Tom T. Moore
Welcome to The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all of you that just signed up to receive the newsletter this week. I was a last minute guest this week on the Tazz and Paula Show on both KKUP radio in San Francisco and www.Blogtalkradio.com . The program will probably be archived. I’ll be on another radio show in December. Details are towards the end of the newsletter.
For all those of you in the United States, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving Holiday! If you are still traveling you might check out my TRAVELING WITH YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL article plus ANGELS AND THE HOLIDAYS. Both can be found under Articles & News on the website www.TheGentleWayBook.com . I present some good tools to use while traveling or at those family reunions.
This newsletter will be a little shorter than usual, in order to give you a chance to check out not only those two articles, but also the three suggestions below you’ll see. Keep sending in those stories and questions. I do eventually get to all of them.
Theo, Araceli wants to know if H.M. is right for her—I assume the perfect mate?
We don’t normally give advice in love matters Tom. She should be receiving this advice in the form of intuition, inspiration or those “whispers in your ear” that each Guardian Angel for that person continually sends. What is her “gut feeling” about this person, Tom? How compatible does this person feel for her? When she asks these questions of herself, does she get a warm sensation in her belly? We are there to assist, but as I have said before, we cannot tell you directly to take this road or that road. You came to earth to learn how to do these things and to learn to recognize the feelings involved with such choices. So tell Araceli and all your readers to open up and feel. You will notice something that tells you to go this way or that way, or yes on that decision or no on this decision. Again we are there to assist. Just open up your hearts and trust your feelings. Don’t try and override them.
I was pretty sure of the answer I would receive when I asked this question, based on past answers, but this one goes into more detail. Everyone who is looking for that “special someone” in your life please keep in mind to request a Benevolent Outcome for the “perfect mate" for you. Then don’t sit around and wait for them to walk in the front door. You may feel a sudden urge to go on the internet, go to a mall or restaurant, or to take part in some activity. Listen to that “whisper in your ear!”
Kelly writes: I couldn't resist telling you this. I have been using the affirmation you had suggested a few newsletters ago stating, "I am ageless.” You had mentioned how you sometimes have to do the math to figure your age since having used it. Well, the other day I stated my age to an acquaintance; but didn't realize until today that I was wrong! I stated last year's age and my birthday is in August, so I would have had practically 4 months to get used to that number, but no!
In fact, as I reflected on the age I told her, I realized I don't even feel that. It's like it (the number, or any number in general) is just an arbitrary label. I just didn't relate to any number for age, and still don't! I wonder if this has to do with the affirmation--I suspect it does. In years past, when asked my age, I'd state the number coming up, like I was already that age looming in the horizon. I find this encouraging, reverting to youthfulness, so to speak. Thanks for your suggestion!
For those of you new to the newsletter, when someone asks me my age, I always say, “I AM AGELESS” for two reasons. The first is psychological—you have definite ideas of what someone should look and act like at a certain age—20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and so on. Answering this way sort of tricks your mind to not concentrate on the age you are. The other reason is metaphysical. I believe that it will be proved some day that each of your cells is capable of communicating with each other, and if you tell your body you are ageless, it will slow down the aging process.
Diane writes: I wanted to share one MBO that I think everyone else can use--because this is a good one. “I request a Most Benevolent Outcome for a good, happy, productive, pleasant day at work, Thank you!”
I do this every day and so far have been having some great days at work. I don't
get upset, and things fall into place a lot better.
That’s an excellent MBO to request Diane. I hope our readers will try it out!
Diane (#2) writes: Do animals go through the same death process as humans?
So Theo, do animals go through the same death process we do when they die?
That’s a good question Tom. Yes, in a way they do, although much less complex, as keep in mind that they know who they are. They were not veiled as you are. So yes, there are angels that assist these souls to the next level. And yes, there is a review of their lives, but really more of a review of their opinions on how they think humans are progressing—how they were treated and so on. For your readers Tom, I must remind them that animals are there to teach you and remind you of the differences in life and to help you prepare for your exploration of the stars. I will say that you have been making great strides of late, but of course you have a long way to go; but you are moving in the right direction. When you can treat animals – all animals with love and compassion and equality, then you will certainly be ready for the stars.
There is a nice three-minute video you can watch on youtube.com on visualizing abundance. It’s presented by www.SpiritBoutique.com , one of our readers. The link is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lssD2YFjVcY .
Naturally, while I was writing the above about Abundance, I received another email with a beautiful song. I think I’m hearing that little “whisper in my ear” from Theo telling me to include this. It’s the Ben E. King classic sang and performed by musicians all over the world. Very inspiring! It’s 5:37 minutes long and you’ll want to listen a second time. The link is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us-TVg40ExM .
The Associated Press Just released this story yesterday.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (Nov. 28) - A series of small earthquakes that rattled central Arkansas in recent weeks could be a sign of something much bigger to come.
By this weekend, seismologists hope to install three measurement devices to gather data about future temblors in the area. That information could show whether the rumbles come from heat-related geological changes or from an undiscovered fault — which could mean a risk of substantial earthquakes in the future.
"The potential for generating a high-magnitude earthquake is real," said Haydar Al-Shukri, director of the Arkansas Earthquake Center at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
Five earthquakes ranging in magnitude from 2.2 to 2.7 have hit central Arkansas this month. Quakes with a magnitude of 2.5 to 3 are typically the smallest felt by people.
While hundreds of earthquakes occur each year, including several in Arkansas, the location of the recent ones give Al-Shukri pause. Arkansas quakes generally occur in the state's northeast corner, part of the New Madrid Seismic Zone, where three temblors with magnitudes of around 8 struck during the winter of 1812 and smaller ones continue today.
But central Arkansas does not have any seismic history, Al-Shukri said.
"It is abnormal. It is significant," he said. "We need to carefully watch this activity."
In my earthquake book GREAT QUAKES, Arkansas was supposed to suffer heavy damage around Little Rock, and there was going to be a chasm opened that the Arkansas River would flow into and would fill before continuing on to join the Mississippi River. That’s in Chapter 4 which you can read on the website.
Last week my publisher announced that Light Technology is having a GIANT SALE with all of their books, including mine, at 40% OFF THE RETAIL PRICE! This means that you’ll be able to buy my book for under $9.00 each. For $100, you can take care of 11 friend’s Christmas gifts, which will CHANGE THEIR LIVES! And another suggestion--many times there will be a price restriction that everyone agrees to for presents to friends. You can stay under the $10.00 price point with these books.
The light Technology website is www.Sedonajo.com . The link for my book is:
Click here . If you wish to order by phone and talk to a real person, their toll free number is 800-450-0985, or if you’re on a telephone plan with unlimited long distance calls, be nice and call the regular number 928-526-1345. While on my publisher’s website, check on Robert Shapiro’s ANIMAL SOULS SPEAK. This is a great book that I highly recommend. I want you to expand your knowledge this coming year, and as I previously said, you will never look at or treat animals the same ever again after reading this book.
For those of you who wish to order on Amazon.com (USA), the price is still a good one--$10.17 the last time I looked. The link is: Click here.
For Amazon in the UK, the link is: : Click here.
Or you can order copies from your local bookstore if you receive Gift Cards this Holiday Season.
December 17: The Phoenix Hour, hosted by Elizabeth J. Foley. www.divinehealing.us . 1:00 pm PST, 2:00 pm MST, 3:00 pm CST, 4:00 pm EST.
So if you found this newsletter interesting and informative (and perhaps thought-provoking), please forward it to your friends, and if this is the first time you’ve read this free newsletter, please go to my website www.TheGentleWayBook.com where you can read my past newsletters (and sign up so that you won’t miss a single one), articles I’ve written for magazines, see videos, and read a couple of sample chapters of The Gentle Way. There’s a link directly to two websites where you can purchase the book, if you wish. Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!
Have a Most Benevolent Week!
Tom T. Moore
Email: TomTMoore6@aol.com