In the November issue of the Sedona Journal of Emergence, I wrote about
my experience with congestive heart failure and how I had requested
Benevolent Outcomes for the medical “procedures” that put
me on the road to recovery. What I did not mention at the time was that
I asked in a meditation why I had experienced this problem at this particular
time in my life.
going to give you some information that I have not written about before,
or just hinted at before. I had been told in a meditation in January
of 2006 (or perhaps earlier) that there would be a person who would
reveal price collusion between the major oil companies. Several months
later I was told that the person who would come forward with these revelations
would do it after reading my book, The Gentle Way: A Self-Help Guide
For Those Who Believe In Angels. Previously I was told in my meditations
that my book would affect millions of people. I couldn’t understand
how, as I was told that the book would only sell 250,000 copies world
wide, which is a lot for a book of this type. It was explained that
as a result of the whistle blowing on the oil companies, there would
be billions of dollars in fines and billions of dollars in refunds to
millions of consumers. So there was at least part of the answer.
of my stay in the hospital, I had to cancel my trip to the Frankfurt
Book Fair, where I planned to sell the foreign rights to not only my
book, but also all of Light Technology’s (publisher of the Sedona
Journal) books. So naturally I wanted to know why this occurred when
it did, preventing me from expanding the number of readers. I was given
a couple of answers on this.
I was told that I would be much too busy and someone else would be selling
those rights. This has to do with the publicity that will be generated
about the book from the oil price revelations. The second reason was
a real eye-opener. It was explained to me that my soul was quite happy,
as I had been able to rid myself of a karmic debt that was at least
200 to 300 years old. It seems that in a war, I killed some people,
but even though it was war, I had brought grief and heartache to their
families, so now I needed to literally experience “heartache and
a broken-heart.”
I pondered
this for a few days, and then I asked about saying a Living Prayer for
those families. For those of you who have read my book, or these articles
I’ve been writing for some time, you know that you REQUEST Benevolent
Outcomes for specific events for you personally, and in a Living Prayer
you ASK for something benevolent for other people. The requests for
Benevolent Outcomes are handled by your Guardian Angel and the Living
Prayers are handled by a completely different set of Angels that act
INSTANTANEOUSLY on these prayers. I was told that yes I could say a
Living Prayer for these families and that it would have “long
term benefits to” me. More about this later. So here is the Living
Prayer that I said:
I ask
that any and all beings come to the aid and comfort of the families
of the people that I have slain in a past life.
as I said this Living Prayer each morning over the next several days,
this did not seem sufficient. I felt it was lacking something. So then
I was “inspired” to add to this. Here is what I changed
and added:
I ask
that any and all beings come to the aid and comfort of all those that
I have harmed either physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually
in any past, present or future life, and that any and all beings come
to the aid and comfort of the families of those that I have harmed in
any past, present or future life.
I’ve been saying this prayer almost every day in the morning when
I say my daily affirmation that’s in the back of my book, or that
you can print out by going to my website listed next to my photo at
the end of this article and clicking on “Signs.”
then I began to wonder if I was saying this prayer too many times for
this to be effective, and asked this question in my meditation. This
is the answer I received, “No, you should continue, as you notice
that you do get a warm feeling from doing so, although you do not always
notice it. It is a feeling of love that is sent to you by those Angels
that handle your request and will bring aid and comfort to all those
people on a daily basis or as many times as you remember to say the
Living Prayer. It is something that as I said has long-term benefits
beyond what you might think or consider. It is a way of wiping out many
Karmic debts, because you are saying a prayer for all those people and
that is highly unusual for anyone to think of doing that in a present
life. And your plan to mention it in the next or a future article will
be highly beneficial to many people.”
this in mind, I was also told that coming up in 2007 during a storm
in the Gulf of Mexico a cruise ship would be struck a-mid-ships by another
ship (I saw an image of a tanker) and there would be a large loss of
life. Of course I asked about their radar, and was told it would not
be working at that time. The next question I asked-- were there any
particular karmic debts involved in this. I received this answer: “Yes,
they have all drowned another person in a previous life. Keep in mind
that these are debts that have accrued over centuries, not just in a
past recent life, but even in a life that chronologically might be a
couple of thousand years ago. They will be most happy from a soul level
to erase these debts, and so don’t grieve so much for them would
be my advice—revel in the fact that they are taking care of old
debts that they incurred.”
in the past couple of days I dreamed that I had piloted an American
Airlines turbo-prop type plane into a spiral and crashed it into a building
below. I pay close attention to this sort of dream these days. In my
book I mentioned that I’ve been recording my dreams everyday since
1979. Three of the examples I gave were during the two weeks prior to
911, when I dreamed of crashing a biplane (symbolic of two wings) into
a building, then a really weird dream of a tornado going across the
face of a building with a group of people sitting in a line together
floating right behind the tornado; and finally a Northwest Airlines
plane crashing into a field near Chicago—which I interpreted after
the fact to be symbolic of the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania.
I asked in my meditation about this dream and here is the answer I received,
“That was a prediction dream. There will be a crash of an airline
plane and it will be caused by terrorists. It will not necessarily be
an American Airlines company plane but perhaps an American jet or perhaps
a smaller plane. It will be done simply to bring fear of flying back
to the American public. Security will be tightened again for the near
future. The airlines will lose millions of dollars in the process.”
when I receive this type of message I like to go back and ask the same
thing again two or three times to make sure I was accurately receiving
the information. I have not had a chance to do this yet. But I did ask
what karma are the people who will die in the plane crash working off.
“The people that die there have all caused a violent death of
someone in a past life. This is their atonement for their past deeds.
So be happy for them and say a prayer for their families.”
I remind you again that when you fly, say the following:
I request
a Most Benevolent Outcome for my safety on this airplane from here to
(name of city). Thank you.
I have
always told people that if they are on a plane with me, they couldn’t
be safer. Remember, it’s the Radiant Effect I have written about
can also say a Living Prayer when you take a flight. Here is a suggestion:
I ask
that any and all beings insure my safety and all those on board this
flight from here to (name of city).
FDR said, “The only thing to fear is fear itself.” Empower
yourself by requesting Benevolent Outcomes and saying Living Prayers.
Have a Most Benevolent Year!