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The Gentle Way News

Angel Stamp



The Gentle Way Books 1 2 and 3 and First Contact

December 21, 2024

Tom T. Moore



Welcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all my new subscribers all over the world. If you wish to subscribe to this F.R.E.E. newsletter, go to The Gentle Way Book and Merry Christmasthen click on the link in the Blue Box on the right side of the home page. On my Articles and News page you will find over 900 archived Newsletters to explore. There is a Search Box on the page to search for interesting topics. If you are reading this for the first time and enjoy it, please share it with your friends and family.

Keep in mind that I’ve been told that no one is perfect that does this work. I estimate that I’m around 80% to 90% accurate. And PLEASE, don’t just read and go on to the next blog or newsletter. Take part when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer (BP) as then you are contributing to making this a better world, and it does raise your own vibrational level (aka “Ascension”).

Happy Hannuuka
I wish all of you a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY HANUKKAH! Both have not occurred together since 2005. Before that was 1959.

My publisher, has a winter sale going on now offering 50% off six books or more, or the 50% discountcomplete library of individual authors. Use code WINTER2450. Five books or less is 35% off and that code on the website is WINTER2435. If you have not bought my books before, this is a great price to buy all or several of them for yourself or for friends and family!

GUNS FOR GROCERIES UPDATE: Plan B. Do you know a Republican Congressional Representative that is for gun legislation? Please contact me. Please SIGN my Petition Guns for grocerieson AVAAZ for a Congressional Bill that would set up a National program to buy back guns and would have BIPARTISAN SUPPORT because it is STRICTLY VOLUNTARY. Over time, guns that could be used for suicides or mass shootings will be turned in. We are up to 1,560 this week! Please add your name. Forward this link to your group. Here is the link: This is completely safe. Their membership is 70 million worldwide, only 2.5 million in the United States.

New Interview: December 13. LIFE IN THE HOLOGRAM. 2 hours.
New Interview: Linda Grindel, November 18. Soul Contracts, Meditation, Linda GrindelMoon Base. Click here.
New Interview: A View Through the Veil, Barb Crowley. November 15. (Video) Click here.
Recent Interview: Debbie Hedberg, October 28. Creator, Mars, Gentle Way. Click here.
Recent Interview: Linda Grindel, October 20. Jesus, Overlapping Lives, Gaia k. Click here.
Recent Interview: MysticMag, How Requesting MBOs makes your life easier. Click here.

If you are not receiving the Newsletter, let me know.

I realize there are several Benevolent Prayers to say listed below.
PLEASE TAKE THE FEW SHORT SECONDS TO SAY EACH ONE OUT LOUD. Remember, the human voice is much more powerful than people in this time period realize. I’m told there is a crescendo effect when hundreds and thousands say the BP out loud.Jesus Praying

Let’s say this Benevolent Prayer for Israel, Lebanon, and Palestine out loud:
"I ask any and all beings to aid and assist in protecting the people of Palestine, Lebanon, and Israel from the fighting between Hamas, Hezbollah and Israel, for those wounded to be given medical assistance, and for the hostages to be returned home unharmed with no further violence, and may there be meaningful negotiations between the three sides so that this will never occur again, thank you!"

Let's say this Benevolent Prayer for the people of UKRAINE: "I ask for any and all beings to aid, comfort, and assist the people of Ukraine to remain safe, for all prisoners of war to be treated under the rules of the Geneva Convention, for the economic sanctions imposed on Russia to work to cut off their sale of oil, to return the thousands of Ukrainian Pets bookchildren home, and to return the Russian and Ukrainian soldiers home, thank you!" Please say this Benevolent Prayer.

We are making a difference!

Have you checked out my latest book
THE GENTLE WAY WITH PETS: Angelic Help for Your Animal Companions? It has a complete review of The Gentle Way, plus great tips on our lives with our lovable animal family members. Learn how you can have another life with your lovable family member. I interview several Group Souls to learn where they came from and why. If you have already bought the book, please write a review.

On PINTEREST, I’m listed as Tom T Moore Author. Please follow me and share my pins!

For those of you on QUORA, I occasionally answer questions posed Meditationthere. You can follow me, and if you do, please “UPVOTE” my answers. I do this to reach a different group of people and grow the newsletter. So far, I have had over 7,700,000 views of my answers.


Many of your questions are taking at least four weeks to respond to. If it takes over five weeks, you can always email me to ensure your questions did not go into the Twilight Zone!

ARE YOU SAYING THE MORNING BENEVOLENT PRAYER? Please say this out loud each morning, just as I do: “I now send white light and love to every continent, every island, all the rivers, lakes, and streams, and all the Atlantis & Lemuriaoceans and seas, and I release this light to go where it is needed the most to light up the darkest parts of the world, thank you!”

My previous book, ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed! has so much information that has NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED in any other book on the subject! Here are a couple of sample chapters: Click here.

Before we move on to the rest of the newsletter, a quick explanation for my new subscribers: Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA) with whom I communicate in meditation, along with Gaia, the Soul of the Earth, and my soul “cluster” brother, Antura (and a few others). Generally, I’ll ask Gaia the Earth questions and Theo about our lives. Now for some interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give you a DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE.


Sixto writes from the Dominican Republic:
Will Venezuela be free from Maduro's dictatorship with Maria Corina Machado and Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia? When and how will Nicaragua be free from dictatorship?

Gaia, what is the probability of if, and when, Venezuela will be free from Venezuela ProtestMedaro’s dictatorship?

Not for another few years, Tom. He is firmly entrenched. Yes, in this case a Medium quadrant one soul will appear to lead his people to freedom.

What is the probability of when Nicaragua will be free from its dictator?

Perhaps a little sooner, but not much. These are younger souls learning about the differences in living under the rule of a strong-arm government.

Now that Syria is free from its dictator, what is the highest probability for the type of government that will be established there?

Certainly, a better government for its people. They will not align with Al-Qaeda, but they will have a strong ruler, as they form a government with more input from the citizens.


Maria in Estonia writes: Here is my next set of questions for you.
  1. We know that there is a difference in the effects of saying prayers or singing in numbers, but is there a different power in singing versus speaking?
  2. Is there a difference in our sentences when we use the word "no," or is it simply a belief that we manifest something negative by using "no"?
  3. Will humans be able to completely identify deep fake material? If so, when?
  4. What is the reason we don’t remember life before the age of 2 or 3?Children
  5. A shaman asked me at a ritual why I give so much away to others. What is healthy by doing good for others compared to what I do for myself? Is it balancing, a lesson and experience how to protect and “feed” myself? Does “giving away” raise vibration as well?
  6. When I got a small shungite bowl, I put it on the fireplace furnace and filled it (don’t know why) with water. Later, I placed my small mineral stones in it. Have shungite bowls ever been used with water? The shungite seller said after I mentioned it to him that to his knowledge theShungite bowl shungite bowls were used that way before and that it was also the Stone of the Wise that northern sages brought for Jesus' birth. Is this true?
  7. What is the proportion of speed at which 3rd focus people cannot see 5th focus people, and 5th focus people cannot see the next focus people?
  8. Do some human souls also emanate golden light? If they do, are they related to Golden Light Beings or what?
  9. If there are creators of all kinds with different interests, such as ours with variety, then surely there should be one with the interest of multiplication or growth. In that case, would that universe eventually "take up space" from other universes? I guess it wouldn't make sense for it to grow within its own bubble. And perhaps there could be a universe that keeps everything away from itself?
  10. Where on the Kardashev scale do most of the Federation worlds fall? And what is the highest civilization among them?

Creator here, Tom. Good morning.

Good morning, Creator, and lots of love from us to you. Here are several questions sent to me.

1. Creator, are there any differences in the effects of saying prayers or Singingsinging the prayer?

Both use the human voice, Tom, so there is little difference. I enjoy hearing the different ways people pray to me.

2. Is there any difference in our sentences when we say “no,” or just a belief we manifest negativity?

You cannot say yes all the time, although some societies have tried it. Just try not to say the word with malice. A kind “no” is sufficient.

3. Will humans be able to identify deep fake material and if so, when?

There is a learning curve that is already beginning, along with inventions to identify deep fakes. It is all part of your learning.

4. What is the reason we don’t remember until we reach the age of 2 or 3?

Your scientists have already discovered that your brains are still growing and connecting in your very early years. Those memories are there—just not accessible.

5. Is balancing learning how much to keep and give away?Donation

This can be balancing from another life when you hoarded. Eventually you learn to keep what you need to live a pleasant life, giving freely as you are able.

And does giving raise your vibrational level?

Yes, it does, assuming it is done out of love.

6. Have Shungite bowls ever been used with water? And was Shungite brought to Jesus’ birth?

Water mixes well with the Shungite, and yes it was brought to his birth.

7. What is the proportion of speed that the 3rd dimension or focus cannot see the 5th focus, and the 5th focus cannot see the 7th focus?

Here even your quantum physicists can only guess and must be allowed their “ah-ha” moments of discovery. There is a greater movement, but also a frequency. Both are intertwined.

8. Do some human souls emanate a gold light?

All humans have an aura that changes in color as your vibrational level Guardian Angel depictionrises. Gold is but one of the colors, but rare. Your guardian angels, as they are called, are also known as Golden Light Beings, since over a long period of time raised their vibrational levels to where they glow a golden light.

9. Are there one or more creators with an interest in multiplication of growth, or are there limits that keep every creation separate?

Typically, after doing a quick search, there are those creations that start out tiny, and then grow, but still within limits. In my universe, I started with just a few hundred galaxies and then expanded to trillions.

10. Where on the Kardashev scale do most of the Federation Planets fall, and is this a valid measurement? If so, which planet would be rated the highest?

This is not a valid scale of measurement. This is a scale that a human invented to try and ascertain where Earth lies in development. This scale goes from zero to 40, but one could just as easily assign numbers from zero to 100. To answer the question on which planet would be rated the highest, almost all the planets in the Federation are sitting at a 5.3 vibrational level, while there are planets a little higher in the older sections of my universe.

Those are all my questions today, Creator. Thank you most sincerely.

And as we always end, Tom—a reminder that I am available at a moment’s notice to answer questions during everyone’s meditations. I can have trillions of conversations going on at the same time. There is no limit for me.


Gaia: In 7,000 years, when we have returned to our home planets, will Earththere be robots to make sure the visitors from all over this universe and the others follow the rules to keep Earth pristine?

Good question, Tom. There will be advanced intelligence that will discreetly make sure the visitors will leave the Earth just as they found it.

Will the visitors be able to walk on the grass, or only hover above?

They will be able to move about freely on the ground and in the water.


I find it amazing sometimes, when people find it hard to believe we are not the only intelligent society in a universe with trillions and trillions of planets. Many are far ahead of us technologically, which scares some First Contactpeople. Don’t be scared. We are protected by a Federation of Planets consisting of over 200 planets just in this region of the Milky Way Galaxy. My friend and member of my soul cluster is one of those extraterrestrials. He was born on a water planet in the Sirius B Solar system, one of over 20 planets orbiting a sun the size of Earth. You can read much more about him, his planet, his family, the real star wars that went on for thousands of years, and much more in my book FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET.

Here are more questions I asked Antura this week after some links sent to me by my “researcher,” Mantej, who volunteered for the job when I did not have time to do the searches. I post these during the week on Facebook, which you can access by following me at

DAILY MAIL: Multiple photos and story about drones. Click here

President Elect Trump comments on drones. 1:12 sec. Click here

Introduction to the new documentary BATTLE FOR DISCLOSURE. Dr. Steven Greer, Billy Carson. 1:28:54. Click here

Daily Mail: Analysis of drones in the UK and USA. Click hereUFO drone

Reality Check: News Nation. 56 min. What are the drones that are showing up all over the world? Click here

News Nation Reality Check, Part 2, Crisis in our skies: 1:11 min. Click here

NBC News: Reports of UFOs over Oregon. 5:30 min. Click here

Antura in the wings Tom, with my teammates and the Pleiadian monitoring.

Good morning, everyone and good life.

I think George Knapp did an excellent analysis of these drone sightingsGeorge Knapp for his CBS station in Las Vegas—only a little over 4 minutes. Click here.

Antura, are the drones over New Jersey our government, another government, a corporate group trying to have a fake invasion or are they ET?

All we can tell you at this time is that they are a mixture of civilian, although few, and ET. Remember they are not just showing up over the coast, but all over the world. Now people are looking up at the skies every night. They have the ability to immediately go dark if needed, and can affect a person’s digital clocks, etc. All these are signs of a much higher intelligence than is generally available today. Why do you think your government is not doing anything? They know the source. This is but another way to introduce ourselves.

[I'll add my two cents.  I'm surprised that no one has pointed out that civilian drones are limited to under 400 feet in altitude.  Anyone with a private plane license can see that the "drones" are at least 1,000 to 1,500 feet or more in altitude.]

Again, I go back to my statement before that it would be much better to just have a saucer shaped craft make appearances, compared to causing consternation regarding the origin of drones.
UFO and Jet depiction

We did pass that along to the captain of our mothership.

Antura, have I had an overlapping life as a participant in a Stargate remote viewing program? And what about crash retrievals, or working in Area 51 type bases?

No, this was not needed in any of your overlapping lives.

I'll call her Francis in Texas writes: I have been a follower for years now and have asked questions along the way. However, I have a question I'm not sure they can answer but am going to ask anyway.

I have been learning of my psychic "gifts" over the last few years and have learned I'm quite clairvoyant. As a matter of fact, I seem to be able to "take" people on what I call Vision Walks. I work with a team of folk discovering our gifts and one of them asked to see if I could take them to a spaceship. I said, I have no idea if I can and then proceeded to do it. As a matter of fact, I have been to "visit," through clairvoyance, 2 ships. Is there any way they would be able to answer if that is true? One is a media specialist named Trafawnee on it.

This seems so unlikely, but it keeps repeating itself when I project it. Is it possible to ask if this type of gift is real? I "see" some things quite Spaceship depictionclearly, especially the large window on the main deck. Other things too. In my "vision" the captain does give us permission to be there.

Sorry if this sounds a little woo-woo. It does to me too. Please keep me anonymous. Thank you so much for any input you might be able to give.

Antura, is “Francis” able to visually project herself to two spaceships and if so was one your mothership?

Yes, to both questions. She would fall under the heading of a remote viewer. Most remote viewers stick to places on Earth, but her curiosity led her to the two ships, one of which was ours. In her meditations she should ask to speak to someone from her planet, who will communicate with her, just as you do me.

Those are all my questions, Antura. Atah and good life, and let’s move things along.

We are hard at work on that, Tom. Atah and adieu until next time.


Deb in Minnesota writes: I just got back from shopping and going to thePharmacy pharmacy. Neither of us are feeling well, so I said an MBO and a BP for us to get to the store and pharmacy safely and get through quickly so we could get back home again.

At the store I picked up the things we needed in less than 5 minutes and one of the items was on special. Then when Jim when into the pharmacy there was no one else in line, so he got out of there in just a few minutes also.

It turned out well for both of us.


Leah writes: Asking and thanking any and all beings across timelines and dimensions to aid and assist MM and family to receive full compensation to replace their home after the hurricane. Surround their family with divine love and light. Asking for and accepting miracles. May the outcome be better than hoped for or expected. Thank you.🙏🌀🌈

Tom, this is the benevolent prayer request I posted in our WhatsApp Destroyed Homegroup for my granddaughter’s teacher after I found out on social media that her homeowner’s insurance denied any coverage for her demolished home after hurricane Helene. This is a modest home for a family of five, including the two foster children this teacher fostered and then adopted from drug abusive parents. Last night at the school play she told me a charity named “Benevolence” will completely rebuild their home at no cost to them!

I told our prayer group that I was over the moon with gratitude for their prayers.
What you teach works Tom! I love that our group regularly says benevolent prayers for our Earth population in general as well as posts individual requests. We have so much for which to be thankful! Many blessings to all!


Lee writes from Florida: I had an issue with an order from a well-known Refundmajor online retailer. I said an MBO for an easy resolution and quick refund. After navigating their CHAT system (not that user friendly) I asked to speak with a representative. The woman was wonderful! Explained my issue and she contacted the company on my behalf and after a few minutes a refund was in the making. She said to allow 24/48 hours and explained the next steps if I didn’t receive my refund by then. Two hours later I had my refund! Thank you, Tom! MBOs are the best!


Ellen writes: I am so very grateful for MBOs! I had a questionable area Ultrasoundon a recent X-ray. My doctor ordered an Ultrasound as a precaution. The day before my second test I said an MBO for the upcoming test:
I request the most benevolent outcome to have an amazing ultrasound, and may the outcome be even better than I could hope for or expect, thank you!”

The technician wasn’t sure about the results she was seeing so she called in the radiologist to see the results. He went over the area himself and confirmed it was just an enlarged gland, nothing to be concerned about! I was so relieved and so happy about the outcome. Thank you! My request was heard and answered.


Laura writes: What can you tell me about the existence of giants in early human history?
Giants went by many names in the lore about them. Greeks called them Titans, the Celts called them Fomorians, the Norse called them Jötnar, the Hebrews called them Nephilim. The Paiute Indigenous Americans called them Si-Te-Cah, and claim to have trapped the last of them in a Giant depictioncave and killed them.

Supposedly the Smithsonian Museum took bones of giants discovered in America and hid them away from the public. Now, what is the truth? Were those stories in newspapers of the 1800s just printing made-up stories to goose readership?

Creator, please comment about giants in human history.

Yes, Gaia has commented about this in the past. They were one of the many types of bodies the ET scientists tested to see what would work best on Earth. They required great amounts of food to sustain them. There was agreement among the scientists that there could be a range of height from the very small people to a maximum of around the 7 to 7.5 feet in height, so there would be a variety with each having certain advantages.

Does the Smithsonian Museum have any of these giants?

No, not the ancient variety.

I did discover several questions about giants by doing a search on my Articles and News page on my website going back to the times of Atlantis. Check it out.


Graham writes: Bryan Singer Escaped To Israel

Director Bryan Singer who has raped numerous individuals, has escaped to Israel. Is the probability very low now, of Israel extraditing Bryan Singer to the USA for his sex crimes?

(Previously) Theo, how many people has Bryan Singer raped and Bryan Singersexually abused?

He has taken advantage of his position numerous times, Tom. He could be compared to Harvey Weinstein with his proclivity to take advantage of his position, just not quite to that extent.

Will he serve time in prison?

Most certainly. The authorities are following up on reports at the present time.

Theo, what is the probability of Bryan Singer being extradited from Israel back to the USA to stand trial for his sex crimes?

He will remain in Israel for the time being while the wheels of justice slowly turn, but he will eventually be extradited.


Edward writes: I always use the most benevolent outcome prayer before bedtime and put protection of white light from ALL THAT IS around me before sleep. A night ago I woke up in the middle of the night sensing Wolf Creature depiction Werewoldsomething towards my right side, and saw a large ( about 8-9 feet) black/dark brown wolf coming thru my door/wall without opening the door and it jumped on me while I was on the bed. I threw him towards my left side and he disappeared. I can still see every hair, eyes, etc., of his body and it feels very real to me, not a dream because I woke up to push him and he was still there. Any clue in its meaning. I had been meditating going into my akashic records which I have been successfully going into for years now a few hours before and going deeper than ever before. I have been meditating for over 5 decades.

Theo, what was the wolf creature that jumped on Edward during the night and then disappeared?

Edward needs to surround himself in a bubble of white light when going to sleep, as his astral travels attracted a negative spirit in the form of the wolf. It could not attach to him, so it disappeared.


UPDATE: Another school shooting! This time a 15-year-old girl in Madison, Wisconsin.

For my new readers, I am proposing a national gun buyback program Guns for Groceriesthat would have bipartisan support in Congress, because it is STRICTLY VOLUNTARY. Please sign the petition at We’re up to 1,560 this week!

  1. This will have bipartisan support since it does not require anyone to do anything. It is ALL VOLUNTARY! People look at this as a SERVICE to get rid of guns in their homes.
  2. No money is given that can be used to buy more guns.
  3. Payment is made with money cards that can only be used at Petitionsupermarkets or grocery stores.
  4. People are concerned that only law-abiding citizens will give up their guns. Over weeks and months there will be people who turn in guns because someone in their family may be considering suicide or going on a shooting spree. FREE GUN LOCKS would also be given out.
  5. This would be overseen by the ATF, instead of the Justice Department. They would collect the guns once a month (or sooner) and destroy them the same way they destroy other confiscated guns. This also ensures that some local police department will not sell them out the back door, as is being done presently.
  6. Another possible benefit I have not mentioned before: Presenting this bill before Congress will allow for Amendments to be voted on. Perhaps one or two might pass this time. We won’t know unless we find a Congressperson or Senator to sponsor the bill.

If you want to cut down on gun violence, please support the petition by SIGNING! With thousands of subscribers to this Newsletter, why can’t we have thousands of signatures? Share this with your friends and family! We’ve climbed to 1,560. Let’s get to 2,000! Please sign and then you can use this tiny URL to send to your friends:, or do you just wish to keep seeing mass shootings every day? 2023 ended with 656 MASS SHOOTINGS! Plus, contact your Congressional Representatives and Senators as I have. If we can stop even one or two in the future, isn’t that worth signing and supporting this gun buyback proposal? No one else is doing anything. Please join with me—don’t be passive on this—SIGN!!


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SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world.  I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out.   And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet?  Please do so.  I do give extra information there.  I also post on TWITTER. 

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 FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me.   And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them. 


Don’t forget that ALL FOUR GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services, along with my other two books!  The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions!  All three books can change lives!


BLOG:  For those of you who are just learning about requesting Benevolent Outcomes, I have a weekly Blog now with information and stories sent from all over the world about using this amazingly simple, yet powerful spiritual tool.  The link is

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Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Tom T. Moore Tom

 Tom T. Moore
 7801 Alma Drive, Suite 105-335
 Plano, Texas 75025
 United States


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