Key Terms
01 Human Origins
02 The Rise of Atlantis
03 Daily Life on Atlantis and Lemuria
04 Forms of Communication and Social Interactions
05 Science, Technology, and Health Care
06 The Government and the Military
07 Migration to Egypt
08 The Fall of Atlantis
09 Lemuria
10 Inner Earth
11 Evidence of the Lost Continents
About the Author
Theo, Gaia, and Antura
Theo, would you please compare the size of Atlantis to present-day Australia?
Atlantis was a little bit larger than Australia, about 10 percent.
Was the continent of Atlantis connected at any point to North America or Europe?
No. It was never connected to the coast of Europe, and it ran parallel to the coast of North America at its closest point, approximately 100 miles. The coast of Atlantis was irregularly shaped. North America as barely populated, and it was quite easy for the Atlanteans to have a settlement as far as Arkansas to mine crystals. Thanks to the crystal power, they were also able to travel long distances across both continents. The space between Atlantis and North America was a little wider until it almost joined near the tip of Florida.
Was Atlantis known as Atlan in the early days?
That’s correct. It only took on the more formal name, Atlantis, in later centuries.
Was there a clarion call across the universe to seed Atlantis?
No, not in the way the question was asked. Keep in mind that the spiritual leaders were informed that the Creator desired to commence the Earth experiment, so great work went into developing the perfect human to handle extreme temperatures among many, many attributes. Therefore, the clarion call, if you will, was to develop the Earth human. During this time, the planetary societies also learned the reasons for the experiment. Atlantis was just part of the equation. Lemuria was seeded along with other parts of the world. This was considered a grand design. Atlantis was larger than Australia and sat between North America and Europe.

Figure 2.1: Atlantis was larger than Australia and sat between North America and Europe.
Who seeded the Adam man and woman on Atlantis, Lemuria, and elsewhere?
It was a combination of off-world cultures who look very much like you. They each contributed DNA to the experiment so that your bodies would be hardy enough to survive being veiled and so that you could make your own way with no prior knowledge allowed to assist you. Each life was (and always has been) seemingly your first and only one so that only we guardian angels, as you call us, were allowed to assist you in any way.
Were the Atlanteans aware of how the ET scientists had seeded their continent, and were they aware that other continents had been seeded too?
They were aware, as there was much communication between the ETs and Atlanteans. They were much more aware of their history than you are today.
How long did the Atlantean people exist, for 57,000 years, more or less?
They were in existence a couple of thousand years or more before the meeting to rid the world of dinosaurs. Use 57,000, and keep in mind the colonies that were seeded there were small. But you might say they proliferated, as each generation doubled in size to well over 1 million people before the First Destruction [see chapter 8].
Did the Law of One and Sons of Belial exist that long ago?
No, the two factions were created several thousand years later. Bear in mind that survival was the primary goal of the people at that time, as they still had to contend with beasts roaming the continent.
How far did Atlantis progress before the First Destruction?
They had achieved a great deal during those several thousand years. Naturally, there were cities and states, villages and farms —all the typical progress you would expect over several thousand years.
Did they discover the use of crystals during that time?
Oh yes. It fueled, you might say, their development as they were able to power all of what you might imagine, including heating their homes and factories. It really spurred their development before the giant earthquakes and tsunamis of the First Destruction.
Edgar Cayce wrote that some Atlanteans lived for hundreds of years? 1
Yes, but that was more at the beginning of their occupation of this continent and the years lived slowly contracted as they became denser. This was really in the very early years of Atlantis, not when there was a large population. They lived extremely long lives at first in the early days, and their years gradually shortened, whereas your lives are gradually lengthening. In the early days, they would live several hundred — even a thousand — years, but that decreased over time. Still, they lived longer than you do today. They had the healing centers, so they did not have all the diseases you have today, nor did they have the Big Pharma, as you call them, to shove harmful drugs down their throats, causing more harm than good.
Was Atlantis in a third focus or higher?
No, it was in a third focus, almost the same as you are now. Of course, they failed to move on, as wars and animosity to those who were different or had different religious beliefs destroyed them.
Did the Atlanteans have red skin?
They were a red-skinned people, similar to the American Indian.
Were all the people the same race or different races on that continent?
Good question. The red-skinned race was prominent, but there was some mixing of races as others came to Atlantis in their travels or were brought there by the Atlanteans, both with and against their will.Soldiers would return with wives and children just as this occurs in your times. The Mediterranean people were also dark-haired and dark complected. The Atlanteans never conquered Scandinavia, although there was contact and commerce with them. There was not a race of blond-haired Atlanteans.
A.R.E. website, Text of Reading 1968-2 F 29,
Was Atlantis finally inhabited by migration of some sort, let’s say, from North America or even from the European side, or were people dropped there by ETs?
It was both. The people of Atlantis were red-skinned for a reason. They were connected to the red-skinned people who lived on the coast of North America, who subsequently perished, leaving no trace due to the tsunamis. Understand that these were simple farmers and hunter-gatherer types. It would take thousands of years of development before they became more sophisticated.
The American Indians are red skinned. Are they from Atlantis, or do they just have the same red skin as the Atlanteans?
As has been surmised and studied by your anthropologists, they came from Asia across the then-existing bridge and flowed down through North America. They were not part of the Atlantean survivors. Bear in mind that the Atlanteans commingled and basically disappeared with the people in the Yucatán and other parts of North America when Atlantis disappeared. This was thousands of years ago, and much combining was done during the years that followed.
Are they descendants of the Atlanteans, who over thousands of years reverted to primitive ways of living?
No, they were created by your ET ancestors, just as the Atlanteans were. They came across the bridge, but there were others established across the continent, as the land was fertile and would support a population. Yes, there were those Atlanteans who fled to the Americas but more to the south. The land along the coast was subject to tsunamis.
Were Goliath and giants connected to Atlantis regarding their stories?
No, at least not all of them. The Goliath giant was quite an abnormality during its time [thousands of years later]. He was well over 6' in height when most of the people at that time were only around the 5' mark due to their diets. So he obviously seemed to be a giant, and his masters fed him well. As far as giants in general, there were some on the continent of Atlantis in the early days of Atlantis, but they mostly died out during the first period of Atlantis.
Were Cro-Magnons living on the Atlantean continent?
Yes, some were, but very few, and they lived in the early days of inhabitation, not later.
What about Neanderthals?
No. They were created elsewhere.
Did the Atlanteans encounter the Neanderthals as they explored, since they seemed to be alive at the same time?
Yes and no. They were alive at the same time, but the Atlanteans left them alone in their explorations, as they were a more primitive native people and quite rough around the edges. They would just as soon try to murder and eat the Atlanteans, so they were left to their own devices.
Was there any interbreeding with the Homo sapiens?
Not too much. They were regarded as a food source.
Did Atlantis have mountains, and if so, were they high enough for snow?
Yes, there were mountains and streams just as there are on most continents. The mountains were high enough in some places to have snow. That led to the normal recreations associated with that type of environment. You must understand that the continent of Atlantis was much larger than, say, the islands of Japan, even though when the Second Destruction came about, large islands were the result as the continent started breaking up. Millions of lives were lost when the continent broke up into islands.
As the continent of Atlantis sat on top of the Atlantic Ridge, did they use steam for warmth and for other purposes, such as heating their caves?
Yes, there were hot springs in certain parts of the continent, but the only use of the springs and steam vents was to heat homes and baths. Therefore, it all depended on the location.
Who was the feathered serpent?
A mystical being in their folklore based on spaceships the people had seen.
Did the Atlanteans ever have a shift as we did in 2012?
No, they actually sank deeper into the third dimension, but that was the plan. Remember, they started out almost nonphysical, and then they had lives during which they adjusted to the third focus.
Theo, in past communications you have told me that I had lived 100 to 200 lives on the continent of Atlantis. Can you be more specific with the number, and over what time span were these lives?
Ah, an interesting time of growth for you. Let’s see if you can receive this number — 187 is pretty close. The time span was over 50,000 years, so they were not bunched up, as you say “one after another.”
Did I have a life on Atlantis earlier than, say, 60,000 BC?
Yes, a little earlier, not much.
Were the majority of my lives during the past 50,000 years of its existence?
Yes. The earlier lives were for you to get the feel of the land and its potential. This continent, as you can imagine, grew from a fertile, unused land to one with tribes and such, and then to one that was scientifically on par with your lives today. That’s why they gained such advances in science and the arts and all phases of life, as they had many, many generations to progress, just as people have progressed greatly in the past 2,000 years in your modern age. They used crystals to power everything that you have still not discovered. On a subconscious level, you have tried to stay away from the use of large crystals, as subliminally you remember what a catastrophe that use brought on.
What appearance did I have in that early life on Atlantis? Was I short, stocky, hairy, or what?
You were short in stature, just as the others, as they used a machine to construct the bodies. You had a lot of body hair, and your ET creators felt this was needed to keep you warm. Over time, this was modified and people started to project different appearances.
Did the body types of the Atlanteans change in each epoch? If so, what was their appearance?
They remained fairly consistent in their appearance over those thousands of years and epochs, as you call them. They were a red-skinned people of average to shorter height, and they had the same brain capacity as you do today. There were slim Atlanteans and those who were very fit, as they had their games. It was understood that a body needed exercise, so many people walked, although as they progressed, it is like today — less walking and more riding. Because there were wars between the two sides, the soldiers were quite fit too. There was little to no obesity unless there was something wrong with their health. If so, people went to the healing centers, which used crystal lights, and they were much more successful at treating people than today’s drugs.
What was the average height of the Atlantean men and women?
They were a little shorter than today. The men were about 5'6" to 5'8" on average, and the women were more in the range of 4'11" to 5'2".
• • •
Gaia, what dinosaurs were around when ensouled humans and Homo sapiens started to appear?
There were quite a few of these beasts present on Earth when the first ensouled humanoids appeared. There was just about every variety known. They were not killed off by any outside force, meaning a meteorite — as has been suggested by scientists. So not only were they around during the time of the first ensoulments, but they were also around when modern humans were well established.hey had to contend with many of these species. Some were harmless plant eaters, as has been deduced by your scientists, and some were meat eaters and fierce competitors for food who preyed on the humans themselves. They were wiped out by events that took place, but I will let them work on that mystery for a while longer. They would feel cheated if I just gave the answer. That’s part of your learning process, which will serve you well when you go out to the stars.
Was the Atlantean continent free of dinosaurs?
They were so well advanced that the beasts had no room to forage and died off there long before the end of Atlantis. But on other continents with much fewer people, they ranged and hunted at will. You might compare it to the tigers, which roamed India, and the villagers were part of the prey. Therefore, they had to be sharp-minded to survive. It was the same dealing with the large, voracious dinosaurs.
When did dinosaurs roam the continent of Atlantis?
They roamed Atlantis well before the First Destruction. When you have a continent inhabited for over 50,000 years, you will have this problem. So this happened fairly early in their timeline and was resolved after the Atlanteans advanced to crystal power.
Did I ever run across dinosaurs during any of my lives on Atlantis?
You did in the early days of your first lives on the continent; they still existed. You even died a couple times from your run-ins with these creatures, so you had a very healthy respect for them in the lives in which you existed at the same time. Of course, these early lives there served as your basic boot camp, to use a military saying. You were one of the first souls to have lives there, so it was a pretty rugged, basic existence.
Did people hunt them?
Yes, you and others were very quick to catch on to how to trap them and kill them. Even then, people were lost. The plant eaters were no match for you, but the carnivores, as has been depicted in your movies, were a handful. Naturally there were people who had experienced this firsthand in their past lives and drew subconsciously on their experiences to write books and movies.
How were dinosaurs still roaming the continent of Atlantis 60,000 years ago, or am I somehow off on my times as they supposedly died out hundreds of thousands of years ago?
No, you are not off, as these large fellows disappeared from many regions of the world but not all. Atlantis was not the only place they continued to roam. Dinosaurs were decimated several times in history, but they would come back and flourish again, depending on the area and how dense the foliage was for not only eating but also hiding from the carnivores. Your archaeologists have yet to stumble on these leftover remnants of their existence, but they will in time.So they existed at the time Atlantis was populated with humans, and the humans, including you, had to deal with them — not always successfully. That’s another Earth experience, the one on the bucket list that says you must deal with wild animals.
Wasn’t Atlantis, at least part of it, in a colder climate, sitting up on a latitude equal to that of Newfoundland today?
Yes. They had a wide range of temperatures, as the continent extended all the way down to what is now the Bahamas today.
Wouldn’t the dinosaurs have kept to the warmer climate?
No,not all, as they ranged up and down — at least some of the species. Then you had other large animals, so they had their hands full for a long time.
What types of dinosaurs were there during that first life?
Many you’re familiar with, and there are still species of dinosaurs your archaeologists have not yet discovered. Just look at the sixty-five-ton behemoth they recently unearthed. There are plenty more where that one came from.
You said it was not just an asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. Was there a comet that also led to their demise, or what series of events doomed them?
No, I realize there is speculation regarding a comet in the distant past, and certainly a couple have come closer to Earth than the ones seen in your modern history, but there was not one so close as to cause the demise of dinosaurs or other living beings. With that said, there are some specific events that led to their demise:
Humanity was involved, as there were a couple of societies that had the power to kill the dinosaurs, and contrary to public opinion, there was a fairly large population of people during those times not only on Atlantis but in other societies as well. Some banded together to kill these creatures, as there were people frequently killed by the voracious flesh eaters.
An asteroid caused the climate to change for a time.
There was a pole shift that caused many of these creatures to die. I have natural cycles, and the shift in poles wiped out a number ofdinosaurs.
There was a great change in the weather in which it became intolerable for the creatures to continue to exist in their natural habitats. They were unable to escape when there was no food for them.
As posited by the Alvarezes, the mass extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by an asteroid impact on the Yucatán Peninsula (
So, you see, there were a series of events — not just one as has been speculated by your scientists. The Pleiadians will bring up this bit of history for you when they arrive. The history lesson will include actual videos of the wide variety of dinosaurs living on Earth.
• • •
Theo, what shape would you say Lemuria was?
Somewhat like a small potato, but that does not accurately describe the shape. The shape is difficult to describe.
How close was Lemuria to present-day Japan?
Quite close, as of course you’ve seen photos of the underwater ruins off the coast of Japan.
Was Japan part of Lemuria?
Yes, part of it was but not all.
Was its eastern edge to the west of what is now the Hawaiian Islands?
Yes, but not by much.

Figure 2.2: Lemuria, shaped like a potato, was quite close to what is now Japan.
Gaia,was the shape of Lemuria more like Australia, or did it have a decreasing tail as did Atlantis?
Lemuria, shaped like a potato, was quite close to what is now Japan. It had a decreasing tail, but just a little different from that of Atlantis. It did not extend down as far as the landmass of Atlantis did before the Second Destruction. It was approximately 10 to 12 percent larger than Australia is today. The islands were connected to the countries they were closest to. At that time the islands were mostly inhabited by the people indigenous to the land. They were left pretty much on their own.
Was it more in the center of the continent and not to one side?
Yes, more centered. It was much shorter than the tails of any of the other continents, including the tail of Atlantis.
Was Lemuria one big continent? Was it connected at one time to the northern or southern part of Japan, and is there any portion of Japan still above the ocean that was connected?
Yes, but as with all continents, it had a few islands close by. These islands were not part of the continent and are not generally included in a discussion of Lemuria. It was connected in more than one place, but those points went underwater when the continent of Atlantis sank. Still toward the southern end of Japan, those ruins of a coastal fortification of Lemuria are underwater. This was so early in their development that the Lemurians had plenty of land and had no desire to migrate there. They considered the people living in Japan primitive at that time. The Lemurians were a kind and gentle people for thousands of years.
But the Japanese islands were quite large. I’m surprised that more people from Lemuria did not inhabit the area.
Yes, but that’s the way it was. It was not until the end that people escaped to Japan and to what is now China. Japan was looked at as backward.
Hawaii is or is not a remnant of Lemuria?
No, it is not. It was a large island, not far from the shores of Lemuria, that shrank in size to multiple islands when the seas rose over 150 feet as Lemuria sank. It was visited many times by the Lemurians, a quiet haven away from the strife.
What about Tahiti? Was it part of Lemuria?
No, it was not. It was too far to the south. Remember that there was much more land before the ocean rose. The people inhabiting it were mostly obliterated when the tsunamis rolled through. They were much too close to the Lemurian continent and, like Hawaii, bore the brunt of the tidal waves.
So the tail of the continent did not extend down that far?
No, it did not.
Where did the Tahitians come from?
They were the survivors of the tsunamis, just not many who inhabited the islands. Only those who lived or were higher up when Lemuria sank survived.
Did both Atlantis and Lemuria have four seasons?
Atlantis did farther north. As you recall, you were told that the tail of the continent extended down to what is now the Bahamas. That section of the continent, before the Second Destruction, experienced almost no winter, just rain and cooler temperatures. But to the north, they had all four seasons. Lemuria was slightly different. Its tail experienced the flow of what would have been hurricanes, but they were knocked down to just heavy rain by Lemurian technology. The northern section experienced all four seasons.
• • •
Antura, did Earth have two moons back in the days of Atlantis, or was this before Atlantis was populated and really existed as a society?
Yes, there were two moons in the days of Atlantis, and one of them exploded, which was caused by a scientific experiment gone awry. Needless to say, that soul took on quite a bit of karma that is taking thousands of years to balance.
What was the period when it was destroyed? Was it 1,000 or more years before the Second Destruction?
It was more — about 2,000 years before the Second Destruction.
So 30,000 years ago, more or less?
It was about 31,000 years ago.
Was it the Law of One scientists or the Sons of Belial scientists who destroyed it, or were both working together at that time?
No, it was the Sons of Belial who made the mistake and blew up the satellite. It caused great strife between the two, as you can imagine. People all over the continent were heartbroken at the loss of the satellite and also how it affected all the power grids at that time. They had to establish many more relays, which were called “posers,” to fill in the gaps of energy that were lost.
Then the second moon was a satellite, not an actual planetary-type body?
Yes, it was a satellite.
Therefore, it acted as some sort of power relay?
The satellite was put up by the Atlanteans to act as a power grid or source. It reflected energy to ground stations, which had very sophisticated ways of converting the energy to power.
Why wouldn’t we still see fragments of this satellite today?
Most fragments were slowly drawn into Earth’s orbit and burned up, and others went far out into space.
Did the Atlanteans or ETs design it?
It was designed with a lot of help from the ETs.
Did the Arcturians assist in its construction, and if so, why?
Yes, they assisted the Atlanteans, as the benefits were deemed benevolent at that time. The Arcturians had no idea how the Atlanteans and especially the Aryans would mess things up. They were mortified.
How was it launched — by the ETs or some vehicle or giant cystals?
It had to be carried aloft using what you would call a strong tractor beam from a mothership.
Was it five miles in diameter?
Almost exactly five miles in diameter, and it reflected light quite well, which was why it was easy to see in the night sky. And it was in a low orbit too, which made it look larger than it actually was.
Did I have a life during the time the moon crashed?
Yes, of course you did. You would not have wanted to miss that time.
Was I living a life as a Law of One person or a Son of Belial?
It was the latter. You had a balancing life at that time and were one of the bad guys. You were an influence then, but you did not cause the satellite to crash. You helped move the people along who directly caused it.
Antura, how close was the Atlantean moon’s orbit to Earth?
It was not as close as, say, our ship is that is taking constant measurements, [fifty miles above Earth]. But it was much, much closer to Earth than, say, your Moon, which is why a five-mile wide structure would appear quite bright in the evening sky at that time. The idea of its orbit being around the same height as your international space station would be about right within a few miles. As the space station is visible to the naked eye and is only a few hundred feet long, you can imagine how a large structure with a reflective surface would appear. Therefore, it was high enough in the sky to not be dragged down by Earth’s gravity, but not too far, so it appeared quite large to the naked eye.
Was it metal, crystal, or ET elements?
No, the elements were all Earth metals, but it had a crystalline surface, which as noted made the second moon quite visible and bright.
Would the Atlantean artificial satellite moon have appeared brighter than Earth’s Moon?
It appeared slightly less bright than Earth’s Moon. As you know, when Earth’s Moon appears over the horizon at night, it can seem immense, whereas the Atlantean satellite moon remained in the sky in one position day and night. It was necessary to remain perfectly stationary so that all the energy could be focused and reflected from one spot. There was no need for it to encircle Earth as your Moon does.
Did the pyramids feed off it, did the satellite feed off the pyramids, or was there no connection between the pyramids and the satellite moon?
There was a natural connection, but it served more as a transponder of energy from the crystals back to the surface to run many machines, certainly flying machines.
• • •
Theo, was the island of Poseidia located at the same latitude as Newfoundland, or was it located near the Bahamas?
No, it was near the north. The tail of Atlantis slowly narrowed down toward what is now known as the Bahamas. Therefore, the largest portion left of Atlantis after the Second Destruction [more in chapter 8] was in the north, Poseidia. It also had the largest population. Poseidia, Aryan, and the four smaller islands below them were the portion of Atlantis that was left after the Second Destruction.

Figure 2.3: Poseidia, Aryan, and the four smaller islands below them were the portion of Atlantis that was left after the Second Destruction.
Was the shape of Poseidia long and slender like Cuba, or was it round?
It was round in shape.
Was the cluster of islands, including the Atlantean island Aryan, on the same latitude of, say, where New York is today?
It was located a little below that, more on the level of Washington DC and a little farther to the south.
I had envisioned them being a little more to the north.
That was their approximate location for your purposes. Keep in mind that the Atlantean continent originally extended all the way down to the Bahamas. After the Second Destruction, only the three islands remained near Poseidia and the other five islands were closer to the middle, you might say.
Was the population of Poseidia (the size of Cuba) under 15 million or over?
The population was slightly over 15 million at its peak.
Why were there not any other islands under the control of the Law of One?
Because they were driven from their homes to find refuge on Poseidia over a number of years. At one time, they coexisted, but just as you see in the Middle East today, one religion pushes the other out. This is a problem you will solve one day. It is a carryover from the Atlantean days that was not solved then, so you must now solve it, and you will. This is similar to soul contracts in which when you do not solve a challenge in one life, it will keep coming back until you do.
Were the ruins found in the marshlands of Spain the same size or a miniature version?
As you guessed, it was much smaller. There were fewer people who lived there, so the appearance would have been similar but not the same size, more on a scale of one-quarter the size of the original. Naturally, that one was flooded with the sinking of Lemuria.
Were the islands below Poseidia longer in shape or round in appearance?
Those islands were a mixture. Remember that these islands were what was left of the continent, and they would have a more rugged appearance than, say, a Caribbean island today.
Was Aryan more or less than 30,000 square miles?
Less than 32,000 square miles.
Is there an island today it would compare to?
Yes, check the Caribbean islands. Hispaniola [home of the Dominican Republic and Haiti] in the Caribbean is the closest in size at 29,530 square miles.
What are your comments about mapmakers or those who study maps offering the opinion that the former continents could have fit together with nothing in the middle?
Atlantis and Lemuria existed, and both took up space. The mapmakers basically tried to put together a puzzle without two of the pieces.
Please name the islands left over in the present that were originally part of Atlantis?
The Bahama Islands were remnants of the Atlantean continent. They remained afloat, and there are traces of the civilization buried beneath the sands of the islands. The tsunamis created by the sinking wiped out much of what existed there before. The Florida Keys were in existence at that time but not really attached.
Then Key West, Florida, was not originally part of the Atlantean continent?
Parts of it were, the very edges of the continent.
I thought the islands were located in the west.
No, if you look at a map, they string out from the east. They were not so much part of the continent as located nearby, so the Atlanteans inhabited them. Dig deep enough on those islands, and you’ll find remnants.
What about Bermuda and the Canary Islands?
Certainly, they were remnants.
Were the islands off the New Hampshire and Maine coasts also remnants?
Definitely, as all of these were remnants even before the final sinking of the islands left from the Second Disaster, when much of the continent broke apart. Naturally, when it happened, they were almost wiped clean by the resulting tsunamis, so it took a few thousand years for them to come back. But they hold the old Atlantean energy signature, which people visiting those islands notice to be different. There are ruins deep beneath the surface that will be found someday.
So Poseidia was the largest island, not Aryan, and it had the largest population?
That is absolutely correct.
Did Poseidia have, or was it large enough to have, mountains, lakes, and streams?
Yes, the island was home to several million people, so there were your typical farms, and it had mountains, lakes, and streams. The people of this island could have resided there for thousands of years, but their leaders were just as corrupt as those who ruled the smaller islands that made up or were controlled by the Sons of Belial. Those leaders caused the Third — and final — Destruction.
Was there an actual City of the Golden Gates in Poseidia?
Yes, it was a beautiful city at one time, and it had a large port entrance.
I assume it was initially formed after the Second Destruction?
You’re correct there. As you remember, the seas rose when the major part of the continent sank, so all the ports in the world were wiped out by the rising water and the tsunamis, and new ports were formed.
Plato described Atlantis as a city of concentric circles with moats and canals. Was he describing the City of the Golden Gates or all of Atlantis?
He was limited in his comprehension and understandably so. The City of the Golden Gates was just part of Poseidia. This lasted for several thousand years before the Final Destruction.
Was the City of the golden gates the capital or just a port city?
It was the major city for the island. It would be like a combination of New York and Washington, DC. It was important as a commercial center and also a seat of power.
Were there actual golden gates, or why was the city named that?
Yes, there were magnificent golden statues and such that were quite impressive to anyone entering the harbor. It was a showcase.
How tall were the Golden Gate City’s statues at the entrance to the rings?
They were enormous for that period, about 45 feet high. They were quite imposing.
Were the statues men or some mythical animal?
Good question. They stood vertically, not on four legs, more warrior-like in appearance.
Were they gold colored?
Yes, they were. They were not made of gold, but gold plated, so they shone with lights on them at night. Very impressive!
Did Poseidia’s Golden Gate City face the south?
Yes, it did. The depictions of the city were fairly accurate as to the shape. The size is another matter, as some depictions are closer than others.
How large was the portion of the city that was divided into concentric rings? Was it over, let’s say, five square miles?
Easily. It was quite large. This was a massive project when it was built.
• • •
Gaia, please confirm how large the Golden Gate City was, as my understanding of square miles might leave something to be desired.Was it as large as, say, Manhattan, or smaller?
Just a little larger, not by much. There were concentric rings [as shown in figure 2.4]. So the length was shorter and wider, shall we say.
Were there offices and government buildings located on the concentric rings, or did people live there too?
There was apartment-type housing. Several thousand people lived and worked on the concentric rings.
Across from the outer ring, were there buildings and housing on the other side?
Yes, but as you can imagine, that housing was more for the workers, and they would have to take ferries to work each day, sometimes three if they worked in the center rings. It was quite a commute in those days. But just as today in a place such as Manhattan, it was much more expensive to live there. So there were a lot of commuters on trains. There were also a number of farms on the main part across from the islands. Just as today, it was not as hectic as being in the city.
Am I correct in thinking that the buildings were much shorter than today’s buildings?
Yes, there were fewer people, so most of the buildings were no higher than eight to ten stories.
Was the city constructed — the waterways — using crystal power?
Exactly. The crystal rays allowed construction to proceed at a rapid rate. They had an earthen dam across the sea entrance as they excavated the canals.
Was the innermost ring elevated on a hill, or was it flat?
It was a little elevated, but then the tallest buildings were also on the inner ring, so this ring seemed elevated above the others.
Were there any bridges between the rings?
No, each was separate. They had ferries to shuttle people to and from each island.
Were the rings too far apart, or were bridges just not developed yet?
No, it was more a choice of design. They felt bridges were not aesthetically beautiful, shall we say. And you could say this gave them some protection from anyone trying to conquer or invade. They did not count on the rings being destroyed by crystal ray guns. No one could imagine anyone being so heartless.
Were the distances between the rings from 607 feet to 1,820 feet?
You are quite close on your figures. Naturally, the largest distance was between the outermost ring and the rest of the island. Between the second and third rings, the distance was halfway between your numbers, about 1,214 feet, and was close to the actual distance between the first and third rings.

Figure 2.4: Depiction of the lost continent of Atlantis.
Was the population of the Golden Gate City over 1 million?
Yes, about 3 million, which was quite large in those days.
So the population was not over 3 million?
No, that was the maximum size the concentric rings could handle, which was fairly densely populated, and the wealthy had individual residences on the rings slightly similar to the luxury residences along the waterways of Miami, just not as opulent.
Gaia, were any of the islands of Atlantis close enough to each other to have bridges connecting them?
No, several of the islands were controlled by the Sons of Belial, but they were not so close as to have bridges spanning them. They used what would be the equivalent of ferries to move people back and forth, and the military used aircraft.
So were Aryan and the other four islands approximately 350 to 400 miles to the south of Poseidia?
You’re correct. It was slightly less than 400 miles to the south. That places the five islands on about the same latitude as Washington, DC.
Was Aryan the northernmost island in the group of five?
Yes, it was. Your vision of the island and the others in the cluster is pretty close to how they appeared.
How many people lived in the largest city of Aryan, and was it a port too?
Yes, it was a port city with a population of a little over 2 million people.
I visualized Aryan with a semi-circle of the other four islands below it. I take it that it was not as dramatic in appearance as the Golden Gate City?
It had an elaborate city center, but they did not dig canals around it, as the Law of One people did for their city. It was a little more garish. It had the appearance of many port cities in the world today but with smaller buildings.
What did the Sons of Belial look like?
They were all red skinned. The Aryan tribesmen were located in northern Europe.
But how did both have the same name?
They were named by the Atlantean explorers who encountered them. They noted their hardiness and ability to fight.
What was the population of the largest island for the Sons of Belial — Aryan, I understand?
Yes, it was several million but certainly less than Poseidia.
Was it more than 5 million?
Yes, they were more densely populated, so their numbers rose to 9 million.
What was the size of this island? Was it two-thirds the size of Poseidia?
It was slightly less but not by much.
Would it have been the size of, say, Hispaniola?
Poseidia’s approximate size was 43,000 to 44,000 square miles. It is very close to two-thirds the size of Poseidia.
What about the populations of the smaller islands?
They totaled another 5 million between them.
Was there a time on Earth when humans experienced the forty days and forty nights of rain?
Yes, there was a time in your history — much further back than the biblical references indicate — when the weather patterns were disrupted and there were deluges of rain and snow. These stories were passed down through hundreds and then thousands of years and adopted, you could say, by each society and their religions.
So the story of Noah and his Ark did not take place in the past few thousand years?
It happened years before and for a different reason. Keep in mind the great tsunamis caused by the sinking of Atlantis. Millions of people lost their lives. Only those who, fortunately, lived away from the coast — and few did — were able to survive. Noah was guided to build a boat, which saved him and his family plus a number of animals.
Was Noah caught up in the Second Destruction or the Third Destruction?
It was the Third Destruction. The weather became quite unstable, and the tsunamis caused great destruction to the Mediterranean area where Noah lived with his family.
Was it the eastern part of the Mediterranean?
Yes, that’s where he and his family lived.
Did he and his family live in what is now Turkey?
We would prefer allowing that to remain a little mystery, as there are a number of religions with their own beliefs who have their own story of Noah. A little mystery should remain.
To clarify, did the story of Noah originate with the Atlantean Third Destruction or Lemuria’s sinking 5,000 years later?
This might be a little confusing, but the story of Noah actually originated during, or shortly after, the Third Destruction. When the islands sank, it caused the weather patterns to become unstable for a time, and there were those forty days and nights of rain, plus the rise in the ocean level of forty feet. The Atlanteans’ use of ray guns during their fighting caused the atmosphere to become unstable, and then came the wall of water rising over forty feet, covering coastal lands where millions of people lived at that time. Noah was advised of this before it came and built the boat for his family and livestock and other animals. So the story of Noah is quite ancient — much more so than people realize — which is why even you had trouble understanding when it occurred.
That puts the story of Noah at around 12,500 years ago. To use a saying in the film business, “That story has legs!” Was Noah’s boat already floating when the rapid forty-foot rise in the ocean level occurred, or did it float with the arrival of the forty-foot increase?
Noah’s boat was built in a low-lying area that flooded from the torrential float when the islands sank and raised the ocean level over the course of just a few days. The water level did not rise all at once, but as each island was destroyed, it caused the ocean level to rise a few feet more.
When the Third Destruction occurred, did the water pouring through what is now the Straits of Gibraltar force the water to rise higher initially and then settle back to forty feet?
No, I understand how it might seem to do that with the tsunamis, but there was only the exceptional rise as the waves of water flooded into the Mediterranean basin while the islands sank. Beyond that, there was no appreciable rise of, let’s say, twenty or thirty feet. It was strictly the tsunamis that came crashing through that accompanied the rise in sea level.
The Hindu religion has a story about a man, a boat, and animals quite similar to the story of Noah but by a different name. Was there a second person like Noah, or was this the same person? Therefore, should I expand the area in which he lived?
No need to widen the area. The story traveled to India via trade routes as people recounted the story of Noah around their campfires. India, don’t forget, had its share of coastal flooding as several million people drowned when the continent of Atlantis sank. The waters rose again another forty feet when the islands sank. Therefore, the story of a man surviving with his family and even with animals would have been one of those stories that would travel far and wide. So, yes, it was the story of Noah, with his name lost or changed for Indian tastes. There was not another person who did thesame thing.
How many members of his family sailed with him?
He sailed with his two sons and daughters and their families, along with his wife.
Didn’t Noah have a son who was not married until after the Ark landed?
Yes, he had one son who was not married when they floated away. He was the youngest and still had not chosen a wife. It would be a while before he found a girl who survived the floods.
What animals did he take, and were any different from today?
Here the story was embellished over the centuries. He took a number of animals with him but they were domesticated animals, not the wild ones attributed to him, Don’t forget that the Noah story says the entire Earth was inundated, so all the animals had to be added in to make the story believable. Therefore, he had herds of animals both he and his extended family owned in the boat with them. There were also bird estuaries on board.
I assume they brought extensive food provisions on board for their family and for all the animals?
That’s true. He was advised in his dreams and communications that they would need to survive some time on board the boat.
Did he have any weapons on board the boat?
They were mostly just farm tools. He was a simple farmer who was given divine inspiration and messages to build the boat. The stories of Noah and his family being ridiculed are fairly accurate. His neighbors called him the equivalent of “Crazy Noah.” They all perished in the tsunamis.
When the floods came to the low-lying area, you said his boat was lifted up, but wasn’t it already afloat from the rapid rise in sea level?
That’s correct. It was difficult for the people who passed down this story to understand there was this rise in sea level accompanied by a change in atmospheric conditions forming huge storms — hurricanes, if you can visualize that swept across the Mediterranean with a deluge that carried Noah and his boat along.
How large was the area flooded by the rains of forty days and forty nights? Did the waters recede, or did they remain for some time?
The area flooded was fairly wide, as the rains were preceded by a rise in the sea levels over a period of days while each island sank into the ocean. Thus, you first had the tsunamis and rise in the sea levels and then the rains came. We are speaking about the Mediterranean now and not some other place, as the storms flowed from west to east. The torrential rains brought as much as one foot to two feet more, and the swollen rivers and streams overflowed and flooded the farmlands and such so that they were under an extra ten to twenty feet of water. Anyone in these areas — as I said, most lived by some water source — was swept away in the floods. Noah’s Ark was able to withstand the winds and rain for several weeks.< Afterward, it took weeks for the waters to recede. The waters on the coast stayed at that higher level. So to summarize, the flooding lasted for several weeks after the rains had ceased.
The story goes that his Ark eventually settled on Mount Ararat in Turkey. Is that correct?
That’s true. But all traces of the boat have disappeared.
Did the Ark land on top or lower?
It landed on a lower elevation of Mount Ararat. Landing on top was an exaggeration of the people who passed along the story.
Were there any people left alive in that area?
Yes, there were survivors in that region, as certainly there had been people who survived the storms who lived away from the coasts that were able to take shelter. Only those with sufficient supplies were able to withstand the storms that were constant until the atmospheric conditions improved. That’s where the story somewhat breaks down, as they could not understand how the families proliferated and grew. It simply was because many people who lived away from the coast on farms and in villages at higher elevations were able to survive, but all those along the coasts perished.
So after landing the boat, they set out to reestablish themselves with farms again?
Yes, the population was quite sparse, so there was plenty of land with streams and such for their crops.
Theo, did the people of Atlantis, Lemuria, and Oz have first, middle, and last names like we do in the West?
No, names were quite different in that time.
Could they be compared to anything today?
Yes, but there was a wide variety of names depending on which continent you were on.
Let’s take Atlantis first.
Yes, they used lengthy names, with the family name first and then the given names.
Slightly the same, but with variations, as their names would be somewhat compared to, let’s say, Japanese and Chinese names.
The name structure they use today dates back to their beginning, and there was a wide variety of names, as the continent was so large. This would apply to Lemuria too, as there were different countries on the same continent that differed greatly from each other.
Were men and women considered equals?
No, not even then, as women were subjugated depending on the belief sys-tem they chose. You have come a long way in the equality of women in this time, further than the Atlanteans ever achieved. There were women in temples who performed many jobs, but the power remained with the men, who did a terrible job — as you can imagine. They eventually caused the complete destruction of what was left of their continent.
Did most women buy their food for their families at stores and shops, or was it more prev-alent to use the open-air markets?
This varied from society to society and time to time. But as a general rule, women went to the open-air markets, which contained not only fresh fruits and vegetables but also all types of meat and fish. They enjoyed getting out and shopping and meeting their friends at these markets. It was a social time. In the cities, there were more shops, such as butcher shops, and stores that specialized in specific foods.
Did the Atlantean and Lemurian women crochet, knit, and sew?
Oh yes, these skills are quite ancient, dating back to the days when the Adam models were first introduced. These people had memories of where they came from. They had to wear certain types of garments in the colder weather, so they were instructed on putting skins together. Then, over thousands of years as they learned about yarn and so on, they learned how to join them together. They had great artisans in these techniques, just as you have today. were learned, they were retained on a soul level and used in more modern times or were passed down through generations. It was just not recorded because men did not think such things were important enough to write about; it was wom-en’s work.
Did most people purchase their own clothes, or did they make them?
It all depended on economic status. The women were quite proficient in making clothes for their families. If they could afford it (and this was a certain status symbol), they bought the clothes at stores and shops instead of purchas-ing the material to make them.
Did women use laundromats, have washers and dryers, or wash by hand?
They used all of the above. It all depended on their economic status. Their washers and dryers were not as developed as today’s. You might compare them to the earlier days in your time when the washers used rollers and people hung their clothes out to dry. They had free energy, but they were less concerned in the male-dominated society of trying to make things easier on women. The Atlantean society was especially chauvinistic while the Lemurian countries were a little less so for several thousand years, until they deteriorated as they approached those end years of wars. Still, the women of Lemuria were like their counterparts, the Atlanteans, in not having inventions that were more modern to assist them in their housework.
Did women write, paint, and sculpt at home?
Some did if that was their interest. They were quite busy going shopping for the night’s supper, as they enjoyed fresh vegetables and meats. Their refrig-erators were not up to your modern standards, so you could compare markets to the many open-air stands of today’s in Europe and Asia. They were also responsible for getting the children off to school and looking after them when they returned. A woman’s work is never done, you see. Still, if the desire was there they would find time to enjoy creative pursuits.
Was marriage universal? If so, was it generally a monogamous relationship, or were there polygamists?
There were both, depending on the age. Monogamy was the prevalent form of marriage, but there were polygamists. They had fewer laws, so a man could have multiple wives should he choose.
How were the Atlantean families structured? Did they marry?
Yes, they had family-structured units just as you do today. Their marriage ceremonies were quite different, depending on their beliefs at that time.
How did they select their mates?
It was similar to today in that respect. The men and women could socialize together at their temples and schools. Naturally, there were matchmakers even during Atlantean times.
Did they tend to marry early or later in life?
They married fairly early, typically in their teens. It depended on the beliefs, which of course changed over thousands of years. Still they married, on aver-age, at a younger age, especially in the latter years of the civilization, as there were wars and constant conflicts between religious factions (Atlantis) or coun-tries (Lemuria). When you look at your World War II, you see many young men and women married seemingly impulsively. But of course, those were soul contracts for brief unions if the young men did not come back from the war.
But you said their life expectancy was greater than ours today?
Yes, so they would change mates occasionally. It was unusual for mates to stay together throughout their whole lives.
I assume Lemuria had marriage ceremonies of some sort?
Of course they did. They were elaborate affairs if the families could afford it. The marriage celebration is an ancient tradition dating back before Lemuria and Atlantis existed.
What were the average ages of the couple who married?
The couples were quite young, similar to that in Asian countries today.
Were there arranged marriages as there still are today?
Yes, this was an ancient tradition that lived on long after Lemuria sank. This was the norm, but there were different beliefs even then, so there were those who married out of love.
Family Structure and Responsibility
Were their families generally large or small?
Small. They did not believe in having as many children as a body could produce. Therefore, their population never exploded as yours has. Consider that they existed for 60,000 years (the population certainly shrank with each destruction), but the population never would have reached the density your population has in such a short time. Each family would have one to (at most) three children, not more. Rarely would the family be larger than two, and that would be because of twins.
Did both societies have birth control?
Yes, both had learned how to control births.
Did the Atlanteans and Lemurians have abortions?
Yes, again, according to belief systems. But these were much more rare, and it was done more for health reasons than for lack of wanting a child. Their birth control methods were much better. They had methods of not fertilizing the eggs until a woman wished to have children.
In Atlantis and Lemuria, were children raised mostly by the parents or by the community?
There were many different methods of raising children over the 50,000-year period of time each was in existence. But the prevalent method of raising children then (as it is now) was by the parents, but like today, extended families stepped in when a parent or both parents died. The children, though, on aver-age, left home a little earlier, and their schooling was shorter. Plus they tended to marry younger.
As there were fewer distractions during those times for both societies, I would assume that families had more time to spend together?
Affirmative. Things were not as rushed as they are today. Children did not have computers, smartphones, and video games to occupy their time as they do today. Evenings were spent eating a nice, relaxing dinner, telling stories, play-ing various games, or taking walks around the parks and greeting friends and neighbors. Perhaps you could compare it to the early 1900s in the United States.
Did both the Atlanteans and Lemurians have gardens, or was this not possible because most lived in apartments?
Land was set aside for individual gardens, somewhat similar to those plots of land in the United Kingdom you’ve seen. There was plenty of land, so they were not so crammed together. They could adopt a plot of land even in the green spaces next to the apartments and grow flowers and such. For the most part, women did not work outside the home, so they could spend time on a garden each day during the warm months, depending on what section of the continent they lived in.
Were the Lemurian and Atlantean children spanked as part of their discipline?
Yes, it was one of several methods used. But children were not as hyper-active as they are today, because they ate healthier foods without the additives and heavy amounts of sugar that children consume today.
We have covered that people of Atlantis and Lemuria married more than once, so did they have divorces?
Not exactly the same as you, but yes, there was a way to separate. Bear in mind that men were much more in control in those days, similar in some ways to certain religions and sects today.
Was divorce, or separation, acceptable in both Lemuria and Atlantis, or were they different?
They had wide differences according to their beliefs. Some beliefs were like you have today, such as believing the union should last forever. Others were more liberal, and it was quite easy to end a marriage. Therefore, this cannot be answered with one or two responses, as there was such a divergence in beliefs. This changed and evolved over thousands of years.
What was the rate of divorce in each society?
This is a question almost impossible to answer due to the differences in beliefs and the passage of thousands of years. Overall, it was much less than today. People were not as stressed then. Life for thousands of years was much simpler than today. Yes, there were soul contracts to divorce, but if their beliefs forbade it, then it was mostly the women at that time who shouldered mental, verbal, and physical abuse. You are making great strides in this area during recent times. You have a long way to go, especially in your more restrictive societies, but we can see a slow but steady improvement.
Was there physical and sexual abuse during those times as there is now?
Yes, this has not changed, as soul contracts were at work here. If someone abused his or her mate or children in one life, it had to be balanced in another. Even now there is balance being made for some people who had lives back in Atlantis and Lemuria. Balancing can occur in any period.
I would think there is less balancing needed from the Lemurian lives, as you have said they lived very peacefully — in almost a utopia, it sounds — for thousands of years?
That’s true. Had they been able to maintain that balance, the continent of Lemuria would still be in existence today. This was a very slow but grad-ual deterioration in their relationships. It was not something that occurred overnight. You humans today are going in the opposite direction — from great con-flicts to smaller conflicts and eventually no conflicts, ultimately achieving the ability to honor all beliefs.
Did the Atlanteans have pensions for the older people?
The Atlanteans had a form of pensions up until things started going downhill.
Were these pensions from their governments?
That’s true. They could receive all the medical care they needed, and fami-lies would take care of most of the pensioners, we will call them.
Was it common for extended families to live together on either continent?
It was quite common, although a little more common (as you might guess) on Lemuria, but even the Atlanteans would not neglect their mothers and fathers. Lemurians were much more family oriented, as the elderly lived with their children, similar to what you see today in Asia. That way of life continues to this day. Most people lived in the equivalent of a basic condominium, where there was typically a room set aside for elderly parents.
Were there assisted living centers if for some reason they could not live with their children or the children were unable to care for their elderly relatives?
Yes, but this was rare, as most women then, on both continents, did not work unless their economic status demanded it. They had socialist govern-ments that provided housing for the elderly if needed.
But there was a smaller percentage of elderly parents who lived with their children?
Yes, there were many who lived with families, but for those who could not or would not, there were facilities somewhat similar to your retirement centers. Still, they were different and not as elaborate as many are today.
The Sons of Belial would not have lived similarly to the Lemurians?
No, there was a great difference over the ages, and it also depended on their economic status. Today you have a range of living styles according to your economic status. There are many people today who do not own a bed. They just sleep on the floor. It was the same back in those times. The majority of the Atlanteans had furniture while the majority of the Lemurians lived more casually.
Did dogs and cats originate in Atlantis or before?
Dogs and cats have been with you since your original Adam and Eve days. Their soul group created these beautiful creatures at the behest of the Creator, who knew the Explorer Race needed animal companions to assist you in a vari-ety of ways over hundreds of thousands of years. They were created as was the Adam and Eve model human. In fact, they preceded the Adam and Eve model human just a bit, so they were present when both Atlantis and Lemuria were seeded. Then it was up to the humans to domesticate them; as you can imagine, it is not always an easy process. They were looked at as a food source until the humans discovered their attributes.
Did they come from Sirius A or B?
Yes, they did. I’ll let that revelation be made by your ET cousins in the future.
Were there any other animals that either of these peoples kept as pets?
The dogs and cats were introduced to humans at a very early stage and were domesticated for different reasons — hunting and then taking care of “var-mints,” to use your terms here, in and around their homes, as they went from living in crude dwellings to longer lasting structures. There were people who kept exotic animals, just as you do now, but it was not common. Keep in mind that the Things sort of went under the category of pets. They were not looked at as humans, but people would grow attached to them. This especially came true after the Things were ensouled. Then there was action taken to correct these genetic failures.
Did the people on Atlantis mostly dress in tunics or robes, as we call them, or did the fash-ions evolve into modern types of clothing as we have today?
The people of Atlantis evolved from primitive loincloths and such through the stages of robes and tunics to modern wear, at least their concept of modernity. The priests and other officials continued to wear the fine robes and such in public appearances, but the rest of the population wore clothing more appropriate for work — loose fitting shirts and slacks for men and dresses for women. Many of the styles that have been present in your modern times first appeared during the days of Atlantis, and the designers of today — some of them at least — spent one or more lives in Atlantis.
They evolved as we did from tunics to regular clothes — pants, shirts, dresses, and such?
Yes, quite similar to today. Tunics came and went and the fashion was much more like today, with pants, shirts, blouses, and dresses prevalent. Nat-urally, over thousands of years, the styles changed. There were those who were fashion designers then who are incarnated today continuing with their lives, which were cut short many times due to war.
Did the women of both Atlantis and Lemuria wear dresses and pant suits, or did they wear robes?
Here it is difficult to answer, as we are looking at more than 50,000 years of existence for both, and you must simply look at how the fashions have changed so dramatically over the past few thousand years in modern times. You would have to take it one hundred years at a time to discuss what people were wear-ing. I can say there were certainly many times when women’s dresses looked similar to today’s fashions.
What were their clothes made of?
The clothes were made of cotton fabrics, very similar to today’s clothes. The styles varied from year to year just as they do now. They did not have jeans; they wore stylish pants and dresses. Bear in mind that this society was quite old, even though more advanced in some areas than you are today. They bought their clothes in shops and department stores similar to today.
At times in our history, certain cultures dressed with women’s breasts exposed. Was this common for both societies, or was this strictly according to beliefs?
You can say all of the above and more, as they went through their periods when it was seen as fashionable for women to expose their breasts. Then as certain religious beliefs developed, it was seen as a sin — verboten. Toward the end for both societies, women covered their breasts.
Did the women have to wear veils and robes because of religious beliefs at any time?
Yes, but this was, again, during certain times and was not something constant.
Was the dress for the beach similar to today’s, with swimsuits for both men and women?
Yes and no, according to the society. Some allowed nudity and others were quite conservative with the women wearing what would be considered old-fashioned swimsuits today.
Did both men and women wear boots?
Yes, coverings for the feet were an early development for any society. Shoes, boots of all kinds, and sandals were worn.
Did women wear stiletto heels at anytime on both continents?
The heels were not nearly as high as today’s. Two to three inches was the maximum height. Their shoes were much more comfortable.
What colors were popular — the same as today?
Yes, more the basic colors, although this varied greatly, even over the span of one hundred years.
Did mourners at funerals wear black as is mostly done today?
This varied from society to society and belief to belief. Yes, there were those who wore black, and others would wear certain colors denoting flowers and almost the colors of a rainbow. It all depended on the beliefs in the afterlife.
Would an Atlantean be able to recognize the difference between the Laws of One people and the Sons of Belial since they were all the same race?
Yes, it was by dress. Each side had their own style of dress to separate them from each other.
Did both societies have a form of umbrella?
Quite so. If you have rain, people are going to invent ways to stay dry, including umbrellas and rain gear of all sorts, depending on the season and the part of the continent where they resided. Obviously, a person living at the southern end of the continent would not dress the same when they traveled to the northern part of the continent.
Did the Atlanteans wear a lot of jewelry?
Yes, quite a lot — silver, gold, precious stones, the whole gamut. That is something else that has not changed over the centuries.
Will gold prove more important to us in the future for other than a measurement of wealth and for its uses in jewelry?
Quite so. It is one of those commodities you need to take care of, and we know you will due to its rarity. But you will find other uses for it in the future. It has properties as a conductor of energy, and there are healing qualities they used in the healing temples. Gold has other capabilities your scientists will rediscover in the future.
Theo, did the Atlanteans have what we call department stores with clothes, shoes, and so on?
Yes, they did. These stores were fairly large, perhaps not as large as yours today since you have more densely populated areas. There were stores with multiple items of merchandise for sale, just as you have today.
Did they have the concept of a mall with multiple stores under one roof or were stores mostly open on a street?
No, they were mostly open to foot traffic on a street. Bear in mind, because the population was much less than today, they had more room for these stores to be facing the street. There were the larger multi-merchandise stores, but for the most part, individual stores and shops serviced the population.
Did the stores have façades like the European stores on boulevards, like Asia, or modern with manufactured panels as we have today?
They were more your brick-and-mortar façades. They had nice window displays as you have today. All stores must display their goods for the public to see.
Did people pay by cash, or did they have checking accounts (both Atlantis and Lemuria)?
This varied over thousands of years, so let’s say at their highest degree of development, they used checks. But cash was the preferred form of payment. Paper credit was an invention of recent times.
Did they have restaurants?
Most assuredly. They enjoyed the company of friends and would have lav-ish dinners. Sometimes it would just be a family affair.
Did people in restaurants pay a gratuity, or was it included in the bill as is done in many countries today?
It was almost universal that an amount was added to the bill for the wait staff in those days.
Were all the restaurants in both Atlantis and Lemuria sit-down, or did they have the equiv-alent of fast food drive-throughs?
They had mobile stands that offered food because few people had cars. Cars were owned by the government and the wealthy. Everyone else tended to take public transportation of various types. You are ahead of them in having restaurants that can serve fast food, but then you also have chemicals and pro-cessed foods that cause health problems of all types.
Were there bars in restaurants, or were they separate in those days?
Regulations were much more relaxed, so if a restaurant wished to have a full bar, they could do so. If they chose to just offer wines and ales, then that was just as acceptable.
Did women work in the bars and restaurants on both continents?
Definitely. This was permissible and was considered normal for a certain class of people. Naturally, the more well-to-do families would never consider the idea of their female children doing this work.
Did the Atlantean continent, its islands, or Lemuria have prohibition at one time or another?
That depends on whether you mean just alcohol or drugs people take, a modern decision. Both societies were liberal with their use of alcoholic drinks such as wines, beers, and other spirits. There was some drug use then, but usu-ally people did not become addicted as they do now. If someone on Atlantis became addicted, he or she could visit one of the healing centers and use crystal therapy. On Lemuria, a person could visit a different type of healing center, and it would still be quite effective. Both societies were ahead of you in that department.
What about cannabis?
Again, lightly used. Both societies were quite aware of its healing qualities, so it might have been part of a treatment. Recreational use was not very wide-spread. There were no laws prohibiting its use, so there was no psychological thrill of doing something against the law — no fun, you might say.
Theo, what type of sports did the Atlanteans and Lemurians participate in?
Typical ball games that, as you have noticed, males especially love. They were not the violent games like American football you have today, just spirited contests between teams —soccer rather than the rougher American football. They had different rules, but the concept was the same. Many more sports were similar to the Olympic style games, such as running, jumping, and so on. This included all sorts of skilled ball games, along with such things as swimming, a form of skiing, and games similar to chess.
Yes, but again different sets of rules.
Affirmative, but with a different set of rules and the balls were a different size.
Did billiard games such as pool and snooker exist in Atlantis and Lemuria?
There were ball games, just not the table games of today.
Did golf exist in Atlantis or Lemuria?
A crude form, you might say, but it would be hard to recognize it as such.
What about martial arts?
Yes, a form, quite unique for each continent.
Was fitness part of the culture in Lemuria?
People were much more fit. They took part in games and lots of outdoor exercises. Gyms were almost nonexistent. They ate a much more balanced diet than the Western world does today, so there was little obesity. People enjoyed walking in parks and in cities and playing outdoor games.
Were there hot tubs and swimming pools in Atlantis and Lemuria?
Cities had public pools, and everyone enjoyed visiting the lakes, the coasts, and the oceans. There were fewer private pools than you have today.
Did both continents have snow during the winter seasons?
Yes, although each continent has its own topography. They had ski wear, although not as developed as today, plus winter recreational activities such as sledding. Their skis were not as highly developed as yours are today.
Did either or both Atlantis and Lemuria have boat races, and if so, were they sailing or motor?
They had what you term these days sailing regattas. There were many types of yachts similar to what you have today. Motor races were almost nonexistent in both Atlantis and Lemuria, due to the limitations in their energy sources. There was no way to turbo charge these engines to perform at a higher level, so they were limited.
Did they have some form of water skiing?
No. A few people had sled-shaped devices they could tow, but actual water skis were not in use then.
Were there scuba divers on both continents?
Affirmative. That was a sport everyone could enjoy, and there were also professional divers.
Did the Atlanteans have horses?
They had horses, and they would race them, so this was one of their pastimes.
Did the Lemurians also have horses?
No, horses were not introduced to this continent. It was decided by your ET uncles and aunts for that society not to have this animal on the continent. Such decisions, I might add, are done with much thought, just as you can see today in which Australia has certain animals no one else has on any other continent.
How old is yoga? Did it date back to the Atlantean and Lemurian times?
Forms of yoga have existed for many thousands of years. It is much older than the estimated 5,000 years you have heard of. It was passed down from generation to generation as an exercise for the whole body without the need for such things as weights or machines of any kind. Tied into this was meditation; both went hand in hand. It was used more extensively in ancient Lemuria, but the Atlanteans had their own form of yoga. It is something that ancient people were inspired to do as they explored the use of their bodies and what the human body was capable of doing. Therefore, it had a very early introduction.
Did they have card games and gambling?
Quite so on both accounts. They were very active people. Another form of recreation to them was war games, much as it is today. Still it was different from yours.
What form of dance did they have on the continents of Atlantis and Lemuria?
Quite a large variety, as we refer to the fact that these continents were inhabited for thousands of years. Therefore, each had tribal dances in their early days, which evolved to many forms, just as you have today. There was a form of ballet, as you can imagine those souls whose main interest was the art of dancing would wish to explore all forms of dance, even then. Their music tended to be of a lighter form than, say, what is called head banging now. They did not have rock-and-roll back then, but they did have some forms of faster dancing. They did not have the electronic instruments you have today. So there was a large variety of dancing, according to the music being played — a slow dance or a fast one. The dance varied widely not only from culture to culture but over many centuries.
Was the music simple, or did they also have complex orchestrations?
Both. They had developed to the point that they had orchestras, as it is but a step from small groups to those groups joining together to make a variety of musical arrangements.
Did both societies have plays, and if so, were they performed indoors or outside in some form of amphitheater?
You could say all of the above here, depending on the time. Both had large amphitheaters as well as auditoriums for the inclement months of the year.Both societies enjoyed stories of love and mystery. Naturally, the plays became more political as the different countries of each society warred with each other.
Did they have parades of any sort to celebrate specific dates, past events, or the return of soldiers from wars, and so on?
Yes, these were pleasant experiences. Most of the largest parades celebrated seasons and harvests and such, but there were military parades and parades to celebrate past events. They were not as elaborate as some of the parades these days.
Did they have the equivalent of televisions?
Oh yes. They were advanced enough to have this equipment. Televisions were much less important during those times than today, as the people loved live shows. The TVs contained mostly boring programs put on by their respec-tive governments.
What other forms of entertainment, besides music, were there in Atlantis?
They had a form of movies, which you were involved in as a producer and director and actor. That’s another reason why you volunteered for this life, as you had the prior experience. Many of the forms of entertainment you have today were first realized on the Atlantean continent with different variations. They did not sit around all day, as depicted in some of today’s paintings, in togas listening to a harp.
They had motion pictures?
Yes, in a slightly different form, but the presentation looked about the same.
Exactly what did I do?
You were what would be termed today a producer and director. It was close to what they do now. You also were an actor in one life, so you had a well-rounded understanding of the business you’re in now.
How ong would films play at the cinema for both the Atlanteans and Lemurians?
Equally about the same, less than a week, and sometimes just a day or so, depending on how much push it was given. Films overall had not reached the artistic and technical levels that films at this time have achieved.
Did Atlantis and Lemuria both have zoos?
They had smaller enclosures not nearly as nice as most zoos are today. Even though these civilizations lasted thousands of years, having zoos that are more elaborate only came at the height of their civilizations and were not as well done as today. Animals were not treated as well then as they are today. To cage an animal, as you must know, is very sad to see. These are prisons. At least in modern times they are better taken care of — in modern countries.
I assume there were famous writers who were Atlanteans and Lemurians?
Yes, there were writers who became famous, but of course all was lost with the destruction of the continents.
Did the Atlanteans and Lemurians have vacation times as we do in modern times?
Yes, they did, as both societies were sophisticated. They would take time away from work just as is done today, and they would travel.
Were beach resorts quite popular?
They had beaches, mountain resorts — all the normal pursuits. And I might add, the vacations typically were longer than those you take today.
Did both continents have souvenir and gift shops at the vacation spots?
Yes, of course. People have for eons wished to have mementos of their vaca-tions and to provide gifts for various remembrances. They were no different from you today.
Did the Lemurians have all the entertainment choices that the Atlanteans had?
Definitely, but as was explained before, their dances, music, and all other forms of entertainment were different, as their cultures were quite different. It even varied widely on the Lemuria continent due to the differences in religions. There is nothing new under the sun, as humans have explored every type of religion and belief system over thousands and thousands of years.
Did both the Atlanteans and Lemurians have all the forms of art we have today?
Yes, whether the art was in the form of paintings, statues, metal work, or any other form of artwork you can imagine, there were humans who wished to express themselves through creating art. Naturally, over thousands of years, this art took many forms, and they went through periods that in one century one type of art would be popular and then in a few years something else would gain interest.
Theo, how were the Atlantean houses and buildings constructed — normal wood or metal frame and then wood, brick, or stone exteriors?
Yes, exactly. This form of construction is very old, you see. Of course, in the very early days of inhabitation, they went through their own periods of huts and so on. Once they progressed to a higher level, they lived similarly to how people live today, similar to the differences in, say, the way the Japanese or Europeans live differently from those in the United States.
Were the Atlantean and Lemurian houses square, round, or pyramid-shaped?
Again, we have to answer in the affirmative, as there were a variety of buildings. In both societies, only the wealthy had houses, and when someone has a lot of money, as you know, they tend to get creative in the places in which they live. Most people lived in square-shaped buildings, in simple apartments. If they were a little more well to do than their friends, then the apartments would be more nicely decorated with expensive rugs. Neither society used car-pets as you do today.
Did the buildings or houses have multiple levels?
There were only just a few in each society.
Were there many houses?
Not many. These were more for the upper classes.
What about the sizes of the apartments or houses?
Most were small dwellings. There were many apartments with large green areas surrounding them so that people could go out and enjoy the grass and trees and play sports.
Were the apartments the Atlanteans and Lemurians lived in rental units, or were they like the condominiums we have today?
It was more the latter. Most people of those times did not have the funds to purchase a whole house. Those were for the more elite and wealthy business and government people. But the average earner could afford to purchase a unit in an apartment complex. Naturally, this varied over thousands of years.
Were these complexes usually two or three stories, or were they high-rises?
Very few high-rises existed on either continent. So the buildings were usu-ally two or three stories in height. They were not as luxurious as your condos today, but because they had free energy, they could invest in these units. They could decorate them to their own tastes; there was variety in the paint used in each unit along with what was hung on the wall and so on. The rental units were obviously much more plain in style, just as they are today.
Did they purchase them with bank loans, or did they just pay a certain fee per month to the builder?
They took loans from banks. There were bankers back in those days, just as there are now, but on a much smaller scale. They were mostly locally owned, and in some instances, people could afford houses with the money they made and from the loans.
Did they also have radios and modern kitchen appliances?
Not exactly the same as here. They had a type of radio, but they weren’t very advanced in kitchen appliances. The Atlanteans had the Things to do the menial work, so there was no real demand to invent timesaving devices for the kitchen.
Were their living rooms similar to those we have today with chairs and couches?
Quite so. In the early days, they had mats to sit on, and then they gradu-ated, we will say, to furniture.
What were the outside walls made of for both societies — brick, wood, stucco?
There were all three at one time or another. Brick was the primary material for all the office and retail buildings. Wood was mostly for houses and apart-ments, very similar to today.
What type of flooring did they have — wood, tile, or what?
They used a variety of flooring in both houses and apartments in both soci-eties. Wood was most commonly used, along with tiles of different colors and shapes.
What materials did they use for the ceilings?
Lightweight particle or plywood boards.
Were many buildings equipped with sunroofs?
They were not prevalent and used sparingly.
What materials were used for roofs in each society?
Asphalt was not used. Slate-type materials were used.
What material was used for insulation in the Atlantean and Lemurian houses, buildings, and apartments?
Normal insulation was used for the houses and buildings. There was insu-lation, just not based on the fiberglass of today. The insulation was more of a papier-mâché type.
How were the homes and buildings heated?
By tapping into the heat of the inner earth, as compared to the gas and elec-tricity now used for heating. They used electrical currents but in a completely different way.
Was the power to light homes and businesses on Atlantis provided free of charge?
Yes, there was no charge for the power. Each house or business had its own receptacle, as there were no electrical lines as there are today.
In the Atlantean homes, did they sleep on mattresses similar to ours, or did they sleep on mats or something else?
No, they had in the latter years, mattresses, but they went through the stage of sleeping on mats, as you call them. They were equal in many ways to the level of advancement you have today; however, you have surpassed them in many ways as well, just not in the use of crystals.
What were their mattresses made of — feathers, foam, water?
They were made primarily of feathers. You are ahead of them today in making mattresses more comfortable.
Did both societies have frames for the mattresses or were they on the floor?
The Atlanteans tended to have frames for their beds while the Lemurians preferred the floor.
So neither used mats?
Correct, except in earlier times.
Did they have futons?
Not really.
I assume the houses were decorated with mirrors and artwork?
Yes, and metal art pieces too.
They did not have crystal windows, did they?
Perhaps in a few of the expensive houses they existed.
Did the Atlanteans or Lemurians have garages or tool sheds as we do?
Not the same. In the cities, we mentioned that most people lived in apart-ments. Only the wealthy people had houses, and there were work areas for those who were hired to take care of the houses. It was different on the farms since, naturally, they needed places to work on the equipment, to repair broken machinery, and much more. Farmers were pretty handy with tools as compared to the city folk. It all depended on their soul contracts as to what their interests were. Again, we are speaking of thou-sands and thousands of years, with many disasters befalling, especially the Atlanteans and anyone who lived on the coasts when they experienced the rising water levels and tsunamis.