Welcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all my new subscribers all over the world. If you enjoy this newsletter, PLEASE FORWARD TO YOUR FRIENDS—it’s F.R.E.E! And if you wish to subscribe, go to where there is a box on the home page to enter your email address.
SPECIAL NOTE: I will be sending the newsletter and blog out early this coming week on Thursday (at least that’s the plan), as we’re taking a long weekend trip to Sonoma and San Francisco, California. Please send in your MBO stories EARLY and questions. And I think you’ll find today's newsletter has some really new information none of us have read before.
If you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes (MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for other people, you may also wish to SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY BLOG, which has nothing but GREAT MBO stories from all over the world. I typically post this one day after the newsletter goes out. And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON FACEBOOK yet? Please do so. I do give extra information there. I also post on TWITTER.
AUSTIN WORKSHOP: JUNE 11, SATURDAY--10:00 AM-5:00 PM--ROUND ROCK, TEXAS (16 MILES NORTH OF AUSTIN) $75 in advance or $85 at the door. People are already signing up for this event and space is limited, so you may wish to sign up TODAY! Full day about MBO's, BP's, and other Tools for your Tool Box plus a guided meditation to contact your own Guardian Angel or Guide. More information CONTACT KIM at or telephone 303-917-6093. Sign up at
HOUSTON WORKSHOP SCHEDULED: I will be speaking at the Soul Explosion & Living Green Expo in Houston, Texas on July 30 and 31. Plus I will also have a half-day workshop that Saturday afternoon July 30. It will be held in the Galleria. Go to to sign up.
If you know of other Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS, let me know, or have them contact me. I’m also doing more radio interviews and a TV web interview, which I’ll give you more information about as I receive the details.
I publish this newsletter to help broaden your ideas as to how much more complex this world of ours is, and to spread the word about how requesting MBO’s in your life and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) for others will take you to another level of what some people term as ascension. These are simple, yet very powerful spiritual tools to use.
And a quick explanation for my new subscribers. Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA) I communicate with, along with Gaia, the Soul of the Earth, in meditation (and a few others). This is something YOU can do with a little bit of work. Now for some interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give you a DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE:
I’m getting hints of a change coming in my life, and perhaps soon—just not sure when. Here’s a comment I made to Gaia at the end of my questions to her and her response.
OK Gaia, I think that’s all the questions for today, so I wish you a good life and God speed, as you say I have said, so many times before.
And you have Tom, and don’t concern yourself about not remembering. It was my way of saying that you and I are old, old friends in your terminology—yes dating back to even some of your earliest days on earth when you did rudimentary things to honor me, and I was pleased at these attempts. You have a good and caring soul Tom and you still have much to do in this life, even though you may be concerned about age. You are ageless my friend, as certainly we will have many more conversations in this life as well as those in the future. You will see.
The session before, I had asked Theo about doing a third book, as with my film distribution business, I am barely able to squeeze in these weekly newsletters and blogs, much less consider assembling the next book. So here’s my comment:
Theo, how am I ever going to do a third book with my schedule, or am I not supposed to?
No, you will still publish several books Tom, and we understand your time constraints. This will lessen for you quite soon you will see. Then you can publish those books you wish and we wish you to publish Tom.
That comment started me thinking about my dreams recently. I’ve commented before that I’ve been recording my dreams every morning since 1979. Recently I’m quite often at a film market, and it’s the end of the market and we’re packing up the booth or luggage or whatever. I think now that may be symbolic that my time in the film & TV program distribution business may be coming to an end. Perhaps some company will offer to buy our large film library, which will allow me to complete these books. We’ll see. Say a BP for that to happen. My next book will be about Theo.
Theo, I’m not sure if you ever explained well enough for me to understand the difference between the “thought packets” you are sending to me now and “inspiration.” Both come from the same source, yes?
Yes and no Tom. This will be a complicated answer. Each has its purpose. These thought packets I send to you are in response to specific questions and yes they travel the pathway from the right to the left brain. I am allowed to communicate with you in this manner, but as you have noticed there are restrictions on what I can and cannot tell you.
There are no restrictions on what you receive through inspiration, thus this comes from a much higher level Tom. Inspiration comes from your higher self, although I am the conduit for these inspirations. They can even come from the creator, so inspirations are very important, as they allow you to grow and take you to another level. We are allowed to send you these feelings and messages, but you must be open to receiving them, and then in many cases acting on them too. And yes, they come from a quantum state of being.
Are there any differences in the way I receive these thought packets and the way my mind or body receives the inspirations, and what does it mean that my body is in a quantum state?
Yes, there is a great difference in how your body receives inspiration Tom and the way we communicate with these thought packets. Your whole body is a receptor for inspiration Tom, by being in a quantum state, which means being able to receive messages and feelings from higher dimensions.
These inspirations or messages can take many forms Tom—from an actual whisper in your ear where it is almost like a spoken message, to “gut feelings” as it has been termed where you have a feeling of good or foreboding depending upon the particular circumstance where your higher self is sending you a feeling to proceed or not proceed.
These messages, as I have said, come from higher dimensions Tom and can affect your whole aura we will call it for your purposes. So any part of your being can receive these messages and yes someone who has sensitivities where even a part of their body activates such as a big toe or other types of feelings are all generated from your higher self.
Still on the same subject John writes: For the longest time now, as I do MBO's, I've noticed that as soon as I finish saying the MBO I feel an energy current running through me, this is a very subtle thing, and I've noticed it's started to grow slightly stronger lately. So my question to Theo is, what is this current of energy I feel? I would imagine everyone that does MBO's has this happen to them? Thanks for all your help Tom!
Theo, is there an energy sensitive people feel when requesting a MBO and if so what?
Good question from your former student Tom. Yes, there is an energy as you are cocreating and there is an energy formed when you request even the most mundane things Tom. This energy is a creation energy we will call it for the time being. Even not too sensitive people can feel this if they just open themselves up just a little and become more aware of what is happening. I will let people ponder this for a while and we can return to it one day in the future.
Next, Alice in California writes: I have been watching TV shows like Ghost Hunters and other shows documenting the paranormal, and I have been wondering if one of the tools used by paranormal investigators, like a PK meter or a digital recorder can be used to communicate with our guardian angel or spirit guide safely without attracting negative entities? I have a digital recorder and have toyed with the idea of asking for a benevolent outcome verbally, and see if my GA can reply and be caught as a digital recording to hear directly? Can you ask Theo if this is a more direct way for us to contact our own GA and get 'proof' as to their existence? Thank you for all you do, and the many people you help.
Theo, can we use PK meters or digital recorders to confirm or hear any responses to a MBO request?
In time Tom, there will be those instruments, which will be able to record the differences in energy when a MBO request is made, but you’re not quite there yet. It is coming though, but regarding a digital recorder, only if the Guardian Angel as you call us wishes to verbalize. There will always be those skeptics, and even should there be meters and such, there will be those doubters.
Gerry writes: Would you please ask Gaia for the best area(s) in Georgia to build a "green", self-sufficient family compound in order to be safe from extreme weather conditions, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc., over the next few years.
Gaia, what part of Georgia would be the safest place to live?
Yes Tom, this is a decision that this person and their family to make. As you well know they can request a Benevolent Outcome for the Perfect place to live, and then they must listen to those “whispers in their ear” or inspiration to make the move to the area that attracts them most. Then of course they do have to tools to be safe in storms, just as you do Tom to request a MBO for gentle rain and no tornadoes or high winds where they live.
There can be destruction all around a house, and if you are cocreating with me your house will remain safe and secure. I do allow this, as you are cocreating and learning to be Junior Creators in Training as I know you like to call it Tom. That should suffice as an answer to this person and to anyone who might live in a place that is subject to violent winds and rain of any sort.
And keep in mind that sometimes they do have soul contracts to experience certain events, but requesting MBO’s as you call them will lessen the severity or negate it almost in its entirety.
Diane writes: I am wondering what happens to those of us who do not make the change to the 5th dimension--will we be given any opportunities to progress and be able to go to the 5th dimension or will we be stuck in the 3rd or 4th dimension for ever? Thank you.
For Diane and anyone with this question, everyone goes together that's alive on earth. When you have a concerned friend use this analogy: Imagine a cruise ship with lots of decks--from the waterline up to the penthouse suites. Doesn't matter what deck you're on, everyone is going to the same port. Theo has said this numerous times, so you can do searches on the fifth focus, 5th dimension and 5th focus on the search box on the Articles and News page of the website and you'll find comments. Start with those from this year.
Requesting MBO's starts you rising up the decks --perhaps the penthouse suites! Requesting MBO's raises your vibrational level, so you will not have as much of a problem adjusting to the new dimensional energy as many others will.
Theo, Marie asks what are the benefits of our cells changing from carbon to crystalline in the fifth focus?
Yes, there are many Tom. Your body would have a difficult time in the fifth focus if your cells did not change. It would be impossible to stay at that focus for very long, as it would become increasingly uncomfortable. That is why your friendly ET’s must wear protective gear if they must stay in this 3rd dimensional focus very long. Their bodies are set to the 5th focus and they cannot change from crystalline to carbon and back again. Of course, they figured out how to jump dimensions millions of years ago, and their equipment is imperceptible to most earth people.
So to answer the question, your bodies need to change in order to live comfortably in the fifth focus. It’s that simple, yet complicated too, as you do not have a scientific background. But through your teachings there will emerge those that can obtain more complete answers who do have a sufficient background to understand even quantum mechanics.
Teresa from Austin here. I just wanted to send an email about the value of habitually saying MBOs. I say MBOs daily, every time I get in the car, before I start projects, and for business. My husband had a medical emergency last month, he passed out and fell hard on the floor and was unconscious but moaning horribly. It was early in the morning and I was asleep, but the noise woke me, and I immediately ran into the living room (half asleep); I saw him laying on the floor, bleeding (he had a gash in his head from the fall), still moaning and still unconscious. Probably because I am so in the habit of saying MBOs, I had the
presence of mind to say a short one (I really don't even remember exactly what I said). About 30 seconds later I was getting ready to call 911 but my husband became conscious, sat up and was lucid and said he was not in any pain.
We went to the emergency room where cat scans showed that he had blood clots heavily in BOTH lungs. Several doctors have said that he is the luckiest guy in the world to have survived that event. Also, this happened just three days before he was going on an international flight and high altitude airplane flights and prolonged sitting can actually cause or worsen blood clots. My husband normally has excellent health, but he had a back disc issue and was unable to exercise for several months and he was sitting in front of the computer for extended periods. We now know you should get up every 20 to 30 minutes and stretch.
Anyway, I know this is pretty long but I just wanted to let you know that I believe the MBO request really made a difference and I think my husband's Guardian Angel was working overtime to keep him safe. I also realize it must not have been in his soul contract to cross over. I will see you in Roundrock on June 11, looking forward to it!
Jackie writes: I just had an interesting experience that I think I can safely say is attributed to the daily Benevolent Prayer (that I say as often as I remember). I said the prayer this morning before I had a chat with someone who I've had difficulties with recently. I've tried to speak in a way that would allow him to see what is causing his current troubles but the words are not received. I may have unintentionally caused him harm through my words. After we stopped talking he sent a message to me saying he felt a lot of energy come to him afterwards. He thought it was just me sending the light, but I didn't know what he was talking about. Then I remembered the Benevolent Prayer which asked for beings to assist and comfort anyone I have harmed. I mentioned this and he expanded upon his statement saying it felt like healing light, that it was very strong and bright which dazzled him. To me this definitely sounded like a being responding to my request! I may not have been in the head space to consciously send nice energy to him, but my guardian angel knew I had asked and responded for me.
This is my first confirmed response to this daily prayer! What a powerful response it was.
Janette writes: Thank you for your wonderful newsletter and for all your time in sharing you bring to all of us during this wonderful time of transition on the planet, I am very grateful, I live in The Halifax area in Nova Scotia and for the past 7 weeks we have only seem father Sun a couple of times. I am very grateful and certainly am not complaining, Would like to ask you and Theo if there are any hurricanes forecast for this area this year or next, if we have to prepare. Gratefully appreciate hearing from you, Many Blessings and Love.
Gaia, any hurricanes for Nova Scotia this summer? And what about the USA?
OK, Tom, let’s see how you are receiving me this morning. Very good. Nova Scotia will experience one major hurricane this year. As they are well aware Tom, they are in the path of any hurricane making it’s way up the East Coast close to land. There will be a major one, and yes a couple of storms that will be almost a hurricane in intensity, although the intensity, by the time it reaches them will have diminished.
Regarding the United States as a whole, there will again be several storms of hurricane intensity this year, which will affect the lower USA and the East Coast. One that I mentioned striking Nova Scotia will first run along the East Coast with torrential rain and high winds. This will be a Category 4 storm. The others which strike the USA this year, will not be quite as strong but will be quite numerous, as this is an intense year for energy being sent to you in the form of CME’s from the Sun Tom, which will in turn cause some large cataclysmic events to take place. There will not only storms, of hurricane intensity, but also several earthquakes, although none of these will be of giant proportions shall we say.
So how many hurricanes for Florida this season?
There will be two Tom.
What abut the Gulf coast?
Yes, one to two. The decision on this is still awaiting approval from the souls living on the Gulf Coast.
So will most of the storms wait until August and September Gaia to arrive?
Quite so Tom. I know you have requested a MBO for a clear week in September during your travel there, and I will accommodate you as best as possible.
Gaia was referring to a vacation we’re taking to the Orlando area September 7-14. I would consider doing a workshop near there if any organization wishes to sponsor it.
Regarding Janette’s comment about not seeing the sun for several weeks this year, I keep trying to remind everyone that Gaia says she will give you one sunny day a week if you ask, which is why I recommend requesting a MBO for a SUNNY SATURDAY! It’s up to you to request these MBO’s. I can only pass the message along to you—it’s up to you to experiment and try it out for yourself—and I don’t mean making the request the day before. Do it early in the week as possible. Put up a note on the Fridge or somewhere. Notice how early I’ve requested gentle skies for my trip to Florida. I don’t mind a little rain—just not a hurricane.
Antonia writes: Thank you for your blog and all the work you do!
I just read an article that states that Vesuvius, the Italian volcano that famously erupted in AD 79 and destroyed Pompeii, may awaken sometime in the future with even more catastrophic results. Is this something that Gaia may have happen?
Gaia, are there any plans to awaken Mount Vesuvius in Italy again?
Yes there is Tom, although I believe you thought I would say no. However, I am moving magma in that direction and it will erupt again in the not too distant future; certainly not this year, but it is coming Tom for this old volcano to erupt again, and all those who live nearby should keep in mind that just because a volcano has not erupted in hundreds or even thousands of years it does not mean it will not at some point again. This is the chance those who wish to live nearby take and it is understood certainly at least on a higher level Tom. So I would suggest either moving, or at the very least carry insurance on their homes, which covers such events.
How long will the Iceland volcano erupt Gaia?
Good question Tom. It certainly will continue to erupt for several days and weeks. Again, I am moving magma and this is one of the release spots on the planet. There will be no major eruption, but more of the same as it is now erupting and spewing ash.
Gaia, I have seen the earthquakes in Japan lessening, so I wonder if you have changed your mind on have another series of violent earthquakes there—or perhaps the population changed your mind?
No Tom. It has not changed. Yes it is quiet for the moment but there will come a day in the near or not too distant future when this area must release the energy that is building up Tom and they will have the earthquakes and tsunami, but this time extending down much farther to the south than before. I have been given permission by the souls for these events to occur.
Cheryl writes: Thanks for the information about the Paluxy River tracks. I've been there and seen the human ones and "felt" that it was true.
I mentioned Uluru/Ayers Rock in Australia, but didn't really ask a question. This is such an unusual rock formation ( a U shape underground with the ends sticking up) and so large and ancient, I'm sure Gaia created it for a purpose. It's sacred to the Aboriginal people of course, but what else does she have to say?
Gaia, what was your reason for creating Uluru/Ayers Rock in Australia?
Yes, a beautiful small mountain out in the plains area of Australia Tom. And as has been speculated by scientists, this is part of a small mountain chain, which disintegrated over a period of thousands of years to its appearance today. Naturally I knew that man would inhabit this area, and knew it would be used by the native peoples in their worship, and later as a tourist attraction for those who might not understand the energy, which this mountain broadcasts. So it has multiple uses as one can imagine Tom, and I encourage everyone to just enjoy and experience the beauty, but also the energy radiated out by this mountain. It is benevolent in nature, Tom.
J.p. on Facebook writes: Tom can you ask Theo to recommend some simple exercises to activate the pineal gland?
What are some exercises to activate the pineal gland Theo?
Certainly Tom you can request a MBO that the pineal gland be activated. That is a very simple thing to do.
During meditation, you can concentrate on activating the pineal gland. There are some other ways which people can read about, but these two are the most simple.
Bobby on Facebook writes: Good day to you! I have read in your April 23,201l newsletter about using MBOs for exorcism of undesirable spirits, which I did last year by requesting an MBO for removing elementals who annoy me during my sleep periods. It worked for me.
I would like to ask your GA Theo, through you, another question, if you don't mind. How does one invoke the Cosmic Cops for exorcism, if ever we one has to cast out evil spirits or demons? What is the exact phrasing of this particular request? I'm really interested and thanks in advance.
Theo, do you just request a MBO for Cosmic Cops to step in when someone has entities attached, or is there more that you can do?
Yes, evoking and saying a MBO certainly starts the tide turning, but some of these entities resist the efforts of your own GA’s to remove them. Therefore, one must at times to call in individuals, like say Richard Sutphen, who have experience in ridding people of these entities. It is not always an easy job, but there are people who have the knowledge and ability to rid a person of such leaches.
Lee writes: Thanks for your great books. Have been using them for a year with beneficial results. Have recommended them to many.
I made an addition to the MBO wording that seems to bring better results. By adding the words, "and optimum," it adds one's own intention more so in addition to the Guardian Angels intentions.
"I request a most benevolent and optimum outcome for .............." Could you ask Theo about this?
Theo, does adding “optimum” to the MBO request add more to the intention?
It does if the individual believes it Tom. What you were inspired to create regarding the request is quite sufficient for over 90% of the people, who use it with emotion and energy. Certainly anyone can experiment with this and if they find a word that increases their emotion and intent, then by all means allow them to say it in their own way; the simple request is easy to remember, but just as powerful if said with emotion. That is the key—not the words so much as saying the request with emotion and feeling.
Kathy writes: I just was wondering what you thought of the new light bulbs. They say they are better then the old one, but they have to be so protected when they break. Do you see the old ones going away and not brought back? Bless You and Yours and Thank You for all you do with your wonderful gift.
Theo, are better light bulbs on the way other than those that are being pushed on us now?
Good question Tom from your reader. Yes, there are better ways of lighting coming your way and quite soon I might say. The ones which are being pushed now will quickly give way to a better designed and safer bulb in the near future Tom.
Michelle from Washington, DC writes: Please ask your source the following question. Were the "Gods" Apollo, Mars, and Jupiter fallen angels? Is the work of Patrick Heron and his book "Return of The Anti-Christ and The New World Order" correct information? Thanks!
Theo, were the “Gods” Apollo, Mars, and Jupiter aliens, fallen angels or what?
Yes, there were ancient men Tom, predating even Atlantis and MU, so only the myths about these people survive today, and they took on supernatural qualities as the stories were embellished over thousands of years, to the point where there is little reality in those stories today. But the stories do harken back to an earlier civilization that destroyed itself.
Is Patrick Heron’s book on the return of the “anti-Christ” correct?
Tom, we have covered this subject before and I said that there would be some humans you would almost classify that way from their actions, but that there would be no return or birth of an anti-Christ.
JUNE 1, WEDNESDAY--7:00 PM--BEDFORD, TEXAS--HOLISTIC CONNECTIONS. For more information contact AnnMarie at 817-528-8841. Introduction to requesting MBO's.
in advance or $85 at the door. Full day about MBO's, BP's, and other
Tools for your Tool Box plus a guided meditation to contact your own
Guardian Angel or Guide. More information CONTACT KIM or telephone 303-917-6093. Sign up for the workshop at .
JULY 30, SATURDAY--1:00 PM-5:00 PM--HOUSTON, TEXAS (GALLERIA)--WORKSHOP--$50 plus $10 entrance fee to the Soul Explosion & Living Green Expo. For more information and to sign up, go to .
Don’t forget that THE GENTLE WAY II is
NOW AVAILABLE for delivery on and is IN STOCK! Here
is thelink:
. You can also order it by phone at my publisher Monday to Friday. Call toll free 800-450-0985. It has
twice as many pages as the first book. The books are great for presents
for family and friends for birthdays and other special occasions! The
first book is also available on Either or both books can change lives!
For those of you who wish to read more on a specific subject, below are
the dates when I started a series of questions. The link to them is
ATLANTIS—MAY 17, 2008—JULY 12, 2008, OCTOBER 2, 2010
18--MAY 16, 2009; JULY 25, 2009; AUGUST 22, 2009; NOVEMBER 7, 2009;
DECEMBER 5, 2009; DECEMBER 12, 2009; DECEMBER 19, 2009; FEBRUARY 6,
2010; FEBRUARY 10, 2010, APRIL 24, 2010; OCTOBER 31, 2010
GUARDIAN ANGEL 101—MARCH 28, 2009-APRIL 4, 2009, MAY 23, 2009-JUNE 6,
2009, JANUARY 8, 2011, FEBRUARY 12, 2011, MARCH 5, 2011, MARCH 12, 2011, MARCH 19, 2011, MARCH 26, 2011, APRIL 2, 2011, APRIL9, 2011, APRIL 16, 2011, APRIL 23, 2011, APRIL 30, 2011, MAY 7, 2011, MAY 14, 2011
TIME LINES—JANUARY 29, 2011, February 5, 2011.
BLOG: For those of you who are
just learning about requesting Benevolent Outcomes, I have a weekly Blog
now with information and stories sent from all over the world about
using this amazingly simple, yet powerful spiritual tool. The link is