giant Earth movements of 2026 is because the manuscript of my book, CONVERSATIONS WITH GAIA, was already being proofread at my publisher, and she wanted this information to be included. Something similar happened back when I was closing off my FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET book and Antura finally had to just tell me about the future trip to his mothership by my family, even though it was going to be years later. He already knew I wasn’t planning another book. Antura finally had to tell me, even though he is only supposed to answer direct questions, because I had no clue, since that was not in my wildest imagination. Hopefully, soon I will get back to lots of other questions.

Gaia, will Santorini have a major eruption and will the precursor quakes Santorinion the west coast just be a few at the 6.0 to 6.5 level or thousands like Santorini?

At this time, I am not planning a major eruption, but certainly more adjustments in that area. These earthquakes will subside in the next few weeks. The precursor earthquakes in 2026 will be similar in nature—hundreds of smaller earthquakes, but larger ones mixed in. This will let the population know larger ones are on the way. It will be their last chance to move out of those areas.

Suzanne writes from El Salvador: Thank you for your newsletters. I have be following for years now. I am writing from El Salvador, in Central America. Can you ask how we will be affected by the earthquakes in 2026? It has been recommended that those living in California move away. What is the recommendation for those living in Central America, and specifically in El Salvador?

Gaia, what will be the effect on El Salvador?El Salvador

There will be adjustments all along the “Ring of Fire,” as it is called, just not to the extent as there will be from Northern Mexico up through Alaska.

Cathy writes from Canada: Many years ago I was sitting with Chief Leonard George (Chief Dan George's son) and listening to the Hopi elders’ predictions/prophecies of the third shaking of the Earth, as they called it. This will bring heavy destructions and many changes in the structure of society (as how we know it now), to get bins, electric items and to grow our own food. Basically to get back to a simpler life because that's what it'll be! Thus I follow what your newsletters and what Gaia says of the quakes coming in the states.

Much love, light and gratitude for sharing your information concerning Vancouver Island and coastthe Earth changes. However, I live in Canada. Can you tell us more for the British Columbia area, especially for the lower mainland, as we call it? Then there's Vancouver Island right there. Will Vancouver Island be hit and how badly? Will there be warnings for people to evacuate in time?

Will destruction be in the lower mainland? Earthquakes? Can you specifically see what the cities of White Rock; Langley; Burnaby; Vancouver will have happen? Do you have the extent of the destruction, i.e. size of earthquakes? You mentioned all up the West Coast and the fault lines. Can you tell me about the interior of BC? Will 100 Mile House be a safe place to move to? Will I know when to move?

Gaia, could you be more specific regarding Vancouver, Vancouver No America, Canada, W. CoastIsland, White Rock, Langley, Burnaby, and the interior such as 100 Mike House?

That area along the coast will experience a number of 7 to 9 level earthquakes. There will be major destruction and loss of life for all who do not move away from that major fault zone, along with, yes, tsunamis created by the movements. They must move well over the mountains into the interior of Canada.

Trevor writes: Can you please ask Gaia or whoever about the near future for the US after the quakes and eruption? We were told long ago about the mini ice age that would follow the eruption. It seems this will destroy much of our food supply here in the US. Will the US be able to grow much food? Will food only be grown in the southern states that aren’t covered by the ash cloud?

What will be the economic repercussions? Will the US be in a recession, Corn Cropdepression, or what? How long will it last? I’m guessing the US will never fully recover from this, at least not for many decades. How long will the ash cloud last? How long will the mini ice age last? Will it cause global temperatures to decrease, or just more locally over parts of the US and Canada? What will be the death toll from the quakes and eruption? Will the US devolve into chaos or martial law? Or will our compassion rise, where we all realize that we need each other, and that we need to work together? Will the free energy device help the US to recover quicker and in different ways than we can anticipate today? Will greenhouses be booming to help bring our food supply back?

Can you please also ask about the future for upstate New York, further east and south from the Great Lakes? I know you had received that the immediate areas around the Great Lakes would be frozen, but that it would be worse on the western side of the Lakes, due to the ash cloud blocking the sun.

Thanks so much Tom, wishing you a most benevolent week, and saying this BP “I ask for any and all beings to aid and assist Tom and his family going onboard Antura’s ship, and may the results be even faster and better than we can hope for or expect, thank you!”

Gaia, will food be able to be grown in the Midwest of the United States?

Not for some time, due to the ash cloud from Yellowstone that at times will blanket that area. As I stated before, much of your produce will have Ash Cloudto come from Mexico and South America.

How long will the ash cloud last? Will this cause the world temperature to drop?

Look for it to last for several years. The northern part of the country, as I have stated before, will experience a perpetual winter during that time period until the ash cloud dissipates. The world temperature will drop a degree or two.

Am I receiving all this correctly from you this morning?

Yes, Tom.

Gaia, what will be the death toll?

Several hundred thousand to over one million people, whose soul contracts are to experience this event. The West Coast is heavily populated, and many will refuse to move even with the advent of the precursor earthquakes. Yes, the death toll could be even higher, but I’m giving you what you can accept at this time.

Gaia, will there be chaos or martial law?Troops working in wreckage

Just as with any large event, National Guard troops will be brought in and even Army and Marines will be posted, although their lives will be put in jeopardy too. Thieves will also be buried in the rubble of houses they attempt to burglarize as the earthquakes continue.

Gaia, will the free energy machine help?

Yes, those that construct or buy the machines this year will not have to rely on electricity provided by companies when their electrical lines collapse. They will also be small enough to be taken with the families as they evacuate the West Coast.

Any effect on upper New York and New England?

A huge influx of refugees who have friends and family in that area, plus Refugees welcomecenters to accept these people will be established.

Sharon writes from Taiwan: Thanks so much for all your newsletters and great information!

Lately you've been posting about earthquakes and eruptions in the States. I'm currently based in Taiwan and there are frequent earthquakes here— something that I'm still not used to. I live more toward the North. Normally, earthquakes have caused more damage in the Mid or South of Taiwan. With all the things planned by Gaia in the world, will something major happen again here in Taiwan in the near future?

Gaia, what is the probability of large earthquakes for Taiwan?Taiwan

They will experience tsunamis like most of Asia, India, and Australia/New Zealand.

Cathy writes: Thank for your newsletters! I know you had many questions on this, but regarding the info about the 2026 earthquakes, could you please ask Gaia:
1. Will the quakes affect the East Coast north of Florida, from the Carolinas to Maine at all?
2. There was a question about worldwide effects, but not specifically the US. How will the US economy and agriculture be impacted in the US? How long for recovery?
3. Will the US stock market go down? If so, will it recover, and what is the timeline for recovery?

Gaia, any effect on the East Coast, U.S. economy? How long will it take to recover? What about the stock market?

There will be a flood of refugees to the East Coast—thousands. It will take many years to recover. The stock market will reflect this. Some businesses will thrive if they provide services needed in this recovery.

Connie: I take it there is NOT any safe place within the state of California MountainsCalifornia that you see?

Gaia, is there any safe place to live in California?

Certainly, nowhere along the coast deep into the interior. There will be certain mountainous areas that will shake, but not as severely as the coastal areas. There will be damage, just not as severe.

Teresa writes: You said that those rain events will cross the Atlantic Ocean bringing rain to the deserts of Africa, bringing them back to life. Will the rain be in time to help with the large die off of the elephants, rhinos, giraffes, buffalos, zebras, and even the villagers' cattle in Namibia and Kenya?

Gaia, will rains come in time to help the people and animals in Kenya and Namibia?

Again, those are mostly young souls that needed the experience of a severe drought. It will be late in 2026 before conditions there dramatically improve.


Teresa writes from Austin Texas: With the annual rainfall in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and the far western part of Texas rising to 30 or 35 inches in 2026, how will the desert plants that typically get 3 to 4 inches of rain be able to handle that? Will some cacti rot because of the increased water?

Now I wish to speak to the Fairy King and Queen.

King Oberon and Queen Titania here Tom, good morning.

Good morning and good life to you and lots of love to the Fairy Kingdom.

Thank you for those wishes, Tom.Arizona retirement homes

King Oberon, when Gaia brings a lot more rain to the desert Southwest all the way through far west Texas, will the desert plants be able to survive and handle more rainfall?

Yes, although they can thrive with just a little rainfall, they will continue to grow with more rain but also grass and other plants will suddenly be able to grow in these areas too. They will adjust—after all, they were there first.

Queen Titania, does the fairy kingdom have any involvement with plant Plant soilfood and plant soil?

You could say that we put these nutrients to their best use to assist the plants to absorb and help them thrive.

Those are all my questions today. Good life.

Then as we always say, we are available to answer questions at any time about the Fairy Kingdom. You just have to ask, and we will respond.


For my new readers, my ET friend and member of my soul group or “cluster,” as Theo calls them, is orbiting the Earth in a Sirian mothership—tongue in cheek, not in one of those balloons. It’s three miles wide and twenty stories tall, with six decks. It has a crew of 900, First contactplus their families, totaling 1,500. They live on the ship their whole lives, and Antura tells me they come from planets where the whole population lives in caverns beneath the surface, something our scientists have not yet considered. Naturally it is masked so as not to scare us to death!

There are also 24 or so other motherships from the Pleiades and other groups of planets, and even another couple of universes. They are all taking millions of readings each day as part of what is called the Earth Experiment. You can read much more about that in my book,
FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET. Here are more questions I asked this week after some links to videos sent to me by my “researcher,” Mantej, since I have no time to look for them. You can view them throughout the week on Facebook at TomTMooreAuthor, where you can follow all my posts.

UFO seen on live news weather report. 2:43 sec. Click here.

Excellent interview with my favorite journalist, Ross Coulthart, who brings us up to date on a number of topics. 1:06 min. Click here.

American actress with photo of UFO on interview show. 2:36 sec. Click here.

News Nation: Top Secret Area 51 AF Police developed tumors to Need to Knowexposure. 31 min. Click here.

Need to Know #60 with Coulthart and Zabel. 1:17 min. Good information. Click here.

Antura in the wings with my teammates and the Pleiadian monitoring. Good morning.

Good morning, everyone.

Trevor writes:
I have a thought to share with Antura please, or perhaps his captain. It seems to me that ETs have been modeling behavior similar to those of humans in power. By keeping knowledge of ETs—and humanity’s own history, hidden from all but a select few humans, ETs have enabled those in power. They’ve enabled and encouraged—BY THEIR OWN EXAMPLE—those few humans to keep the truth hidden. I think they’ve mucked around here long enough. Tell them to stop crunching numbers, and to use some common sense and decency. ETs seem to be displaying the same exclusivist behaviors that the power mongers here on Earth exhibit. My question is this: How is this ET behavior in any way better than the greedy men who rule the earth?

I just thought of Antura’s response, and that he’ll say the ETs are Space ship and captainextremely cautious now, after the disaster that happened with Atlantis. I would say to his captain, or the Pleiadians, or whoever is capable of making the decision, that they’ve gone too far in the other direction. I know they were hoping that humans would be the ones to disclose, but this seems to be more an arbitrary choice rather than some moral imperative. I’m also questioning how good their judgment is here. After all, these are the same beings who thought the Russians would disclose the truth ten years ago. Why anyone would think Vladimir Putin could be trusted to do the right thing for humanity is beyond me.

Antura, I’m sure if I put this to a vote of my readers, they would all agree with the email I received from one of them who says the following regarding the Captain of your ship.

Captain, why are you and the other decision makers exhibiting and have Man in Black Secretexhibited the same views as those in our government and corporations to hide the truth—also known as Disclosure—kept by only a few in power?

Captain here, Tom, Good morning. It may seem that way to you and your readers, but we have to look at the overall picture of the average person’s beliefs regarding the existence of extra-terrestrials. There are many people, and we see your ranks growing by the day, who are demanding answers. We are feeding that demand by having drones and spacecraft appear night after night over parts of your East Coast. Your government makes up silly stories regarding what they are, but even your “mainstream” news media is covering these stories. You will be visiting us soon and will contribute to exposing these lies. Just give us a few more days—you’ll see. Back to Antura.

Thanks, Captain. I trust it will be sooner than later.

Antura, how many different drones are on your spaceship?

We have a plethora of drones with many different uses. Those that make Dronethe same “run” every single day and night collecting information about the four negative energies. There are drones used in the sea, drones for high altitude, low altitude. We easily have over 10 different types of drones—even tiny ones to eavesdrop on important meetings in governments and other events that we know will be historical. This is all a massive effort to document the Earth Experiment.

Is the egg-shaped drone yours or the Pleiadians?

The Pleiadians. As you saw in the photos, it is fairly large, with many different capabilities to take readings. When your government “cracked the egg,” they found many very far advanced instruments.

Those are all the questions I have today, Antura. I do wish you a good life and atah.

Atah, Tom, and have a wonderful day and adieu until next time.


This story and the following three appeared last Saturday in my weekly MBO and BP Blog. Please send me your MBO and BP stories! To read all the stories and many more, go to

Gabrielle writes from Melbourne, Australia:

I have twice asked for Angel believers to say Benevolent Prayers (BPs) for Elma, a wonderful woman who has been seriously ill with pneumonia and blood clots in the lung. Both BPs were answered, but unexpected actions by others are hampering Elma's recovery. The last BP was answered: the hospital doctors stopped transferring Elma from ward to ward (causing her health to deteriorate further) and eventually left her in one place for several weeks. Thank you, Angel believers! The Benevolent Prayer worked!

Elma's pneumonia is much better and possibly healed. A new problem: Wheelchair, womanElma is an older person and is now severely physically deconditioned after seven weeks in hospital. The doctors were going to send her to a rehabilitation ward for several weeks of physiotherapy, but they just discharged her and sent her home.

Elma's family initially agreed to engage a private physiotherapist to work with Elma as her health is still deteriorating due to being so severely deconditioned. Then, for no clear reason, the family changed their minds and decided to just wait for the government health system to provide a physiotherapist, which could take weeks or even months.

Angel believers, please join with me in saying aloud this Benevolent Prayer for Elma:
"I ask any and all Beings to provide Elma, as soon as possible, a physiotherapist, an Occupational Therapist, and ALL other therapists and treatments, and actions by others, that Elma needs to return to full strength and full health; and may they be the best possible health professionals, and the easiest, most effective treatments anyone could ever have; and the smoothest, easiest, quickest, uneventful, complete recovery anyone could ever have, so that she is very soon able to do every single activity and task she was doing before she became unwell, and even more, thank you!"

"And for Elma and everyone she associates with--and for all who say this BP--to be filled with sparkling gold light and their vibrations to raise; and for all of them to receive multiple Most Benevolent Outcomes plus multiple happy surprises every day, for the rest of their lives; and for all of them to be protected, safe, cared for and loved, thank you!"

To all who read this: never doubt the power of many people saying the same Benevolent Prayer. Tom is right. When we speak aloud our specific requests for divine action, as a "team", we receive it.

Thank you, Angel believers. Thank you, Tom, you are gently leading a movement of positive human transformation that is so very much needed at this time, in the world.


Severine writes from China: Here's a couple for the MBO blog.

MBO for puppy to find his forever home:

One relative could no longer take care of the puppy he recently got. My Puppyparents were taking care of it while we were looking for another owner. BP: "I ask any and all beings to assist Pet in finding the most benevolent and loving forever home. Thank you!"

A couple of days later someone came in to visit the pet and it was a mutual love at first sight. The future owner said that dogs in his home have 3 walks per day, a yard, and an official seat on the living room sofa.

MBO for great working session: "I requested an MBO to have a great working session with a coach last week. May the outcome be better than I could for hope, thank you."
Plus, posted in the WhatsApp group: "I ask any and all beings to assist X and Y in having a great working session together. Thank you."
Needless to say, that was better than I could hope for, thank you. Very happy with the results of the meeting! God bless!


On Valentine’s Day Dena and I decided to just have a Tex-Mex take-out dinner and watch a movie at home. The Tex-Mex restaurant we like is one of the best in the area. At one time, before they doubled in size, people would wait out on the sidewalk even in freezing weather for a table. So, I knew when going to pick up the dinner at 5:15 pm, the Salsa Tex Mexparking would be at a premium. So, several hours in advance I requested a Most Benevolent Outcome for a parking space close to the door.

Just when I arrived, a car pulled out and I was able to park only three car lengths from the front door. That’s such a small thing, but it does give you immediate feedback that your MBO request was answered, while making life just a little easier and less stressful.

I had also requested an MBO for the food to be ready upon my arrival. The hostess checked and initially said the order was not ready, but about 5 seconds later one of the servers arrived with the order—great timing!


Dottie writes: As once before, the MBOs said for me to reach a fair resolution of my car insurance claim has occurred beyond what could have been hope for! It took over a month, overcoming blocked, human errors, unfair decisions, but finally a conclusion has been reached to Car Insurancemy great satisfaction!

I wish to express MY SINCEREST GRATITUDE FOR EVERYONE who said their MBOs for me. It hasn’t been easy, at one even endangering my own health; but I was blessed with the patience, guidance, perseverance, and help of some very moral people interested in such an outcome. As you often say in your closing response,
“Expect Great Things” actually has happened again for me! I will continue to say MBOs posted in your newsletter and on your Facebook page because THEY DO WORK! I now request an MBO for you, Tom. I ask that all and any beings assist in your remaining patient in the last final weeks/days (hopefully not months) prior to your historic trip to the mother ship.


Aravind writes from Australia: Unbelievable! Cold fusion
A free energy machine is ‘ready for industry’: Click here.

Read also this: Click here.

Not sure how “free” this energy will be, but it is a development.


Laura writes: Hi, Tom,
1. Non-scholastic Turk named Mehmet somehow translates dead language called Urartian, a cuneiform type of writing. Click here.
Was he a scribe who wrote such messages 3,000 years ago? Or a member of royal family?
2. Will Trudeau's political stature improve as a result of fighting off the USA's imposition of tariffs and suggestion it will absorb Canada as a state?
3. Will X, formerly known as Twitter, go out of business as BlueSky and other challengers grow? Remember, MySpace was king before Facebook appeared.

Theo, was a Turkish man, Mehmet, a scribe or royal 3 thousand years Trudeauago?

Yes, he had a past life during that time period as a scribe.

Will Trudeau’s station improve by standing up to Trump?

It has helped his stature in the eyes of Canadians who are incensed at the idea the President put forth of making Canada part of the United States.

What is the probability of X going out of business?

As your reader pointed out, there are a number of similar businesses that are nipping at the heels of X. Many users are angry at Musk for his actions in Trump’s inner circle. X will continue to slip in usage as people switch to other similar services. Advertising will decrease, causing it to lose profitability, is the highest probability.


Ray writes: Mick Jagger & Leni Riefenstahl

Leni Riefenstahl (1902-2003) was the female German filmmaker, who collaborated with Hitler to make the notorious Nazi propaganda film Triumph of the Will (1935). Mick Jagger (The Rolling Stones) was a friend of Riefenstahl and was enamored by her. Jagger told her he viewed Triumph of the Will several times. Was Mick Jagger a Nazi in a past life, or part of the crew that helped Riefenstahl make the film in 1930s, or a German who was admired Hitler in WW2 era?

You asked about her before:

Will Leni Riefenstahl need to balance making Triumph of the Will? And Triump of the willis she a young, medium or older soul?

Leni’s soul interest, obviously, is the performing arts. This was a balancing life, where she was part of the bad guys, and had no remorse for making the documentary. May I remind everyone, Tom, that you have to have good and bad lives, so there is not too much balancing to do, except to have a good life where her documentaries will show love, and the cost of war on people. She is in the first quadrant of a medium soul. Mick Jagger

Is she incarnated now in this time period?

No, but soon will be. She is an artist and will do some great work.
Daily Mail. Click here.

Theo, was Mick Jagger a Nazi in a past life?

Keep in mind that everyone is having overlapping lives in the 20th and into the 21st Century. He had a life as a German in World War II, still with a musical interest. That version of him admired Riefenstahl’s production, and he knew her.

Will Riefenstahl need to balance making Triumph of the Will?

You could say that her soul interest is the Arts. That life would go under the heading of a bad guy life. It will be balanced with documentaries assisting in improving the lives of people.


For my new readers, I am proposing a national gun buyback program that would have bipartisan support in Congress, because it is STRICTLY VOLUNTARY. Please sign the petition at We’re up to 1,590 this week! 

  1. This will have bipartisan support since it does not require anyone to do anything. It is ALL VOLUNTARY! People look at this as a SERVICE to get rid of guns in their homes.
  2. No money is given that can be used to buy more guns.
  3. Payment is made with money cards that can only be used at supermarkets or grocery stores.
  4. People are concerned that only law-abiding citizens will give up their guns. Over weeks and months there will be people who turn in guns because someone in their family may be considering suicide or going on a shooting spree. FREE GUN LOCKS would also be given out.
  5. This would be overseen by the ATF, instead of the Justice Department. They would collect the guns once a month (or sooner) and destroy them the same way they destroy other confiscated guns. This also ensures that some local police department will not sell them out the back door, Petitionas is being done presently.
  6. Another possible benefit I have not mentioned before: Presenting this bill before Congress will allow for Amendments to be voted on. Perhaps one or two might pass this time. We won’t know unless we find a Congressperson or Senator to sponsor the bill.
If you want to cut down on gun violence, please support the petition by SIGNING! With thousands of subscribers to this Newsletter, why can’t we have thousands of signatures? Share this with your friends and family! We’ve climbed to 1,590. Let’s get to 2,000! Please sign and then you can use this tiny URL to send to your friends:, or do you just wish to keep seeing mass shootings every day? 2025 ended with 505 MASS SHOOTINGS, down from over 600 in 2023! Plus, contact your Congressional Representatives and Senators as I have. If we can stop even one or two in the future, isn’t that worth signing and supporting this gun buyback proposal? No one else is doing anything. Please join with me—don’t be passive on this—SIGN!!


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 FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me.   And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them. 


Don’t forget that ALL FOUR GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services, along with my other two books!  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  All three books can change lives!


BLOG:  For those of you who are just learning about requesting Benevolent Outcomes, I have a weekly Blog now with information and stories sent from all over the world about using this amazingly simple, yet powerful spiritual tool.  The link is

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Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Tom T. Moore Tom

 Tom T. Moore
 7801 Alma Drive, Suite 105-335
 Plano, Texas 75025
 United States


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