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The Gentle Way News

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The Gentle Way Books 1 2 and 3 and First Contact

August 11, 2018

Tom T. Moore



Welcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all my new subscribers all over the world. If you wish to Welcomesubscribe to this F.R.E.E. newsletter, go to and then click on the link in the Blue Box on the right side of the Home page.
Thanks to all of you who subscribe to my newsletter. I have an insatiable desire to learn and know, and I learn right along with you when you send me your questions to ask in a meditative state. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Keep sending in questions. But most importantly, don’t just read and go on to the next blog or newsletter. Take part when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer (BP), as then you are contributing to make this a better world.

NATIONWIDE RADIO APPEARANCE:  Early on Monday morning, August 13, I will appear on the nationwide syndicated radio show COAST TO COAST AM. The time I will be on will be for two hours at 3 am ET, 2 am CT, 1 am MT, and 12 am PT. If you are not up at that time, you can listen  Coast to Coast AMthe next day or so by going to their website,, but you have to sign up to be a “Coast Insider.” You can also go there to find your local station (there are 600 radio stations that carry the program). It is also carried on Sirius XM Station 146. My host, that night, will be Lisa Garr, of the Aware show at I suggested a number of topics, so no idea what we'll cover--in two hours probably a lot!
Gaia is saying that we ALL need to send light and love to the Earth each day. Please don’t just sit there and read this newsletter and then go on.
Please say this out loud each morning: “I now send white light and loveLove to every continent, every island, all the rivers, lakes & streams, and all the oceans and seas.”
And how about a Benevolent Prayer (BP) for all those affected by the fires? Say out loud: “I ask any and all beings to assist, aid, and protect all those people and animals affected by the forest fires throughout the world, thank you!”

THE GENTLE WAY I: Mark wrote: "Loved it. Great book. Easy to read, The Gentle Way Ieasy to follow, and already I've had great success in requesting MBOs. I recommend reading it for anyone who believes in working with Angels.”
Atlantis & Lemuria bookATLANTIS & LEMURIA: JJ wrote: "Love Information on Atlantis and This is a Winner! Love this book it has a great amount of information on Atlantis and so many answered questions. Very happy with my purchase and added to my knowledge.”
FIRST CONTACT: SN writes: "Truly Amazing Book! I love all of Tom T. First ContactMoore's books and this one is so amazing you can't put it down. Those of us who are eager to learn more about ETs (I refer to them as our brothers and sisters from the stars) will find this book really informative, packed with answers to nearly all questions. There are some really exciting times ahead for all of us so buy this won't be disappointed. It's the best book about this subject that I've ever read and I hope there will be another one at some point. I don't want to ruin the great surprise that awaits you as the reader so I will just say this book."
Have you “Liked” my “Tom T. Moore Author” Facebook page yet? I’m always posting something there, so “Like!”

I would really appreciate if you have read one or more of my books to take just a few minutes and write a review on Amazon or wherever you bought it. I now have 50 reviews on Amazon for THE GENTLE WAY II, but am still two short of 40 on my THE GENTLE WAY III, and three short of 70 on FIRST CONTACT. Please assist! If you have not bought one yet, go to my website at where you can read SAMPLE CHAPTERS.
WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT ATLANTIS AND THE CONTINENT OF Atlantis & Lemuria bookMU? My latest book, ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed!has so much information that has NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED in any other book on the subject! Read the REAL history of two societies that existed for over 50,000 years each until they destroyed themselves. Here are a couple of sample chapters. Click here.
And a quick explanation for my new subscribers. Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA) with whom I communicate in meditation, along with Gaia, the Soul of the Earth, and my soul “cluster” brother, Antura (and a few others). Generally, I’ll ask Gaia the earth questions and Theo about our lives. Now for some interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give you
Gaia, has Trump received specific threats from the Russians?

Yes, certainly he has, Tom. It is quite evident to anyone who has been Trump and Putinfollowing the revelations that the former MI6 operative, Christopher Steele, made in his dossier last year. They have threatened to reveal not only that, with video footage I might add, but some other financial dealings that would make Mr. Trump appear to be in collusion with the Russians. This will eventually come out, but not for some time.—yes, after the next elections for President. He has been told to divert attention from their election efforts, as what they have done did assist him in becoming President. They couched it in the terms of “what we are doing” benefits you. They have really put the screws on him. If they say, “Bark,” he barks, to use that terminology.
I like that metaphor.

Jean-Marie writes:
With this worldwide heat wave that does not seem ready to stop, are we heading into an incredible famine around the globe?
Gaia, what is the probability of global-wide famine?Famine

There will be some parts of the world that will continue to experience famine, but then there are countries that will adapt and grow hardy varieties of foods. With a warming climate, crops that could not be grown farther north will now be grown there. Farmers will adapt, along with more foods being grown in massive greenhouses, where a crop can be grown two and three times a year, where in the past there could be only one crop. Man is very resilient, Tom. You have learned to adapt over tens of thousands of years.
So, we won’t be forced to consume “Soylent Green” as in the old 1973 science fiction movie, I presume?

Quite so. Cannibalism is far in your past history.
Mantej writes:
Just saw this article:
Chinese military has built Star Wars-like laser-firing AK-47sChinese Laser Rifle

Daily Mail, Click here.
Gaia, will China continue to develop laser-rifle weapons?

Yes, but they are not the only ones dallying in that direction, you could say, Tom. The others just have kept their progress under wraps up until this time. You will be happy to note that they will never be used in warfare. Many weapons are developed that never see their use in war. They exist as a warning to other nations to not try anything. I will add here that they would have been used, had you not had the Harmonic Convergence. Peace is on the horizon, shall we say, even if it does not appear so at the present time.
All the national news programs are covering the disappearance of Mollie Tibbetts in Brooklyn, Iowa, with rewards now up to $370,000. I asked Theo about this.
Theo, what happened to the missing Mollie Tibbitts girl? Is she still alive?

No, she is not, Tom. She was abducted and murdered shortly thereafter.Mollie Tibbetts They will eventually find her body. This was by soul contract and balanced a previous life where she murdered this person.
Your idea to have your group say a BP for someone who has been abducted will work, so keep that in mind the next time you hear of an abduction.

Will they apprehend the person who kidnapped her?

Yes, but not for her abduction, but for another, where he will be caught in the act.
As the person who killed Tibbitts has on their soul contract to be caught, is he a local or from outside the area—such as a trucker?

A local, Tom. I know you thought him to be someone passing by, but he knew her and he pounced, you could say. This is not the first time, but will be the last, as he will be caught in the act of abducting another girl.
When will Tibbitt’s body be found?

In a few months’ time, Tom.

Let’s say this Benevolent Prayer (BP) out loud:
“I ask any and all beings to assist in finding Mollie Tibbetts, and for the apprehension of her abductor, even sooner than we can hope for or expect, thank you!”
Gaia, what is the highest probability regarding the future for 3D-constructed firearms?

Yes, what seems to be a troubling development, Tom, will actually act as 3D Firearma catalyst for gun control in the future. People that own these home-made guns will be required to register them, along with all other guns, as they will not be able to make a distinction. So the result, again, will be much tighter gun controls than before.
What is the soul contract of the man who invented these weapons?

On a soul level, Tom, it was done out of love. He does not view it that way, and for that he will have some balancing to do, as greed and the mistaken belief that this is good—similar to those who believe in the right to carry firearms—will result in a life that will balance, where he will experience what happens with guns in the hands of the wrong people. It must all balance.
Graham writes:
Presidents and ETs
1. Jackie Gleason visited an ET morgue with Richard Nixon and saw the dead ETs. Was Jackie Gleason the only famous person to accompany a U.S. President in getting access to ETs or UFOs or were there others?Gleason, Nixon & Alien
2. By the end of Obama's presidency what did he find out in the end about ETs and UFOs?
3. What did John F Kennedy know about ETs and UFOs, was he briefed?

Theo, was Jackie Gleason the only celebrity to see ET bodies?

Yes, he was Nixon’s pal, so he was given that rare privilege, just as Nixon was, because Nixon demanded it. They both were reluctantly shown the bodies.
What does Obama know, and was JFK briefed?

Obama and JFK were both kept in the dark. It was explained that they would be the cause of creating severe fear should they pursue their inquiries. Both had many more pressing issues, so a very low priority. That will change in the near future.

For my new readers, Antura is a member of my soul “cluster,” as Theo calls them, and was introduced to me in 2008 by Mr. Theo. After 800 lives on Earth, he is putting a lot of knowledge he gained as an explorer on Earth to work as a member of a “first contact” team from the Sirius Star System. They go out to emerging worlds to introduce themselves  First Contact bookand offer assistance in the future, when the society reaches the point of space travel.
In my book,
FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET, he describes one mission to a desert planet, where they made contact with intelligent sloths, several thousand years before they reach that point. You can read much more about him, his water planet, solar system, and even about the original star wars, now called these days, diplomatically, “The Great War.” I call it the “Reptilian War.” It went on for thousands of years and millions of beings were killed. Here are more questions this week.
Antura, any news on any of the fronts?

Almost there, Tom. Ask me again in a week or so.
Antura, there have been discussions about Homo-sapien eyes being made to look like apes. But our eyes seem to appear the same as thePleiadians Depiction Pleiadian eyes. Your comments?

Those stories were incorrect, Tom. The Pleiadians, as I have noted before, had great influence on the final design. Their contention was that far in the future you would have to meet extraterrestrials, so you needed to look like at least one yourself. Yes, their eyes are better than yours at this time. That will change over the next thousand years or so, but the appearance will remain essentially the same. Yes, there was great discussion and debate on that one item alone.
John writes:
John McCain tried to have the phoenix lights (one of the most UFO sightings ever) investigated. What did he find out in the end?Phoenix Lights
Phoenix Lights, Click here.
John McCain, Click here.
Antura, Senator John McCain initiated an investigation of the Phoenix Lights. What was the conclusion?

They swept it under the rug, you could say, Tom. A few people were informed that yes, this was an ET ship, but were assured through channels that it would not occur again and the story of balloons and such was concocted for the public. More could be learned by asking under a Freedom of Information Act request by a news company.
Antura, was that an ET craft that zoomed past Air Force 2, or CGI, taken as it took off from New York?

I can confirm it was an ET craft. And it did zoom by at twice the speed of the aircraft. It was not CGI. The pilot knew better than report it, as it was not the first time he had seen one.
Was the ET ship just in the area, or was it tapping into the   communications?
 UFO over New York

All of the above, Tom. It was gathering readings, and that included all the communications and computer information from the plane. That has not been discussed before, but we do have the ability to download all the information from a computer. Naturally, it is almost instantaneous.
Cheryl writes: I woke up this morning really wanting to tell you about seeing a UFO seven years ago.

On the 2nd of January 2011 about 11pm EDT (Lat -36.7587 Long 144.2837), I was walking my dogs and happened to look up at the sky and to my surprise I saw a truncated triangular-shaped craft that was moving slowly and very low above the houses. It was completely silent and dark, except for a soft thin light outlining around the top of it. That Triangular ET Craftwas how I knew what shape it was. It was small, not much bigger than a house size. Then a couple of days later a friend rang to say that an amateur astrologer had photographed a UFO on the same day and the picture was in the local paper. I was initially disappointed when I saw it as it was circular and very high up. Then I took a closer look and saw what looked like 2 or 3 small, dark triangular shapes in the centre of it. My guess is that it was a mother ship and the scout ships docked under it. Would Antura be able to shed any light on this? I appreciate that I am probably asking about a needle in a haystack.
I also had an experience and I cannot remember whether I was asleep or awake at the time. I was standing inside a UFO. The room was dark with smooth shiny panels. On the far side opposite me was a control panel and standing in front of it was an Arcturian. I knew it was male, had a large head, powerfully built and was wearing some sort of uniform. I had the feeling he was a pilot. We seemed to just stare at each other; we did not speak, but I had the distinct impression that he was me, living another life at the same time I was living one here on Earth. Could Antura comment on this?

Antura, did Cheryl see a triangular ship 7 years ago? What about dream or awake, and was it an Arcturian ship? Also, was she the pilot in another life, or who?

Yes, that was an Arcturian ship, Tom. They like triangle shapes. She was UFOput into an altered state so as not to frighten her. She knows the pilot quite well, as it was her in another life. Keep in mind that we live for thousands of Earth years, so as an example, you will still be having a life as an amphibian when you are having more lives on Earth. Confusing, but that’s the way it works, because of your special space-time continuum.
Mike writes:
1. Will prisoners in prisons around the world be kept up to date with the ET disclosure, and subsequent arrival of the Pleiadians?
2. Will prisoners in prisons around the world be given a special treat to see a screening of your Sirian documentary in prisons when it is released?

Antura, what is the probability of prisoners around the world seeing ourPrisoners documentary as a special treat?

Any prison that has the ability to show films either on a projector, streaming, or DVD will eventually show this documentary. There are many prisons that are so despicable that the inmates in those prisons will not have access to this documentary, or for that matter any movie or TV series. But yes, the documentary will be viewed by thousands of prisoners.
What is the highest probability of the number of people who will view the documentary worldwide?

Many more than you can imagine at this time. And the number will grow as you continue to release more feature length sequels, along with the TV series you have imagined. Part of your soul contract in this life, Tom, UFOwas to learn how to have a film distributed to the widest audience, and we all believe you will accomplish just that. And, we might add, we think you will handle the most sensitive subjects as best you can, while correcting misinformation over thousands of years. Still, there will be people who will refuse to see these films, as it will destroy their belief system, and they will claim you are a charlatan or worse. You understand this, and will weather the storm of rejection and criticism.
Antura, how many different intelligent species of beings are there in the Andromeda system?

A little less than in our Sirius system, Tom.
Less than 25?

No, but very close to that number—just a tad more we’ll say.
This MBO story and the next one originally appeared last week in my Blog, which you can read in its entirety at Please send me your MBO and Air Conditioner RepairBP stories. They will inspire others to try The Gentle Way!
Sandy writes:
I needed to send off this successful MBO before I forget the sucker.
The house air conditioner broke down last Wednesday, leaving the house at 88 degrees. The fact some of my medications create heat sensitivity left me in fear of a trip to the hospital. The repair people were talking about a two week repair time, and the swamp coolers they gave us are NOT designed to work in 100% humidity, brought on by the Arizona monsoons.
Thanks to the MBO I said, the fix only took one week, and the air conditioner will be turned on later tonight.
Thank you for this wonderful tool!

Lee writes:
This is one MBO that even surprised me! Traveling up the East Coast to our home away from home, stopped at a rest area, opened the hatchback to get fresh drinks, and forgot to close it. Took off and hubby saw in the rear view mirror a lady with her hands on her head like she was surprised at what she saw and hubby realized the back was Luggagestill open, so he closed it with the inside button.
Onto our destination and after unpacking, I realize that a bag is missing with some items that were brand new, and valued at about $120.
Panic set in and I said an MBO for finding the bag. After searching and searching I realized the bag must have fallen out at the rest area. Said another MBO that I would still find it.
Today, four days later, I got a call from Pier One that a woman had found my bag, and they were able to trace me from a receipt in the bag; and she wanted to return my things! Best is, she is about an hour away from where I am so we are going to meet up this weekend! I am astonished as to how this entire incident unfolded and the end result and how this whole thing just came together!
I cannot ever say enough good things about MBOs and encourage everyone to say them all the time! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!!
Judith writes:
For some years now many humans have disappeared in major national parks and hiking trails. Some bodies show up years or months later in water.
Why is this happening with no trace of evidence?Skeleton Remains

Theo, who is abducting many people in National Parks and why?

These are easy places to abduct someone, Tom, as the people will not be immediately missed, giving the abductors time to leave before the people are noticed as having been taken. We are talking about serial killers and rapists. There will come a time in the near future when more than one serial abductor will be identified. One way they will be identified is that they will be caught as they try to leave.
Let’s all say the following Benevolent Prayer (BP) out loud:
“I ask that any and all beings assist in the apprehension of all serial killers and rapists who are using the National Parks as their hunting grounds, and may this happen even sooner than we can hope for or expect, thank you!”
Diane writes:
I'm always interested in past civilizations and I came across a few the other day and was wondering if Gaia can give us any more information on them.
I'm interested in the YAM kingdom in Africa – it’s a mystery and I want to Map of Ancient African Kingdomsknow what happened to them? Also the Mitanni Kingdom, which is now what we call modern day
And one last question:
Do you see our current government changing in the next 10 years or beyond? I always heard rumors that our government had to change and wonder if it’s on the horizon (smile)?
As always thank you, and currently enjoying your Atlantis & Lemuria book.

Gaia, what happened to the YAM Kingdom in Africa?

Yes, wars and pestilence, Tom. It was a combination of factors, as is so often the case. Weather patterns do change, and at that time, they had even less control on finding solutions to problems than you do today. Mitanni Kingdom MapThey slowly dwindled in numbers over a long period of time.
What about the Mitanni Kingdom in what is now modern day Syria?

Some of the same problems. But more on the warring front for them. Just look at the recorded history of that part of the world. They have had tribal conflicts for thousands of years.
Will the U.S. government change in 10 years?

It will shift in the other direction, as the “Trump Era,” we will call it, ends. There will be a dynamic new leader, but shall we say a more gentle and older soul that will bring a new era of peace to the world. There will be more women in government, so they will actively work with each other across the aisles to solve many conflicts and problems. You can call it the 'feminine energy.'

Gloria writes:
I woke up this morning thinking about those on the Council of NicaeaCouncil of Nicaea. I checked out your newsletters and found you addressed the Council in your November 5, 2016 newsletter. I am now wondering if any of those that made the controlling decisions of that time are alive at this time and experiencing our (their) awakenings to the true history of Jesus and his teachings of love. What can Theo share with us about them?
Theo, how many, if any, of the people who took part in the Council of Nicaea, are alive today?

Just a few, Tom, in this time period. Several of the souls have religion as their soul interest, so they are exploring different religions. None are having a significant life (using that term) in this time period.
Here is a question I answered recently on Quora about GAs and their names.

How can you learn the name of your guardian angel and how do you know if you have one?

First, everyone has a Guardian Angel (GA). These are very old “whole souls,” that have been around so long that they emit a golden color after raising their vibrational levels—what all souls desire to do.
The Creator of our universe sent out a call for souls to volunteer to take Guardian Angel Depictioncare of us through all of our lives on Earth. Our souls volunteered for the “Earth Experiment” in order to “fast-track” the raising of their vibrational levels. My Guardian Angel (GA), Theo, says humorously that the job description was
“Only Golden Light Beings need apply.” Each one of these GAs takes care of thousands of souls having Earth lives. I was told they prefer the term, “Servants of the Creator,” but no one would know what I was talking about.
They are assisted by Guides, who are actually souls that have had lives on Earth, and have specialties. As an example, I had two guides that assisted me when we owned an international wholesale tour company, and left when we sold it, and now I have two guides that assist me in our international film distribution business. I also have two guides that Guardian Angel Depictionassist me in writing my books and newsletters. And then my mother from this life assists me with “all things feminine,” as 80% of my newsletter subscribers are women. You also have one main guide that is typically a member of your soul group or “cluster,” as they are called.
Now, for names. I was just like you. I asked what my GA’s name is. He replied that it is impossible for us to pronounce angelic names, so I could call him “Tom, Dick, or Harry, but Tom might be confusing in your meditations.” I thought about it for a couple of weeks and suddenly the name “Theo” popped up. These days I suggest that you just say out loud, “Guardian Angel, what name shall I call you?” You may immediately get an answer, or it may take a few days, as it did me. I would later learn that I’ve called him that in many past lives.

Here is another question I answered on Quora. Typically, I’ll post them on my Facebook page. Be sure to ‘LIKE’ me at Tom T Moore, Author.

If souls have free will, why do some souls choose to incarnate as cockroach?
All animals, birds, and insects have what is commonly termed a “group Cockroachsoul.” This simply means that one soul ensouls all the same type of beings. As an example, there is just one soul for all the dogs on Earth. For cats, there is one soul for all the domesticated cats, but the felines decided to “split up the work,” so there are other group souls for such felines as lions and tigers. They all volunteered, at the Creator of this Universe’s request, to provide life on Earth for what is called “The Explorer Race”—that’s us.
Here is a conversation I had earlier this year with the group soul for cockroaches. I had asked my Guardian Angel (GA), Theo, to speak to an insect soul, and obviously he knew I would be replying here to this question, so out of all the insect souls he could have transferred me to, he chose Cockroach soul. Here it is:
Could I speak to an insect soul, Theo?

Yes, let me turn you over to Cockroach Soul.
Cockroach soul here, Tom. Pleased that you are expanding your view of creation on this planet past mammals.
Thanks for speaking with me too. Do you appear in this form on your home planet?

No. We are insect souls, but would appear larger. I was honored to apply and be chosen.
I assume you are the group soul for all cockroaches on Earth, even German Cockroachthough there are different varieties?

That’s quite true, Tom.
Do you have staging areas such as dogs and cats that I’ve interviewed?

Yes, all beings on Earth have some sort of staging areas.
OK, thanks for answering my questions.

My pleasure Tom. We all can’t have the personalities of Dogs and Cats’ souls, but we fit into the ecosystem Creator desires.
Cockroach soul was referring to the staging areas set up all over Earth where the soul fragments of each animal, bird, insect, etc., goes to in order to be assigned a new birth mother. Many people report seeing large numbers of simple orbs in such places, where our Guides (soul fragments that have human lives on Earth) are much more complex.


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Don’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services, along with my other two books!  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  All three books can change lives!


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Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Expect Great Things!

Tom T. Moore Tom

 Tom T. Moore
 7801 Alma Drive, Suite 105-335
 Plano, Texas 75025
 United States


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