Welcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all my new subscribers all over the world. If you wish to subscribe to this F.R.E.E. newsletter, go to where there is a box on the home page to enter your email address.
I was interviewed on the Starseed network on Blog Talk Radio this past week. It is on iTunes, but also below is the link to the show. I came on about 30 minutes into the show, after the astrological predictions, and was on for one hour and 25 minutes. We talked about my FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET book and then THE GENTLE WAY books.
The newsletter is semi-working, but the signup box on the Home page of the website is still not working, so please email me to add your email address to subscribe. The SEARCH BOX on the ARTICLES & NEWS page is now working thanks again to our IT contributor, Danielly Aldana, in San Francisco. It is run by Google, and they are allowed to display an ad or two, but it works SO MUCH BETTER than the one I had through the other web hosting company.
This week’s newsletter is going out super early as, on January 21, I am going to have a four-hour “touch up” (as my Cardiologist calls it) heart ablation. This is considered fairly non-invasive. I had this done in 2008 and it seems that my heart has regenerated some of the misfiring cells. I will only be in the hospital overnight, but will appreciate any Benevolent Prayers you wish to say for me. Because this takes place on a Wednesday, I’m sending it out today.
And a quick explanation for my new subscribers—Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA) with whom I communicate in meditation, along with Gaia, the Soul of the Earth, and my soul “cluster” brother, Antura, (and a few others). Generally, I’ll ask Gaia the Earth questions and Theo about our lives. Now for some interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give you a DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE:
Dearn writes: Could you ask Gaia or Theo about this?
Gaia, what was the significance of the M-Class solar flares that, according to reports, affected Australia?
Yes, Tom. Naturally, this was a planned event where I asked Sun to send those solar flares at that moment in time. Energy was needed there for future events to occur. Yes, there will be more brushfires as the flares added more heat to the equation. But the flares also affect people. Let’s leave it at that as the Australian and New Zealand people will see some unusual developments this year.
You’ve said before that solar flares assist you in moving the earth. Will New Zealand be in for some greater movements?
Yes, but not like Christchurch had in the past, Tom. These flares were not of sufficient strength to cause a major eruption.
Eli writes: Finland is warming faster than any other country in the world. As a frequent visitor to Finland, I can attest to the fact the summers have definitely become warmer. Will this trend continue in Finland?
Will Finland join NATO due to Russia's recent aggression in Ukraine, as well as Russia's recent aerial incursions into Finnish airspace?
Gaia, will Finland continue to warm up?
Quite so, Tom. They are on a warming cycle that will continue for years to come. It is all part of the global warming. So average temperatures there will continue to rise. This will take an adjustment by the people living there, as well as having to relocate people who live too close to the ocean, which will rise two feet.
What is the probability of Finland joining NATO?
Not too great at this time, Tom. There is a natural reluctance by the leaders to join NATO and not only take on added responsibilities, but anger Russia. Russia has no designs at this time in adding this country. They are just trying to be intimidating-- “sword rattling” it is sometimes called. So, the probability at this time is quite low—in the 20-percentile range.
Speaking of the oceans rising, how much warmer must it be for severe melting to cause the oceans to rise?
We’re almost at that point, Tom. As you were told recently, the world temperature will rise slightly over 1 degree and next year will be the same or slightly more. That will cause major melting, especially in the northern latitudes.
Aunt Mommie writes: As you requested, here are some questions I have thought of. I have done, and will continue to do BPs for your health and well being because what you do is so very important, so keep up the good work and get well soon.
When a soul strays from its contract, how does that affect the other souls involved? Does its GA know that fragment will stray beforehand and are they able to readjust, so to speak, so it doesn’t affect anyone else?
When the Explorer Race transitions, is Heaven the transitioning place for the Explorer Race... or for others as well? Do others have their own transitioning places on other planets, or is that just part of the time, space reality of Earth? Is Heaven a place, like a planet, or is it an idea?
Are dogs and cats from separate planets? I am so truly joyful they are here, I just wondered if they came from two different planets or one?
Every week I look forward to what you and your guides have to say. I tell as many people as I know will listen, and I ‘m so excited to tell them. I think I’m more excited to tell them than they are to hear it….but then they realize!
Theo, do all souls in the universe transition to the same place?
No, Tom, they do not. It would be confusing to each soul if they wound up all at the same place. Therefore, you might say, areas are set-aside for souls. As your soul fragments are taking part in the Earth Experiment, they all gravitate to a level in this energy soup we call it. It is difficult to describe to humans, even if they are quantum physicists. But again, the answer to your question is no they do not all go the same place or area.
Is heaven a place, Theo, or just a name given to it?
Again, Tom. It is an area in this energy soup where any construct a human can imagine is available to them. Your souls do not wish to see you be frightened of your transition back to spirit, but they all understand why when you are veiled.
When a soul strays off of a soul contract, how does it affect the other souls involved? Are their soul contracts changed?
Quite so, Tom. If they were supposed to interact with that soul and if it strays off the path, then their contracts are adjusted to perhaps have the same type of interaction with another soul fragment. When you stray off your contract, it is as if a pebble is dropped into the water and it ripples on out to infinity. That is why it is so important for people to request MBOs as it does keep you on your soul contract for not only your benefit, but all the other people you are supposed to interact with during your lifetime. This was a very good question, Tom.
I was told the group souls of dogs and cats are from two different planets.
Diane writes: HOW can WE help the animals with the changes that are occurring on Mother Earth? Would healing help them? Or would there be any other support needed for the animals that WE could do as humans at this time of change?
Gaia, what can humans do for the animal and bird kingdoms?
Act as good stewards, Tom. Love them like you would love your family as their group souls have all volunteered at the Creator’s behest to take part in the Earth Experiment to provide humans with every learning experience they can provide as a group for you. There are, yes, millions of things your scientists do not yet know about even the simplest things such as their habits and their lives in general. But, thankfully, this gap will be narrowed quite a bit in the future.
These are not soulless beings as some believe and would have you believe. Cherish them them and they will reciprocate thousands and, yes, millions of times over. Is it any wonder you do not yet have the capability of mass travel to other stars when you do not yet understand your own planet?
OK, Gaia. Beautiful words to live by.
Anne-Marie writes: I would like to know what Canada's PM Stephen Harper's mission is. He has been secretly dismantling many of the social security services that Canadians take pride in, has dissolved many federal parks, has stated that the government does not have a moral obligation to its armed forces members.
It was alarming that he was voted in for a second term. With an election slated for this year, what is the probability that he will win another term?
Theo what is the probability of Canada’s PM Stephen Harper being reelected?
Quite high at this time, Tom. He has the backing of special interest groups, and you don’t cross them—at least not at this time.
These questions are from Mantej.
Theo, I assume both the Atlanteans and Lemurians had their own form of swearing?
Quite so, Tom. Swear words date back to the very beginning of the Adam and Eve models. There has been much to swear about over these thousands of years. It is quite universal.
Did both the Atlanteans and Lemurians have pornography?
Yes, but more images than video shall we say.
Did both Atlantean and Lemurian women drive or was it only men?
This varied, Tom, according to whatever religion was popular during the ages when there were cars, but certainly, men drove much more than women. There were much fewer cars and they were used more for businesses and governments. Both societies had good public transportation.
Did they have bicycles in each society?
Quite so. That was the favored transportation for most people when they would go short distances for various reasons.
Did women and men both consume alcoholic beverages?
Yes, although tastes varied extensively during the time periods, just as you have seen in modern times where wines and beers became more popular than the heavier spirits.
What was the typical age a young person was allowed to drink in Atlantis and Lemuria?
Younger than today, Tom—more on the order of 12 to 14 as a general rule, but again, varied over thousands of years.
Antura is an ET, living on a water world in the Sirius B Star System. He’s also a fragment of my soul “cluster,” who has lived 800 lives on Earth—a VERY seasoned soul! You can read many more questions I asked him in my book, FIRST CONTACT: Conversations with an ET. See the beginning of this newsletter where I was interviewed about the book. Here are more questions.
Antura, I assume that none of the upper time lines have had the Russian’s disclosure?
Quite right, Tom, although we think that will be about to change. You can ask me again in a month. And yes there is the trickle down effect where one time line influences the one below it.
Peter writes from Canada: Could this be a real UFO?
Antura, what were the glowing orbs that dropped down forming a line before moving off (assuming this was not CGI)?
It was not, Tom. The maneuver was done for the enjoyment and thrill of the people watching. It was a Federation ship, which performed for the people, as a reminder that you are not alone. I have said in the past that these sightings would increase, and so they are.
This question came from Aunt Mommie.
Antura, will we be forever known as the “Explorer Race” or is that a term used just in this day and time?
No, Tom. You are known this way by all your ET cousins, aunts and uncles, so even though the majority of people on Earth have never heard this term used, it is used by all of us to designate not only who we are speaking about, but also to honor you for volunteering for this important experiment, which will go down in the ages as one of the greatest in this universe and many, many others.
This story and the next one were in last Saturday’s Blog that has nothing but MBO and BP stories. You can read the blogs at and sign up for the blog by clicking on this link:
Diane writes: I say, every day, an MBO that I am safe and protected in my townhouse, and everyone who lives in my building is safe and protected, and so are our belongings, our pets, cars, and so is the land under the buildings and throughout our community. I actually say that everyday. Today, Jan 13, 2015, a car ran off the road in our community at 7:30am, veered onto the grass of my townhouse building and, within inches of my garage (where my car was), slammed into the front of my neighbors townhouse, ripped off the door, and the driver backed up and drove away hitting two other cars in the process. He is missing at this time.
My car and garage were totally saved (truly within inches of my garage). My neighbor is physically ok (she was watching all of this while in her kitchen looking at her living room, her cat is ok, he was right next to the door and the large picture window, none of her belongings or mine were affected. The entire building is fine and everyone is fine, the gas connections were checked and they are fine. The damage to my neighbor is being worked on and no other person was harmed, although two cars were damaged. As stated, the police as of this moment have not arrested this man for this crime. Yet, I know my MBO and BP I say for myself and the community protected us clearly. Thank you!
Helen in Hawaii writes: I started a new job today. My old job was so close to home that I could come home for lunch and read my emails, watch TV, relax before going back. The convenience of being so close to home was what I enjoyed best about the job and would have stayed until retirement, but the end was coming – the federal government is downsizing and my position (which had been a permanent position) was one of the many being cut, effective 1 Oct. 2015. I had heard about the cuts since about April 2014, and began in June 2014 in earnest applying for other federal jobs.
In mid-December, I received a call from one of the many jobs I applied to and was thrilled! Just want to say that each time before I went on the website and before I hit the submit button to send off my resume, I said an MBO that I would be selected for a job that would be most benevolent for me and for the people I would work with, have a supporting and kind supervisor, and be in a safe and happy environment without the fear of losing my job again. So, when I got the call, I felt secure that this was the one that my MBO brought my way.
The job is at Ford Island – which means I drive across the bridge that overlooks the Arizona Memorial every day going to work! This also means no more coming home for lunch (awwww). But everything else in my MBO has been granted to me. I feel very appreciative and fortunate to have this job. Saying the MBOs each time lessened the stress level (looking and applying for jobs can be so stressful) and knowing that whatever was going to happen, it would be the most benevolent all the way around!
Thank you for teaching me and all your readers about MBOs!
Aunt Mommie writes: Here is my MBO story for you:
I wasn’t feeling very well, and hadn’t been for a couple of weeks. I have suffered from pneumonia in the past, and I kind of knew I was experiencing it again. I work with men who don’t have a wife or a child between them, and when I’m out on disability, they don’t think about how I feel, they only worry about how long they are going to be stuck doing my job. So, as a result, I probably waited longer than I should have to get it checked out. I decided to go to the doctor after work about 4, which is usually the busiest time in the doctor’s office. I have often waited as long as an hour for an appointment. I said an MBO asking my Guardian Angel to please be with me because I was sick and feeling alone and just wanted the company. I also said another one for the office to not be so busy so that my wait wouldn’t be too long, and I also asked that the doctor not put me in the hospital.
When I got to the office, there was not one single patient in the entire place; it was like they were waiting just for me. The doctor told me that I had the infection in both lungs this time because I waited so long to come in, and that he fully expected to put me in the hospital the next day. Turned out, I was only out on disability for six days, so it really wasn’t so bad, and I never went to the hospital.
MBOs really, really work…I tell everyone!!!!!!!!!! Give your troubles to your GA, and be happy!
There is so much interest in the motion picture “AMERICAN SNIPER,” with six Oscar nominations, I thought I would repeat the question I asked Theo in the February 2013 newsletter:
Can you explain the soul contract of Chris Kyle, the Marine sniper who killed over 150 to 200 people during his overseas tours? Had all those people killed him in a past life? Will he have a number of balancing lives?
Yes, this gentleman did his job quite well, Tom, as don’t forget it was the soul contract of those he killed to transition at that time. And it was part of his balancing to be slain by gunfire in this life as part of that balancing, along with the good work he started to help returning veterans with PTSD.
As it was his assignment or duty to act in the capacity he did, it will not require so many lives balancing as, say, someone who was a mass murderer. And he did start an organization to help those whose lives were broken by being trained killers. That was excellent balancing on his part, along with transitioning the way he did. So yes, it was his soul contract to be a sniper this round, but he also understood on a subliminal level that he needed to balance and the organization he started will do much good in the future.
Pat writes: Gaia please tell me what is in store for Saskatchewan, Canada in the next few years? Where in Saskatchewan is the most spiritual ground? What years was Saskatchewan under water like an ocean, and will that happen again? And what will be the results of the oil being taken from you and in what areas? Theo, have you ever been in Saskatchewan, Canada? Do you have a message for us? Thanks, Tom.
Gaia, was Saskatchewan, Canada under water at one time or will it be again? Is there any place in that province that would be the most spiritual?
Certainly parts of this region were under water at one time, but as you guessed, it was quite a long time ago when I was forming continents and such. And, no, it will never be submerged again. Any place in this province near the water or higher terrain would be a nice place to meditate, but this region does not have the high energy of, let’s say, the mountains or a place like Sedona. Still, it has its attributes and will attract more people to live there in the future as people move away from the regions close to the Great Lakes.
Eli writes: As a hypnotist who specializes in past life and life between lives regression, I am curious if more people will become open to this type of exploration and therapy?
Gaia, will people be more open to past life regressions in the future?
Yes, but not as much as perhaps you and others would hope for, Tom. The major religions do not wish to acknowledge that people have multiple lives on Earth. You could say it is bad for business. Therefore, it will take quite a few years for this to change.
From Mantej. 
Theo, was Jackie Chan a silent movie star in his last life?
No, Tom, but a good guess from your reader. He certainly was in the theater and had previous lives where he learned to be quite skilled in martial arts. He prided himself always in his work effort.
From Mantej.
What was Sam Kinison’s soul contract?
To do just as he had done—and that was to be a comedian in this life. His soul fragment’s interest is in performing in all sorts of ways so that’s what he got. He’ll be back fairly soon, for another round after this one.
From Mantej.
What are or were the soul contracts of the Taj Mahal builder and his third wife and are they incarnated today?
Yes, their passion fueled a great monument, Tom, which till this day remains a major tourist attraction in India—not what he envisioned when he constructed it out of love, you see. They are incarnated now and are close friends, but not lovers this round. They will be again in several other lives to come.
From Mantej.
Theo, what would be the soul contract of Graham Hughes, the first person in the world to visit all the countries of the world without using an airplane?
Yes, an explorer in this life and in previous ones too. You might say he has it in his blood.
So, exploring would be his soul’s interest?
Exactly, Tom; he will always be looking to find new places to explore, both above and below the surface.
If you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world. I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out. And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet? Please do so. I do give extra information there. I also post on TWITTER.
If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me. And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS that you have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.
Don’t forget that ALL THREE GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks on Kindle and other services! The books are great for presents for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! All three books can change lives!
GUARDIAN ANGEL 101—MARCH 7, 2009, MARCH 28, 2009-APRIL 4, 2009, MAY 23, 2009-JUNE 6, 2009, SEPTEMBER 12, 2009, SEPTEMBER 27, 2009, JANUARY 8, 2011, JANUARY 30, 2010, JUNE 5, 2010, JULY 3, 2010, JULY 17 2010, OCTOBER 15, 2010, FEBRUARY 12, 2011, MARCH 5, 2011, MARCH 12, 2011, MARCH 19, 2011, MARCH 26, 2011, APRIL 2, 2011, APRIL9, 2011, APRIL 16, 2011, APRIL 23, 2011, APRIL 30, 2011, MAY 7, 2011, MAY 14, 2011, AUGUST 6, 2011, AUGUST 27, 2011, APRIL 21, 2012, AUGUST 18, 2012, SEPTEMBER 8, 2012, SEPTEMBER 15, 2012, SEPTEMBER 22, 2012, SEPTEMBER 29, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 27, 2012, NOVEMBER 3, 2012, NOVEMBER 10, 2012, DECEMBER 1, 2012, MARCH 9, 2013, MARCH 23, 2013, APRIL 13, 2013, APRIL 20, 2013, APRIL 27, 2013, MAY 4, 2013, DECEMBER 7, 2013, DECEMBER 14, 2013, JANUARY 4, 2014--MARCH 29, 2014, APRIL 12, 2014, APRIL 19, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 3, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 14, 2014, JUNE 21, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, AUGUST, 9, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 11, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 1, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER, 15, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, NOVEMBER 29, 2014, DECEMBER 13, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 3, 2015, JANUARY 10, 2015, JANUARY 24, 2015,
ATLANTIS—MAY 17, 2008—JULY 12, 2008, SEPTEMBER 13, 2008, DECEMBER 5, 2009, JANUARY 2, 2010, FEBRUARY 7, 2010, OCTOBER 2, 2010, NOVEMBER 20, 2010, APRIL 23, 2011, JULY 2, 2011, OCTOBER 22, 2011, APRIL 21, 2012, JULY 21, 2012, JULY 28, 2012, AUGUST 4, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, AUGUST 18, 2012, AUGUST 25, 2012, SEPTEMBER 8, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 20, 2012, DECEMBER 29, 2012, JANUARY 5, 2013, FEBRUARY 16, 2013, FEBRUARY 23, 2013, MARCH 2, 2013, MARCH 9, 2013, MARCH 16, 2013, MARCH 23, 2013, MARCH 30, 2013, APRIL 6, 2013, APRIL 13, 2013, APRIL 20, 2013, APRIL 27, 2013, MAY 4, 2013, NOVEMBER 23, 2013, DECEMBER 7, 2013, JANUARY 4, 2014, JANUARY 11, 2014, JANUARY 18, 2014, JANUARY 25, 2014, FEBRUARY 1, 2014, FEBRUARY 8, 2014, MARCH 1, 2014, MARCH 29, 2014, APRIL 5, 2014, APRIL 12, 2014, APRIL 19, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 14, 2014, JUNE 21, 2014, JUNE 28, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, JULY 19, 2014, JULY 26, 2014, AUGUST 2, 2014, AUGUST 9, 2014, AUGUST 16, 2014, AUGUST 23, 2014, AUGUST 30, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 4, 2014, OCTOBER 18, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 1, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER 15, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, NOVEMBER 29, 2014, DECEMBER 6, 2014, DECEMBER 13, 2014, DECEMBER 20, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 3, 2015, JANUARY 10, 2015, JANUARY 17, 2015, JANUARY 24, 2015,
CONVERSATIONS WITH ANTURA, THE ET—DECEMBER 13, 2008—MARCH 21, 2009 (ALL); APRIL 18--MAY 16, 2009; JULY 25, 2009; AUGUST 22, 2009; NOVEMBER 7, 2009; DECEMBER 5, 2009; DECEMBER 12, 2009; DECEMBER 19, 2009; FEBRUARY 6, 2010; FEBRUARY 10, 2010, APRIL 24, 2010; OCTOBER 31, 2010, JUNE 4, 2011, JUNE 18, 2011, JUNE 25, 2011, JULY 2, 2011, JULY 9, 2011, JULY 23, 2011, JULY 30, 2011, AUGUST 13, 2011, OCTOBER 29, 2011, NOVEMBER 5, 2011, NOVEMBER 11, 2011, NOVEMBER 19, 2011, NOVEMBER 26, 2011, DECEMBER 3, 2011, DECEMBER 10, 2011, DECEMBER 17, 2011, DECEMBER 31, 2011, JANUARY 14, 2012, JANUARY 21, 2012, JANUARY 28, 2012, FEBRUARY 4, 2012, FEBRUARY 11, 2012, FEBRUARY 18, 2012, FEBRUARY 25 2012, MARCH 3, 2012, MARCH 17, 2012, MARCH 24, 2012, APRIL 7, 2012, APRIL 28, 2012, MAY 5, 2012, MAY 12, 2012, MAY 19, 2012, MAY 26, 2012, JUNE 2, 2012, JUNE 16, 2012, JUNE 23, 2012, JUNE 30, 2012, JULY 7, 2012, JULY 14, 2012, JULY 21, 2012, AUGUST 4, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, SEPTEMBER 1, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 13, 2012, OCTOBER 20, 2012, OCTOBER 27, 2012, NOVEMBER 3, 2012, NOVEMBER 10, 2012, NOVEMBER 24, 2012, DECEMBER 1, 2012, DECEMBER 8, 2012, DECEMBER 15, 2012, DECEMBER 22, 2012, DECEMBER 29, 2012--JUNE 7, 2014 (ALL), JUNE 14, 2014, JUINE 21, 2014, JUNE 28, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, JULY 19, 2014, JULY 26, 2014, AUGUST 2, 2014, AUGUST 9, 2014, AUGUST 16, 2014, AUGUST 23, 2014, AUGUST 30, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 4, 2014, OCTOBER 11, 2014, OCTOBER 18, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 1, 2014, NOVEMBER 15, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, DECEMBER 6, 2014, DECEMBER 13, 2014, DECEMBER 20, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 10, 2015, JANUARY 17, 2015, JANUARY 24, 2015,
JESUS--SEPTEMBER 29, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 13, 2012, OCTOBER 20, 2012, OCTOBER 27, 2012, NOVEMBER 3, 2012, NOVEMBER 10, 2012, NOVEMBER 17, 2012, DECEMBER 1, 2012, DECEMBER 8, 2012, DECEMBER 15, 2012, JANUARY 5, 2013, DECEMBER 7, 2013, JANUARY 11, 2014, JANUARY 18, 2014, APRIL 12, 2014, APRIL 19, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 3, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, DECEMBER 6, 2014, DECEMBER 20, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 3, 2015,
GAIA, SOUL OF THE EARTH— AUGUST 23, 2008, SEPTEMBER 15, 2012, NOVEMBER 17, 2012, MARCH 30, 2013, NOVEMBER 23, 2013, JANUARY 4, 2014, JANUARY 11, 2014, JANUARY 18, 2014, JANUARY 25, 2014, FEBRUARY 8, 2014, FEBRUARY 15, 2014, FEBRUARY 22, 2014, MARCH 1, 2014, MARCH 29, 2014, APRIL 5, 2014, MAY 3, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 21, 2014, JUNE 28, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, JULY 19, 2014, AUGUST 2, 2014, AUGUST 9, 2014, AUGUST 16, 2014, AUGUST 23, 2014, AUGUST 30, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 4, 2014, OCTOBER 11, 2014, OCTOBER 18, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER 15, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, NOVEMBER 29, 2014, DECEMBER 6, 2014, DECEMBER 13, 2013, DECEMBER 20, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 3, 2015, JANUARY 10, 2015, JANUARY 17, 2015, JANUARY 24, 2015,
TIME LINES—JANUARY 29, 2011, FEBRUARY 5, 2011, JULY 16, 2011, JULY 23, 2011, JULY 28, 2012, AUGUST 4, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, AUGUST 18, 2012, SEPTEMBER 1, 2012, JANUARY 5, 2013, NOVEMBER 23, 2013, NOVEMBER 30, 2013, DECEMBER 7, 2013, DECEMBER 14, 2014, JANUARY 4, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 10, 2014, MAY 24, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 14, 2014, JULY 26, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, DECEMBER 27, 2014, JANUARY 3, 2015, JANUARY 10, 2015,
THE LOST CONTINENT OF MU—MAY 30-JUNE 13, 2009; JULY 11; JULY 21, 2012; JULY 28, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, FEBRUARY 23, 2013, MARCH 2, 2013, MARCH 9, 2013, MARCH 23, 2013, DECEMBER 14, 2013, JANUARY 18, 2014, FEBRUARY 1, 2014, FEBRUARY 8, 2014, MARCH 1, 2014, MARCH 8, 2014, MARCH 15, 2014, MARCH 22, 2014, MARCH 29, 2014, APRIL 5, 2014, APRIL, 12, 2014, APRIL 26, 2014, MAY 17, 2014, MAY 31, 2014, JUNE 7, 2014, JUNE 14, 2014, JUNE 21, 2014, JUNE 28, 2014, JULY 5, 2014, JULY 12, 2014, JULY 19, 2014, JULY 26, 2014, AUGUST 2, 2014, AUGUST 9, 2014, AUGUST 16, 2014, AUGUST 23, 2014, AUGUST 30, 2014, SEPTEMBER 6, 2014, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014, SEPTEMBER 20, 2014, SEPTEMBER 27, 2014, OCTOBER 4, 2014, OCTOBER 11, 2014, OCTOBER 18, 2014, OCTOBER 25, 2014, NOVEMBER 1, 2014, NOVEMBER 8, 2014, NOVEMBER 22, 2014, NOVEMBER 29, 2014, DECEMBER 6, 2014, DECEMBER 13, 2014, JANUARY 10, 2015, JANUARY 17, 2015, JANUARY 24, 2015,
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FACEBOOK: You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at . Let’s be friends!
BOOK EDITOR: Need an editor for your upcoming book? Email me. Ralonne edits my newsletter and edits books.
Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore Email: