Welcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all my new subscribers all over the world. If you wish to subscribe to this F.R.E.E. newsletter, go to The Gentle Way Book and then click on the link in the Blue Box on the right side of the home page. On my Articles and News page you will find over 800 archived Newsletters to explore. There is a Search Box on the page to search for interesting topics. If you are reading this for the first time and enjoy it, please share it with your friends and family.
Keep in mind that I’ve been told that no one is perfect that does this work. I estimate that I’m around 80% to 90% accurate. And PLEASE, don’t just read and go on to the next blog or newsletter. Take part when I ask you to say a Benevolent Prayer (BP) as then you are contributing to making this a better world, and it does raise your own vibrational level (aka “Ascension”).
Well, I messed up. I should have asked about probabilities, and every time I don’t, a lower probability pops up. I’ll ask more questions on Saturday morning.
A little progress this past week on the GUNS FOR GROCERIES Congressional Bill proposal. I just contacted Representative Lizzie Fletcher and sent her the Proposal. MOMS DEMAND ACTION had supported her in the last election. I had also contacted the four Congressional Representatives that Jason Whitely of the syndicated program TEXAS POLITICS suggested I contact, who might be interested in co-sponsoring the Bill. They are Representatives Jasmine Crockett, Marc Veasey (Whip for Gun Violence Protection Task Force), Lloyd Doggett, and Greg Casar (Whip of the Congressional Progressive Caucus). If any of these Representatives are yours, please consider contacting them to take part. Rep. Lloyd Doggett declined to take part, saying he did not think any legislation would get past the NRA political machine. I disagree, because this will have BIPARTISAN SUPPORT!
Have you signed my Petition yet on AVAAZ for a Congressional Bill that would set up a National program to buy back guns, and would have BIPARTISAN SUPPORT because it is STRICTLY VOLUNTARY? Over time, guns that could be used for suicides or mass shootings will be turned in. We are up to 1,484 this week! Please add your name. Forward this link to your group. Here is the link: Do you personally know a Congressperson or Senator? Let’s talk! Send me an email. Let me add here. Some people have never heard of AVAAZ, because they only have 2.7 million members in the USA out of 70 million worldwide. Here is a map to see where the members live. Click here. It is completely safe to sign the petition!
Recent Interview: A View Through the Veil, Barb Crowley. Click here. 
Recent Interview: Jodi Powers, Soul Spa, June 1. Click here.
Recent Interview: Linda Grindel, Comanche Psychic, May 16. Click here.
Recent Interview: Debbie Hedberg. May 13. Click here.
Recent Interview: Air Psychic Radio, John Capello. Click here.
If you are not receiving the Newsletter, let me know.
I realize there are several Benevolent Prayers to say listed below. PLEASE TAKE THE FEW SHORT SECONDS TO SAY EACH ONE OUT LOUD. Remember, the human voice is much more powerful than people in this time period realize. I’m told there is a crescendo effect when hundreds and thousands say the BP out loud.
Let’s say this Benevolent Prayer for Israel and Palestine out loud: "I ask any and all beings to aid and assist in protecting the people of Palestine and Israel from the fighting between Hamas and Israel, for those wounded to be given medical assistance, and for the hostages to be returned home unharmed with no further violence, and may there be meaningful negotiations between the two sides so that this will never occur again, thank you!"
Let's say this Benevolent Prayer for the people of UKRAINE: "I ask for any and all beings to aid, comfort, and assist the people of Ukraine to remain safe, for all prisoners of war to be treated under the rules of the Geneva Convention, for the economic sanctions imposed on Russia to work to cut off their sale of oil, to return the thousands of Ukrainian children home, and to return the Russian and Ukrainian soldiers home, thank you!" Please say this Benevolent Prayer.
We are making a difference!
Have you checked out my latest book THE GENTLE WAY WITH PETS: Angelic Help for Your Animal Companions? It has a complete review of The Gentle Way, plus great tips on our lives with our lovable animal family members. Learn how you can have another life with your lovable family member. I interview several Group Souls to learn where they came from and why. If you have already bought the book, please write a review.
On PINTEREST, I’m listed as Tom T Moore Author. Please follow me and share my pins!
For those of you on QUORA, I occasionally answer questions posed there. You can follow me, and if you do, please “upvote” my answers. I do this to reach a different group of people and grow the newsletter. So far, I have had over 7,400,000 views of my answers.
Many of your questions are taking at least four weeks to respond to. If it takes over five weeks, you can always email me to ensure your questions did not go into the Twilight Zone!
ARE YOU SAYING THE MORNING BENEVOLENT PRAYER? Please say this out loud each morning, just as I do: “I now send white light and love to every continent, every island, all the rivers, lakes, and streams, and all the oceans and seas, and I release this light to go where it is needed the most to light up the darkest parts of the world, thank you!”
My previous book, “ATLANTIS & LEMURIA—The Lost Continents Revealed!” has so much information that has NEVER BEEN PUBLISHED in any other book on the subject! Here are a couple of sample chapters: Click here.
Before we move on to the rest of the newsletter, a quick explanation for my new subscribers: Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA) with whom I communicate in meditation, along with Gaia, the Soul of the Earth, and my soul “cluster” brother, Antura (and a few others). Generally, I’ll ask Gaia the Earth questions and Theo about our lives. Now for some interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give you a DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE.
Gaia, comment on the prediction that there will be 12 billion people alive on Earth in the future.
That, as we have stated before, is an incorrect prediction. The population of the Earth by humans has topped out and will gradually decrease over the next 100 years. It’s the old saying, don’t always believe everything to read or hear in the news.
Theo, questions on the assassination attempt on Mr. Trump:
1. Was it the soul contract for Thomas Crooks to go there?
Yes, Tom. Remember we have said in the past that no one dies or is injured just by happenstance.
2. Was there balancing for the firefighter he killed and the two injured?
Yes, he had killed Mr. Crooks in a previous life. This will continue until one forgives the other. The others had injured him previously.
3. Was there balancing with Mr. Trump?
A little more complicated. When Mr. Trump was a king in a previous life, he imprisoned Mr. Crooks and that altered his life. Mr. Trump’s life will be altered in the coming days.
4. Did the same event happen on both Timelines 5 and 7?
Yes on Timeline 5. On Timeline 7 Mr. Trump was completely missed by the bullet, but still was quite frightened.
5. Why was there a lack of protection by the Secret Service?
This was arranged by their own Guardian Angels in order for the event to take place. Remember that we have said in the past it is your GA’s duty to make sure you are at the right place and time, whether it is to be involved in a car crash, or in this case for those that were killed or injured to be there. That also includes the Secret Service and police to be late to respond to the presence of Mr. Crooks before he fired at Mr. Trump and the other victims, and the Secret Service sharpshooter who shot Mr. Crooks before he had time to injure or kill anyone else.
6. Was I correct in guessing that the aftermath of this event will cause Mr. Trump health problems?
Yes, every time he speaks to an audience, he will remember how close he was to death. This will be very stressful for his body, causing his blood pressure to rise and heart to beat faster. A younger man would be able to take it in stride better, but Mr. Trump already has underlying health problems, and age will take its toll.
Teresa in Austin Texas writes: The Summer Olympics will start in Paris, France, starting on July 26, 2024. Does the Fairy Kingdom participate in any contests to determine who is the most accomplished? If so, what type of contest would be included?
We know that the Fairies have an assigned area to work in. When there is an environmental disaster, the Fairies leave and then return to repair the damage. So, if there is extensive damage and a much larger group of Fairies is needed for repair, who coordinates how many and which Fairies come to the damaged area?
Are there any areas where Fairies do not work, such as garbage dumps, mining pits, Industrial waste areas?
King Oberon and Queen Titania are here, Tom. Good morning.
Good morning and good life to both of you. A couple of questions.
King Oberon, does the fairy kingdom have any contests similar to the Olympics or do you just have celebrations you previously mentioned?
We find this question amusing, but we can understand why it is asked. Training for contests would take us away from our work of keeping Earth the most beautiful planet in the universe. But yes, we do have celebrations, since those are fun and enjoyable for the fairy world. They only require taking part in them.
King Oberon, do fairies leave an area of natural disaster, such as a flood or fire?
Yes, we retreat to areas on the edge of the disasters and then immediately return to assist in the recovery of the plants and trees and work on the root systems to regrow.
When they return is it a larger number that are assigned and, if so, who coordinates how many and which ones?
There were already a sufficient number of fairies taking care of the plants and trees in any given area. This is a slow process, but our fairy population is able to assist these plants and trees without having what humans would call emergency squads brought in from other areas. After a fire, for example, you can return to that area and in a short time you see plant life already growing.
Are there any areas where fairies do not work, such as garbage dumps, mining pits, and industrial waste dumps?
Even in garbage dumps, you can return and see plant life springing up out of the ground months later. For the others, it all depends upon the ground. Various hardy species will take root, blown there by wind. Others remain a wasteland.
Those are all my questions for today, King and Queen.
Please pass on to your readers, Tom, that we do exist, and we are always available to answer questions about the world of fairies, who make Earth the most beautiful planet in the Universe.
Will do.
One thing that someone mentioned in the MBO/BP WhatsApp group this past weekend is that they noticed Antura is answering more detailed questions about ETs. For my new readers, Antura is an ET that was introduced to me in 2008 by my own Guardian Angel, Theo, so I knew he was safe to talk to. Of course, I always surround myself in a bubble of white light before I do these meditative sessions for protection. Antura is also a member of my soul group, meaning he is a fragment of the same soul along with me. He’s also having lives on Earth—800 so far—but this time he’s a member of a “first contact, grass roots team of four. There are other groups on their mothership that is hovering 50 miles above us that specialize in governments and science.
I’m supposed to meet him and his team, but this has been delayed, because not enough people on our timeline believe that other intelligent people exist in the universe besides humans. That is changing, helped along by a flood of UFO sightings around the world. You can read much more about him, his teammates, their huge mothership, and yes, even the real star wars that took place for 270,000 Earth years in my FIRST CONTACT, Conversations with an ET book. Here are more questions I asked this week, after some links sent to me by my “researcher,” Mantej, who volunteered for the job when I did not have the time to search. Keep in mind I post these throughout the week on Facebook that you can read by following me at TomTMooreAuthor.
AI focused photo of flying saucer dropping off a drone. By Tom Delonge. Click here.
Large UFO spotted from the International Space station. 11 min. Click here.
Large UFO over Mexican volcano and other drones. 10 min. Click here.
Strange looking drone, two different views of UFO across the face of moon. 10 min. Click here.
News Nation: In this episode of "Reality Check with Ross Coulthart," renowned Brazilian UFO researcher Rony Vernet ventures into the heart of the Amazon rainforest. Driven by years of intriguing reports, Vernet sets out to investigate extraordinary phenomena that suggest the presence of UFOs. 59 min. Click here.
Daily Mail: UFO hunters claim to be in possession of debris from alien space craft that is lighter than a petal. Click here.
In this episode of "Need to Know," Bryce Zabel and Ross Coulthart delve into the history of UFO phenomena, marking significant anniversaries from 1944 to the present day. The hosts discuss notable sightings and events, emphasizing that UFO encounters are not recent phenomena but part of a long-standing historical pattern.
They also touch on key incidents like the 1944 Foo Fighters, the 1974 John Lennon sighting, and the 1994 Ariel School encounter, highlighting both the historical depth and global nature of UFO sightings. The episode also addresses current legislative efforts concerning UFO transparency and the potential implications of upcoming U.S. presidential politics on UFO disclosure. 53 min. Click here.
Antura in the wings, Tom, along with my teammates and the Pleiadian monitoring. Good morning.
Good morning, everyone and lots of love.
Jim writes from Florida: I was reading about the Olmec civilization and their carving of the great heads. Were the ETs active to assist in moving the great weights and carving of heads that weighed thousands of pounds.
Antura, did ETs assist Olmecs in carving the giant heads?
Yes, they were assisted with how to carve the heads. They did not do the work.
Antura, do you have to wear a helmet to operate a scout craft?
No, but some other societies do, depending upon their advancement. As I have explained before, there are a number of societies wishing to view the Earth Experiment, and there is a wide variation in their knowledge. There is no one level across the universe.
Karin writes: I have a question about lights in the night sky monitoring our cruise ship Carnival Conquest out of Miami. It was the evening of 28th of June. My husband and I asked what is that in sky? It wasn't moving, just 3 large stationary headlights. He said “I don't know must be a plane.” I said no, it's got to be a UFO. I tried to take a photo. They wouldn't let me, I guess. It didn't come out if I had captured it. I no sooner looked up at it and it steadily went off into the horizon. I'm always asking if they could show me one. Were they doing that? I can't stop thinking about it. Who were they? I always thank the Galactic Federation, Pleiadeans and Arcturians for taking care of us in my daily and before bed in my prayers. Thank you. Hope to hear from you. I just love your newsletters. I hope you’re feeling really well.
Antura, Karin and her husband were on a cruise June 28 and saw three lights in the sky—ET or what?
Yes, in this case, it was an ET craft and not an Earth craft as you considered. It knew it was being observed not only by her and her husband, but others on the cruise ship.
Jerry and Rae write from North Carolina: Our friends have said that they will not allow another nuclear war. Why have they allowed (or will allow) nuclear testing to proceed?
Antura, why do ETs allow nuclear testing to continue?
You have been previously told that we will not allow nuclear devices to be used in wars in the future. Testing is allowed, because we know that Gaia will limit the damage to the Earth, and it keeps those who test busy.
John asked this question on Facebook: Antura, is Jerry Wills an ET born on another planet?
He is not, Tom. He is able to receive information from his home planet, which makes him feel like he was born there in this life, but actually those are memories from previous lives there.
Those are all my questions today, Antura. Speed things up.
We are doing our best to do just that, Tom.
Deena writes: Tom, this is a story about the man who is building a new home in the adjacent lot. We had planted two trees in his lot about 20 years ago, but we were not aware that we had done this. They are on his property line by a few feet. I subsequently requested an MBO for the trees after he told my husband that it was his intention to cut down the trees. They are beautiful trees, and I certainly didn’t want them to be eliminated from his property because they provide a nice shady area. Therefore, I said an MBO to ensure that they would not be cut down. My husband and I then left for vacation for a month to our other home in Tupper Lake, New York.
When we returned home that Sunday there was a knock at the door around 5:30 PM and my husband and I looked at each other and questioned whether he or I was expecting anyone. We weren’t. Therefore, my husband went to the door and opened up the door and there was no one there. So, he looked all around on the porch, came back and told me he didn’t see anyone, so then we went out the back door and looked to see if there was anyone downstairs. There wasn’t, and on our way back up into the house, the property owner of the house next-door started talking to Jeff, my husband. He told Jeff that his wife had expressed her desire to keep the trees, therefore he was not going to cut down the trees. I was so happy, and I know that the knock on the door was my deceased son, JARED. He wanted to get our attention to go outside while the new property owner had arrived so my husband could be advised by him that he wasn’t going to cut down the trees.
Thank you for all that you do!!
Kateryna writes: I am writing to tell you about how I used MBOs before visiting the dentist. I asked for no pain during the procedures and the prayers worked!
I just felt a little uncomfortable while I was getting anesthesia but that's it. Also, my wisdom teeth were removed very quickly, in a few minutes. I thought it would take longer.
Thank you for your newsletters!
Severine writes from China: On Friday last week and yesterday with my BP partner from the group with whom we do daily personal BPs, we asked for any and all beings to arrange a WONDERFUL, RESTFUL, PEACEFUL weekend for (name) and their families this weekend, may the outcome be better than we could for or expect plus I expect Miracles, thank you
Results On Saturday: I took my kid to one playground where we had 2 options, the expensive one and cheap one where I have a membership.
I had reluctantly agreed to Gabriel going to the expensive one. I needed a drama free weekend. I was ready to pay full price for 1 ticket when a lady popped up and said she had one discounted ticket left. All I had to do was to pay her the discounted ticket and they would let us in, which I did.
It was a great deal, thank you! We had an amazing time dinner afterwards and I slept very well that weekend
I did the same yesterday and we had an amazing Saturday, which ended with our WhatsApp call. Thank you!
Carrie writes: I have had a ton but here's a few I could think of off the top of my head today.
- Said an MBO to win raffle drawing at work and actually won! I never win anything! Won the big prize, too, a $55 spa gift certificate.
- Also, I found a hidden gift card for another event at work. I wasn't even looking for it like others were. My GA just pointed me in the right
- MBO for quick, affordable dryer repair service. Found a new repair guy to come out the next day and he got it fixed for a very good price!
- MBO for healing my leg. Led me to find the Old Guy Carnivore YouTube channel. This guy really resonates with me, and my GA had already told me this was the quickest means to heal my leg and my health. Now I feel like I could actually do it.
- MBO for daughter’s health. For the first time she has expressed interest in trying the diet with me to improve her own health as well.
- *MBO for work to be better. We have gotten better management and better staffing most of the time, and have even gotten a raise.
- MBO for my friend who lost his beloved cat of 14 years. Had hoped he would try the MBO for his cat to return to him, but my friend was especially considerate (and is a Christian), so he replied that he would not want his pet to have to come back just for him. Most people don't even respond when I tell them about it.
- MBO for my dogs to stay safe when they get away. Last time they came right back when I called and walked into the house. Usually, I have to chase them!
- MBO for a safe, good trip into the city for haircut for my daughter with a
new stylist (always risky!). All went well and we had a great day together.
- MBO to pay medical bill: I didn't get the $ but I did, just in time, grab a pre-approved credit card app out of the mailbox. As I was ready to pitch it, I thought, why not apply and I could pay the looming bill with my card. Not the best solution but maybe (probably!) what I needed. I have asked in my meditations why I didn't get $ or financial assistance with the bill but was told it was because I "don't need it,” and that I am more than capable of making that much and more with my writing. Bonus, my new card has 15 months of zero percent interest.
- MBO for (more) motivation to write. My best friend at work finally retired, so now I really want to retire too. And my writer guides have given me even more ideas of what to write now. From one of them I even got the entire story start to finish that came to me all at once after asking for guidance from them. I literally just wrote it all down.
- MBO for my perfect mate (soul?) to talk to me. And oh yes, I had an MBO to meet my perfect mate as I requested that maybe 2 years ago when I first discovered the gentle way. After asking, within a short time I received a message from My GA telling me what his name is and other details as well as "whispering in my ear" where to go to meet him. I didn't go. And I still haven't, but my GA still sends me nudges from time to time as well as warnings that it's going to be too late before too much longer.
Anyway, so finding out about him was one MBO and another a couple of weeks ago when I asked for him to talk to me. His soul. We had quite a conversation and it was reassuring even though I'm still not sure if I will go or not.
I mean, what if I go and he doesn't exist. What if I'm just crazy? Lol. Or what if he does exist and we are perfect for each other? Even that is still a huge change in one's life. My GA and I have had many discussions on this!
Sorry for such a long email. As always! But I have had so many great things happen since I discovered the gentle way. So, thank you! Thank you for all you do.
Desiree writes: I’m considering a move to Puerto Rico, so I have a few questions about my beautiful island.
1. Puerto Rico has had a lot of infrastructure issues, especially as it pertains to stability of the electric grid. Blackouts are a constant issue. Do you see any changes/advancements in this area? If so, when?
2. There seems to be more interest in gaining Independence from the US. Do you see Puerto Rico ever becoming an independent nation? If so, when? If not, what is the political future and status of the island? Will the Jones Act ever be rescinded to enable islanders to pay a fair price for goods?
3. There is a shortage of doctors and other medical professionals. Do you see a resurgence of Puerto Rican health professionals returning to the island?
4. There’s a growing population of non-Puerto Rican mainlanders and foreigners moving to the island to avoid paying US federal taxes. Do you see this trend continuing? If so, what will be the impact to the island and native islanders?
5. What is the weather and economic outlook for Puerto Rico?
Theo, will there be advancements in the near future for the Puerto Rico electric grid?
The major advancements will come with the introduction of the free energy machines. Then the residents of the island will not have to depend on the service provided by the electric company. It will be like everyone will have their own generator, but at little cost.
What is the possibility of Puerto Rican independence?
Small at this time. Statehood will be granted to keep Puerto Rico tied to the United States.
Will the Jones Act be rescinded?
The possibility of that will be in a few years.
Will there be an increase in doctors and medical staff in the coming years?
As Puerto Rico becomes more stable, there will be a number of doctors and medical staff who will wish to return to their homeland.
Will there be more mainlanders moving to Puerto Rico?
Again, with stability, there will be an influx in the population. It will not reach record levels, due to Puerto Rico being in the path of hurricanes and tropical storms.
Speaking of the weather, what is the outlook for that and for the economy?
Puerto Rico will see its share of tropical storms and hurricanes in the coming years, until scientists learn how to control them. Anyone who lives there must have houses that can withstand hurricane force winds and rain. The economic forecast will remain about the same in the next few years, increasing starting in about 10 to 15 years is the highest probability.
Mantej in the UK writes: Sweden's Vasa Ship
The Vasa ship is located in a museum in Sweden. It's famous for being built in 17th century, and only sailing 1,400 yards before sinking.
On a soul level, is this another case of something being created and existing purely for the sake of it being a time capsule, to sink, so centuries later it could be brought up to be housed in a museum? So people in our time period can view what a stunning 17th century warship looked like? Click here:
Theo, was the Vasa ship built on a soul level to become a museum attraction?
In a way, yes. There were defects in the construction that caused it to sink. Still, it is a magnificent specimen of that time period that teaches history, so its survival was predetermined.
Someone asked me for a Benevolent Prayer for the elections. Naturally they wanted their side to win. In past elections I’ve reminded everyone that there are good people on both sides of the aisle. Therefore, I would say:
“I ask any and all beings to aid and assist in choosing those who will make decisions in the best interests of those that they represent, and that these decisions are in the best interests of all the people affected in any way by the election, thank you!”
For my new readers, I am proposing a national gun buyback program that would have bipartisan support in Congress, because it is STRICTLY VOLUNTARY. Please sign the petition at We’re up to 1,484 this week! See the beginning of the newsletter for my progress.
- This will have bipartisan support since it does not require anyone to do anything. It is ALL VOLUNTARY!
- No money is given that can be used to buy more guns.
- Payment is made with money cards that can only be used at supermarkets or grocery stores.
- People are concerned that only law-abiding citizens will give up their guns. Over weeks and months there will be people who turn in guns because someone in their family may be considering suicide or going on a shooting spree. Free gun locks would also be given out.
- This would be overseen by the ATF, instead of the Justice Department. They would collect the guns once a month (or sooner) and destroy them the same way they destroy other confiscated guns. This also ensures that some local police department will not sell them out the back door, as is being done presently.
- Another possible benefit I have not mentioned before: Presenting this bill before Congress will allow for Amendments to be voted on. Perhaps one or two might pass this time. We won’t know unless we find a Congressperson or Senator to sponsor the bill.
If you want to cut down on gun violence, please support the petition by SIGNING! With thousands of subscribers to this Newsletter, why can’t we have thousands of signatures? Share this with your friends and family! We’ve climbed to 1,484. Let’s get to 2,000! Please sign and then you can use this tiny URL to send to your friends:, or do you just wish to keep seeing mass shootings every day? 2023 ended with 656 MASS SHOOTINGS! Plus, contact your Congressional Representatives and Senators as I have. If we can stop even one or two in the future, isn’t that worth signing and supporting this gun buyback proposal? No one else is doing anything. Please join with me—don’t be passive on this—SIGN!!
During the last Gun Buyback, Houston-area residents turned in a record number of 1,446 firearms. The fourth Harris County-Houston gun buyback held June 10 was the most successful, collecting a record number of 1,446 firearms that helps in the effort to reduce violent crimes.
In total, more than 4,200 firearms have been collected in the four buybacks, which assist in the coordinated efforts to help all communities be free of gun violence. With the community’s overwhelming response at all the events, Houston-Harris County has conducted the most successful gun buyback program in the country’s history.
NOTES AND REMINDERS: --Great resources: Sign up here for the FREE newsletter. Sample Chapters of the books, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and more!
If you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world. I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out. And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet? Please do so. I do give extra information there. I also post on TWITTER.
If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me. And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.
Don’t forget that ALL FOUR GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services, along with my other two books! The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! All three books can change lives!
BLOG: For those of you who are just learning about requesting Benevolent Outcomes, I have a weekly Blog now with information and stories sent from all over the world about using this amazingly simple, yet powerful spiritual tool. The link is
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FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore Author so "Like Me" at
Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Tom T. Moore
7801 Alma Drive, Suite 105-335
Plano, Texas 75025
United States